满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Few other nations are _______ much inter...

    Few other nations are _______ much interested in horse racing as the English. The famous races Ascot are held every year and followed by sports fans all over England. The king or the queen also _______ them and presents the winner _______ a gold cup. To win this gold cup is the dream of every owner of a race horse. All newspapers, great and small, are full of detailed description of the _______, and the name of the _______ winner of the Ascot cup is pronounced by everyone like that of a great hero.

It happened once, however, some seventy years ago, that the gold cup was _______ a few days before the race! The police searched for it all over the country _______ could not find it.

Just at the time, Mark Twain, the humorous American writer, _______ in England. He was _______ by an England Literary Society to be ________ at a dinner given in his honor. After dinner the president of the society ________ to propose a toast to Mark Twain's health and praise in every way the talent of the famous American. Mark Twain in reply started his ________ with the following words:

“Gentlemen, I thank you for the great ________ you have done me, even if I very much doubt ________ all your countrymen join you in your warm welcome. When I arrived at Dover yesterday, and set my ________ in “Merry Old England', the first thing I saw was a newspaper poster and on it, to my great ________ , I read two headings printed ________ big red letters :



“These two announcements stood so closely together that it ________ seemed, gentlemen, as if some people in this country may be sure that my arrival had ________ to do with the disappearance of the gold cup!” This humorous speech of the famous American author was met with a shout of ________ .

1.A.so B.very C.this D.that

2.A.invites B.praises C.attends D.welcomes

3.A.by B.for C.upon D.with

4.A.race B.horse C.nation D.winner

5.A.good B.lucky C.great D.brave

6.A.left B.sold C.stolen D.bought

7.A.so B.or C.and D.but

8.A.got B.arrived C.reached D.wandered

9.A.invited B.grasped C.visited D.caught

10.A.anxious B.elegant C.present D.outgoing

11.A.sat B.lay C.rose D.seated

12.A.speech B.answer C.question D.lecture

13.A.harm B.honor C.favor D.kindness

14.A.why B.that C.what D.whether

15.A.leg B.foot C.head D.hand

16.A.credit B.sorrow C.delight D.surprise

17.A.in B.at C.on D.from

18.A.mainly B.really C.hardly D.merely

19.A.nothing B.anything C.something D.everything

20.A.anger B.breath C.interest D.laughter


1.A 2.C 3.D 4.A 5.B 6.C 7.D 8.B 9.A 10.C 11.C 12.A 13.B 14.D 15.B 16.D 17.A 18.B 19.C 20.D 【解析】 本文是记叙文,讲述了关于美国著名作家马克·吐温的一件逸闻趣事。 1. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:很少有其他国家像英国人那样对赛马如此感兴趣。A. so如此;B. very非常;C. this这么;D. that那么。根据后面的as可知,此处是so… as 结构,意思为“与……一样”,修饰副词much。表示很少有其他国家像英国人那样对赛马如此感兴趣。故选A项。 2. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:国王或王后也会参加,并为获胜者颁发一个金杯。A. invites邀请;B. praises赞扬;C. attends参加;D. welcomes欢迎。空后的them指代的是上文的“the famous races Ascot”,是英国皇家赛马会,英国皇室贵族也会参加。故选C项。 3. 考查介词词义辨析。句意:国王或王后也会参加,并为获胜者颁发一个金杯。A. by通过;B. for为了;C. upon在……上面;D. with与……一起。此处是短语present sb. with sth. “给某人颁发……”。故选D项。 4. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:所有的报纸,无论大小,都全部是对比赛的详细描述。A. race赛马;B. horse马;C. nation国家,民族;D. winner获胜者。上文提到的“the famous races Ascot”是英国著名的赛马会,报纸应该争相报道赛马盛况。故选A项。 5. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:Ascot杯幸运获胜者的名字被每个人读起来就像读一个大英雄的名字。A. good好的;B. lucky幸运的;C. great伟大的;D. brave勇敢的。根据上文“The king or the queen … presents the winner 3 a gold cup.”可知,能够赢得赛马,并且被国王或王后颁发金杯,应该是很幸运的。故选B项。 6. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:然而,有一次,大约七十年前,金杯在比赛前几天被人偷走了! A. left离开;B. sold卖;C. stolen偷;D. bought买。根据下文“The police searched for it all over the country”可知,金杯被偷了。故选C项。 7. 考查连词词义辨析。句意:警方在全国范围内寻找它,但没有找到。A. so因此;B. or或者;C. and和,又;D. but但是。前半句说“警方四处寻找”,后半面说“没找到”,两个句子之间是语义上的转折,but表示转折关系。故选D项。 8. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:就在那时,美国幽默作家马克·吐温来到了英国。A. got 获得;B. arrived 到达;C. reached到达。D.wandered漫游,徘徊。空后是介词in,可知是短语arrive in。故选B项。 9. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:一个英国文学协会邀请他出席为他举行的晚宴。A. invited邀请;B. grasped抓牢,理解;C. visited拜访;D. caught抓住。根据后面的“a dinner given in his honor”可知,他是受邀请出席晚宴。故选A项。 10. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:一个英国文学协会邀请他出席为他举行的晚宴。A. anxious焦虑的;B. elegant优雅的;C. present出席;D. outgoing外向的,喜好交际的。此处是短语 be present at“出席,到场”。表示邀请他出席为他举行的晚宴。故选C项。 11. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:晚宴后,协会会长站起来提议为马克·吐温的健康干杯,并从各个方面赞扬这位美国名人的才能。A. sat坐下;B. lay躺着;C. rose起立;D. seated就坐。 根据生活常识,为表示礼貌,为客人祝福干杯时应该站起来。故选C项。 12. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:作为答复,马克·吐温用以下的话开始了他的演讲: A. speech演讲,讲话;B. answer回答;C. question问题;D. lecture讲座。根据下文“Gentlemen, I thank you for the great 13 you have done me…”可知,马克·吐温开始讲话。故选A项。 13. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:先生们,我感谢你们给我带来的殊荣,尽管我很怀疑是否贵国全体国民会跟你一起热烈欢迎(我的到来)。A. harm伤害;B. honor荣誉;C. favor帮助;D. kindness善良。根据上文“…praise in every way the talent of the famous American”可知,协会会长多方称赞马克·吐温,因此马克·吐温在讲话中对给他所给的荣耀表示感谢。故选B项。 14. 考查连接词词义辨析。句意:先生们,我感谢你们给我带来的殊荣,尽管我很怀疑是否贵国全体国民会跟你一起热烈欢迎(我的到来)。 A. why为什么;B. that那,那个;C. what什么;D. whether是否。空前有doubt,在肯定句中用whether引导宾语从句。故选D项。 15. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:当我昨天到达多佛,踏上“快乐的老英格兰”时,首先看到的是一张报纸海报。A. leg腿;B. foot脚;C. head头;D. hand手。根据“When I arrived at Dover yesterday”可知,此处是短语set foot in“进入,踏上”。这里指马克·吐温进入英国。故选B项。 16. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:令我大吃一惊的是,海报上有两个用大大的红色字体写的标题:马克·吐温来了!ASCOT杯被偷了!A. credit表扬;B. sorrow悲伤;C. delight高兴;D. surprise惊讶。此处是考查“to one’s +名词”短语辨析。to one’s credit某人值得表扬的是;to one’s sorrow令某人悲伤的是;to one’s delight令某人高兴的是; to one’s surprise令某人惊讶的是。根据下文“These two announcements stood so closely together”马克·吐温幽默地说,看到自己到来的消息和金杯被偷的消息紧挨在一起,感到很惊讶。故选D项。 17. 考查介词词义辨析。句意:令我大吃一惊的是,海报上有两个用大大的红色字体写的标题:马克·吐温来了!ASCOT杯被偷了!A. in在……里面;B. at对于;C. on在……上面;D. from从。此处in big red letters意思为“用红色字体”,in 表示“以……方式”。故选A项。 18. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:这两份通告紧挨在一起,先生们,真的好像这个国家里有些人肯定我的到来和金杯的消失有关! A. mainly主要地;B. really真的;C. hardly几乎不;D. merely仅仅,只是。此处really起强调语气的作用“真的好像……”。故选B项。 19. 考查代词词义辨析。句意:这两份通告紧挨在一起,先生们,真的好像这个国家里有些人肯定我的到来和金杯的消失有关! A. nothing什么都没有;B. anything任何事;C. something一些事;D. everything每件事。根据These two announcements stood so closely together可知,此处是短语have something to do with…“与……有关”。故选C项。 20. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:这位美国著名作家的这番幽默的讲话博得了一阵笑声。 A. anger愤怒,生气; B. breath呼吸;C. interest兴趣;D. laughter笑声。根据“humorous speech”可知,马克·吐温的讲话很幽默,让大家都大笑了起来。故选D项。

    How do you stay true to yourself when you're surrounded by friends and/or family that have an opinion on everything you do? It's not easy! However, there are great possibilities that you can lead the life you really want. 1..

Never let others' opinions affect your choices

Stay true to yourself by listening to the only opinions that really matter --- your own and those from people who believe in and encourage you. 2..

Don't fear people

3.. The reason most people don't take risks, or live on the edge is the fear of what others might think of them. If you want to live the life you truly deserve, you must give up the need to be liked by everybody.


When you do, others will too. Own the choices you make in your life. When you doubt yourself, others will doubt you. When you believe in yourself, in time, others will believe in you too. Show confidence in your choices, and what you stand for whether others agree or not.

Focus on appreciation

No matter what the circumstances are, there is always something to be grateful for. All successful people ask: What am I grateful for? How can I improve my situation and use these tough times to inspire others?5..

These steps, if applied, will help you transform your peace of mind, lifestyle, and productivity(生产力).

A.Value yourself and your choices

B.Focus on your own talents and strengths

C.Treat every person like they are important

D.You know yourself better than anybody else

E.Stay fearless in everything you will have to do

F.Here are four tips which can help you live an energetic life

G.Be thankful to life and be helpful to others, and you'll lead a happy life



    Mya Le Thai is a scientist studying at the University of California, Irvine. She recently discovered a process that may result in batteries that last forever. Thai said she had been discouraged that the batteries for her wireless devices degrade. Over time, they fail to charge fully.

Thai did not like to have kept her wireless laptop connected to an electrical outlet. She decided to do something about that problem.

At first, she and her team thought about inventing a new battery. But as they experimented, Thai discovered something that might permit lithium-ion(锂离子) batteries to last forever. Lithium-ion batteries power most wireless devices. Over time, the batteries lose the ability to hold a charge. Most of these batteries have a life span of about 7,000 charging cycles before they die.

One of the reasons lithium-ion batteries degrade is their use of nanowires(纳米线) to carry electricity. Nanowires are extremely thin. A human hair is thousands of times thicker, for example. Nanowires are extremely efficient carriers of electricity, which makes them useful in batteries. But Thai said their thinness also makes them weak. “Nanowires break over time,” she said. “That's why they lose capacity(能力).”

But, Thai had a theory: The nanowires might last longer if covered with a material. She and the team tested her theory. The team tried many coverings for the wires. PMMA was one of them. The nanowires were coated with PMMA and cycled through charges 200,000 times. The PMMA coated nanowires showed no evidence of damage. The results suggest that batteries could last forever, without losing charging ability.

Thai hopes to continue her research to understand why this material works so well and to see if any other material could create better results.

“It's kind of cool,” she said, “I'm really glad people are showing interest in my work and not just in the work itself, but also in technology and energy.”

1.What caused Thai to do research on the batteries?

A.Weak power of the batteries. B.Her habit to use her computer.

C.Inconvenient use of batteries. D.Her preference for batteries.

2.What's the disadvantage of lithium-ion batteries?

A.They have a limited service life. B.They need charging very often.

C.They are not quite dependable. D.They are easy to break down.

3.Why did Thai try covering the nanowires with a certain material?

A.To convey more electricity. B.To make them a thicker cover.

C.To make them much safer to use. D.To protect them from being damaged.

4.What can probably be a suitable title for the text?

A.Batteries Would Work Without Recharging

B.Lithium-ion Batteries Might Come to an End

C.Batteries Lasting Forever Could Be Near Soon

D.Batteries Would Be Replaced By A New Power



    The elephant was lying heavily on its side, fast asleep. A few dogs started barking at it. The elephant woke up in a terrible anger: it ran after the dogs into the village where they ran for safety.

That didn't stop the elephant. It destroyed a dozen houses and injured several people. The villagers were scared and angry. Then someone suggested calling Parbati, the elephant princess.

Parbati Barua's father was a hunter of tigers and an elephant tamer. He taught Parbati to ride an elephant before she could even walk. He also taught her the dangerous art of the elephant round-up—how to catch wild elephants. Parbati hasn't always lived in the jungle. After a happy childhood hunting with her father, she was sent to boarding school in the city. But Parbati never got used to being there and many years later she went back to her old life. “Life in the city is too dull. Catching elephants is an adventure and the excitement lasts for days after the chase,” she says.

But Parbati doesn't catch elephants just for fun. “My work,” she says, “is to rescue man from the elephants, and to keep the elephants safe from man.” And this is exactly what Parbati has been doing for many years. Increasingly, the Indian elephant is angry: for many years, illegal hunters have attacked it and its home in the jungle has been reduced to small pieces of land. It is now fighting back. Whenever wild elephants enter a tea garden or a village, Parbati is called to guide the animals back to the jungle before they can kill.

The work of an elephant tamer also involves love and devotion. A good elephant tamer will spend hours a day singing love songs to a newly—caught elephant. “Eventually they grow to love their tamers and never forget them. They are also more loyal than humans.” she said, as she climbed up one of her elephants and sat on the giant, happy animal. An elephant princess indeed!

1.For Parbati, catching elephants is mainly to ______.

A.get long lasting excitement B.keep both man and elephants safe

C.send them back to the jungle D.make the angry elephants tame

2.Before Parbati studied in a boarding school, ______.

A.she spent her time hunting with her father

B.she learned how to sing love songs after class

C.she was taught how to hunt tigers in the woods

D.she had already been called an elephant princess

3.Why are Indian elephants beginning to fight back?

A.Because illegal hunters catch them and kill them

B.Because they are caught and sent for heavy work

C.Because they are attacked and their land gets limited

D.Because dogs usually bark at them and interrupt them

4.The elephant story in the beginning shows that in India ______.

A.dogs are often as powerful as elephants

B.people easily fall victims to elephants' attacks

C.elephant tamers are becoming fewer and fewer

D.the man-elephant relationship is getting much worse



    Last Friday, a new couple decided that instead of hosting their friends and family for a traditional feast reception, they would feed the victims from an earthquake-stricken area. Michael and Linda stood behind large food trucks distributing meals to 4,000 homeless people for their wedding reception on the border town of Kilis.

The idea came from the bridegroom's father, Ted, who volunteers for a Turkish relief organization. For the past few years, the organization has distributed daily meals to thousands of people who've suffered from natural disasters. He approached a representative of the organization and suggested that the family cover part of the costs of feeding them for the day.

Then he told his son, who was surprised by the suggestion, but soon won over. When he told that to the bride, she was really shocked but finally accepted because in southeastern Turkey there is a real culture of sharing with people in need. They love to share their food, their table and everything they have. And afterwards she was quite amazed about it. So, they arrived at the distribution center on Thursday to spend the day serving food and taking photographs with their grateful recipients (接受者).

That evening, the newly married couple were still pleased with their decision to quit a personal celebration for one with a greater good. “It's like sharing a dinner with your friends and family who have this kind of thing on a daily basis or sharing something with people who don't even have the most basic things,” Michael said. “Hopefully, this will also give the start for other wedding dinners to be held here with our brothers and sisters in need.”

1.How did the couple celebrate their wedding?

A.They treated their guests to a big dinner. B.They paid all for feeding victims of the day.

C.They took photos of the grateful victims. D.They spent the day with the victims in Kilis.

2.Why did so many people crowd in Kilis?

A.To help distribute free daily meals. B.To escape the damaging earthquake.

C.To attend Michael and Linda's wedding. D.To rescue the victims from the earthquake.

3.What does the underlined word “approached” in Paragraph 2 mean?

A.consulted with B.moved towards

C.came across D.took in

4.We can learn from the text that ________.

A.Ted was a representative of the organization

B.Linda adapted the suggestion when she heard it

C.Kilis is a place which lies in southeastern Turkey

D.Linda doubted if any new couples would follow him



    A university in southwest China's Chongqing City set up a reading room as part of a campaign that stops students from taking their mobile phones with them in case the device prevents them from concentrating on their studies.

Reportedly a student named Hu Xiaopeng participating in the campaign studied 530 minutes without using his mobile phone. Unlike Hu, another one picked up his mobile phone in less than 20 minutes. “Having seen many students use their mobile phones in the library, a habit that shortens their study time and negatively impacts their learning, we decided to open this reading room,” said Zhang Shuran, the person responsible for the project at the university.

Zhang added that students can keep their phones in appointed bags with numbers on them. The bags are placed on a desk near the door of the reading room. “Staff members at the reading room will check the phones when there's a call,” said Zhang, adding that they will inform students when their parents or teachers call them, but will not tell students if an unknown person is calling or when there is a text message. Based on the time students hand in their phones when they come to the reading room and the time they get them back when they leave the room, Hu Xiaopeng from College of Animal Science and Technology of the university set a record of the longest time. Hu spent 530 minutes studying without using his phone. Though feeling somewhat surprised, Hu said, “It's bad to keep a mobile phone with you when you are reading or studying.”

The campaign has attracted nearly 200 students since it was launched a week ago. Some Internet users praised the campaign. One user named Liu Jingchang said, “It's good. I don't bring my phone when going to the library in case I get distracted(分心).”

1.What is the purpose of opening the reading room here?

A.To encourage students to read more books.

B.To help students concentrate on their studies.

C.To prevent the mobile phones from being stolen.

D.To stop students using mobile phones in the library.

2.What can we infer from Paragraph 3?

A.The bags are on the desk near the students.

B.Hu Xiaopeng thinks the campaign is a bad idea.

C.The student will be informed if a stranger calls him.

D.The longest time that the phone is not used is recorded.

3.What is the attitude of the students toward the reading room?

A.Supportive. B.Cautious.

C.Doubtful. D.Anxious.



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