满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

What will our world be like in 2050? The...

    What will our world be like in 2050?

There are two features in the growth of world population. First, the annual increase in population in 15 European countries, in the past few years, has been only 300,000. The United Nations estimates (估计)that by 2050, the population of European countries will decrease from the current 0.72 billion to 0.63 billion. Second, the population in developing countries is growing rapidly. By 2050the population of Africa is expected to reach 1.8 billion, 0.9 billion more than its current population.

A recent research report published by the United Nations indicates that it is quite possible that the Earth's temperature is rising well above the previous estimate. The Antarctic ice sheet, which contains 90% of the world's ice, has lost significant mass in the past few years. The discovery comes as a surprise to scientists, who thought that the continent would gain ice this century because of increased snowfall in a warming climate. A research team from the University of Colorado used satellite data to estimate that the ice sheet will lose up to 48 cubic miles by 2050.

Africa's rivers face great change that will leave a quarter of the continent severely short of water by the middle of the century, according to a global warming study published today. Even modest decreases in rain in western Africa will see rivers lose as much as 80% of their water and a rise of what the scientists call "water refuges(难民)”. "In those areas where there is already a water shortage, it's going to have a destructive effect," the study says,.“If you're already walking 5 km to the nearest stream, by 2050,it's going to mean walking 30 km or moving your whole household closer to the water source."

1.Which of the following situations in 2050 is NOT mentioned in the text?

A.Population change.

B.Economic decline.

C.Global warming.

D.Water shortage.

2.What surprises the scientists according to Paragraph 3?

A.The Antarctic ice sheet has decreased.

B.The Earth's temperature is going down.

C.Global warming is destroying the Earth.

D.Snowfall increases in the Antarctic area.

3.What does the underlined sentence in the last paragraph stress (强调) ?

A.The ill fate of Africa's rivers.

B.The importance of doing exercise.

C.The hard life of the African refugees.

D.The seriousness of the water problem.

4.What was the most possible feeling of the author when he wrote this text?






1.B 2.A 3.D 4.C 【解析】 本文是一篇说明文。文章向我们描述了到2050年的时候,世界会面临的人口激增、全球变暖、水资源短缺等三大问题。 1. 细节理解题。由第二段首句、第三段首句以及第四段首句,我们可以知道作者提到了2050年人类会面临的三大困境:人口激增、全球变暖以及水资源短缺。没有提到经济衰退这一信息。故选B项。 2. 细节理解题。由第三段“The Antarctic ice sheet, which contains 90% of the world's ice, has lost significant mass in the past few years. The discovery comes as a surprise to scientists, who thought that the continent would gain ice this century because of increased snowfall in a warming climate.”可知,占有全世界冰川总量90%的南极洲冰层主体在过去几年里显著萎缩。对于科学家们来说,这个发现出乎意料,因为他们曾经认为温暖的气候会带来更多降雪,从而在本世纪增加南极洲的总冰量。由此可知,根据第三段,南极冰原已经缩小令科学家感到惊讶。故选A项。 3. 细节理解题。最后一段首句主题句,点明本段在讲水缺乏的问题。划线句子““If you're already walking 5 km to the nearest stream, by 2050,it's going to mean walking 30 km or moving your whole household closer to the water source."”是说,如果现在需要徒步到5公里以外最近的水源地取水,到2050年就意味着要到30公里之外,或者只能搬到离水源更近的地方。由此可知,划线句子是在说明水资源问题的严重性。故选D项。 4. 推理判断题。纵观全文,作者提到了到2050年人类会面临的三大问题分别是人口激增、全球变暖以及水资源短缺。通过常识判断以及作者在最后一段用了“水难民”、“破坏性的影响”这样一些字眼,说明他对这些问题深感忧虑。故选C项。

The secret of successful response

The novel coronavirus(新冠状病毒)is an uncommon threat. We don't know how bad it will be, nor do we know for how long it will spread. But we do know that it has already infected (感染) more than 18,000 people and killed many around the world. It also caused serious global economic damage. We need to adapt our responses to different countries and different parts of the same country in order to limit damage. Using data well is essential to such a successful response.

Data is key to all successful public health programs. In New York City, we raised tobacco taxes and made all indoor public places smoke free. Smoking rates declined at first but then the decline stopped. Because we had a tracking system in place, we realised that progress had stopped. So, we produced strong and direct no tobacco ads to the public. Our programs quickly reduced adult and teenager smoking, preventing more than 10,0000 deaths.

Every country facing the coronavirus disease needs to strengthen their data systems to track diseases, investigate skillfully and respond fast and successfully. Fast action will save lives and save money. But building the capacity to do this isn't free. It will cost about $1 to $2 per person per year for at least 10 years --- at least 30 billion. That's a lot of money for public health, but it's a tiny part of the amount lost when we don't know what we need to know about health threats.

Getting he data right is hardly quick and never easy, but it is always very important if we want to respond successfully, limit spread, and protect our communities and economy.

1.Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?

A.Novel coronavirus has killed people and damaged economy.

B.New York City succeeded in reducing smoking with data.

C.We need a lot of money to build the capacity of fast action.

D.Using data will cure people infected with novel coronavirus,

2.Why does the author talk about smoking in paragraph 2?

A.To warn us that smoking is harmful.

B.To suggest us how to reduce smoking.

C.To show the significant role of data.

D.To protect people's physical health.

3.What is the author's opinion on the building of the capacity of fast response?

A.It is too expensive and many countries cannot afford it.

B.It is worthwhile and necessary to develop such a capacity.

C.It supports communities and saves lives and saves money.

D.It requires a tiny part of the amount lost by heath threats.

4.What is the main idea of this passage?

A.The widespread of novel coronavirus has killed many people.

B.Using Data well is of vital importance to public health programs.

C.The importance of fighting against novel coronavirus.

D.The importance of raising tobacco taxes.



    Japanese fans who watched their national team be defeated by the Ivory Coast on Saturday showed it is possible to lose graciously (优雅地), when they stayed behind after the match to help clean up.

Despite seeing Japan's Blue Samurais lose 2-1 against the Ivory Coast' s national team at the Arena Perambuco in Recife, the Japanese audience armed with plastic bags searched their side of the stadium and gathered up dropped litter. While gathering waste after a sporting event is customary in Japan, the audience' s actions came as a shock to football fans from other countries.

This isn't the first time the Japanese have taken trash outside the stadium. The 1998 FIFA World Cup held in France was the first ever World Cup that Japan had qualified for. After their first group game against Argentina, the Japanese fans gave the world a lesson in politeness and respect by actually cleaning the football stadium seats. They picked up all the trash around them whether it was theirs or not. They then walked out and threw the trash in the garbage cans before leaving.

The all-around cleanliness of Japanese large cities comes as a culture shock to people coming from other big cities in the world. This tidiness is not due to millions of dollars spent on street cleaners and "Let's clean-up our city" campaigns. It's not due to effective public works or community service. It's due to one simple thing: They don't throw their rubbish on the floor. This unique and rare concept allows for both huge cities and the countryside to stay neat and tidy.

To reinforce this behavior, the common signs in Japan ask people to take their litter home with them. Then, to reinforce the sign, hey usually have no garbage cans in the parks. So when faced with the choice of throwing their garbage on the ground or keeping it with them, they keep it. They don’t need a “Don't Litter” or Keep Japan beautiful” sign. They have been doing it their whole lives and are used to taking their garbage with them.

1.The story in Paragraph 3 mainly shows that___________.

A.Japanese people are used to carrying their own trash

B.Japanese fans have a habit of cleaning up the stadium

C.Japanese fans often clean stadium seats before the game

D.the Japanese are very interested in watching football games

2.What can we say about Japanese big cities' cleanliness?

A.It has become common practice. B.It is the result of community service.

C.It costs millions of dollars every year. D.It exists because of public campaigns.

3.Which of the following do the Japanese accept as normal?

A.Punishing the behavior of littering. B.Many signs reading "Don't Litter"."

C.Lots of garbage cans in the parks. D.Taking litter away with them.

4.The author's attitude to the Japanese audience might be that of____________.

A.criticism B.unconcern C.respect D.doubt



Chambanamoms Presents

Girl's Night Out: Foot Golf!

Grab some friends and join us on Saturday, June 4, for a fun night out at Lake of the Woods Golf Course in Mahomet, thanks to our friends at the Champaign County Forest Preserve District. There will be giveaways, some adult drinks and food, as well as a great night out playing Foot Golf. Yes, we said Foot Golf .You don' t need to have a bag full of club(球杆)or fancy spike(钉鞋)--- just bring yourself (and athletic shoes, please).

If you can kick a soccer ball, you can play Foot Golf. If you can laugh and have fun, you can also play Foot Golf.

So what is Foot Golf? Foot Golf is what happens when you combine golf and soccer. Players kick off from a tee box (开球处) and attempt to get their soccer ball into a 21-inch diameter(直径) cup using the fewest number of kicks. Foot Golf can be played by children and adults. It is a trend sweeping golf courses across the country, and we are lucky to have it right here in Champaign County.

This event is FREE. To manage the number of people we have on the course, we are asking our friends to register (注册) . Here is a quick and easy form to fill out: http://www.chambanamoms.com/girlsnightoutrsvp/

We look forward to seeing you on Saturday, June 4, at 7 p.m. Bring your girlfriends and your sense of humor!

IF YOU DRIVE: Lake of the Woods Golf Course is a quick drive west from Champaign-Urbana on Interstate 74. Get off at Lake of the Woods exit, Exit No. 174. Head north for 1/2 mile until the first stop sign. Take a left at the stop sign and travel for one mile. This road will take you directly to the golf course.

1.Participants who come to Girl's Night Out

A.need to bring spikes

B.should wear athletic shoes

C.should bring their own clubs

D.have to bring drinks and food

2.What do we know about Foot Golf?

A.It is played worldwide.

B.It is intended for children.

C.It is nothing like playing golf.

D.It is a mixture of golf and soccer.

3.What type of writing is this text?

A.A lesson plan.

B.An announcement.

C.An educational report.

D.An introduction to a sport.




Much is unknown about how Covid-19, a new coronavirus, spreads. Current knowledge is largely based on what is known about similar coronaviruses. Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that are common in many different species of animals, including camels, cattle, cats, and bats. Rarely, animal coronaviruses can infect people and then spread between people such as with MERS, SARS, and now with Covid-19.

Most often, spread from person-to-person happens among close contacts (about 6 feet). Person-to-person spread is thought to occur mainly via respiratory droplets (呼吸飞沫) produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes, similar to how influenza and other respiratory pathogens (病原体) spread. These droplets can land in the mouths or noses of people who are nearby or possibly be inhaled into the lungs. It's currently unclear if a person can get Covid-19 by touching a surface or object that has the virus on it and then touching their own mouth, nose, or possibly their eyes.

It's important to note that how easily a virus spreads person-to-person can vary. Some viruses are highly contagious (传染性) (like measles), while other viruses are less so. There is much more to learn about the transmissibility severity, and other features associated with Covid-19.

















How Your Personality Type Affects Your Health

Personalities play an important role in determining one’s behavior and habits, so it’s little wonder that your personality type has much to do with your health. Now research has found that personality traits (特点)can be important health predictors. One study even found that the personality traits exhibited during childhood are linked to self-rated health during middle age.

So how is your health influenced by your personality? Let's take two common personality types for example. One is the classic type A personality. People with this personality type tend to be more competitive, impatient, tense, and even aggressive. According to research, this personality type is associated with many negative health outcomes like high blood pressure, heart disease, increased job stress, and social isolation (孤立). So, if you tend to have some of the more negative features of a type A personality, such as a tendency to be stressed out, explore things you can to lower your chances of developing health problems. For instance, you can practice stress management skills, which can help you to better handle life's daily problems.

The other one is the “eager to please” personality type. People with this personality type tend to be accommodating, passive, and conforming (从众). Their passive nature also means they're more likely to feel hopeless or helpless in the face of a negative health event. They may also be less likely to seek help when something is wrong. When faced with a diagnosis (诊断),they may simply assume that nothing they do will make much of a difference. So, what can you do to protect your health if you tend to be a people-pleaser? Don't always place your own well-being last. Being considerate of others can be a positive trait, but be sure to take time for your own health as well. Besides, don't fall into thinking that your health is out of your hands. Instead of focusing on the external influences that affect your health, pay attention to the things that you can change through your own actions.

Why does personality have an impact on health? Why are certain traits so tied to certain diseases? The answers aren't clear, but one potential explanation is that personality impacts the ways people choose to behave and live. People who are more responsible may be more likely to make healthier choices while those who are neurotic (神经质的)may be less likely to seek medical help.

Understanding your personality might be a great way to help determine what sort of health choices or changes you need to focus on making. By being aware of the potential clangers you may face, you can turn to your health care professional and come up with a plan to minimize the clangers.

Passage outline

Supporting details


People's health is closely  1. to their personality type, and they can depend on childhood personality traits to 2. their future health

Type A personality

♦ People with this personality type tend to have health problems both mentally and 3.

♦ People with this personality type should try to find ways to prevent health problems.


♦ People with this personality type are more likely to 4. themselves to hopelessness and helplessness, which can 5. them from seeking help when in need.

♦ People-pleasers shouldn't 6. their own well-being. Focus more on the  7. influences, which means your own actions matter.

Possible 8. for the phenomenon

Personality can influence people's behavior and lifestyle choices. Responsible people make healthier choices while neurotic people might be  9. to seek help.


♦ Have a good understanding of your personality.

10. your health care professional about the dangers you may face and find a solution.






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