满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

词汇运用 1.While he was giving the English s...


1.While he was giving the English speech, he sometimes ________ (查阅)to the notes.

2.To some people, happiness is being ________ (包围,围绕)by family and friends

3.Carbon dioxide prevents heat ________ escaping into space.

4.Can you _________ (解释,说明)for your behavior on that night?

5.No one knows how this world came into ________ (exist).

6.By now, his restaurant ________ (应该,应当)to be full of people.

7.I think I will buy her a present and ________ (道歉).

8.The water supply has been cut ________ because the workers are repairing the main pipe.

9.________ (装备,配备)with new farming methods, they have been able to use less farmland to produce more.

10.With Teachers’ Day ________ (接近,靠近), our class decided to hold a party to celebrate the important day.


1.referred 2.surrounded 3.from 4.account 5.existence 6.ought 7.apologize 8.off 9.Equipped 10.approaching 【解析】 根据所给单词或汉语意思用单词的适当形式填空。 1. 考查时态。句意:他在做英语演讲时,有时会查阅笔记。refer to意为“参考,查阅”,根据时间状语从句来看,时态是一般过去时。故填referred。 2. 考查语态。句意:对于某些人来说,幸福就是被家人和朋友们包围着。分析句子可知,这里使用被动语态,动词“包围,围绕”要用surround,在被动语态中要用过去分词形式。故填surrounded。 3. 考查介词。句意:二氧化碳会阻止热量向太空逸出。prevent sb./sth. from doing sth.意为“阻止……做某事”,是固定短语。故填from。 4. 考查固定短语。句意:你能解释下昨晚的行为吗?account for意为“对……进行解释,说明……的原因”,这里在情态动词can后要用动词原形。故填account。 5. 考查名词。句意:没人知道这个世界是怎么形成的。come into existence意为“形成,产生”,是固定短语。故填existence。 6. 考查情态动词。句意:到这个时间,他的饭店应该是人满为患的。情态ought to意为“应该,应当”。故填ought。 7. 考查动词。句意:我觉得我会给她买一份礼物并表示歉意。这里空白处与buy并列,需要一个动词,表达“道歉”要用apologize。故填apologize。 8. 考查固定短语。句意:供水已经被切断了,因为工人们正在维修主管道。从因果关系上来看,这里要表示因为在维修,所以无法供水了或者说供水被切断了,cut off意为“切断,中断”。故填off。 9. 考查非谓语动词。句意:配备了新的耕作方法,他们已经能利用较少的耕地生产更多的作物了。equip sb. with意为“用……装备某人”,这里equip作状语,equip与主语they之间是被动关系,要用过去分词形式。故填Equipped。 10. 考查with复合结构。句意:随着教师节临近,我们班决定举行一场聚会来庆祝这重要的日子。动词“接近、靠近”是approach,分析句子可知,这里是with复合结构作状语,其中Teachers’ Day与approach之间是主谓关系,要用动词-ing形式。故填approaching。

    My kids and I were in the costume store yesterday, getting ready for Halloween, and they saw a Donald Trump mask. “Is he a good guy or a bad guy?” they asked.

I knew they were_________of the worst characterWill Ferrell in the film “Batman”, who starts good but becomes _________later, so I said something about how all people have a little good and a little bad in them. Of course, I wanted to say: “Son, that man is not_________bad guy, but one of the worst men our species has ever_________. He had every right, every_________ to do good, but he chose_________.”

We have the chance to make this_________, every day.

Maybe Grandpa Milt was really such a(n)_________. Decades ago, his mother, on her way home from a late-night meeting of her Jewish charity organization, disappeared. She was_________by workmen in an abandoned lot the following morning, her clothes__________, he skull (头骨) broken. Alive but__________ , she was brought to Lincoln Hospital and__________six hours later. This tragedy left him an orphan(孤儿).

__________, grandpa didn’t seek revenge (复仇). It’s not his__________. He was the kind of guy who found a way to make himself__________ through excellence. Milt was hardworking, handsome, kind, and all of this made him known. He__________from New York University with a degree and became a teacher, finally a billionaire.

Most likely, he__________ the heartbreak but toughed his way through it, went forward, ________a life worth living, and found peace. There is a superpower worth remembering__________a wrong can create positive changes in our world today. Sometimes,__________is the best revenge.

1.A.hearing B.complaining C.approving D.thinking

2.A.cool B.ill C.bad D.poor

3.A.truly B.only C.naturally D.normally

4.A.produced B.accepted C.required D.expected

5.A.desire B.guidance C.opportunity D.route

6.A.pity B.evil C.kindness D.freedom

7.A.mistake B.change C.choice D.effort

8.A.example B.trouble C.scene D.point

9.A.left B.buried C.protected D.discovered

10.A.returned B.torn C.cleaned D.burned

11.A.unconscious B.unhappy C.unsatisfied D.unharmed

12.A.escaped B.cried C.calmed D.died

13.A.Instead B.Therefore C.However D.Besides

14.A.day B.way C.pay D.say

15.A.famous B.healthy C.clever D.busy

16.A.resigned B.fled C.retired D.graduated

17.A.made use of B.took pride in C.dealt with D.gave away

18.A.created B.changed C.tested D.saved

19.A.learning B.correcting C.sharing D.favoring

20.A.politeness B.brightness C.friendliness D.happiness



    Eating healthily has positive effects on all of us. However, students can especially benefit from meeting the particular nutritional demands of the school day. To be good in study, children must be physically able to attend class and focus on the tasks at hand. Math, language study, reading and creative thinking also require physical support from food energy and nutrients.1.

Attendance: 2.Getting enough nutrition keeps you from taking sick days and missing out on daily lessons. Eating a healthy breakfast makes you more likely to achieve your daily nutritional goals. This keeps your body strong and less likely to fall ill.

Focus: School is a social network that requires cooperation from students, teachers and staff.3.Hunger makes you hard to focus and easy to get angry. In contrast, eating a healthy breakfast keeps you focused and cheerful. A 2019 study proved these findings.

Thinking: Food energy and nutrients serve neurological(神经的)as well as physical body functions. The same 2019 report concluded that eating breakfast regularly affects the brain’s blood sugar requirements and nutritional support.4.Let alone, these skills are vital to learning and achieving high grades.

Test scores: Balanced nutrition plays a part in testing well.5.Healthy eating also contributes to better performance on vocabulary tests. You can improve your test scores by eating right every day.

A.You can focus on the test papers.

B.This improves the memory, problem solving and concentration skills.

C.You can’t keep up with homework and tests if you aren’t in school every day.

D.Students who eat breakfast work faster with fewer math and number errors.

E.And your behavior in this environment depends partly on getting to school well fed.

F.While the education individuals receive influence intelligence, so does their food.

G.A healthy diet can improve your performance in school’s social, physical and mental aspects.



    Human beings can use language to communicate, but what about animals? How do they communicate with each other without using language? Well, different animals use different types of communication.

Sounds are one of the most common types of communication in animals. Bats usually follow sound waves to communicate. Birds communicate through their chirping(唧唧叫).Mammals generally use sounds to give calls to other members of their community and whales are good at using sound waves.

Besides sounds, facial expressions are also used by animals. For example, when dogs are angry, they show their teeth barking and raise their ears. When they’re frightened, they pull their ears behind with the mouth open. For another example, when the parent bird brings food for the baby bird, the “begging expression” can be observed on its face.

Next, gestures and body movements are also common in animals. For example, honey bees dance to communicate. A deer waves its tail to warn others of some danger coming closer. A gorilla sticks its tongue out to express anger.

Many animals communicate through smells. They give off pheromones (信息素)to express messages to other animals. Wolves, deer and insects generally use this type of communication. Even amoebas (变形虫)need to communicate and do it by giving out chemicals. The animals use this type of communication to attract others for giving birth to baby animals.

Besides the above means of communication, some animals communicate by touching each other. For example, monkeys express feelings by touching each other’s hands, and they even give hugs and kisses to express love.

1.When a dog shows its teeth barking and raises itsears, it must be _________.

A.expressing its fear B.expressing its anger

C.begging its owner for something D.warning its owner of some danger

2.Smells are used by animals mainly to _________.

A.produce their young B.drive their enemies away

C.show their different feelings D.ask for some food

3.We can learn from the passage that _________.

A.a deer will waves its tail once it senses danger

B.most animals use their smells to attract others

C.bats are better at using sound waves than whales

D.a gorilla sticks its tongue out when it’s frightened

4.What is the main idea of the passage?

A.Sounds are the most common type of communication in animals.

B.Human beings can use language to communicate, but animals can’t.

C.Animals can communicate with each other without using language.

D.Animals communicate with each other in different ways, such as sound, smell etc.



    The strangeness of life in space never quite goes away. Here are some examples.

First consider something as simple as sleep. If you leave your arms out, they float free in zero gravity, often giving a sleeping astronaut the look of a funny dancer. “I’m an inside guy,” Mike Hopkins says, who returned from a six-month tour on the International Space Station. “I like to be covered up.”

On the station, the ordinary becomes strange. The exercise bike for the American astronauts has no handlebars (把手). It also has no seat. With no gravity, it’s just as easy to ride violently. You can watch a movie while you ride by floating a microcomputer anywhere you want. But people in the station have to be careful about staying in one place too long. Without gravity to help air to move, the carbon dioxide you breathe in may form a cloud around you head. You can end up with a carbon- dioxide headache.

Leroy Chiao, 54, an American retired astronaut after four flights, describes what happens even before you float out of your seat, “Your inner ear thinks you’re falling. Meanwhile your eyes are telling you you’re standing straight. That can be annoyingthat’s why some people feel sick.” Within a couple daystruly terrible days for some peopleastronauts’ brains learn to ignore the signals from the inner ear, and space sickness disappears.

Space travel can be so delightful but at the same time dangerous. For instance, astronauts lose bone mass. That’s why exercise is considered so important that National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) puts it on the workday schedule. The focus on fitness is not only about science and the future. They should make sure that any astronaut can return home, and, more importantly, the astronauts keep strong and fit for the two and a half years or more that it would take to make a round-trip to Mars.

1.What is the major difficulty to astronauts when they sleep in space?

A.Choosing a comfortable sleeping bag.

B.Deciding on a proper sleep position.

C.Seeking a way to fall asleep quickly.

D.Finding a right time to go to sleep.

2.The astronauts will suffer from a carbon dioxide headache when _________.

A.they circle around on their bikes.

B.they watch a movie while pedaling.

C.they use microcomputers without a stop.

D.they exercise in one place for a long time.

3.One of the NASA’s major concerns about astronauts is _________.

A.how much exercise they do on the station

B.whether they can recover after returning home

C.how they can remain healthy for long in space

D.whether they are able to go back to the station

4.What does the author think of about life in space?

A.Strange B.Funny C.Violent D.Unhealthy



    Alice Walker makes her living by writing. And her poems, short stories, and novels have won many prizes for her. She was born in Eatonton, Georgia; she went to public schools there, and then to Spelman College in Atlanta before coming to New York to attend Sarah Lawrence College, from which she graduated in 1965. For a time she lived in Jackson, Mississippi, with her lawyer husband and small daughter.

About Langston Hughes, an American Poet, in her first book for children, she says, “After my first meeting with Langston Hughes, I promised I would write a book for children someday. Why? Because, at twenty-two, I knew next to nothing of his work but he didn’t scold me. He just gave me a pile of his books. And he was kind to me. I will always be thankful that in his warmth he fulfilled my deepest dream (and need) of what a poet should be.”

“To me he is not dead at all. Hardly a day goes by when I don’t think of him or speak of him. Once, just before he died, when he was sick with the flu, I took him a full basket of oranges. The joy I felt in giving that simple gift is undiminished by time. He said he liked oranges, too.”

1.In the passage, Alice Walker is _________.

A.a researcher at Sarah Lawrence College

B.a professor at Sarah Lawrence College

C.a writer of plays for children

D.a prize-winning writer

2.From the passage we can conclude that Alice Walker was twenty-two years old when _________.

A.she moved to Jackson, Mississippi B.she moved to New York

C.she first met with Langston Hughes D.Langston Hughes died

3.What is the meaning of the underlined word in Paragraph 2?

A.speak to someone happily B.speak to someone angrily

C.speak to someone proudly D.speak to someone eagerly.

4.What is the main topic of the passage? _________

A.Alice Walker and her thoughts on Langston Hughes.

B.The childhood of Alice Walker and Langston Hughes.

C.Langston Hughes, American poet.

D.Langston Hughes’ books about Alice Walker.



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