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One day, a poor boy who was trying to pa...

    One day, a poor boy who was trying to pay his way through school by sending newspapers door to door in a town, was so hungry that he decided to beg for a _______ at the next house.

However, he _______ his courage when a lovely young woman opened the door. _______ a meal he asked for a drink of water. She thought he looked _______ so she brought him a large glass of milk. He drank it slowly, and then asked, “_______ do I thank you?”

“You _______,” she replied. “Then I thank you from the bottom of my heart.”_______ these words, Howard Kelly left that house.

_______ later the woman became badly ill and was _______ sent to a hospital in a big city. Dr. Howard Kelly, now famous, was __________ in. When he heard the name of the __________ where she came from, a strange light filled his eyes. Dressed in his doctor’s clothes, Kelly went into her room and__________ her at once. From that day on, he gave __________ attention to her, and __________ to do his best to save her life.

At last the woman was saved. Dr. Kelly asked the office to pass the final bill to him. He looked at it and then __________ something on the side. The bill was sent to her room. She was__________ to open it because she was sure that it would take the __________ of her life to pay for it off. Finally she looked, and the __________ on the side of the bill __________ her attention. She read these words:

“Paid in full with a glass of __________, Dr. Howard Kelly.”

Tears of joy filled her eyes.

1.A.rest B.stay C.night D.meal

2.A.gave B.increased C.had D.lost

3.A.Instead of B.Away from C.Out of D.Inside of

4.A.lovely B.hungry C.thirsty D.poor

5.A.When B.Why C.How D.Where

6.A.needn’t B.mustn’t C.can’t D.shouldn’t

7.A.With B.About C.For D.From

8.A.Months B.Days C.Years D.Weeks

9.A.never B.finally C.slowly D.always

10.A.forced B.shown C.carried D.called

11.A.house B.room C.city D.town

12.A.forgot B.recognized C.knew D.saw

13.A.special B.no C.little D.such

14.A.refused B.agreed C.decided D.stopped

15.A.wrote B.took C.found D.realized

16.A.happy B.afraid C.moved D.excited

17.A.start B.end C.whole D.rest

18.A.picture B.message C.note D.money

19.A.paid B.caught C.had D.kept

20.A.water B.juice C.milk D.coffee


1.D 2.D 3.A 4.B 5.C 6.A 7.A 8.C 9.B 10.D 11.D 12.B 13.A 14.C 15.A 16.B 17.D 18.C 19.B 20.C 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了一位善良的女士曾经救助过一名小男孩,结果在自己生病后,这个小男孩又救了她一命。通过这个故事,向我们诠释了一个善有善报的道理。 1. 考查动词词义辨析。句意: 一天,一个贫穷的男孩,试图通过在一个城镇里挨家挨户地送报纸来支付他的学费,他非常饥饿,他决定到隔壁的房子去讨顿饭吃。A. rest休息;B. stay逗留;C. night夜晚;D. meal饭。根据该空前的He was hungry可知,小男孩决定讨饭吃。故选D。 2. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:然而,当一个可爱的年轻女子打开了门,他失去了勇气。A. gave给予;B. increased增加;C. had有,使;D. lost失去。由上下文的语境可知,就在一个女士打开门的一瞬间,他失去了讨饭的勇气。故选D。 3. 考查介词短语辨析。句意:他没有要一顿饭,而是要了一杯水。A. Instead of代替;B. Away from远离;C. Out of自……离开;D. Inside of在……之内。根据下文he asked for a drink of water可知,他没有要一餐饭。故选A。 4. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:她认为他看起来是饿了,所以就给了他一杯奶 A. lovely可爱的;B. hungry饥饿的;C. thirsty口渴的;D. poor贫穷的。根据该空后的的she brought him a large glass of milk可知,这位女士认为他看起来是饿了,所以就给了他一杯奶,虽然他讨要的是一杯水。故选B。 5. 考查连接词词义辨析。句意:他慢慢喝下牛奶,然后问“我怎么感谢你?”A. When当……时候;B. Why为什么;C. How如何,怎么;D. Where在哪里,……的地方。根据下文Then I thank you from the bottom of my heart.可知,饥肠辘辘的小男孩得到好心人的救助,询问如何感谢这位好心的女士。故选C。 6. 考查情态动词辨析。句意:她回答道:“你不必感谢我”。A. needn’t不必,没必要;B. mustn’t禁止;C. can’t不可能;D. shouldn’t不应该。根据下文Then I thank you from the bottom of my heart.可推断,女士说不必感谢她。故选A。 7. 考查介词词义辨析。句意:说着这些话霍华德.凯利离开了这户人家。A. With随着;B. About大约;C. For为了;D. From从。此处表示伴随,说着这些话,男孩离开了。故选A 。 8. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:数年以后,这位女士得了重病,最终被送进一个大城市的医院。A. Months月;B. Days天;C. Years年;D. Weeks星期。根据下文Dr. Howard Kelly, now famous可推断,是数年以后的事情。故选C。 9. 考查副词词义辨析。句意同上。A. never绝不;B. finally最终;C. slowly慢慢地;D. always总是。根据上文the woman became badly ill可推断,最终女士被送到大城市的医院救治。故选B。 10. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:霍华德医生,现在很有名气,被请来。A. forced迫使;B. shown表明;C. carried携带;D. called打电,话。后文可知女士得了罕见的病,女士被送到医院,著名的霍华德医生被召来进行咨询。call in“找来,请来”。故选D。 11. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:当他听到她所来自的镇名时,眼里充满了异样的目光。A. house房子;B. room房间;C. city城市;D. town城镇。根据上文a poor boy who was trying to pay his way through school by sending newspapers door to door in a town可知,当他听到她所来自的镇名时,眼里充满了异样的目光,这是多年来自己一直非常感激的人所在的镇。故选D。 12. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:凯利穿着医生的衣服,走进她的房间,立刻认出了她。A. forgot忘记;B. recognized辨认出;C. knew知道;D. saw看见。救助过自己的恩人自然一眼就能认出。故选B。 13. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:从那天起,他对她特别关注,决定竭尽全力挽救她的生命。A. special特别的;B. no没有;C. little几乎没有;D. such如此的。根据下文to do his best to save her life.可知,知恩图报,决定尽全力救她的命,既然决定尽最大努力救治病人,当然会对病人给予特殊关心,同时也是表达对那个女人的感激之情。故选A。 14. 考查动词词义辨析。句意同上。A. refused拒绝;B. agreed同意;C. decided决定;D. stopped停止。根据上文可知,他认出这是曾经帮助过自己的人,因此决定给予特别关注,决定尽全力挽救她的生命。故选C。 15. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:他看了看它,然后在边上写了些东西。A. wrote写;B. took拿;取;C. found发现;D. realized意识到。根据下文the ___18___ on the side of the bill ___19___ her attention. She read these words:可知,霍华德在账单上写了些字。故选A。 16. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:她担心的打开它,因为她确定将需要她用余生支付。A. happy快乐的;B. afraid害怕的;担心的;C. moved感动的;D. excited兴奋的。根据下文because she was sure that it would take the ___17___ of her life to pay for it off.可推断,女士担心账单上是自己需要用余生支付的治疗费。故选B。 17. 考查名词词义辨析。句意同上。A. start开始;B. end结尾;C. whole整体;D. rest剩余。根据上文She was afraid to open it可知,她肯定要花费后余生来付款,故选D。 18. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:最终,她看了,账单旁边的便条引起了她的注意。A. picture图画;B. message信息;C. note便筏,便条;D. money钱。根据上文可知,霍华德医生在账单上写了东西,用note符合题意。故选C。 19. 考查动词词义辨析。句意同上。A. paid付款;B. caught抓住;C. had有;D. kept保持,维持。根据语境可知,账单旁边的便条吸引她的注意。catch one’s attention“吸引某人的注意力”。故选B。 20. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:一杯牛奶全额付费,霍华德-凯利医生。A. water水;B. juice果汁;C. milk牛奶;D. coffee咖啡。根据上文内容可知,此处是指霍华德医生感激女士当年在他饥肠辘辘时给他的一杯牛奶。故选C。

    1. Whether you are coming from a middle school (grades six through eight) or a junior high school(grades seven through nine), there are many things about high school that are different from your old school environment. You will experience many changes.

You will face being in a new school and making new friends in an unfamiliar class. 2. These new teachers will usually have higher academic (学术的) level than your middle and junior-high school teachers. They want to help you get into college. 3. On top of all this, peer pressure (同伴压力) to drink and smoke often increases in high school. Besides, the pressure could also come from grades, loneliness and so on.

Although there is a lot of pressure, it is nothing you cannot deal with. If you are feeling pressure to do something that you feel is wrong, talk to a friend, parent or teacher to find a solution(解决) . 4. If you are not succeeding academically, find someone to help you. If you feel lonely, try to join a school club or group to make new friends.

High school may seem discouraging at first. 5.

A.As a teenager you must study hard in school.

B.You must get to know about your new teachers.

C.High school is a great experience for any teenager.

D.They’ll help you get into great new time in your life.

E.With time, you’ll come to be thankful for your experience.

F.Is it just doing what your teacher and parents want you to do?

G.In return, they expect you to work hard and develop your skills.



    A pen has always been an important tool when we are taking exams. However, in the digital age, this traditional tool may become a thing of the past. Cambridge University in Britain is considering ending 800 years of written exams and allowing students to use laptops or iPads to take exams instead. The move comes after Cambridge teachers complained (抱怨) that students' handwriting is becoming too hard to recognize. The fall in writing clearly depends on laptops in lessons and elsewhere.

As a result, more and more students with poor handwriting are being forced to return to university during the summer holidays to read their answers aloud to their teachers. However, some criticized (批评) the move, fearing the handwritten word would become a lost art.

Tracey Trussell, a handwriting expert, asked Cambridge to ''make sure that students continue to write by hand, particularly in lessons''. She told The Telegraph that writing by hand could help students improve their memory and understand lessons better.

The move also draws the attention of Harvard professor Eric Mazur. He believes that the rise of mobile internet use means that we live in an age in which we don't need to remember anything.

So he encourages students to bring their laptops and mobile phones into exams. With them, students can ''look up whatever they want, whenever they want'' and be tested on their productive skills, rather than the ability of memory.

1.Why is Cambridge University considering ending written exams?

A.Because students' handwriting is too poor.

B.Because we are already in the digital age.

C.Because traditional tools are out of date.

D.Because writing on laptops is faster.

2.What does the underlined part in the 2nd paragraph refer to?

A.Bringing mobile phones into exams.

B.Students' returning to university.

C.The rise of mobile internet use.

D.The end of written exams.

3.What is Tracey Trussells' attitude to students' writing by hand?

A.Unfavorable. B.Uncaring.

C.Supportive. D.Doubtful.

4.Which is true according to Professor Eric Mazur?

A.Mobile internet use is bad.

B.Students should write by hand.

C.The ability of memory is important.

D.Students can use mobile phones in exams.



    Before the discovery of DNA information in the 1980s, fingerprints(指纹)were the easiest way to solve serious crimes. It’s believed that each one of us has our own fingerprints. But did you know that our fingerprints could show a lot about us?

According to The Conversation, fingerprints can show lifestyle and environment, eating habits, possible medical problems and even the job of a person.

So how can we work all this out from just a simple fingerprint? Well, a fingerprint is formed when a finger touches a surface. Most fingerprints can’t be seen to the eye and require a chemical development process in order to make them shown. Stuck between the raised lines of a fingerprint, however, are things that can tell a story about who we are. Things like sweat, blood, and food show a lot of information about us.

Besides, its use could be much wider. For example, it may be helpful in the future to doctors treating their patients. A fingerprint check may also tell a doctor whether a patient is properly having a medicine. In the treatment of some of the most serious illnesses, having proper medicine is important.

In the future, fingerprint science can be used to the police and help doctors keep us in the best possible health.

1.Fingerprints may not show one’s ________.

A.lifestyle B.beauty

C.eating habits D.medical problems

2.What can make the fingerprints tell a story?

A.Things stuck between raised lines.

B.The chemical development.

C.A finger touching a surface.

D.The eyes of scientists.

3.In the future, the doctor may know patients through ________.

A.a drug test B.a fingerprint check

C.a blood test D.a health check

4.What is the main idea of the text?

A.Fingerprints are helpful to the police.

B.Fingerprints keep us in the best possible health.

C.Fingerprints can tell much information about us.

D.Fingerprints can be used in treatment in the future.



    More than 1,800 teen researchers came to the Valley of the Sun this week (May 12-17). Those who shone brightest took home big prizes. The prizes are from the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF). Top winner Krithik Ramesh took home $75,000. He developed a system to help doctors do spinal surgery (脊椎外科手术) better. Using the technology, doctors can finish the surgery more quickly.

Krithik’s system can map a patient’s spine. It can give doctors advice about how to carry out spinal surgery. It can be used not only in cities, but also in the countryside. The new system could take the place of the methods being used by today’s doctors, says Krithik,16, who attends Cherry Creek High School in Greenwood Village, Colo, USA. Krithik’s project won the Gordon E. Moore Award. It’s named for a founder of Intel. Other winners took home sizeable awards as well, this year. Together, these awards totaled about $5 million.

The Intel ISEF has been honoring (表扬) young researchers since 1950. This competition was created and is still run by Society for Science & the Public(SSP). It is the world’s largest international pre-college science competition. Now supported by Intel, the 2019 ISEF brought together students from more than 80 countries and areas.

“I am inspired by all of the creativity on show this week,” said SSP President Maya Ajmera. “Congratulations to our winners and all our finalists. They are, showing that world-changing ideas can come from anywhere in the world.”.

1.Krithik Ramesh won the prize for his ________.

A.computer skills

B.wonderful results

C.advice about surgery

D.system to help doctors

2.What does the underlined word “Award” in Paragraph 2 mean?

A.Intel. B.Competition.

C.Prize. D.System

3.Who is the competition intended for?

A.Teenagers. B.Scientists.

C.Engineers. D.Doctors.

4.What is the author’s purpose in writing the article?

A.To praise the Intel ISEF.

B.To admire the young winners.

C.To encourage the competition.

D.To introduce a new technology.



    You might really like Hong Kong Science Museum if you are interested in science. The Museum wants to teach kids science. It gives them a place to have fun with computers. However, adults can learn some science, too.

The Museum has 6,500 square meters. There are over 500 exhibits, and nearly 70 percent of them are suitable for visitors of all ages. Since its opening in April 1991, the Hong Kong Science Museum has proven itself to be a good place for learning science. The Museum wants to make science popular to the public and support science education in schools.

If you want to have a visit, you’d better read the information carefully.

Opening hours

Monday to Wednesday, Friday: 10 am-7 pm.

Saturday, Sunday and public holidays: 10 am-9 pm.

Christmas Eve and Chinese New Year’s Eve: 10 am- 5 pm.

Closed on Thursdays, and the first two days of the Chinese New Year.

Ticketing information

Standard Ticket: $20 per person

Group Ticket: $14 per person (for groups of 20 people or more)

1.The aim of the Museum is to         .

A.hold 500 exhibits

B.attract more visitors

C.prove itself a good place

D.support science education

2.When can you visit the Museum?

A.At 2 pm on Sunday.

B.At 9 am on Monday.

C.At 10 am on Thursday.

D.At 6 pm on Christmas Eve.

3.How much does a group of 22 kids need to pay?

A.$440. B.$328.

C.$308. D.$220.



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