满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

About six years ago, I was sitting on a ...

    About six years ago, I was sitting on a plane next to a woman. I was _______ and wanted to take a rest, but she tapped (轻拍) me on the shoulder to _______ herself.

“Hi, my name is Helga.”

As we _______, it came up that I had started an organization called Acts of Kindness. As I described what we did, Helga got very _______ and said to me, “There is nothing more important in the world than _______.” She began telling me a _______ about the last time she had _______.

It was three years ago and she was  _______ back to her hometown because her father had become very _______. Just as the plane was about to ________, her father’s doctor ________ to tell her that her father had ________ passed away. For the three-hour plane ride, she sat in shocked silence. When she arrived at the airport, She sat down on a sofa and ________. For two hours thousands of people just walked by.

“Not a single person ________ and asked if I was OK that day. On that day I ________ kindness isn’t normal.”

Her story has ________ me for all these years. We spend so much time worrying about our own problems that we ________ and take no notice of other people in need of kindness. So, I’ve made it my ________ to do my part in making kindness “normal”.

Now, I travel to schools to give ________ about our need for kindness. And when I give my talks, I always have my ________ with Helga in the back of my mind.

1.A.excited B.energetic C.tired D.sad

2.A.enjoy B.introduce C.praise D.describe

3.A.rested B.talked C.watched D.read

4.A.serious B.amused C.nervous D.worried

5.A.safety B.trust C.health D.kindness

6.A.joke B.story C.promise D.plan

7.A.cycled B.driven C.flown D.made

8.A.heading B.looking C.running D.riding

9.A.old B.lonely C.poor D.ill

10.A.return B.disappear C.land D.leave

11.A.wrote B.forgot C.called D.expected

12.A.suddenly B.slowly C.secretly D.finally

13.A.shouted B.slept C.cried D.waited

14.A.stopped B.moved C.continued D.escaped

15.A.accepted B.realized C.admitted D.remembered

16.A.cheated B.discouraged C.attracted D.impressed

17.A.walk by B.believe in C.look after D.depend on

18.A.memory B.topic C.duty D.reason

19.A.choices B.speeches C.plans D.decisions

20.A.interview B.trouble C.dream D.conversation


1.C 2.B 3.B 4.A 5.D 6.B 7.C 8.A 9.D 10.D 11.C 12.A 13.C 14.A 15.B 16.D 17.A 18.C 19.B 20.D 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。主要记叙了作者在飞机上和一位名为Helga的女士交谈,得知了她三年前正准备坐飞机回家时,医生打来电话告诉她父亲突然去世的消失,Helga到达机场坐在沙发上哭泣,两个小时没有一个人停下来询问她的情况,这让Helga意识到善良并不是常态。她的故事给作者留下了深刻印象,作者也意识到要尽自己的一份力量让善良成为“常态”。 1. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我累了,想休息一下,但她拍了拍我的肩膀介绍自己。A. excited激动的;B. energetic精力充沛的;C. tired疲惫的;D. sad悲伤的。根据下文and wanted to take a nap(打盹儿)可知,作者感到非常疲惫,想要打盹儿,故选C。 2. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我累了,想休息一下,但她拍了拍我的肩膀介绍自己。A. enjoy欣赏;B. introduce介绍;C. praise赞美;D. describe描述。结合后文“Hi, my name is Helga.”可知这位女士开始自我介绍起来。故选B。 3. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:就在我们交谈的时候,我突然想起我成立了一个组织,名叫“善举”。A. rested休息;B. talked谈话;C. watched看;D. read阅读。结合后文Helga告诉作者自己的故事,可知Helga和作者开始在飞机上交谈起来。故选B。 4. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当我描述我们所做的事情时,Helga非常严肃地对我说:“世界上没有什么比善良更重要。”A. serious严肃的;B. amused愉快的;C. nervous紧张的;D. worried担心的。结合后文Helga的亲身经历可知,Helga没有被人给予善良,所以她对善良这件事非常严肃。因此此处指Helga非常严肃地对作者说:“世界上没有什么比善良更重要。”故选A。 5. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:当我描述我们所做的事情时,Helga非常严肃地对我说:“世界上没有什么比善良更重要。”A. safety安全;B. trust信任;C. health健康;D. kindness善良。根据后文kindness isn’t normal.可知Helga后文的故事是关于善良的,故此处指的是“世界上没有什么比善良(kindness)更重要”。故选D。 6. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:她开始给我讲她上次坐飞机的故事。A. joke玩笑;B. story故事;C. promise承诺;D. plan计划。根据倒数第二段中Her story可知Helga讲的是她自己坐飞机的故事。故选B。 7. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:她开始给我讲她上次坐飞机的故事。A. cycled循环;B. driven驾驶;C. flown飞行;D. made制作。根据后文Just as the plane was about to以及When she arrived at the airport可知Helga故事发生在坐飞机期间。故选C。 8. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:那是三年前的事了,她正准备回老家,因为她父亲病得很重。A. heading前进;B. looking看;C. running奔跑;D. riding骑车。结合后文back to her hometown because her father可知Helga因为父亲病重准备回家。head back to“返回”。故选A。 9. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:那是三年前的事了,她正准备回老家,因为她父亲病得很重。A. old老的;B. lonely寂寞的;C. poor贫穷的;D. ill生病的。结合后文her father’s doctor可知Helga回家是因为父亲病得很重了。故选D。 10. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:就在飞机即将离开时,她父亲的医生打电话告诉她,她父亲突然去世了。A. return返回;B. disappear消失;C. land着陆;D. leave离开。结合后文When she arrived at the airport可推知Helga接到电话是在飞机即将离开的时候。故选D。 11. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:就在飞机即将离开时,她父亲的医生打电话告诉她,她父亲突然去世了。A. wrote写;B. forgot忘记;C. called打电话;D. expected期待。Helga当时在机场,还没有回到家,因此医生应当是打电话通知Helga她父亲去世的消息的。故选C。 12. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:就在飞机即将离开时,她父亲的医生打电话告诉她,她父亲突然去世了。A. suddenly突然;B. slowly缓慢地;C. secretly秘密地;D. finally终于。上文提到Helga的父亲病得很重,结果就在Helga坐飞机准备回去的时候,父亲突然(suddenly)去世了。故选A。 13. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:当她到达机场时,她坐在一个沙发上哭了。A. shouted呼喊;B. slept睡觉;C. cried哭泣;D. waited等待。Helga的父亲突然去世,Helga到达机场坐在沙发上哭泣。故选C。 14. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:那天没有一个人停下来问我是否还好。A. stopped停止;B. moved移动;C. continued继续;D. escaped逃走。根据上文For two hours thousands of people just walked by.可知没有人停下文Helga是不是还好。故选A。 15. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:那天,我意识到善良不是常态。A. accepted接受;B. realized意识到;C. admitted承认;D. remembered记得。Helga在机场哭泣,那么多人从她旁边走过,没有一个人询问她的情况,所以她意识到善良并不是常态。故选B。 16. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:这些年来,她的故事给我留下了深刻的印象。A. cheated欺骗;B. discouraged使……灰心;C. attracted吸引;D. impressed使印象深刻。结合后文me for all these years可知Helga的故事让作者印象深刻,铭记多年。故选D。 17. 考查动词短语辨析。句意:我们花了太多的时间担心自己的问题,以至于我们从那些需要帮助的人旁边走过,却没有注意到他们。A. walk by走过;B. believe in相信;C. look after照顾;D. depend on取决于。承接上文中For two hours thousands of people just walked by.可知此处指的是从那些需要帮助的人旁边走过,却没有注意到他们。故选A。 18. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:所以,我以尽自己的责任,让善良成为“常态”。A. memory记忆;B. topic主题;C. duty义务;D. reason理由。根据第二段中I had started an organization called Acts of Kindness.可知作者成立“善举”组织就是为了尽自己的责任,让善良成为“常态”。故选C。 19. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:现在,我到学校去演讲关于我们对善良的需要。A. choices选择;B. speeches演讲;C. plans计划;D. decisions决定。根据后文And when I give my talks可知作者是去学校发表演讲。give speeches“发表演讲”。故选B。 20. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:当我做演讲的时候,我的脑海中总会浮现出我和Helga的对话。A. interview采访;B. trouble麻烦;C. dream梦想;D. conversation对话。结合上文内容可知作者和Helga在飞机上进行了谈话,Helga讲了她自己的故事,所以如今当作者做演讲的时候,脑海中总会浮现出和Helga的对话。故选D。

Why I love volunteering?

Over the last few years, I have discovered that one of my favourite things to do in my free time is to volunteer. I have volunteered for different organizations and carried out different roles. These have included simple, everyday activities as well as some more professional roles. 1. Here are my top four reasons why I think volunteering is so meaningful.

● It’s an opportunity to get experience and skills.

By volunteering, you are carrying out a job — even though you’re not being paid — so you can get valuable experience and skills which are likely to be useful in the future. 2.

● You can meet new people.

3. They are likely to be very interesting and inspiring people and might just turn out to be great friends too.

● It’s a way to get confidence.

Many people who do voluntary work say that it has helped them to feel more confident in all sorts of ways. 4. My volunteering experience has helped me to get confidence in talking to strangers and even in front of a crowd!


Doing an activity that you wouldn’t normally do, with like-minded people, should mean that you have a really fun time. You will also feel good knowing that you are doing something for a good cause.

A.You can have lots of fun!

B.I have always been quite a shy person.

C.If you like, you can start with something small.

D.Look for volunteering opportunities in your local town or city.

E.However, no matter what kind of volunteering, I have always loved it.

F.One of the best things about volunteering is meeting the other volunteers!

G.For example, volunteering roles will help you get working or social experience.



    The microplastics(微型塑料) problem in the oceans has made its way to sea turtles in a big way. A new study has found microplastics in the stomach of every single turtle they tested—a total of 102 sea turtles.

The researchers tested more than 100 sea turtles from all seven kinds and three different oceans, and they were looking for man-made things less than 5 mm long. The most things the team found were fibers, which most likely came from clothing and fishing equipment.

“The influence of these particles on turtles is unknown,” said Emily Duncan. “Their small size means they can pass through the stomach without causing a problem, as is frequently reported with larger plastic pieces.”

The researchers found more than 800 man-made particles in the turtles, but since they only tested part of the stomach, they believe the total number of particles could be 20 times higher. They don’t know how the turtles take in the particles, but they think they are from polluted seawater and polluted plants.

Professor Brendan Godley said that eating microplastics isn’t the biggest problem to sea turtles at the moment, but it is a clear sign that we need to do a better job watching global waste.

This turtle study shows that we need to reduce the amount of plastic waste, so we can keep clean and healthy oceans for future people.

1.The underlined part in paragraph 1 probably means “________”.

A.has gone into B.has made great effect on

C.has been walking to D.has tried to escape from

2.How did the researchers find out the microplastics problem

A.By giving examples. B.By comparing sea life.

C.By studying different sea animals. D.By testing turtles from different seas.

3.What can be inferred from Emily?

A.Larger plastic pieces cause trouble to sea turtles

B.Eating microplastics is the biggest danger to sea turtles

C.Scientists know clearly how sea turtles eat plastic pieces

D.The number of particles inside sea turtles is much higher

4.The purpose of the text is to call on people to ________.

A.stop killing sea animals B.find out more plastic waste

C.control pollution to oceans D.carry out further researches



    Named after Camp Creek Road, its place of origin, the fire started on November 8, 2018 and killed at least 71 people. More than 1,000 people are reported to be missing, although officials say that number could increase.

The fire has been heavily sweeping the Sierra Nevada forest since last Friday, according to the California firefighting office, Calfire. 1,500 firefighters were sent to the affected area, but difficult conditions have prevented their activities and access to the area.

The fire has had huge fuel(燃料) as a result of wood from dead trees—27 million died last year after years of dry weather — plus leaves and grass dried by heat.

Evacuations(疏散) were ordered in several camps and in other areas. Calfire asked people to get ready to escape, considering high temperatures for the next few days.

The fire forced the shutdown of a highway and one of the entrances to Yosemite National Park. Meanwhile, scores of people have become sick and the air in northern California has been listed the world’s worst.

Heavy rain is coming next week that could reduce the flames but also bring floods on hillsides.

According to experts, the main causes of the wildfires are the weather, climate change and population change.

1.Where did the fire happen at the beginning?


B.Sierra Nevada

C.Camp Creek Road

D.Yosemite National Park

2.What made the fire continue?

A.Climate change.

B.Firefighters’ action.

C.People’s evacuation.

D.Dry wood in the forest.

3.What result has the fire caused?

A.Floods happened there.

B.27 million trees were dead.

C.The Yosemite National Park was closed.

D.The air became worse in northern California.

4.What’s the text mainly about?

A.The main causes of the fire.

B.A forest fire in California.

C.The measures to stop the fire.

D.The influences on people’s life.



    My grandma was the best grandma a girl could have. She never said a bad word about anyone. She always found good in a person.

When I was young, Grandma worked hard all spring and summer to buy a new coat for the winter. She sold eggs, fruit and anything her garden produced to earn enough money. Her old coat had seen better days, and she had repaired it quite a few times. When she finally had enough money saved up, off to town we went. Grandma looked so nice in her new coat, and I was proud of the hard work she did to earn it.

That winter, in the small town where she lived, a family with three small girls lost their house in a fire. They needed clothes, food and household items. Grandma decided to cut up her new coat and make three coats for the little girls. I asked her not to do it, but she kissed away my tears. She told me those girls needed coats much more than she did. Grandma made the dolls, coats, and apron on her old sewing machine.

When they were done, we loaded up the small red truck with the coats, an apron for the mother, blankets, food, and three little dolls. When the family saw what was in the truck, the mother started crying and the girls hugged the dolls.

On Sunday, Grandma wore her old coat to church and she was the nicest grandma there.

1.What did Grandma do to get herself a new coat?

A.She made a new one for herself. B.She was rich enough to buy one.

C.She sold something and saved money. D.She changed her old coat for a new one.

2.Grandma cut up her new coat to ________.

A.make some dolls B.offer help to a family

C.buy a new sewing machine D.make a coat for her granddaughter

3.On receiving the gifts, the family felt ________.

A.sad but excited B.moved and happy

C.thankful but nervous D.embarrassed and surprised

4.Which of the following is the best title for the passage ?

A.A Brave Act B.My Great Grandma

C.Grandma’s New Coat D.A Disaster to a Family



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1.When you make comments on the site, you should ________.

A.use Chinese B.write down your own name

C.write in the children’s section D.respect other people’s views

2.The purpose of LearnEnglish Kids is to ________.

A.create a safe environment B.make sure the safety of a kids account

C.help kids learn English through the website D.make sure the safety of kids’ personal information

3.The passage is probably taken from ________.

A.the Internet B.a newspaper C.a magazine D.a story book



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