满分5 > 高中英语试题 >


假定你是李华,你班的英国交换生Jenkins已经回国,请你用英文给他写一封电子邮件, 感谢他在中国做交换生期间对你英语学习的帮助。


1. 表达谢意;

2. 接受帮助的过程;

3. 帮助后的情况。

注意:1.词数100左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear Jenkins,



Li Hua


Dear Mark, How is everything going? I'm writing to thank you for helping my English learning during your stay in China. I still remembered that when I started learning English in senior high, I found it much more difficult than what I had learned before. Without your help, I would have lost heart. It was your timely encouragement that made me realize the importance of English learning. Later, I got up early every morning to recite English words and texts, listen to tapes and so on. Now, my English has improved greatly. And I’m getting more and more confident in learning English. Thanks for your kind help and encouragement again. May our friendship last forever! Yours, Li Hua 【解析】 这是一篇应用文。本篇要求考生给交换生Jenkins写信,感谢他在中国期间在英语学习方面提供的帮助。 体裁:应用文 时态:根据提示,时态应以一般过去时为主 结构:总分总 要求: 1. 表达谢意; 2. 接受帮助的过程; 3. 帮助后的情况。 第二步:列提纲(重点词组) thank sb. for doing sth./ with one's help/ lose heart/ realize/ get up/ make great progress 第三步:连词成句 1. How are you getting on recently? 2. I'm writing to thank you for helping my English learning during your stay in China. 3.I still remembered that when I started learning English at the beginning of senior high, I found it much more difficult than what I had learned before. 4. Without your help, I would have lost heart. 5. It was your timely encouragement that made me realize the importance of English learning. 6. I got up early every morning to recite English words and texts, listen to tapes and so on. 7. Now, I have made great progress in English, getting more and more confident in learning English. 8. Thanks for your kind help and encouragement again. 9. May our friendship last forever! 第四步:连句成篇(加入衔接词或从句) 表示并列的连词:and/but/or/so… 状语从句连词:because/ if/ though/ although… 定语从句连词:which/ that/ when/ where… 第五步:修改润色(加入高级词汇或短语)


1.He lives in a house, in front of _____stands a tall tree.

2.It is no longer the place ______it used to be.

3.There is no simple answer, _____is often the case in science.

4.Here is such a heavy stone _____I can’t move it.

5.It was five o’clock ______my father got home.

6.__________struck me most in the movie was the father’s deep love for his son.

7.__________ difficult the problem may be, we will try our best to fight back.

8.He arrived earlier than ________ (expect).

9.With her energy ____________ (fix) on the research on AIDS, Mrs. Mason can not spare much time with her family.

10.She walked along the path, her daughter __________(follow) close behind.

11.My father was a lawyer, and he discouraged me _________ entering the field of scientific exploration.

12.The newly-elected president promises that he will spare no effort _________(promote) public welfare.

13.Leave him _________ he obviously doesn’t want to be disturbed.

14.Once dressed in the fashion of our shop, you will stand __________ among the crowd.

15.You may depend on _________that they will look after your daughter when you are away for the meeting.

16.Having received the goods, the customer decided to make a __________(compain).

17.____________(defeat) is often a temporary condition. Giving up is what makes it permanent.

18.Accustomed to ___________(rise) at six in the morning, I can take an hour to read English every day.

19.I failed to hold __________ my tears when I heard the sad news.

20.He sat there, his arms __________(cross) in front of his chest.




In May 2018 my friend and I visited Brazil and decided to enrich our travel experience by volunteering. We were coming from Bolivia and had1.long ride towards the beach with not many interesting tourist spots in between. Therefore, we chose one of the biggest agriculture regions2.(be) the first destination of our volunteer experience. I found several3.(choose) on the Work- Away website and finally decided for4.was presented as a small farm run by a guy called Pedro.

We agreed on staying for one week. Eventually, we stayed a few days longer, becoming good friends5.him. Life on the farm was much6.(nice) than we originally thought, and we liked to put our hands in the soil of his little garden. It7.(turn) out that Pedro’s small farm was part of a bigger farm with 600 cows and loads of fields of corn and soya (大豆). We8.(introduce) to the products of the bigger farm as well and we were free to eat anything from the farm. The volunteering was9.(honest) the best experience from our time10.(spend) in Brazil.



    I was somewhere in Utah, trying to take a ride. It was getting dark and beginning to_________. I didn't have many clothes to protect me from the snowstorm. I'd_________in Vietnam and come home to see my dad in Minnesota. Vietnam had left me bad_________. I was in an artillery unit (炮兵部队). Once, we accidentally hit a South Vietnamese militiaman. He died alongside his pregnant wife. I tried to_________the horrible memories with alcohol.

I'd been walking all day without_________anything. It was getting colder and I was starving to death. _______, a truck stopped before me and a voice said, "Hi! Where're you heading?” The driver was rough-looking. _______, his voice put me right at ease.

“Minnesota,” I said.

“No_________. I can take you 50 miles and then I have to turn south," he said.

After I got on the truck, he said, "I used to be in your_________. I once served in South Korea. One day I was driving drunk and__________someone. The guy lived, but he was disabled. That horrible__________made me take a long, hard look at myself." His story__________me. It seemed as if he had lived my life and was telling me I could__________

The driver's__________was in a small town. He__________me to take some money for a bus ticket to Minnesota. I got off and watched the truck run away until it__________into the snowy darkness.

That__________was the turning point for me. I ________drinking, went to college, found work and got married. Through the years, anytime I've felt__________, I think of that trucker. His words__________me and made me believe that great things can happen if we have a try.

1.A.snow B.rain C.shine D.thunder

2.A.emigrated B.studied C.served D.settled

3.A.situations B.imaginations C.impressions D.memories

4.A.form B.record C.cover D.distinguish

5.A.eating B.wearing C.gaining D.noticing

6.A.Finally B.Suddenly C.Completely D.Simply

7.A.Meanwhile B.Besides C.Instead D.However

8.A.way B.luck C.problem D.need

9.A.favour B.shoes C.hands D.honor

10.A.hit B.greeted C.discovered D.affected

11.A.expression B.conflict C.accident D.coincidence

12.A.shocked B.struck C.attracted D.comforted

13.A.appreciate B.understand C.leave D.change

14.A.turnoff B.direction C.home D.destination

15.A.invited B.persuaded C.encouraged D.commanded

16.A.slid B.dived C.disappeared D.crashed

17.A.journey B.ride C.truck D.meeting

18.A.practised B.enjoyed C.limited D.stopped

19.A.exhausted B.excited C.depressed D.inspired

20.A.saved B.hurt C.embarrassed D.reminded



    A green gym is a health club that focuses on running an environmentally conscious business in order to be more eco-friendly. 1.So a big part of being greener is having eco-friendly cleansers (清洁剂). Not only do they have a non-chemical smell but they also aren't made up of the harsh (刺激性强的) chemicals like many other cleansers. The gym may also use recycled paper items, such as recycled toilet paper, paper towels and tissues.

Considering the amount of electricity a gym uses, a green gym may have solar panels (太阳能电池板) to help use the sun's energy as well as reduce the electricity bill. 2. When they use certain machines, such as the bikes, the energy generated goes back into the gym’s network of electricity.

3.One option is to use an energy-efficient washer and dryer for any cleaning. Another option is to use low-flow shower heads in the showers to reduce the amount of water used. Energy-efficient toilets in the bathroom are also a choice for reducing water use.

Part of becoming a green gym is using recycled exercise equipment.4.It may also have the exercise floor made from recycled materials.

Before long, more gyms may find themselves shifting toward eco-friendly practices, even if it involves small changes. Some people may prefer going to a gym that has eco-friendly practices. A green gym will be great for the environment and for saving money. 5.

A.A green gym does a lot of cleaning for health purposes.

B.A green gym focuses on using as little water as possible.

C.People have many different reasons for joining a local green gym.

D.You must be willing to learn the business side of running a green gym.

E.Another way is for gym goers to supply energy that goes back to the gym.

F.For example, it may purchase exercise equipment made from recycled metal.

G.Meanwhile, it helps bring in new clients who find that type of business appealing.



    Amazon sells 1,161 kinds of toilet brushes. I know this because I recently spent an evening trying to choose one of them for the bathroom in my new apartment. Nearly an hour later, after having read countless contradictory (矛盾的) reviews and considering far too many choices, I felt tired and simply gave up. The next day, I happily bought the only toilet brush the local dollar store offered.

Too many choices exhaust us, make us unhappy and lead us to sometimes flee from making a decision altogether. Researcher Barry Schwartz calls this “choice overload”. And it’s not just insignificant details like which brush to wipe the inside of the toilet with — having too many choices in our creative and professional lives can lead us to avoid making important decisions.

Understanding how and why we make decisions can perhaps help us make better choices down the line. We make poorer decisions when we are tired. It’s caused by decision fatigue (疲劳). The mind can only sort through so many choices and make so many choices before it starts to run out of steam. That’s why impulse buys like candy bars and magazines at the checkout aisle in the grocery store can be hard to resist. We’ve exhausted all our good decision-making skills.

The same goes for our workday. Making lots of decisions not only exhausts us; it can put us in a bad mood. That’s why it’s necessary to make your most important decisions in the morning rather than at the end of an exhausting day when your energy has been used up. The idiom “sleep on it” is indeed effective when it comes to making big decisions.

When we’re tired, we tend to conserve our energy by making choices based on a single factor like price, rather than considering all the other determinants that go into making the best decision. When you’re doing this, you are acting as what researchers call a cognitive miser (小气鬼).

To conclude, letting yourself have fewer choices to choose from can help you arrive at a more creative answer.

1.Why did the author go to the local dollar store in the end?

A.She saw no good toilet brushes in Amazon. B.She had got tired of the choices.

C.She read good reviews about brushes there. D.She wanted to save some money.

2.What can we learn about“choice overload”?

A.It can benefit our creative thinking.

B.It means learning too much at a time.

C.It was first discovered by Barry Schwartz.

D.It can stop us from making good decisions at work.

3.What does the underlined idiom “sleep on it” in Paragraph 4 mean?

A.To make a big decision regardless of sleepiness.

B.To make decisions at the end of the day.

C.To think carelessly about making a big decision.

D.To put off making big decisions until the next day when you are not tired.

4.What is the text mainly about?

A.Having fewer choices may benefit us more.

B.Reading reviews before shopping online is important.

C.Getting enough sleep every day is helpful.

D.Considering many factors to make a choice is unnecessary.



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