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Ali Coletta always wanted someone to sha...

    Ali Coletta always wanted someone to share her adventures. Then she met her husband Nick, and things seemed perfect — for a while. But she knew there was still something, or someone, missing.

“I knew we needed an addition to our family to share our passion for adventure together,”Ali said.“I even created a PowerPoint slideshow on why we needed a sweet golden retriever (金毛猎犬) in our lives.”

In 2016, Stella joined the family and the Colettas finally found the perfect pet to make them feel complete.“Stella’s personality is lovely and contradictory. One minute she’s sitting at the kitchen table as if it’s no big deal, and the next minute she’s bossing us around,”Ali said.“She loves swimming, hiking and recently snowboarding.”

The fearless pup loves following Nick around wherever he goes and is always up for an adventure. This was never more apparent than when the family went on a recent ski trip. Their vacation was cut short due to COVID-19, but on their last day, the family hiked up a mountain park. Of course, they brought Stella along for the journey so she, too, could enjoy the snow. Then something unexpected happened — as Nick began snowboarding downhill, the faithful Stella refused to be left behind. She bounded happily through the snow, following Nick’s every move. “We knew she would love the hike in the snow,” Ali said.“But we honestly had no idea she would love running down just as much.”

Stella has always loved the cold, and now it’s clear that she’s finally found her calling.

Regardless of what Stella does, the Colettas couldn’t be happier to have such a special pup in their lives. “She truly completes our family and is the best companion one could ask for,” Ali said.

1.What do the first two paragraphs imply?

A.Things have been perfect before Ali’s marriage.

B.Ali and Nick met in a mountain adventure in 2017.

C.Ali and her husband are both crazy about adventures.

D.The dog is always necessary for guarding adventurers.

2.What can we know about Stella?

A.She is gentle and obedient. B.She has a changeable character.

C.She loves following Ali around. D.She has joined the family for a year.

3.What does the underlined part in the last but one paragraph mean?

A.Found something really desirable for her. B.Figured out her permanent home.

C.Realized the cold of the snow. D.Learned a new skill.

4.What is this text mainly about?

A.Stella’s love for snowboarding.

B.Advice on finding a perfect pet.

C.Ali and her husband’s hiking adventures.

D.The story of the Colettas and their golden retriever.


1.C 2.B 3.A 4.D 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。记叙了Ali Coletta与她的金毛猎犬的一起冒险的经历和感受。 1. 推理判断题。审题得知:文章开始两段隐含着什么意义。先看第一段里的相关表达:Ali Coletta always wanted someone to share her adventures. … But she knew there was still something, or someone, missing. 阿里科勒塔想让一个人分享她的冒险经历。于是她遇上了她丈夫……,但是她知道总有某件事情或某一个人错失了。从这里可以推知她非常热爱冒险。再看第二段开头一句话里表述:I knew we needed an addition to our family to share our passion for adventure together我知道我们需要一个附加的人或物加入到我们家庭和我们一起分享冒险的激情。这里passion激情二字是关键信息。进一步表明阿里是热衷于冒险的。故此两段的共同点是她太热衷于冒险这项充满激情的运动了。而C选项Ali and her husband are both crazy about adventures.中be crazy about表示的意义是对……热衷,对……充满热情。全句意思是阿里和她丈夫都热衷于冒险。故切合文意。故选C。 2. 推理判断题。从审题得知Stella的情况我们知道些什么。可以定位于第三段:Stella’s personality is lovely and contradictory. One minute she’s sitting at the kitchen table as if it’s no big deal, and the next minute she’s bossing us around从句意上可以看出:斯德拉的个性可爱但自相矛盾。一分钟前它旁若无人地坐在餐桌边上,一分钟后它就绕着我们转。说明这只金毛猎犬斯德拉的性情多变。这与B选项切合。B选项为She has a changeable character.句意是它有一个多变的性格,或者说它性格多变。故选B。 3. 猜测词义题。看划线部分的句子:Stella has always loved the cold, and now it’s clear that she’s finally found her calling.从本句的前半句来看:斯德拉总是热爱寒冷,而现在很明显它最终找到了呼唤它的地方。“热爱寒冷”为提示,“最终找到”为结果,说明现在它来到了它想要来的地方——寒冷的地方。而选项A Found something really desirable for her.找到它真正想要的东西。故切合文意,故选A。 4. 主旨大意题。通过审题可以找出故事的梗概为:开始两段讲述阿里夫妇热衷于冒险,但不满足于此。于是第三段金毛猎犬的加入实在堪称完美的宠物,它有多变的性格。Stella’s personality is lovely and contradictory. One minute she’s sitting at the kitchen table as if it’s no big deal, and the next minute she’s bossing us around第四段讲述的是这只金毛猎犬喜欢跟着主人到处冒险,最明显的经历是最近的一次滑雪。This was never more apparent than when the family went on a recent ski trip. 最后一段总结这是一只完美的宠物狗,它让我的家庭完美无缺,更是一只人能寻到的最好的伴侣。综合以上信息得知整篇文章在讲阿里于猎犬的故事。故选项D The story of the Colettas and their golden retriever. 科勒塔一家和金毛猎犬的故事。故选D。

    Are you looking to load up your e-reader with some new books to promote your career? Well,look no further. Here are four best sellers for you!

The Boss of You by Lauren Bacon & Emira Mears

This book is a goldmine for women looking to start their own business. As a freelance writer (自由撰稿人), I read it several times when I decided to begin a career. I've folded so many pages in this book, and found some sections especially helpful, like the ones on figuring out start-up costs, drawing up a budget, and the ways to market yourself.

Suggested by Steph Auteri

The Path from Motherhood to Career by Diane Lang

I have used this book professionally myself after having my first child. Ms. Lang gives several choices that have worked for the women. At 62 pages long, every word counts. For moms that are still weighing choices, this book will help them decide if indeed it is time to go back to work.

Suggested by Anne Newton

Minding Her Own Business by Jan Zobel

Taxes are the same for women as are for men. Yet many women seem to have number anxiety that makes them feel they can’t deal well with their money. As a tax expert, I've seen this among my clients (客户) over the years. This book is designed for one-person businesses. Read it, and you’ll know what taxes to pay and what you needn’t.

Suggested by Jan Zobel

The Relationship Edge in Business by Jerry Acuff

For most women, the biggest challenges in our lives are the relationships we build and develop with our family and friends. Jerry explains how we can use those same relationship-building skills to build good relationships with our customers and co-workers that will help our business to grow soundly.

Suggested by Cyndy Kryder

1.What do we know about Steph Auteri from her recommending words?

A.She was out of employment. B.She was the author of the book.

C.She's read the book carefully. D.She's made a fortune by writing.

2.What is Minding Her Own Business intended to do?

A.To help readers manage taxes. B.To tell readers how to start business.

C.To advise readers to get on with colleagues. D.To assist readers with re-employment.

3.What do the four books have in common?

A.They are written by the same author. B.They are recommended by experts.

C.They are intended for women. D.They are free to download.



My parents will not ______ my birthday party if I don’t do well in my next test.

A.agree to B.allow for C.approve of D.object to



Since these goods don’t ________ our order, we won’t ________ them.

A.correspond with; accept B.correspond with; receive

C.correspond; accept D.correspond; receive



Tom was caught ________ yesterday and he ________ not to drive that fast again.

A.speeding; was cautioned B.to speed; was cautioned

C.speeding; warned D.to speed; warned



Accustomed to __________ the steep mountains, he had no difficulty reaching the top.

A.climbing B.climb C.having climbed D.have climbed



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