满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Suppose you were promised $1,440 each da...

    Suppose you were promised $1,440 each day that comes to $525,600 a year. That could never be reduced or changed in your whole life. Sounds great, doesn’t it? Actually, we all do get 1,440 a day—but in minutes, not dollars. 1. It’s possible to get more money, but you can’t make more time.

Many of the management practices that help people make good use of their money can also be applied to your “time currency”. But the question is, are you a good manager of your time? 2.

Find out where your time is going now. Write down everything you do in a day. Include work, study, cooking and meals, cleaning and household maintenance, sleep, family time and mindless activities such as watching TV and getting lost in social media.

3. Ten  minutes of planning can save  you an hour of time and helps stretch the    time you have, and you’ll see pockets of time you can use for things you want to do. “Once people have a clear picture, they actually do have a lot more time than they realize.” Clark, the founder of the Purposeful Planner says.

You can also set limits. Use kitchen timers, phone reminders, apps or other timing devices to stay focused and work more productively, suggests Janine Adams, certified professional organizer of Peace of Mind Organizing.

4. When you have missions to run, instead of making three separate trips on three different days to buy groceries, office supplies or home store products, integrate them—visit all three stores in one trip. It’s more efficient to finish “little one-off” tasks together rather than  deal with one at a time throughout the day.

At the end of the day, week, month and year, take a look at how well you’ve managed your time. You’ll see where you could do better and where you’ve completed what you set out to do. Booren compares this progress check to reviewing your annual “financial    statement”.

5.Do that over and over and “it forms habit and becomes natural.” Booren says.

A.Try these simple steps to take control of your clock and calendar.

B.Time is one of the most precious and limited resources for people.

C.Grouping small tasks into one job proves to be helpful in daily practice.

D.The most important tasks are not always the same as the most pressing tasks.

E.Focus on what you’re doing and avoid having to repeat the same process twice.

F.Invest a few minutes at the beginning of each day or week to plan and organize.

G.Take time each day to reflect on your achievements and set goals for tomorrow.


1.B 2.A 3.F 4.C 5.G 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章主要提出了让你成为优秀的时间管理者的建议。 1.根据下文It’s possible to get more money, but you can’t make more time. 可以赚更多的钱,但是你不能赚更多的时间。由此可知,时间对人们来说是最宝贵和有限的资源之一。故选项B(Time is one of the most precious and limited resources for people)承接上文,符合题意。故选B。 2.根据上文Many of the management practices that help people make good use of their money can also be applied to your “time currency”. But the question is, are you a good manager of your time? 许多帮助人们充分利用他们的钱的管理实践也可以应用到你的“时间货币”上。但问题是,你是一个好的时间管理者吗?以及下文的几条建议可知,A项(Try these simple steps to take control of your clock and calendar.)尝试这些简单的步骤来控制你的时钟和日历。承上启下,符合题意。故选A。 3.根据下文Ten minutes of planning can save you an hour of time and helps stretch the time you have, and you’ll see pockets of time you can use for things you want to do. 十分钟的计划可以为你节省一个小时的时间,并帮助你延长你的时间,你会发现你可以用这些时间来做你想做的事情。故此段主要讲述的是要有计划。故F项(Invest a few minutes at the beginning of each day or week to plan and organize)在每天或每周的开始,花几分钟时间来计划和组织。承接下文,符合题意。故选F。 4.根据下文When you have missions to run, instead of making three separate trips on three different days to buy groceries, office supplies or home store products, integrate them—visit all three stores in one trip. It’s more efficient to finish “little one-off” tasks together rather than deal with one at a time throughout the day. 你有任务要执行时,不要在三天内分三次去购买杂货、办公用品或家居用品,而是将它们整合在一起——在一次行程中访问所有三家商店。一起完成“一次性的小任务”比一天一次只做一件事效率更高。由此可知,本段主要讲述把小任务整合在一起做。故C项(Grouping small tasks into one job proves to be helpful in daily practice.)把小任务分成一份工作在日常实践中是很有帮助的。承接下文,符合题意。故选C。 5.根据上文At the end of the day, week, month and year, take a look at how well you’ve managed your time. You’ll see where you could do better and where you’ve completed what you set out to do. 在一天、一周、一个月、一年结束的时候,看看你是如何管理你的时间的。你会看到哪里你可以做得更好,哪里你已经完成了你开始做的事情。以及下文Do that over and over and “it forms habit and becomes natural. 反复这样做,就会形成习惯,变得自然。故G项(Take time each day to reflect on your achievements and set goals for tomorrow)每天花点时间反思自己的成就,为明天设定目标。承上启下,符合题意。故选G。

    Fever has usually been regarded as a threat to health. However, no one has actually proved that fever is dangerous. This fact attracted the attention of Matthew J. Kluger. Imagining that fever might not be as harmful as it had been supposed, Kluger set up a series of experiments with lizards (蜥蜴).

What Kluger and his team did in their first experiment was simple. They put some lizards in a sand-box, one end of which was heated to 44°C, while the other was at a room temperature. It was found that the lizards moved from one part of the box to the other in order to keep a constant temperature of about 38°C. Having shown that normal lizards regulate (调节) their own temperature, Kluger, in a second experiment, then set out to show that lizards, like most other animals, develop fever when infected (感染). This was done by making lizards infected with bacteria (细菌) that were known to cause disease. As the team expected, the infected lizards remained longer in the heated part of the box, until they had raised their body temperatures to two or three degrees above normal. In other words, the sick lizards gave themselves fever.

In a third experiment, the team observed the effect of temperature on the survival of the lizards. One group of infected lizards was given a fever-suppressing (退烧) drug. The other group was given no drug and ran a fever, that is to say, they kept a higher temperature for four or five days before seeking a cooler environment. The results were impressive. Of those which raised their body temperature, all but one remained alive. Of those given the fever-suppressing drug, more than half died. Similar results have since been produced in other animals. For example, infected fish swim to warmer water, and will die if not allowed to do so.

An important conclusion can be drawn from these experiments. As Kluger points out, lizards have been on earth for hundreds of millions of years. It is reasonable to suppose that a response that is so old has been kept by nature for some purpose. It would appear, therefore, that fever does not make disease worse. Rather it is part of the mechanism (机能) by which infection is controlled.

1.In his experiments, Kluger was hoping to prove that fever ______.

A.is not harmful to lizards

B.is necessary for both humans and animals

C.is not necessarily bad

D.has the same effect on humans and animals

2.In the third experiment, the lizards given a fever-suppressing drug died because ______.

A.they had no more fever that they needed

B.they were normal ones and had no fever

C.the drug had no effect on sick lizards

D.the drug made their body temperature too low

3.How would you understand the underlined words “ a response ” in the last paragraph?

A.Recovery from disease

B.Natural defense in the body against disease.

C.Cause of disease.

D.Relationship between living things and nature.

4.Which of the following is the best summary of this article?

A.Lizards are most suitable for experiments on fever.

B.Fever may play an important part in curing disease.

C.Fever helps lizards to get rid of infection.

D.Lizards and humans are not as different as people supposed.



    The African grey parrot’s ability to talk and mimic sounds makes it a charming companion. African grey owners often report that their greys oftentimes talk in context and can understand their people’s emotions (情感). The African grey parrot is not just a top talker - this bird is also known for its extreme intelligence, which gives them the name “The Einsteins of the Bird World”.

The bird is medium-sized, dusty-looking and almost pigeon-like. It has a bright red tail, intelligent orange eyes, and a stunning scalloped (扇形的) pattern to its feathers. Their diet in the wild consists mostly of nuts, seeds, fruits, and leafy matter.

At home, African greys need plenty of toys that challenge their intelligence, such as food searching and puzzle toys. Nutri-Berries by Lafeber Company are a perfect choice, which, with a balance of grains, seeds and other nutrients in the shape of a berry, encourages African greys to hold, bite off, and even play with, just as they do in the wild.

African greys seem especially affected by stress and disturbing noise in their environment and can be put more at ease by placing one corner of the cage against a wall as opposed to in the middle of a room.

African grey parrots are more likely to suffer from lack of Vitamin-A/beta-carotene, and therefore benefit from eating vegetables high in beta-carotene, such as cooked sweet potato and fresh kale. Lack of Vitamin-D is another concern, especially for greys on a poor diet. Offering a balanced, pill-shaped diet, such as Nutri-Berries, helps prevent vitamin and mineral shortage.

1.Why are African grey parrots called “The Einsteins of the Bird World”?

A.Because of their brain size. B.On account of their intelligence.

C.Owing to their rich emotions. D.Due to their talking ability.

2.What can “Nutri-Berries” probably be?

A.A brand of bird food. B.Puzzle toys for birds.

C.A type of round fruit. D.Wild Intelligence games.

3.What is the characteristic of African grey parrots?

A.They may get ill due to lack of Vitamin

B.They prefer to stay in the middle of the room.

C.They are dusty looking with blue eyes.

D.They are smart and love to have fun.

4.Where can we most probably find the passage?

A.In a wildlife magazine. B.In science fiction.

C.In a travel guide. D.On a shopping website.



    Suppose you are about to complete high school and are thinking about attending a college or university. After doing some research, you find a school you would like to attend, but have questions about the application process. So you go to the school’s website in the hope of finding a few answers.

Time goes by and you, a student, still do not have the answers. You almost feel like giving up. But today, as you can see, artificial intelligence is so advanced. You find a message appears on your computer or personal electronic device. It says something like: ''How can I help? '' Writing back to the website, you try to explain your problem. You possibly get a few questions to clarify what your concerns are. Then, almost immediately, the person with whom you are in contact provides the information you are seeking.

In fact, you are not actually communicating with a school official. You are not even dealing with a human being. You are in contact with a computer program, or chatbot. It is using artificial intelligence, AI for short, to understand and communicate with you. This might sound strange. But chances are that this would not be the first time you have communicated with a computer program without knowing it. In recent years, chatbots have become a common tool for banks and large companies around the world.

Having human beings available to answer people’s questions and complaints can be costly, requiring many workers. And in most cases, employees can only work for several hours in a day, increasing customers’ waiting time for a response, but the chatbot can work around the clock. So not only companies, but a growing number of universities have also begun using the chatbot technology.

Australia's University of Adelaide noted a major improvement in its service to student after employing a chathot to deal with application questions in 2018. It said that students received responses 13 times faster, and students’ approval of the quality of service increased by 60 percent. And just the speed of reacting to questions is the chatbot's major strength.

1.How does the author introduce the topic of the text?

A.By assumption. B.By comparison.

C.By definition. D.By data.

2.What's the main purpose of paragraph 2?

A.To tell time and tide wait for no man.

B.To advise students should clarify their questions.

C.To present the communication convenience brought by Al.

D.To show the phenomenon that students are addicted to computers.

3.What is the main advantage of the chatbot technology?

A.Its low cost. B.Its ease of use.

C.Its short working hours. D.Its quick response.

4.What is the main idea of the text?

A.Artificial intelligence is developing rapidly.

B.Robots are gradually replacing human services.

C.Employees chat with robots without knowing them.

D.More universities use chatbots to communicate online.



    Your children's education doesn’t have to stop after school. These game apps for your iPhone, iPad and Android will keep your youngsters’ minds active outside the classroom. Of course, let your children play the developmental games in moderation.

Elmo Loves 123s

Help your children identify and count numbers from 1 to 20 and do some simple calculation. Everyone's favorite furry character, Elmo, and Abby Cadabby will guide kids along the way. under five years,$4.99; iPad

Habitat the Game

Players adopt a virtual polar bear and must complete real-world actions, such as turning off lights and conserving water, to keep the creature healthy. Kids will take pride in making an actual difference in the world with these exciting games. (4 years+, free; iPhone, iPad, Android)

Disney Story Central

Bedtime just gets a lot less painful thanks to Disney Story Central. The large selection of e-books star Disney characters, such as Mickey Mouse, the princesses, and Doc MacStuffins. Plus, the bookworms will earn awards as progress is made day by day.(2 years+, free for iPad for the first 4 books, with additional purchase packages starting at$4)

GoldieBlox and the Movie Machine

GoldieBlox, the toy company focusing on inspiring girls to become innovators, has created GoldieBlox and the Movie Machine, its first app for inspiring engineers. Your kids will learn the basics of cartoons and create her own one-second animated GiFs. (6 years+, free; iphone iPad)

1.Which of the apps can teach kids to care about the environment?

A.Elmo Loves 123s. B.Habitat the Game.

C.Disney Story Central. D.GoldieBlox and the Movie Machine.

2.What do we know about Disney Story Central?

A.It is designed for girls. B.It is suitable for all ages.

C.It offers rewards to advancers. D.It offers free books to iPhone users.

3.Who is the text most probably written for?

A.Young engineers. B.Parents.

C.Game developers. D.Teenagers.



假设你是晨光中学高一(3)班李津,你校将在下周五举办“校园艺术节(Campus Art Festival)”系列活动。请给你班留学生Jim写封邮件,邀请他参加,邮件的内容包括:



Dear Jim,






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