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Comedy and Psychology Earlier this year ...

Comedy and Psychology

Earlier this year I did a part-time comedy course. The class was taught by Ryan, a professional comedian.I had performed a show, which wasn’t originally meant to be a comedy. However, the audience laughed at my first joke, then continued to laugh throughout the routines that were meant to be serious. So it was the audience who told me I was funny, but I didn’ t understand why or how to control the comic (滑稽的) moments. So, I joined the course to learn.

“Turn off your editor that makes you say the right thing and remember how to be a child,” explained Ryan. “Don’t try to be clever. Don’t try too hard to be funny…and knowing all about the theory of humor is unlikely to help you much. Just behave in a silly way. That’s what people want to see on stage.”Ryan would help us loosen up by saying things like, “Wander around talking to others, but make sure that you’re the lowest status person here.”

I’ d say that understanding the psychology of humor has actually helped. Recently I came across the book Inside Jokes: Using Humor to Reverse-Engineer the Mind. Its main idea is that any self-directed intelligent system will need to correct its own fault. There’s a risk that the occasional error will be made. If this was boring or burdensome, we’d be less willing to do it. However, evolution has made the process fun.

Here’s a joke in the book: Two fish are in a tank. One says to the other, “Do you know how to drive this thing?” It works on the principle that we have started to imagine one thing—that the tank is the typical container people keep fish in—and, just in time, the following words tell us that our first assumption was wrong—it’s a heavy vehicle. For correctly figuring out the error, we are rewarded with a pleasurable feeling. The joke is an efficient way of encouraging this natural reaction, and comedians have become experts in slightly touching this mental funny-bone in order to make us laugh.

Ryan was right when he said that knowing the theory of humor wouldn’t help us that much as a comedy.During one exercise in the course, four of us were told to perform an opera. Susan and Caroline sang earnestly on either side of the stage, and I brought Henry to the floor, where we wrestled (摔跤) each other like out-of-control teenagers. The rest of the group was in uncontrollable fits of laughter. As a performer, I’ ll never appreciate just why it seemed so funny. But the point is that I would never have written this on the paper. It was a joyous, found moment.

1.Why did the author attend the comedy course?

A.He wanted to see how the theories worked in practice.

B.He discovered he had some natural ability in comedy.

C.He worried about how other performers would find him.

D.He got unpleasant experiences when performing a comedy.

2.Ryan required the people on the comedy course to______.

A.copy their favorite performance

B.imagine other people’ s reactions

C.help themselves feel comfortable

D.behave in a more playful manner

3.What is the purpose of the joke mentioned in Paragraph 4?

A.To discuss what humor brings about exactly.

B.To give an example of another kind of humor.

C.To prove the point about psychology of humor.

D.To show why some people are funnier than others.

4.What view does the author put forward in the end?

A.Visual humor is what appeals to people most.

B.What people find funny is often unpredictable.

C.Theories explaining humor tend to be mistaken.

D.Learning comic skills proves to be a difficult task.


1.B 2.D 3.C 4.B 【解析】 本文是一篇议论文。文章论述喜剧和心理学之间的关系。 1.推理判断题。根据第一段中So it was the audience who told me I was funny, but I didn’ t understand why or how to control the comic (滑稽的) moments. So, I joined the course to learn.可知,作者参加了喜剧课程,因为他发现自己在喜剧方面有一定的天赋。故选B。 2.推理判断题。根据第二段中and knowing all about the theory of humor is unlikely to help you much. Just behave in a silly way. That’s what people want to see on stage.”可知,Ryan要求喜剧课上的人们以一种更有趣的方式表现。由此可知答案为D。 3.目的意图题。根据第四段最后一句The joke is an efficient way of encouraging this natural reaction, and comedians have become experts in slightly touching this mental funny-bone in order to make us laugh.可知,第四段提到笑话的目的是为了证明幽默心理学的观点。可知答案为C。 4.推理判断题。根据最后一段最后两句As a performer, I’ ll never appreciate just why it seemed so funny. But the point is that I would never have written this on the paper. It was a joyous, found moment.可知,作者认为人们觉得有趣的东西往往是不可预测的。故答案为B。

    My guide Farah, a tall, slim woman in her late 30swears jeans and a simple manteaux -- the required robe women must wear in public, covering neck to knee. Her long, straight black hair is hidden beneath her headscarf, but visible as it curls at her neck.

We’re heading to Tajrish Bazaar, in north Tehran (capital of Iran)to explore 10 different kinds of dried plums, and other goodies. We choose the Metro—Farah for its convenience, and Ifor a chance to go underground in Tehran, because it provides a picture of the city most tourists never see.

It's mid-morning. Women and men sit separately, but the rule relaxes during busy times, like now. We, along with a few other women, clasp our hands around a pole, standing next to men, young and old in the air-conditioned, modern carriage. Two stops later, and about 20 commuters fewer, segregation happens naturally -- women at one end, men at the other, still within view, but separate.

A handful of fashionable girls admire their own reflections in the window. They wear tight leggings under their brightly coloured robes, pushing back headscarves and boundaries. We find seats next to a group of conservative women dressed in black cloaks called chador. They’re nothing like the other women I have met, a sisterhood of outspoken opinions, most of them liberal. “We are a nation with one language,” Farah says, “divided in two—-traditional and modern. ” Farah tells me it all began, not with imports from the West, but with the 1979 revolution. A combination of access, education and a bad economy created a society where women now have independence, careers and husbands happy to help around the house with chores and children*

1.We are setting out for Tajrish Bazaar most probably at __________.

A.3 a. m. B.1 p. m. C.10 a. m. D.5 p. m.

2.Why did the author choose to take the subway?

A.Because it’s cheap.

B.Because it’s convenient.

C.Because she can see more beautiful women on the subway.

D.Because it offers her an opportunity to see a different city from what most tourists see

3.What does the underlined word segregation in the 3rd paragraph probably mean?

A.isolation B.disaster

C.departure D.combination

4.What can we learn from the passage?

A.Women in Iran must wear manteau in public.

B.Fashionable girls can dress as freely as they like.

C.Iran is divided in two parts by the western forces.

D.Men in Iran won't help with the housework.



    Listed here are four of the thousands of impressive museums around the world.

The Guggenheim Museum Bilbao in BilbaoSpain

Built in 1997the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao is one of the newest in the world.It has transformed the industrial city of Bilbao into a travelers' desired destination.The beautiful architecture of the museum has provided a dramatic background for movies and commercials.

The Louvre in ParisFrance

Probably the most famous Louvre also holds the most famous painting in the worldthe “Mona Lisa” by Leonardo da Vinci.Crowds can be found any day surrounding the smallbut mysterious painting of the smiling woman.Butthe Louvre is much more than a home to the “Mona Lisa”The Louvre is visited by more people each year than any other museum in the world.

The Barnes Foundation in PhiladelphiaAmerica

Just opened in its new downtown location in 2012the Barnes Foundation is “unique”in that it is a completely reproduced display from one man's private collection.Dr.Albert CBarnes started collecting art in the early 20th century and collectedamong othersthe largest number of original Renoir paintings in the world.

The Uffizi Gallery in FlorenceItaly

Walking on the marbled floors feels like stepping back in time.The building itself is a beautiful palace—like structure with frescoes(湿壁画) decorating the ceilings and walls.Viewers are bowled over(印象深刻) by the works by Botticellisuch as “The Birth of Venus”Classic artworks from nearly 1000 years ago describe religious events of the time.

1.Which of the following is the most popular?

A.The Louvre.

B.The Guggenheim Museum Bilbao.

C.The Barnes Foundation.

D.The Uffizi Gallery.

2.What makes the Barnes Foundation particular?

A.Its structure. B.Its collection.

C.Its location. D.Its history.

3.What type of writing is this text?

A.An activity poster.

B.An exhibition announcement.

C.An art show review.

D.A travel guide.









Dear Peter



Li Hua









My favorite sport is playing ping-pong. I had been playing ping-pong ever from I was young. I began to play ping-pong at age of five. Now I can play it quite well. When watch or playing ping-pong, I feel so greatly! Though with a round ball and small bats, it practises quick reaction or decision. Sometimes I would rather to play doubles because we can practised teamwork as well. There are a lot of ping-pong table in our school and in our neighborhood. My friends and I often play together in my spare time.



    That was a happy evening for the little Down syndrome (唐氏症)girl a teenager the size of a ten-year-old. She and her family were _______ themselves at McDonald's. She made her way to the restroom. Her younger, but _______, brother sat quietly. He noticed something, which_______, she had not noticed.

Four teenagers had taken an interest in the little girl the moment they_______her. They were openly laughing and pointing,

The brother _______ for his sister. He walked to the guys. They paled slightly and looked alarmed as this total stranger — a year or two their _______ --- placed his hands _______ on their table. They studied each other while he was clearly in their _______, and while they were most definitely out of their comfort zones, The brother_______ with one hand for one of them to move over. He __________to sit right down next to them. Somewhat in__________, and thrown completely off-guard, they made space for him. "I was watching you making fun of my sister, he quietly__________ them. All four stumbled (磕磕绊绊)over their words in their rush. "Who? That was your sister? We weren't making fun of her! We__________ we would never __________ anyone. We just felt sorry for her.", But he told them again, "I watched you." They __________, knowing they had been caught red-handed and maybe even realizing their __________ and cruelness. Maybe they even sense the love this guardian had for his sister. The brother turned to his__________and then he said __________"I feel sorry for people like YOU! ”

Then he walked away. When the sister went back to her seat, the four looked __________, making sure they looked absolutely anywhere __________that little girl.

1.A.caring B.cooking C.enjoying D.helping

2.A.elder B.braver C.bigger D.smaller

3.A.thankfully B.mercifully C.considerately D.unexpectedly

4.A.robbed B.spotted C.blocked D.caught

5.A.made up B.put up C.took up D.stood up

6.A.colleague B.class C.group D.junior

7.A.cautiously B.casually C.gently D.boldly

8.A.range B.possession C.space D.shelter

9.A.remarked B.signed C.drew D.fought

10.A.intended B.prayed C.compromised D.saluted

11.A.joy B.surprise C.peace D.prejudice

12.A.informed B.commanded C.inquired D.contradicted

13.A.resist B.complain C.swear D.insist

14.A.look at B.look up at C.look down at D.look down on

15.A.wound him up B.gave in C.joined up D.called on him

16.A.curiosity B.violence C.carelessness D.rudeness

17.A.friends B.relations C.acquaintances D.partners

18.A.pitifully B.strongly C.calmly D.honestly

19.A.away B.out C.inside D.beyond

20.A.other than B.better than C.more than D.less than



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