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More than a billion people around the wo...

    More than a billion people around the world have smartphones, almost all of which come with avigation (导航) apps such as Google or Apple Maps. This raises the questions we meet with any technology: What skills are we losing? What abilities are we gaining?

Talking with people who're good at finding their way around or using paper maps, I often hear lots of frustration with digital maps. North/South direction gets messed up, and you can see only a small section at a time.

But consider what digital navigation aids have meant for someone like me. Despite being a frequent traveler, I'm so terrible at finding my way that I still use Google Maps every day in the small town where I have lived for many years. What looks like an imperfect product to some has been a significant expansion of my own abilities.

Part of the problem is that reading paper maps requires specific skills. There is nothing natural about them. In many developed nations, including the U. S., one expects street names and house numbers to be meaningful references, and instructions such as "go north for three blocks and then west" make sense. In Istanbul, in contrast, where I grew up, none of those hold true. For one thing, the locals rarely use street names. Why bother when a government or a military group might change them again? Besides, the city is full of winding, ancient alleys that meet newer avenues at many angles. Instructions as simple as “go north" would require a helicopter or a bulldozer (推士机).

Let's come back to my original questions. While we often lose some skills after leaving the work to technology, it may also allow us to expand our abilities. Consider the calculator: I don't doubt that our arithmetic skills might have dropped a bit as the little machines became common, but calculations that were once boring and tricky are now much more straightforward and one can certainly do more complex calculations more confidently.

1.What is the drawback of digital maps?

A.They aren't connected to smartphones.

B.They cost too much to download.

C.They leave some users frustrated.

D.They mix up the south and the north.

2.What's the author’s attitude toward digital maps?

A.Doubtful B.Supportive

C.ambiguous D.Uncaring.

3.What's the fourth paragraph mainly about?

A.The differences between Istanbul and the U. S.

B.The miserable life of people in Istanbul.

C.The necessity of asking local people in Istanbul.

D.The ancient alleys and new avenues in Istanbul.

4.What does the author suggest in the last paragraph?

A.When technology closes a door, it opens one as well.

B.Two paper maps are better than a digital one.

C.Technology is not developed in a day.

D.No calculators, no digital maps.


1.C 2.B 3.C 4.A 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。作者在文章中赞成使用电子地图。作者认为虽然我们放弃了一些技能但同时我们也能扩展我们的能力,更加自信的处理一些复杂的问题。 1. 细节理解题。根据文章第二段Talking with people who're good at finding their way around or using paper maps, I often hear lots of frustration with digital maps(在与那些擅长找路或使用纸质地图的人交谈时,我经常听到人们对电子地图感到沮丧)可知,很多人觉得使用电子地图会让人感到沮丧。故选C项。 2. 推理判断题。根据第三段But consider what digital navigation aids have meant for someone like me. Despite being a frequent traveler, I'm so terrible at finding my way that I still use Google Maps every day in the small town where I have lived for many years. What looks like an imperfect product to some has been a significant expansion of my own abilities(但是想想数字导航对像我这样的人意味着什么。尽管我经常旅行,但我很不善于找路,所以在我居住多年的小镇上,我仍然每天使用谷歌地图。在某些人看来不完美的产品,其实是对自己能力的极大扩展)可知,作者对导航应用持支持态度。A. Doubtful 怀疑的;B. Supportive 支持的;C. ambiguous 模糊不清的;D. Uncaring 心不在焉的。故选B项。 3. 主旨大意题。根据第四段In Istanbul, in contrast, where I grew up, none of those hold true. For one thing, the locals rarely use street names.Besides, the city is full of winding, ancient alleys that meet newer avenues at many angles(相比之下,在伊斯坦布尔,在我成长的地方,这些都不成立。一方面,当地人很少使用街道名称。此外,这座城市到处都是蜿蜒而古老的小巷,从多个角度与新的街道交汇)可知,作者从小生活在伊斯但布尔。街道很少有名字,蜿蜒而古老的小巷与新建的达到纵横交叉,形成各种角度。由此可知,第四段主要在说在这样的地方最好向当地人问路。故选C项。 4. 推理判断题。根据最后一段Let's come back to my original questions. While we often lose some skills after leaving the work to technology, it may also allow us to expand our abilities. Consider the calculator: I don't doubt that our arithmetic skills might have dropped a bit as the little machines became common, but calculations that were once boring and tricky are now much more straightforward and one can certainly do more complex calculations more confidently(让我们回到我最初的问题上来。当我们把工作留给技术后,我们经常会失去一些技能,它也可以让我们扩展我们的能力。以计算器为例:我毫不怀疑,随着小型机器的普及,我们的算术技能可能有所下降,但曾经枯燥而棘手的计算现在变得更加简单明了,人们当然可以更加自信地进行更复杂的计算)可知,虽然我们放弃了一些技能但同时我们也能扩展我们的能力,更加自信的处理一些复杂的问题。y由此判断出当技术关闭了一扇门,它同时也打开了一扇门。故选A项。

    The African Continent has various habitat types, but savanna (热带草原) ecosystems cover approximately half. And where there is savanna, there is fire. "It's an important part of the ecology of the system," says University of Liverpool ecologist James R Probert. Burning allows grasses to take the lead by keeping taller bushes from occupying the land, Loss of grasses could push out species such as wildebeest ( ), which are famous for their splendid annual migration.

A decade ago researchers put decreasing fires within Tanzania's Serengeti National Park down to the recovery of wildebeest population following an epidemic of rinderpest, a viral disease. When millions of wildebeest feed on grass, they remove fuel from the land, making fire less frequent and less severe.

But Probert and his colleagues found that even after wildebeest populations had stabilized by the mid-1990s, fires continued to decrease in the same area. Their analysis of satellite data showed that the region experienced a 40 percent reduction in wildfires between 2001 and 2014- in line with dramatic increases in farm animals in the area.

If you have lots of farm animals eating the grass, then you have less fire. That’s well known Probert says. "But I don’t think anybody had realized the degree of the decline in fire and linked it to farm animals before.”

This is a really interesting pattern, "says University of Guelph biologist John Fryxell, who was not involved in the study. He cautions, however, that 15 years' worth of data is still a fairly small amount of information from which to draw final conclusions. "What a short-term connection like that suggests is that there's something interesting here that could provide the grounds for a deeper experimental analysis, "he adds. That research could include artificially controlling fire frequency or grazing intensity (放牧强度) in certain areas and then monitoring the land's response over time.

1.What do we know about fires in savanna?

A.They only happen once in a decade.

B.They are harmful to the growth of grasses.

C.They help keep the balance of the ecosystem.

D.They guarantee the leading position of taller bushes.

2.According to Probert, what led to decreasing fires?

A.The spread of a disease. B.The increase in farm animals.

C.The change of the climate. D.The stability of wildebeest population.

3.What does John think of Probert's study?

A.It might help recover the land in savanna.

B.It could lead to further studies on savanna fire.

C.It has proven the link between fires and grasses.

D.It offers enough information for final conclusions.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.Savanna Ecosystem. B.No More Farm Animals

C.Eating Away Fire. D.Controlling Wildfires



    Andrea Yoch loves her adult sons, but would also love to not live with them. This is especially true in the 2, 200-square-foot rental in St. Paul, where she and her husband moved after the boys left their childhood home (a 5,000-square-foot property with a pool). But now Ben, 20, and Ryan, 23 are crammed with their parents in a house where a movie playing in one room can be heard in almost any other.

After her sons showed up due to the lockdown after the Coronavirus crisis struck- Ben from Boston, where he is a college student, and Ryan from New York, where he was starting out as an assistant advertising account executive- Ms. Yoch rushed to set up temporary offices in a bedroom and a basement that now also functions as a super crowded gym. "I would give anything for them to restart their lives, "she said.

As the pandemic (流 病) continues, Wall Street bankers, Uber drivers, academics, artists and many other adults have given up their independent lives and migrated home. Some fled heavily populated cities for the rural suburban houses where they grew up and the promise of home-cooked meals and free laundry. Others ended up in downsized spaces designed for empty nesters or in apartments already shared with other family members, such as grandparents or teenage siblings.

Parents caught by the increase of layoffs and canceled contracts found themselves feeding grown children who were in the same position. Mothers who had grown accustomed to freedom were suddenly expected to go back to cooking and cleaning.

“Some parents see this as a welcome surprise, but it can also add a lot of financial stress," said Lindsey Piegza, chief economist at the investment bank Stifel. You can't assume that parents are necessarily in a better-off position than their adult children: a lot of Americans live paycheck to paycheck and don’t have enough savings to accommodate extra people living in their households.”

1.Which word best describes Ms. Yoch's life with her two sons?

A.Exciting B.Inconvenient

C.Satisfying D.Disappointing

2.What does the underlined phrase "empty nesters" in Paragraph 3 refer to?

A.People without jobs.

B.Children staying abroad.

C.Grown-ups with no houses.

D.Parents with no children around.

3.Why do some parents unwillingly welcome their children back home?

A.Because they want their kids to be independent.

B.Because they don’t like to do all the laundry.

C.Because they are in no better financial situation.

D.Because they have sold or rented out their houses

4.What is the text mainly about?

A.The generation gap between parents and their children.

B.The life young people used to live before going to college.

C.The parents' life being affected by children in the lockdown

D.The economic crisis brought about by the deadly coronavirus.



    Museums are cathedrals to science and understanding, but not all science museums are equal. The following 4 examples are all well worth visiting in the future.

The Natural History Museum in London

It is one of the best science museums in the world. With exceptional exhibits all wrapped up in a masterpiece of architectural design, this museum is a must visit for anyone who travels to London. As the name suggests the main theme of the museum is natural history and it features collections about animals, plants, human biology, minerals, and natural resources.

The Exploratorium in San Francisco

The museum, full of engaging and educational exhibits, truly lives up to its nickname" The Scientific Fun House" and offers a very different museum visiting experience. The design team challenged themselves to create a space to display the strangest, most amazing and most exciting aspects of science possible to amaze and inspire young minds. Its main mission is to create young scientists by letting them see just how exciting science can be.

The Swiss Museum of Transport in Lucerne

It is located in Lucerne in Switzerland and is filled with different modes of transport. Most of the exhibits are Swiss car models from the early 1900s onwards but it also includes planes, trains, shops, and some communication technology. It's not all about science and technology - there is also a large collection of the works of Hans Erni, a well-respected local artist.

The National Air and Space Museum in Washington D. C.

The museums in the world. Exhibits within the museum take you on a visual feast of a tour, from the first attempt to fly right through to the incredible achievements of the explorations into space.

1.Which city are you most likely to visit if you're into dinosaurs?

A.Lucerne B.San Francisco.

C.Washington D.London

2.Which museum offers works of an artist?

A.The Exploratorium in San Francisco.

B.The Natural History Museum in London.

C.The Swiss Museum of Transport in Lucerne.

D.The National Air and Space Museum in Washington D. C.

3.The Exploratorium in San Francisco is mainly designed to _________.

A.introduce the human flight history B.present the wonder of science

C.display different car models D.show great architecture worldwide









Jane Eyre is a world-famous storybook, which is very popular to middle school students. The main character Jane is one of my favorite heroine. The book tells us not only about her hard life and about her efforts to gain her happiness. It were her perseverance and determination which helped her to get what she deserved at last. I liked Jane very much, and her story leaves a great effect on her life and study. I make up my mind work hard at my lessons. Meanwhile, I will try to make the full use of any opportunity to train my characters, especial my tolerance and perseverance to solve all of the difficulties in my life.



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