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健康一直是人们关注的话题。假如你是李华,最近你校要举行以How to keep ...

健康一直是人们关注的话题。假如你是李华,最近你校要举行以How to keep healthy?为主题的英语演讲比赛,请根据话题内容谈谈你的看法,写一篇100词左右的演讲稿。





How to keep healthy? Dear boys and girls, Good health is essential to everyone, without which one can hardly live a satisfactory life. As students, under the great pressure of studying, we shall attach importance to good health. Here are some of my suggestions. First, we’d better take more exercise such as playing basketball, running or swimming to build up our body. Second, it is advised that we keep a balanced diet. Don’t eat too much meat or sugar. Instead, more vegetables and fruit are a wiser choice. Third, it is of great importance to form good living habits. Please keep in mind that we shouldn’t stay up late because it is extremely harmful to our health. Enough sleep and rest are beneficial to our growth.Last but not least , have a good mood and take a positive attitude towards whatever happens. I hope we all live a healthy and happy life. Take action now ! A little effort every day, and you will make a big difference. Thank you! 【解析】 本篇书面表达属于应用文,要求写一篇演讲稿。 第一步: 审题:演讲稿 人称:第一人称 时态:一般现在时 结构:总分法,分三部分,第一部分说明健康的重要性,第二部分关于如何保持健康谈谈你的看法,第三部分号召大家行动起来。 要点: 1. 说明健康的重要性:没有健康,就不可能过上令人满意的生活 2.关于如何保持健康谈谈你的看法 ①多锻炼,强身健体 ②保持均衡的饮食,多吃蔬菜、水果 ③养成良好的生活习惯,保证充足的睡眠 ④ 保持良好的情绪、积极的生活态度 3.号召大家行动起来:每天努力一点,会有很大的变化 第二步:列提纲(重点词汇、短语) be essential to;live a … life;under the great pressure of;attach importance to;take exercise;build up our body;have a balanced diet;be of great importance;form good living habits;stay up late;be harmful to;be beneficial to;have a good mood;take a positive attitude;make a big difference. 第三步:连词成句 (1)Good health is essential to everyone (2) We shall attach importance to good health. (3) We’d better take more exercise to build up our body. (4) We have a balanced diet. (5) Don’t eat too much meat or sugar. (6) More vegetables and fruit are a wiser choice. (7) It is of great importance to form good living habits. (8) We shouldn’t stay up late. (9) It is extremely harmful to our health. (10) Enough sleep and rest are beneficial to our growth. (11) Have a good mood and take a positive attitude towards whatever happens. (12) I hope we all live a healthy and happy our life. (13 )A little effort every day , and you will make a big difference. 根据提示和关键词进行遣词造句,适当地运用句型,注意时态和主谓一致问题。 第四步:连句成篇(衔接词) 表示时间顺序: first of all, to begin/start with , in the beginning firstly.... secondly .... lastly / finally/in the end 表示并列或补充关系: what is more; besides, moreover, apart from; in addition, as well as;not only…but(also), meanwhile, in the meantime, some...some…others 表示转折对比关系:but, however, although, though, yet, while on one hand…on the other hand ..., 表示因果关系:because, as, therefore, as a result, as a consequence, consequently, thus 连句成文,运用恰当的衔接词进行句子之间的衔接与过渡,使句与句之间逻辑性更强、 段与段之间结构清晰。


After shopping, Mother and I went to a restaurant for lunch. I notice Mother looking at a nearby table occupy by an elderly woman and young couple. They were silent, and it was clearly that things were not going well. As we left, Mother stopped on their table. “Excuse me,” she said, put her arm around the unhappy old woman. “You remind me so many of my mother. May I hug you?” The woman smiled happily as she accepted to it. After we left, I said, “That was very nice of you, Mother. So I didn’t think she looked like Grandma.” “Neither did me.” said Mother cheerfully.



    There I stood with tears in my eyes, I looked at a face which was so _________ that I might mistake it for own. I stared at her in _________. It felt like a dream. I hugged her; she was real.

Adopted at a very young age, I _________ surrounded by people loved as family._________, the faces weren't like mine. They were people that loved me. As I got older, the curiosity to learn more about myself took hold and didn't _________. Who was I? Where did I come from?

At the age of 21, I was given the chance to _________ it out thanks to my adoptive parents' _________. They accompanied me to the adoption agency. Then the staff _________ the process of finding my birth mother. But the process was _________ and I didn't expect there would be many complex procedures. And the agency also had caution to move the procedures to ensure both parties' privacy especially ____________ my birth mother didn't choose to meet me.

Months later the agency told me that my birth mother was found and that she ____________ to meet me. We were excited. My parents said my birth mother made great sacrifice as she gave me away, which __________ them to support the family. Otherwise, it wouldn't have been possible on their own. I was ____________ what my birth mother might be doing and what she might look like. I created a(n) ____________ in my head.

Alter a long process, the moment finally came---we were to ____________. So, there we were, in a room. I found we had much ____________: we shared a sense of humor; we ____________ old pictures, finding both like the "V" gesture. She apologized for any problems with my frizzy(卷曲的), crazy hair and __________ herself. We laughed, when admitting both were in a close relationship with flatirons(熨斗)because of frequently __________ the wildness of our hair.

She said she had made a(n)____________ decision, when watching me leave with only the hope that another family could provide what she couldn't. She said she hesitated for long but knew she was right, I knew she loved me very much.

1.A.familiar B.ugly C.old D.unclear

2.A.sorrow B.anger C.disbelief D.panic

3.A.stood up B.came up C.warmed up D.grew up

4.A.However B.Meanwhile C.Therefore D.Instead

5.A.help B.stop C.increase D.arrive

6.A.figure B.pick C.turn D.sort

7.A.request B.appreciation C.support D.forgiveness

8.A.delayed B.updated C.refused D.explained

9.A.important B.discouraging C.different D.abstract

10.A.now that B.in case C.even though D.only if

11.A.continued B.managed C.agreed D.happened

12.A.convinced B.warned C.demanded D.allowed

13.A.wondering B.consulting C.guaranteeing D.anticipating

14.A.schedule B.dream C.picture D.error

15.A.register B.reunite C.review D.rest

16.A.confidence B.sympathy C.similarity D.expectation

17.A.shared B.lost C.bought D.changed

18.A.taught B.blamed C.dressed D.treated

19.A.enjoying B.creating C.adding D.handling

20.A.necessary B.quick C.impossible D.difficult



    Your children are watching you. 1. According to the Health Program, developing healthy habits is an important part for your children. And when it comes to developing healthy habits, parents influence their children more than anyone else.

2. What happens during those early years can influence children for the rest of their lives. This includes some eating and exercise habits. Children are very careful, even at a young age. Children watch what others do carefully and imitate the behaviors of those closest to them. As parents, you should do the following: 3. If you do that, your children are more likely to be enthusiastic about developing theirs.

Let your children see you taking care of your own physical health by eating fruit and vegetables. Talk to them about healthy habits in appropriate terms and at a proper time. 4.

5. Computers , televisions and other forms of technology are a major part of life in the 21st century. Unfortunately, as the use of technology in the home increases, so does the time spent watching TV or playing on the computer. So as parents, you should also arrange the time for your children wisely.

A.Don’t get rid of technology, but use it wisely.

B.Take part in physical activities and exercise regularly.

C.Be enthusiastic about developing healthy habits of your own.

D.Your actions are speaking to them louder than your words will.

E.Children prefer to imitate their parents rather than listen to them.

F.This can be helpful to teach your children to form good eating habits.

G.It’s easy for the children to form their healthy habits when they are young.



    Ever called a movie theater to find out showtime? Or called a customer service center for help? Chances are you didn't speak to a human being. You probably gave commands to an Automated Speech Recognition (ASR) system. These types of systems are efficient money-saving tools that allow companies to address many customer concerns with minimum human intervention.

The technology for such a system has advanced greatly since its appearance in the 1950s. One significant recent achievement is the launching of virtual personal assistants (VPAs) on mobile phones. The most well-known of these is Apple’s iPhone VPA, Siri. If you tell Siri that you want to schedule lunch with a friend, “she” can set the appointment on your phone in seconds. The VPA can also hold a basic “conversation” with a sense of humor. However, it can only be set off when the human user speaks certain key phrases or words.

While the potential for communication between a human and a machine may seem exciting, this possibility concerns some people. Some experts worry about people’s attachment to these machines and fear that the art of successful human-to-human conversation will be undeveloped in younger generations. They worry that people won’t be able to display the right emotion or tone in conversations because they haven’t been practicing those skills. Others fear that machines will take over functions that were traditionally performed by humans, such as customer service.

Another concern often associated with the development of new technology is the invasion of privacy. When people use certain speech recognition applications, they leave behind an audio track of their speech. When you ask a VPA for directions, your speech is often sent and saved to a remote server for processing. This digital information may lead to data mining, or the collection of large quantities of personal data.

For now, however, the continuing evolution of ASR software is thrilling to behold. Asking for and acquiring information from an automated source has never been easier. Leading companies in the speech recognition world will make human communication with machines as seamless as possible - in other words, just like communicating with another human.

1.What can we say about Apple’s Siri?

A.It’s a helpful VPA. B.It first appeared in the 1950s.

C.It’s the most advanced ASR system. D.It has the same sense of humor as humans.

2.What are Paragraphs 3 and 4 mainly about?

A.The broad definition of ASR. B.Potential problems with ASR.

C.The fast development of ASR. D.Movements against using ASR.

3.What is the author's attitude towards the future of ASR?

A.Worried. B.Doubtful. C.Hopeful. D.Indifferent.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.Talking to Technology B.The Application of Siri

C.The Art of Conversation D.VPAs on Mobile Phones



    When you are sitting in the car, do you ever notice the drivers looking over their shoulders or side to side in the car? Well, they are doing this to check their blind spots! Blind spots take driving extremely difficult and increase the potential for car accidents.

Fourteen-year-old Alaina Gassler from Pennsylvania noticed her mother struggling with blind spots while driving their family car. So she came up with an ingenious solution that won the first place and $25,000 in the Broadcom Masters Competition.

Blind spots are the areas around the car that cannot be directly observed by the driver. There are two kinds of blind spots---on the back of the car that cannot be seen with mirrors, and blind spots at the front of the car as well.

When a driver is changing lanes, he has to look over his shoulder through the side windows to make sure that there is no vehicle in the blind spot. This invisible area is big enough to hide a car!

The other blind spot is created in the front by the A-pillar(柱子)---the material on either side on the windshield(挡风玻璃)that holds the glass and forms the frame of the car. In some cars, this pillar can be quite thick. Usually, people or cyclists can be hidden by this pillar.

Alaina's design was to get rid of the blind spot created by the front A-pillar of the car, the one that helps hold up the windshield.

She put a camera on the outside passenger side of the car which then sent the photos to a projector above the drivers' head. Then, she covered the inside of the pillar in reflective fabric onto which the image was projected. Basically, her device made the pillar "see through" and removed the blind spot on that side of the car.

Alnina's solution is very creative and could be improved by using LCD displays that will make it easier to see during day time as well.

1.What can be learned about blind spots during driving?

A.They call for careful driving. B.They make driving thrilling.

C.They are many in kinds. D.They can't be get rid of.

2.Which of the following can replace the underlined word "ingenious" in paragraph 2?

A.interesting B.creative

C.inspiring D.invisible

3.How did Alaina solve the problem?

A.By improving the A-pillar. B.By using a mirror on the outside of the A-pillar.

C.By relying on LCD displays. D.By using a camera to capture images.

4.What's the best title for the text?

A.An Introduction to Blind Spots B.A Warning About the Road Safety

C.A Teen's Creative Solution to Blind Spots D.Scientific Research on Blind Spots



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