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My grandma was the best grandma a girl c...

    My grandma was the best grandma a girl could have. She never said a bad word about anyone. She always found good in a person.

When I was young, Grandma worked hard all spring and summer to buy a new coat for the winter. She sold eggs, fruit and anything her garden produced to earn enough money. Her old coat had seen better days, and she had repaired it quite a few times. When she finally had enough money saved up, off to town we went. Grandma looked so nice in her new coat, and I was proud of the hard work she did to earn it.

That winter, in the small town where she lived, a family with three small girls lost their house in a fire. They needed clothes, food and household items. Grandma decided to cut up her new coat and make three coats for the little girls. I asked her not to do it, but she kissed away my tears. She told me those girls needed coats much more than she did. Grandma made the dolls, coats, and apron on her old sewing machine.

When they were done, we loaded up the small red truck with the coats, an apron for the mother, blankets, food, and three little dolls. When the family saw what was in the truck, the mother started crying and the girls hugged the dolls.

On Sunday, Grandma wore her old coat to church and she was the nicest grandma there.

1.What did Grandma do to get herself a new coat?

A.She made a new one for herself. B.She was rich enough to buy one.

C.She sold something and saved money. D.She changed her old coat for a new one.

2.Grandma cut up her new coat to ________.

A.make some dolls B.offer help to a family

C.buy a new sewing machine D.make a coat for her granddaughter

3.On receiving the gifts, the family felt ________.

A.sad but excited B.moved and happy

C.thankful but nervous D.embarrassed and surprised

4.Which of the following is the best title for the passage ?

A.A Brave Act B.My Great Grandma

C.Grandma’s New Coat D.A Disaster to a Family


1.C 2.B 3.B 4.B 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章主要记叙了作者的奶奶是个很好的人,她辛苦攒钱给自己买了一件新外套,然而为了帮助一户在大火中失去房子的家庭,奶奶把自己的新外套裁剪好,给三个女孩做了三件外套,还给他们送去了很多东西,这家人既感动又开心。作者觉得奶奶是世界上最好的奶奶。 1. 细节理解题。根据第二段中When I was young, Grandma worked hard all spring and summer to buy a new coat for the winter. She sold eggs, fruit and anything her garden produced to earn enough money.可知当我还小的时候,奶奶为了买一件冬天穿的新外套,在春天和夏天辛苦地工作。她靠卖鸡蛋、水果和菜园里的任何东西来赚足够的钱。由此可知,奶奶通过卖掉了一些东西,攒了钱给自己买了一件新外套。故选C。 2. 细节理解题。根据第三段中That winter, in the small town where she lived, a family with three small girls lost their house in a fire. They needed clothes, food and household items. Grandma decided to cut up her new coat and make three coats for the little girls.可知那年冬天,在她居住的小镇上,一户有三个小女孩的家庭在一场大火中失去了他们的房子。他们需要衣服、食物和家庭用品。奶奶决定把她的新外套裁剪好,给小女孩们做三件外套。由此可知,奶奶把她的新外套裁剪好,是为了向一家人提供帮助。故选B。 3. 推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中When the family saw what was in the truck, the mother started crying and the girls hugged the dolls.可知当这家人看到卡车里装的东西时,那位母亲开始哭了起来,女孩们则拥抱着这些娃娃。由此可推知,收到礼物时,全家人都很感动和高兴。故选B。 4. 主旨大意题。根据第一段My grandma was the best grandma a girl could have. She never said a bad word about anyone. She always found good in a person.可知我的奶奶是一个女孩能拥有的最好的奶奶。她从来没有说过任何人的坏话。她总能发现一个人的优点。结合文章主要记叙了作者的奶奶是个很好的人,她辛苦攒钱给自己买了一件新外套,然而为了帮助一户在大火中失去房子的家庭,奶奶把自己的新外套裁剪好,给三个女孩做了三件外套,还给他们送去了很多东西,这家人既感动又开心。作者觉得奶奶是世界上最好的奶奶。由此可知,B选项“我的好奶奶”最符合文章标题。故选B。

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1.When you make comments on the site, you should ________.

A.use Chinese B.write down your own name

C.write in the children’s section D.respect other people’s views

2.The purpose of LearnEnglish Kids is to ________.

A.create a safe environment B.make sure the safety of a kids account

C.help kids learn English through the website D.make sure the safety of kids’ personal information

3.The passage is probably taken from ________.

A.the Internet B.a newspaper C.a magazine D.a story book




A zoo keeper had been working at a zoo for 15 years and never experienced any problems. He always worked the evening shifts (夜班) because he was trusted to properly lock up the zoo. On a warm summer night in late June, the zoo keeper turned off the lights and wished all of his animals a good night. He left the zoo and walked to his car in the parking lot. As he reached in his pocket, he realized that his keys had been left in the office. He quickly walked back to the zoo.

When he arrived at the door, to his surprise, it was unlocked. In fear of triggering (触发) the alarm that he had just set, he did not turn on the lights. He turned on the flashlight on his phone and began to make his way to the office. When he walked by the panther's () cages, he saw the young cubs playing together. He liked the zoo better at this hour because at night was when the animals come to life.

At last, he made it back to the office. Unfortunately this time the office door was locked and he knew that if he were to break the window, he would set off the alarm. Knowing there was no way inside, he decided it would be best to spend the night inside the zoo. The zoo keeper walked towards the bird cages because he knew he could sleep comfortably on the benches near the cages.

A few hours later, the zoo keeper heard a door slam (砰的一声) that woke him up.

“Quiet!" a voice whispered.

“What? There's no one here, another voice said. "The old man left hours ago”

"Alright, let's just grab the animals and get out of here.”

The zoo keeper didn't know what to do. He began to weigh his options: he could trigger the alarm but that would raise questions as to why he was inside, or he could face the thieves but that could potentially put him in danger. Then he turned the corner but made sure not to be seen so that he could see who had entered the zoo.














    The squirrel, Bella, had a rough start to life. At the age of four weeks old, an owl (猫头鹰) had _________and badly wounded her.

Bella stood no _________ of surviving her wounds in the wild. _________ , Ruby Harrison took her home. Ruby not only gave Bella a home, but a  _______  with three other adopted squirrels. They grew strong, but Ruby didn't domesticate (驯养) any of the squirrels. "They are part of the _______ rather than a pet," she said.

It was time to say goodbye in April 2009. Ruby saw them _________ into the trees and never expected to see them often. Then, initially, the other three came back for a ___________once and stopped coming by, but Bella was _________ . She seemed to have a strong _________ with the Harrisons that kept her visiting almost daily.

In the past ten years since her release, it's not just Ruby herself who gets Bella's __________. "Bella sits right at the front door to look in for someone's __________." Ruby described, "My husband rushes out of the door to be ________and happily runs back inside to the big bowl of nuts for her.”

More amazingly, this spring came with a(n) __________. Bella came round again with her ________family, with her three babies__________someone to notice.

1.A.approached B.attacked C.followed D.advanced

2.A.risk B.test C.chance D.use

3.A.Suddenly B.Clearly C.Strangely D.Luckily

4.A.family B.series C.hospital D.location

5.A.park B.wild C.yard D.earth

6.A.look B.break C.escape D.disappear

7.A.treat B.pity C.praise D.rest

8.A.normal B.traditional C.different D.extraordinary

9.A.taste B.connection C.touch D.smell

10.A.sight B.reach C.company D.observation

11.A.attention B.permission C.respect D.interest

12.A.found B.greeted C.passed D.lifted

13.A.surprise B.event C.group D.story

14.A.amusing B.invited C.interesting D.extended

15.A.afraid of B.forcing C.waiting for D.applying for



    In springtime, many Americans take on a major project: cleaning their homes from top to bottom. We often call this kind of work "spring cleaning." Part of spring cleaning often involves clearing out clutter (杂物). We do away with things we no longer need.

If we are to believe the many stories on Marie Kondo, the Queen of Clean, clutter adds unnecessary stress to our lives. Clutter is holding us back from our dreams and goals. 1.

An expert on the subject, Sabine Kastner of Princeton University, has been studying how the brain processes clutter for 20 years. The media, Kastner says, often writes about clutter in a very simple, black-and-white way: Clutter affects the mind and we need to clear it out. But it is much more complex than that. For starters, our brains are designed to deal with clutter. Very early in the development of our eyesight, we begin to group objects that we see. 2.

According to Kastner, there is not a one-size-fits-all solution. 3. In fact, some people need to see their work. If something is carefully put away, to them it does not exist anymore. Out of sight, out of mind. For other people, objects can stimulate their creativity and give them ideas.

4. Kastner notes that some people may get distracted by having lots of things around them. These people may need more organization and less clutter to work well.

5.Whether the area is cluttered or clear-they work the same. And for others it may depend on the project. For administrative work, they might need a clear workspace. But for more creative projects, they may need many things around them. It is complex.

A.But is it true?

B.What is working and what is not?

C.Some people do not care either way.

D.This helps us to structure our environment.

E.People need to be able to design their workplaces.

F.The idea that an uncluttered workplace is better, is not universally true.

G.However, other people are unable to work in a cluttered environment.



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