满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Nicole was twenty-eight-month old and ha...

    Nicole was twenty-eight-month old and had been in our neighboring playgroup with other little kids for more than one year. Then my husband and I decided to move her to a full-day nursery _______. After doing a lot of _______, we finally chose the center named “Sunshine”.

We decided to start with two days a week, helping her _______ separation and stranger anxiety when starting a _______ kind of life.

During the first several days, I went together with Nicole every morning, and there her new _______, Diomara, was waiting for us. We three then stayed there for one _______. At first, she only played with me or asked me to _______ her wherever she went. After two or three days, I could sit _______ and watch her play with new friends, but sometimes she would make a _______ to look around searching for me.

During the second week Nicole gradually eased into the new ________, and Diomara suggested starting to leave Nicole there ________ me. At the beginning I decided to leave her for just half an hour. When I hugged, kissed and said goodbye to her, she started crying with the clear ________ that mom would go. I closed the door and could even hear her cry. ________ feeling sad and guilty, I knew it’s not my fault --- it’s just how babies ________.

I was back on time. My little girl laughed and ran to me at the ________ of me. Diomara told me that everything was super and perfect: Nicole stopped crying ________ after I left, and she had a good time ________ a castle using Lego blocks. The next day I left for one hour, and she enjoyed a wonderful lunch with other kids. The last day I stayed there only for a while. By the time she had already ________ the concepts of leaving and returning. That day she stayed there till 3 pm.

Now she is happily in the new day care for two days a week. Meanwhile she is still in the ________ playgroup for another two half days. Gradually she’ll quit from the playgroup. There should be a process. There are so many things far ________ her knowledge, so we need to perform step by step and with patience.

1.A.school B.kindergarten C.group D.center

2.A.discovery B.request C.job D.research

3.A.struggle B.overcome C.appreciate D.adapt

4.A.difficult B.wonderful C.different D.foreign

5.A.friend B.caregiver C.nurse D.schoolmate

6.A.hour B.minute C.moment D.day

7.A.watch B.accompany C.avoid D.keep

8.A.aside B.asleep C.outside D.awake

9.A.pause B.mistake C.gesture D.wish

10.A.classroom B.habits C.settings D.scenes

11.A.with B.around C.over D.without

12.A.dependence B.consciousness C.loneliness D.wonder

13.A.Though B.However C.As D.Since

14.A.study B.suppose C.treat D.develop

15.A.idea B.distance C.sight D.thought

16.A.long B.even C.shortly D.frequently

17.A.visiting B.building C.enjoying D.crashing

18.A.used B.shaped C.refused D.formed

19.A.valuable B.new C.precious D.previous

20.A.beyond B.within C.to D.for


1.D 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.B 6.A 7.B 8.A 9.A 10.C 11.D 12.B 13.A 14.D 15.C 16.C 17.B 18.D 19.D 20.A 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述作者将女儿送到托儿所,让女儿 慢慢长大的故事。 1. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:后来,我和丈夫决定把她送到一个全日制的托儿所。A.school学校;B. kindergarten 幼儿园;C. group 组;D. center 中心。分析上下文,根据后面提到“we finally chose the center named “Sunshine””可知,此处表示作者夫妻给他们的女儿找全日制托儿所中心。故选D项。 2. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:经过大量的研究,我们最终选择了“阳光”中心。A.discovery发现;B. request 要求;C. job 工作;D. research 研究。分析上下文,根据划线后提到的“我们最终选择了“阳光”中心”可知,他们是经过大量的“研究”的。故选D项。 3. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们决定从每周两天开始,帮助她在开始一种不同的生活时克服分离和陌生人的焦虑。A. struggle 斗争,搏斗;B. overcome 克服;C. appreciate 欣赏,喜欢;D. adapt 使…适应。分析上下文,根据上文提到的作者将她的女儿送到托儿所可知,在一个全新的环境里头,她女儿需要“克服”分离和陌生人的焦虑感。故选B项。 4. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:帮助她在开始一种不同的生活时克服分离和陌生人的焦虑。A. difficult 困难的;B. wonderful 精彩的;C. different 不同的;D. foreign 国外的。分析上下文,上文提到作者的女儿第一次去托儿所,下文提到在托儿所刚开始的不适应。对她女儿来说这是和以往不同的生活。故选C 项。 5. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:在最初的几天里,我每天早上都和妮可一起去,她的新看护Diomara在那里等着我们。A.friend 朋友;B. caregiver 看护者;C. nurse 护士;D. schoolmate 同学。分析上下文,作者将女儿送往托儿所,所以在托儿所等我们的Diomara是托儿所的看护老师。故选B项。 6. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们三个然后在那里待了一个小时。A. hour 小时; B. minute 分钟;C. moment 时刻;D. day 天。分析上下文,此处表示作者和她女儿以及托儿所看护人员待了一个小时,让她的女儿慢慢的适应新的环境。同时在后文有提到“At the beginning I decided to leave her for just half an hour”可知在第一周他们待了一个小时。故选A项。 7. 考查从此词义辨析。句意:起初,她只是和我一起玩,或者无论去哪里都叫我陪她。A.watch看;B. accompany 陪伴;C. avoid 避免;D. keep 保持。分析上下文,前文提到刚到托儿所的时候作者和她女儿一起待了一个小时。这一小时我都在她身边,所以她会叫我陪她走到哪里。故选B项。 8. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:两三天以后,我就可以坐在一旁看她和新朋友们玩了。A. aside在旁边;B. asleep 熟睡地;C. outside 外面;D. awake 醒着的。分析上下文,根据前文可知,第一周作者陪着她女儿,所以此处表示“坐着女儿旁边看着她和新朋友们玩”。sit aside 坐…一边,是固定短语。故选A项。 9. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:但有时她会停下来四处寻找我。A. pause 暂停,间歇;B. mistake错误;C. gesture 姿势;D. wish 希望,愿望。分析上下文,根据后句提到的“look around searching for me”可知,她“暂停”和朋友一起玩来四周找我。故选A项。 10. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:在第二周,妮可逐渐适应了新的环境。A. classroom 教室;B. habits习惯;C. settings 环境;D. scenes 场景。分析上下文,此处表示女儿在第二周适应了托儿所的环境。故选C项。 11. 考查介词词义辨析。句意:Diomara建议把Nicole一个人留在那里。A. with和…一起;B. around围绕;C. over在…上面;D. without 没有,不合…在一起。分析上下文,根据后文提及“At the beginning I decided to leave her for just half an hour”可知,我听了看护老师的建议,我不在女儿旁边让她一人留在那里。故选D项。 12. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:当我拥抱她、亲吻她、说再见的时候,她开始哭了,她清楚地意识到妈妈要走了。A. dependence 依赖,依靠;B. consciousness意识,知觉;C. loneliness 寂寞,孤独;D. wonder 惊讶,奇迹。分析上下文,根据前句提到“她开始哭”可知,她“知道”我要走了。故选B项。 13. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:虽然感到悲伤和内疚,但我知道这不是我的错——婴儿就是这样成长的。A.Though 虽然; B. However无论如何;C. As 因为,当…时候; D. Since 自从,因为。分析上下文,此处应表示转折关系。我女儿因为我离开哭,“虽然”我很难受但这就是成长。故选A项。 14. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:但我知道这不是我的错——婴儿就是这样成长的。A. study 学习;B. suppose 假设;C. treat 治疗;D. develop 发展,成长。分析上下文,分句句意此处表示我的离开,女儿的哭泣都是她长大的方式。故选D项。 15. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:我的小女儿一看见我就笑着向我跑过来。A. idea 想法;B. distance距离;C. sight 视力,景象;D. thought 思想,思考。分析句子,at the sight of 译为一看见…就,此处是固定短语。故选C项。 16. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:妮可在我离开后不久就不哭了,她玩得很开心,用乐高积木搭起了一座城堡。A. long 长期地;B. even 甚至;C. shortly 立刻;D. frequently 频繁地。分析上下文,根据后文提到的“她玩的很开心”可知,妮可在我离开不久后就不哭了。故选C项。 17. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:她玩得很开心,用乐高积木搭起了一座城堡。A. visiting 参观,拜访;B. building 建造;C. enjoying 喜欢,享受;D. crashing 碰撞。分析上下文,根据后面的“乐高积木”可知,此处表示用积木搭城堡。故选B项。 18. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:到那时,她已经形成了离开和回来的想法。A.used 使用;B. shaped发展,成型;C. refused 拒绝;D. formed 形成。分析上下文,根据后文提到“That day she stayed there till 3 pm”可知,我女儿已经“形成”了一种固定的想法了。故选D项。 19. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:与此同时,她还在上一个小组玩了两天半。A.valuable 有价值的;B. new 新的;C. precious 宝贵的;D. previous 之前的。分析上下文,根据后句提及的“她会逐渐退出朋友圈”可知,她还会在“之前的”那个朋友圈玩两天半。故选D项。 20. 考查介词词义辨析。句意:有太多的事情远远超出了她的知识范围,所以我们需要一步一步耐心地去做。A. beyond 超过;B. within 在…之内;C. to 朝,位于;D. for 为了。分析上下文,根据后句提到“所以我们需要一步一步耐心地去做”可知,还有很多东西超过了我女儿的知识范畴。far beyong 译为“远远超过”是固定短语。故选A项。

Tips for Great Language Exchanges

● What to ask yourself

The first step is to ask yourself some important questions. The most important question to ask yourself is why you want to learn the language. 1.

● Find the right partner

There are hundreds of partners to choose from in the language you want to learn. 2. When reading profiles, look for some important signs. People who have been on the site and have been active are much more likely to be good partners than those who have been on the site for a week and don't really have their profile filled out and haven't been active. Another thing to keep in mind is that it is better to find at least two exchange partners. 3.

● State your expectations

4. Expressing expectations in advance will give the partnership a higher chance of going well. Avoid being too strict. For example, if you're hoping for Wednesday nights every week, you'll have better luck if you state other times that also could work for you.


Before each meeting, prepare some questions on a topic of your choice. That will give you the chance to look up related words as well as think about your own answers. Preparing topics ahead of time will also help you avoid having nothing to say at your meetings. Otherwise, you'll find that you keep talking about the same things at every meeting, which you want to avoid.

A.Get fully prepared.

B.Avoid having nothing to express.

C.Some of them may give you a hand.

D.So how can you find the right partner?

E.People lead busy lives and one person may not be available every week.

F.Another question to ask yourself is how much free time you really have.

G.Once you find a person who seems like a good fit, be clear about what your expectations are.



    As millions of people move indoors to curb the spread of the coronavirus, the World Health Organization suggested that governments should restrict access to alcohol during lockdowns.

Drinking alcohol can affect peoples' immune systems and make them more vulnerable to the bad health effects of COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus, according to WHO. Alcohol use is also associated with diseases and mental health disorders that can make a person more likely to contract COVID-19.

"At times of lockdown during the COVID-19 pandemic, alcohol consumption can worsen the health vulnerability, risk-taking behaviours, mental health issues and violence," WHO noted in a press release.

The organization encouraged governments to "enforce measures which limit alcohol consumption."

In the US, alcohol sales increased 55% over a one-week span last month, according to market research firm Nielsen.

Excessive drinking can cause alcohol poisoning and increase the risk of violence among intimate partners.

WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus warned earlier this month that stay-at-home orders and self-quarantining will likely lead to more home violence.

"Women in abusive relationships are more likely to be exposed to violence, as are their children, as family members spend more time in close contact, and families cope with additional stress and potential economic or job losses," Tedros said.

The guidance issued last week came from WHO's European regional entity. The area has the highest alcohol intake in the world, and roughly 1 million deaths are caused by alcohol every year there.

"Alcohol is consumed in excessive quantities in the European Region, and leaves too many victims. During the COVID-19 pandemic, we should really ask ourselves what risks we are taking in leaving people under lockdown in their homes with a substance that is harmful both in terms of their health and the effects of their behaviour on others, including violence," Carin Ferreira-Borges, the program manager for the region's alcohol and illicit drugs program, said in a statement.

1.What did WTO encourage the governments to do during the lockdowns?

A.It encouraged the governments to prevent people from going out.

B.It encouraged the governments to tell people to keep social distance.

C.It encouraged the governments to close the schools.

D.It encouraged the governments to limit the sale of alcohol.

2.Which is not the reason why people are not allowed to drink more alcohol?

A.Drinking more alcohol will affect peoples' Immune systems.

B.Drinking more alcohol will cause more violence at home.

C.Drinking more alcohol will cause more traffic accidents.

D.Drinking more alcohol can cause poisoning.

3.In what area did people like drinking most in the world?

A.Asia B.America

C.Europe D.Africa

4.From what Tedros said who is more likely to be affected by violence at home?

A.Young people. B.Old people.

C.Drunken man. D.Women and children.



    If you're looking for a reason to care about tree loss, this summer's record-breaking heat waves might be it. Trees can lower summer daytime temperatures by as much as 10 degrees Fahrenheit(华氏度), according to a recent study. But tree cover in US cities is shrinking. A study published last year by the US Forest Service found that we lost 36 million trees annually from urban and rural communities over a five-year period. If we continue on this path, "cities will become warmer, more polluted and generally more unhealthy for inhabitants," said David Nowak, a senior US Forest Service scientist and co-author of the study. Nowak says there are many reasons our tree cover is declining, including hurricanes, tornadoes, fires, insects and disease. But the one reason for tree loss that humans can control is sensible development.

"We see the tree cover being changed, which means when we look at the photographs, what was there is now replaced with a parking lot or a building," Nowak said. "Every time we put a road down, we put a building and we cut a tree or add a tree, it not only affects that site, it affects the region." The study placed a value on tree loss based on trees' role in air pollution removal and energy conservation.

Nowak says there's a downside to trees too, such as pollen allergies or large falling branches in storms, "and people don't like sweeping leaves." But, he says, there are ways cities and counties can manage trees to help communities thrive. Urban forests especially need our help to replace fallen trees. Unlike rural areas, it is very difficult for trees to repopulate themselves in a city environment with so much pavement and asphalt(沥青). "A lot of our native trees can't actually find a place to drop a seed so they can regenerate," explains Greg Levine, co-executive director for Trees Atlanta. "That's why the community has to go in and actually plant a tree because the areas just aren't natural anymore."

Nowak says the first step is caring for the trees on your own property. "We think we pay for our house, and so we must maintain it. But because we don't pay for nature, we don't need to. And that's not necessarily true."

1.Why does the author mention “trees can lower summer daytime temperatures” ?

A.To tell the temperatures in summer are high.

B.To introduce the topic.

C.To tell trees are helpful.

D.To explain the reason of tree loss.

2.How can humans control tree loss according to Nowak ?

A.Improve climate to let trees grow.

B.Prevent fires form damaging trees.

C.Develop cities in reasonable ways.

D.Decrease insects in citites.

3.Why forests in cities need our help ?

A.Because trees in urban areas can’t regenerate naturally.

B.Because native trees don’t drop seeds any more.

C.Because trees don’t grow in a city environment.

D.Because humans want to plant more trees.

4.What is the purpose of this passage ?

A.Describe the importance of trees in cities.

B.Show the number of trees in the US is declining.

C.Ask people to plant trees with the author.

D.Appeal people to protect trees in their surroundings.



    A 3-year-old boy who was lost in the woods for two days is now safe at home with his family. But Casey Hathaway told his rescuers that he was not alone in the rainy, freezing cold woods. He said he was with a friend–a bear.

The child went missing on January 22 while playing with friends at his grandmother's house in the southern state of North Carolina. When the other children returned to the house and Casey did not, the family searched the area for almost an hour before calling the police.

Police formed a search and rescue team to look for the young boy in the nearby woods. But two days went by and still-no Casey. Two days later, someone called the police saying they heard a child crying in the woods. Police followed up on the information and found Casey at about 9:30 that night. They pulled him out of some wild bush. He was in good health. Casey told the rescuers that he had hung out with a black bear for two days, a bear he called his "friend."

The police officer Chip Hughes spoke with reporters from several news agencies. He said Casey did not say how he was able to survive in the woods for three days in the cold, rainy weather. "However," the police officer said, "he did say he had a friend in the woods that was a bear that was with him." Hundreds of people helped in the search and rescue efforts, including some 600 volunteers, federal police and members of the military. Officer Hughes told reporters that at no point did he think Casey had been kidnapped.

Doctors at Carolina East Medical Center treated Casey for minor injuries. He was then released to his family on January 25. His mother Brittany Hathaway was on cloud nine and talked with reporters from a local news agency and thanked everyone who joined the search for her son. "We just want to tell everybody that we're very thankful that you took the time out to come search for Casey and prayed for him, and he's good," said his mother. "He is good, he is up and talking. He's already asked to watch Netflix. So, he's good."

1.What did Casey's family do on finding he went missing?

A.They rang up the police at once.

B.They got into a panic and at a loss as to what to do.

C.They didn't call up the police until nearly an hour later.

D.They gathered together and discussed what they should do next.

2.How was Casey when he was found?

A.He was almost frozen to death. B.He simply got some slight injuries.

C.He was badly injured by the bear. D.He was all right as he usually was.

3.Who helped a lot in the process of the rescue work according to the text?

A.The reporters. B.Casey's friends.

C.A bear staying with Casey. D.Some person passing by the woods.

4.What does the underlined phrase "on cloud nine" probably mean in the last paragraph?

A.extremely excited B.terribly frightened

C.mentally troubled D.unusually annoyed



    From cheap family rooms to child discounts and personalised kids menus, London's best family hotels have many ways to make it a memorable stay. Browse (浏览) our favourite budget hotels for families in London at hotels.london.com and get ready for your family stay.

Luna&Simone Hotel

Ideally situated a short stroll from Victoria coach, it offers a welcoming bed and breakfast accommodation with a child-friendly focus. This charming family-run hotel offers affordable family rooms just minutes away from Buckingham Palace, St James's Park and the musicals at the Apollo Victoria Theatre.

Nightly rate: £136. 50 per room

Telephone: +44 (0) 20 7834 5897

Travelodge London Docklands

It has everything you need for a good night's sleep, offering great value rooms close to the river Thames, with fast rail connections to the city centre. To accommodate families, there are family rooms, which come equipped with a sofa bed and can sleep up to two adults and two children under 16.

Nightly rate: £29.00 per room

Telephone: 0871 9846192

Generator Hostel London

Generator is part of Europe's fastest growing hostel brand and offers stylish accommodation. The single, twin and family rooms as well as larger dorms (female-only) cater to a range of travellers. A late checkout at 5 p. m. is possible at weekends, so you can make the best of your time in London.

Nightly rate: £33 per room

Telephone: +44 (0) 20 7388 7666

Holiday Inn London Kensington Forum

Book a family-friendly room and enjoy a cheap but comfortable stay in one of London's most fascinating areas, within walking distance of Harrods, the Natural History Museum and the Royal Albert Hall. Children under 18 stay free in a family room, and under-12s also eat for free from a healthy and affordable kids menu.

Nightly rate: £119.00 per room

Telephone: 0870 4009100

1.Which number had you better call if your family visit Buckingham Palace?

A.+44 (0)20 7834 5897. B.0871 9846192.

C.+44 (0)20 7388 7666. D.0870 4009100.

2.What is the unique advantage of Generator Hostel London?

A.The cheap family rooms. B.The easy access to the city centre.

C.The late checkout at weekends. D.The safety measures for female visitors.

3.Where is the text probably from?

A.A hotel poster. B.A travel website.

C.A travel journal. D.A science magazine.



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