满分5 > 高中英语试题 >


假定你是中学生李华,一个来自英国的中学生代表团在你学校举办英语文化节(English Culture Festival)期间来访,并受邀观看英文喜剧表演。请根据一下内容要点写一篇欢迎词。






Dear British guests,










Dear British guests, It’s my great honour to express our warm welcome to you on behalf of our school. We are exited to have you here during our English Culture Festival. As scheduled, we have English Drama Show this evening. The purpose of this program is to develop our interest in English learning and practical abilities in speaking and listening. Most of the plays we will perform are by classic British authors, such as William Shakespeare and Charles Dickens. The show will begin at eight o’clock tonight in the school hall. Dear guests, you are welcome to take part in it. I hope we will benefit a lot from your presence. We hope you’ll have a pleasant time during your stay here. Thank you. 【解析】 这是一篇应用文,要求写一篇欢迎词。 试题本文是一篇欢迎词。一个来自英国的中学生代表团在你学校举办英语文化节(English Culture Festival)期间来访,并受邀观看英文喜剧表演。请根据一下内容要点写一篇欢迎词:表示对客人的欢迎;介绍此项活动(如活动目的、内容等);表达对客人的祝愿。根据所给提纲,列出要点,采用不同的表达方式将各要点完整地表述出来。写作时注意时态、语态的合理运用,根据情景的发展,按顺序安排好材料。同时应选用合适的连接词或过渡词,适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。





注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;


Dear Mr. Zhang,

Known that our school is going to set up elective (选修的) English courses, I'd like to give some advices. English Visual-Audio-Oral Course is a good choice. Most of us are interested at English videos and songs, that provide us with great images and beautiful music to listen to. As result, we can enjoy some local customs and singing English songs with joy. In addition, we need to improve our oral English. When we are always learning English, we may not be able to make a fluent speech. We can't easy communicate with others like native speakers. That is why I suggested taking a Speech Course. I'll be glad that if you can consider my suggestions.


Li Hua



    All passengers boarded (登机)and the fight would be on time. I went up to the gate (登机口)to get the papers from the gate staff and_______an adult passenger sitting there crying, which was very_______So I asked the gate staff what was up and they told me that the passenger was not_________to board due to a problem of his ticket. His last name in the ticket was_________wrongly by a letter but he had_________it before.

After my asking, the man said that his father was just in the _______and he needed to take this flight to hopefully see him before he___________Unfortunately, there was nothing the gate staff could do about it. They told him to buy a new ticket._________the fight was to leave ten minutes later and it was_________for him to do so, He told me he would be really__________if he wouldn't be able to say his final goodbye to his dad. Seeing a grown man crying sadly, I was sure that he was telling the ________

I________ for a while and then thought of________I could do to help him. As a member of staff I have a________----- I can issue () tickets through an online system to my family or__________Then, I provided a staff ticket for this passenger. I passed the ticket to him__________his kmnowing what I'd done. He was so__________ and it was all that I wanted to see. I just hoped that he wouldn't________any of his father's last words. Later, the gate staff told me they would help me keep the________as we can use the staff tickets only for people we know.

I was so poud that  day ________ I did something meaningful for a person in need.

1.A.noticed B.greeted C.rescued D.encouraged

2.A.funny B.common C.unusual D.dangerous

3.A.forced B.allowed C.advised D.persuaded

4.A.read B.spelled C.understood D.remmembered

5.A.found B.recorded C.imagined D.ignored

6.A.airport B.office C.school D.hospital

7.A.gave up B.came back C.passed away D.settled down

8.A.Instead B.However C.Otherwise D.Therefore

9.A.special B.strange C.impossible D.unbelievable

10.A.regretful B.confused C.anxious D.hopeless

11.A.lie B.truth C.joke D.story

12.A.checked B.guessed C.predicted D.considered

13.A.nothing B.anything C.something D.everything

14.A.goal B.duty C.task D.right

15.A.friends B.pets C.customers D.passengers

16.A.for B.after C.since D.without

17.A.calm B.brave C.pleased D.curious

18.A.miss B.repeat C.forget D.mind

19.A.rule B.secret C.promise D.appointment

20.A.because B.before C.until D.unless



Mind Your Manners

Around the world, people have different ideas about what good table manners are. In India, for example, people only eat with their right hands. You take food from one dish on the table, usually a kind of bread or rice, mix it with food from another dish and then put it in your mouth. Your left hand stays still. Eating with your left hand is very rude!

In western countries, people do not usually share the same dishes,. Everyone has his or her own plate of food, You eat with a knife and fork and you should not wave them around when you are not eating. In addition, you should try not to be noisy when eating.1.

When you go to some restaurants in different parts of the world, it is important to know what people think is rude. For example, in China it is OK to be noisy in a restaurant. In fact, if a restaurant is not noisy, you may think it is not very good.2.If a table is too noisy, other customers might not be happy.

3.In China, one person usually pays for every one. In western countries, when friends eat together, they usually share the cost. This is called "going Dutch". In addition, when westerners pay the check, they usually leave some money for the waiter. This is called“leaving a tip." Not leaving a tip is very rude. In US, it's common to leave tips of 10%, 15% or 20% of the check. The amount depends on how good the waiter was. 4.

The way people eat food is different around the world, but you can find the same kinds of food in many countries.5.

A.Good waiters can get a lot of money!

B.People think that is bad table manners!

C.Guests usually leave the tips under the plates.

D.Paying for the meal is also different from country to country.

E.However, in many western countries, restaurants are quiet places.

F.Chinese and Italian foods, for example, are popular all over the world.

G.Although good manners always make you look good, you can always follow your hosts if you're not sure what to do.



    What will our world be like in 2050?

There are two features in the growth of world population. First, the annual increase in population in 15 European countries, in the past few years, has been only 300,000. The United Nations estimates (估计)that by 2050, the population of European countries will decrease from the current 0.72 billion to 0.63 billion. Second, the population in developing countries is growing rapidly. By 2050the population of Africa is expected to reach 1.8 billion, 0.9 billion more than its current population.

A recent research report published by the United Nations indicates that it is quite possible that the Earth's temperature is rising well above the previous estimate. The Antarctic ice sheet, which contains 90% of the world's ice, has lost significant mass in the past few years. The discovery comes as a surprise to scientists, who thought that the continent would gain ice this century because of increased snowfall in a warming climate. A research team from the University of Colorado used satellite data to estimate that the ice sheet will lose up to 48 cubic miles by 2050.

Africa's rivers face great change that will leave a quarter of the continent severely short of water by the middle of the century, according to a global warming study published today. Even modest decreases in rain in western Africa will see rivers lose as much as 80% of their water and a rise of what the scientists call "water refuges(难民)”. "In those areas where there is already a water shortage, it's going to have a destructive effect," the study says,.“If you're already walking 5 km to the nearest stream, by 2050,it's going to mean walking 30 km or moving your whole household closer to the water source."

1.Which of the following situations in 2050 is NOT mentioned in the text?

A.Population change.

B.Economic decline.

C.Global warming.

D.Water shortage.

2.What surprises the scientists according to Paragraph 3?

A.The Antarctic ice sheet has decreased.

B.The Earth's temperature is going down.

C.Global warming is destroying the Earth.

D.Snowfall increases in the Antarctic area.

3.What does the underlined sentence in the last paragraph stress (强调) ?

A.The ill fate of Africa's rivers.

B.The importance of doing exercise.

C.The hard life of the African refugees.

D.The seriousness of the water problem.

4.What was the most possible feeling of the author when he wrote this text?







The secret of successful response

The novel coronavirus(新冠状病毒)is an uncommon threat. We don't know how bad it will be, nor do we know for how long it will spread. But we do know that it has already infected (感染) more than 18,000 people and killed many around the world. It also caused serious global economic damage. We need to adapt our responses to different countries and different parts of the same country in order to limit damage. Using data well is essential to such a successful response.

Data is key to all successful public health programs. In New York City, we raised tobacco taxes and made all indoor public places smoke free. Smoking rates declined at first but then the decline stopped. Because we had a tracking system in place, we realised that progress had stopped. So, we produced strong and direct no tobacco ads to the public. Our programs quickly reduced adult and teenager smoking, preventing more than 10,0000 deaths.

Every country facing the coronavirus disease needs to strengthen their data systems to track diseases, investigate skillfully and respond fast and successfully. Fast action will save lives and save money. But building the capacity to do this isn't free. It will cost about $1 to $2 per person per year for at least 10 years --- at least 30 billion. That's a lot of money for public health, but it's a tiny part of the amount lost when we don't know what we need to know about health threats.

Getting he data right is hardly quick and never easy, but it is always very important if we want to respond successfully, limit spread, and protect our communities and economy.

1.Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?

A.Novel coronavirus has killed people and damaged economy.

B.New York City succeeded in reducing smoking with data.

C.We need a lot of money to build the capacity of fast action.

D.Using data will cure people infected with novel coronavirus,

2.Why does the author talk about smoking in paragraph 2?

A.To warn us that smoking is harmful.

B.To suggest us how to reduce smoking.

C.To show the significant role of data.

D.To protect people's physical health.

3.What is the author's opinion on the building of the capacity of fast response?

A.It is too expensive and many countries cannot afford it.

B.It is worthwhile and necessary to develop such a capacity.

C.It supports communities and saves lives and saves money.

D.It requires a tiny part of the amount lost by heath threats.

4.What is the main idea of this passage?

A.The widespread of novel coronavirus has killed many people.

B.Using Data well is of vital importance to public health programs.

C.The importance of fighting against novel coronavirus.

D.The importance of raising tobacco taxes.



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