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Scott Ward didn't have any risk factors ...

    Scott Ward didn't have any risk factors that he knew of for cancer so he ignored the lump on his neck until he couldn't ignore it anymore. Dr. Donald Doll, the doctor who treated Ward for his cancer, said, “We’re seeing more and more younger and healthier patients. They're not smokers or drinkers. It's HPV-related.” “Normally, you think of HPV (乳头瘤病毒), you think of women,” Doll added, “while it's a misconception that only women have to be concerned with cancers caused by this virus.”

Luckily, there's a vaccine (疫苗) that's been around for more than a decade that can protect against the HPV virus. If all boys and girls received it, no one would get HPV-related cancers. The HPV vaccine is best when given to children between 9 and 12 years old, before they are sexually active. But teenagers and young adults can still benefit from the vaccine.

Not everyone who gets the HPV virus develops cancer. But it is a risk factor. The agency says about 14 million people in the U.S. alone become infected with HPV each year. Yet, about half of all U.S. adolescents have not been fully vaccinated against HPV, which requires a series of three shots. The CDC says the side effects are generally short term and not serious. They can include dizziness, headache, fever, pain and etc.

Ward’s recovery was difficult. But he’s now cancer-free. Ward wishes the HPV vaccine existed when he was a teen. He says if he had kids, he would get them vaccinated. “HPV-related cancers are cancers no one needs to get.” Ward said.

1.Who should be worried about HPV-related cancers?

A.Only women. B.Everyone.

C.Younger people. D.Smokers and drinkers.

2.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A.The HPV vaccine is best when given to teenagers and young adults.

B.About 50% of all adults in America have not been fully vaccinated against HPV.

C.One gets cancer if he or she gets the HPV virus.

D.HPV vaccines have some side effects including dizziness, headache, and etc.

3.Why did Ward say HPV-related cancers were cancers no one needed to get in the last paragraph?

A.It is easy to recover from HPV-related cancers.

B.HPV-related cancers are not that common.

C.HPV-related cancers can be prevented by vaccination.

D.HPV vaccine existed when he was a teen.


1.B 2.D 3.C 【解析】 本文是一篇说明文,以得乳头癌的斯科特·沃德为例介绍了乳头瘤病毒引起的乳头癌以及抗乳头瘤病毒的疫苗。 1. 推理判断题。根据第一段中的“Dr. Donald Doll, the doctor who treated Ward for his cancer, said, “We’re seeing more and more younger and healthier patients. They're not smokers or drinkers. It's HPV-related.” “Normally, you think of HPV (人乳头瘤病毒), you think of women,” Doll added, “while it's a misconception that only women have to be concerned with cancers caused by this virus.””可知,唐纳德·多尔医生说:“我们看到越来越多健康的年轻人得乳头癌,他们既不抽烟也不喝酒,通常提到乳头状瘤病毒,你会认为只有女性才会担心这种病毒引起的癌症,实际上这是一种误解”。由此判断出,每个人都可能会得乳头癌(每个都应该担心会患有乳头癌)。故B项正确。 2. 细节理解题。根据第三段中的“The CDC says the side effects are generally short term and not serious. They can include dizziness, headache, fever, pain and etc.”可知,疾控中心说,抗乳头状瘤病毒疫苗有一些短期的、并不严重的副作用,包括头晕、头痛、发烧、疼痛等,故D项正确。 3. 词句猜测题。根据最后一段中的“Ward wishes the HPV vaccine existed when he was a teen. He says if he had kids, he would get them vaccinated.”可知,沃德希望在他十几岁的时候就有抗乳头状瘤病毒疫苗(这样他就可以接种了),他说如果他有孩子,他会让他们接种这种疫苗,由此判断出,沃德这句话的意思是乳头状瘤病毒引起的癌症是可以通过接种抗乳头状瘤病毒疫苗预防的,故C项正确。


1.表达你的敬意与谢意;  2.个人感受;   3.表达决心。




参考词汇:新冠肺炎Novel Coronavirus pneumonia; 流行病epidemic

Dear medical workers,

I’m Li Hua, a student in Hongxing High School._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Li Hua







注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第 11 处起)不计分。

One day I saw a girl riding a bike along the street. All of sudden, she knocked down an old man whom was crossing the street. Instead of helping him up, the girl blames him angrily for the accident. Then he rode away even without looking back. A moment late, she found her shoes on the back of the bike missed. She raced back immediately to the spot where the accident was happened. Much to her surprised, she saw the old man waiting for her. The girl felt real ashamed when the old man handed the shoes to her. I think that we shouldn’t do as the girl did to the old man, but that everybody should be kind to each other.



    My mom and dad have been married for 50 years. They have managed their marriage quite_________. Yet when I chose to get _________, I didn’t ask them for any tips or _________ on what to expect about married life. This is due to my strong-willed nature and, I was _________ that I had picked a great guy. What could go_________?

Well, something did go wrong. The two of us, my husband and I, got a _________. I thought any advice my father would have to offer me about my future relationships would be _______, until he texted me one day to ask how I was doing. I was feeling _______ that particular day. It’s hard as a headstrong, outgoing, and loud woman to find a man that can _______ my intelligence, strength, humor, and noisiness, obviously. My ex-husband ________ my writing and didn’t like my sense of humor, which was hard to ________ considering I am a writer. He didn’t like that I was __________ in public sometimes, either, even when I didn’t mean to be.

“Dad,” I texted. “I’m feeling down. I just wonder if I will ever meet someone who will ________ me as I am. Maybe there is no one. All men seem to want nice little ________ women.”

“No one is ________. Everyone comes with problems. Marriage is about accepting someone despite the person’s __________ and loving them just as he or she comes.” he responded.

Toward the end of our marriage, I was ________ in “negative thought”. I had always been thinking ________ of him. Maybe, so it was with my ex-husband. I realized what was wrong with our ________ and what I should do in my future ________. A few words from my father changed my life.

1.A.poorly B.naturally C.wisely D.badly

2.A.married B.separated C.deserted D.settled

3.A.questions B.help C.promises D.advice

4.A.hopeful B.confident C.disappointed D.confused

5.A.wrong B.wild C.deep D.easy

6.A.chance B.decision C.reward D.divorce

7.A.useful B.practical C.useless D.helpful

8.A.proud B.sad C.afraid D.nervous

9.A.appreciate B.challenge C.follow D.test

10.A.praised B.understood C.hated D.influenced

11.A.refuse B.use C.speak D.swallow

12.A.drunk B.loud C.friendly D.fashionable

13.A.accept B.forgive C.hire D.remember

14.A.young B.rich C.quiet D.pretty

15.A.responsible B.available C.sure D.perfect

16.A.efforts B.shortcomings C.differences D.changes

17.A.stuck B.lacking C.creative D.educated

18.A.highly B.seriously C.badly D.carefully

19.A.friendship B.marriage C.cooperation D.career

20.A.career B.projects C.business D.relationships



Ways to Improve Your Happiness

The happiest people appreciate what they have, keep an open mind to new ideas, use their leisure time as a means of self development, and love good music, good books, good pictures, good company and good conversations. 1. It’s a lot easier than it sounds. Anything that helps you feel more positive and joyful is self-improving. Here are some simple ideas to get you started.

1. Make yourself smile is the first thing in the morning.

2. Fill your bathroom or bedroom mirror with notes of your favorite quotes, goals, photos, etc., and then look at the mirror for a minute or two when you first wake up.

2. 3.

Laughter helps reduce blood pressure, decrease blood sugar, and lower stress. Spend time with those who do good things and make your life a little brighter simply by being in it.

3. Try something totally new.

Do something you’ve never done. Variety truly is the spice (调味品) of life. You can see or do something a million times, but you can only see or do it for the first time once. As a result, first time experiences usually leave a deep mark in our minds for the rest of our lives. So spice it up! 4.

4. Work on something that’s meaningful to you.

Get yourself in a meaningful personal project, or set about doing something you’ve wanted to do for a long time, but haven’t yet had the determination to do. Life is really short.5.

A.Today is the day to take action.

B.Appreciate those around you sincerely.

C.Spend time with people who make you smile.

D.It’s difficult to feel down when your face is happy.

E.Instead, concentrate on a few things that really matter.

F.The more first time experiences you have, the richer your life will be.

G.In other words, they do small things every day to improve their happiness.



    The U.S. solar industry is growing at a record-breaking pace, while becoming more affordable and accessible than ever before. The industry’s forward progress comes in part thanks to support from the Energy Department’s SunShot Initiative(计划).

Set up in 2011 to rebuild U.S. leadership in the solar marketplace, SunShot is to aggressively drive down the cost of solar-powered electricity generation across America.

To achieve this goal, SunShot works to lower the price of solar electricity to $0.06 per kilowatt hour (KWh) — a cost target that will make solar-generated power to be fully cost-competitive with traditional energy sources by the end of the decade.

Just three years into the initiative, SunShot is making significant headway. Today, the Energy Department announced that the U.S. solar industry is more than 60 percent of the way to achieving cost-competitive utility-scale solar photovoltaic or PV (光伏) electricity. In many parts of the country, solar electricity is already cost-competitive with traditional energy sources, including California, Hawaii and Minnesota.

Within the past few years, utility-scale PV has risen from a relative newcomer to the solar market to the fastest growing sector of the industry. These projects feature large, centralized PV systems that feed power directly to the grid (电网). While the operating history of utility-scale PV is brief, it is expected to take up most of the U.S. PV market through 2018, helping create new jobs, support other U.S. industries and improve economic growth as it expands.

One of the biggest benefits of the expanding solar industry is its influence on the U.S. job market. The Solar Foundation’s National Solar Jobs Census 2017 finds solar jobs increased nearly 20 percent since the fall of 2016, 10 times the national average job growth rate. There are more than 140,000 solar workers in the United States, up from about 119,000 in 2016. Not only did the industry go beyond growth expectations, but the pace of hiring has quickened, producing new hires at a rate 50 percent higher than last year.

1.From the passage we can learn that SunShot was set up to           .

A.lower the price of solar electricity

B.rebuild U.S. leadership in the solar marketplace

C.compete with traditional energy sources

D.drive down the cost of solar-powered electricity

2.What can we learn about U.S. utility-scale PV?

A.It has been developed for a quite long period. B.It has lowered the price 60% than other sources.

C.It has been the leading role of the U.S. PV market. D.It has brought some benefits to the U.S. economy.

3.How does the author develop the last paragraph?

A.By providing data. B.By giving examples.

C.By reasoning. D.By analyzing causes.

4.Which of the following can be the best title for the text?

A.SunShot Is Promoting U.S. Solar Industry

B.Solar Industry Defeats Traditional Energy Sources

C.U.S. Employment Benefits from Solar Industry

D.Solar Industry’ Growth Determines U.S. Economy



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