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When Maleficent first appeared in cinema...

    When Maleficent first appeared in cinemas five years ago, with her sculpted cheekbones and twisted devil horns, she became an instant hit with audiences around the world. Now, she’s back with a new movie.

The sequel to Disney’s 2014 film, Maleficent: Mistress of Evil, hit Chinese mainland cinemas on Oct 18. It was expected to be one of the hottest film releases of the month.

What makes this film popular with audiences?

“Maleficent 2019 is a fierce fairy tale about the joy of being uniquely individual,” Carla Renata, a US film critic, wrote on Twitter.

The sequel features new and distinctive characters, Maleficent, played by US actress Angelina Jolie, is an evil fairy witch who hates human beings for the betrayal of her human lover. Then we have Princess Aurora, played by US actress Elle Fanning, who is kind and strong. Even though Maleficent cursed her and took her captive, Aurora refuses to hate fairies. A new character, Queen Ingrith, is Aurora’s mother-in-law. She’s a typical villain who will spare no effort to divide Maleficent and Aurora. She hopes lo divide humans and fairies forever.

“These characters are so unique that you would remember even many years after you finished watching the movie,” said Renata.

Apart from the strong cast of characters, the movie’s theme of inclusiveness and cooperation between two distinct groups is meant to enlighten audiences. Both fairies and humans must find a way to understand each other if they want to protect the peaceful land where magical creatures live together.

“The film is about kindness and acceptance and tolerance,” Fanning told Metro, “We want people to be kind to one another... to understand that it is wrong to out people that are different.”

With such a powerful theme, there’s no wonder that USA Today says it’s among Disney’s best live-action sequels.

1.What do we know about the character Maleficent?

A.She fights for human beings. B.She betrays her human lover.

C.She sees humans as her enemies. D.She makes friends with Aurora.

2.What did Renata think makes the 2019 Maleficent film special?

A.A fairy tale. B.Unique characters.

C.A powerful theme. D.Many film stars playing roles.

3.What does the 2019 Maleficent film want to tell viewers?

A.Peace is the key to happiness.

B.It takes effort to make the world a better place.

C.Humans should care about other creatures.

D.We should be kind to and tolerant of others.


1.C 2.B 3.D 【解析】 本文是一篇夹叙夹议的影评。作者对Maleficent (2019)这部电影的人物、故事以及主题进行了剖析。 1. 细节理解题。由第五段“The sequel features new and distinctive characters, Maleficent, played by US actress Angelina Jolie, is an evil fairy witch who hates human beings for the betrayal of her human lover. Then we have Princess Aurora, played by US actress Elle Fanning, who is kind and strong. Even though Maleficent cursed her and took her captive, refuses to hate fairies.”可知,因为他的人类爱人背叛了他,所以Maleficent憎恨人类,将人类视为他的敌人。A、B项错误。Maleficent诅咒并囚禁了Aurora,所以排除D项。故选C项。 2. 细节理解题。由第四段“Maleficent (2019) is a fierce fairy tale about the joy of being uniquely individual”以及第六段“These characters are so unique that you would remember even many years after you finished watching the movie”可知,Renata认为Maleficent之所以让人看完之后念念不忘是因为电影中角色的鲜明个性。这是这部电影的特殊之处。故选B项。 3. 推理判断题。由最后两段““The film is about kindness and acceptance and tolerance,” Fanning told Metro, “We want people to be kind to one another... to understand that it is wrong to out people that are different.” With such a powerful theme, there’s no wonder that USA Today says it’s among Disney’s best live-action sequels.”可知,这部电影的主题就是让人们学会对他人友善、宽容、接纳。这是电影想告诉我们的东西。故选D项。


Forty-three years seems like a long time to remember the name of a mere acquaintance. I have forgotten the name of the old lady, who was a customer on the paper route in my hometown when I was a twelve-year-old boy. Yet it seems like just yesterday that she taught me a lesson in forgiveness which I shall never forget.

On a Saturday afternoon, a friend and I were throwing stones onto the roof of the old lady’s house. The object of our play was to observe how the stones changed to missiles (导弹) as they rolled to the edge of the roof and shot out into the yard like comets (彗星) falling from the sky.

I found myself a perfectly smooth stone and sent it for a ride. The stone was too smooth, however, so it slipped from my hand as I let it go and headed straight not for the roof but for a small window on the old lady's back porch (走廊). At the sound of broken glass, we knew we were in trouble and ran away.

I was too scared about getting caught that I was concerned about the old lady with the broken window all the time that night. However, a few days later, when I was sure that I hadn’t been discovered, I started to feel guilty for her misfortune. She still greeted me with a smile each day when I gave her the paper, but I was no longer able to look into her eyes.

I made up my mind that I would save my paper delivery money, and in three weeks I had the seven dollars that I thought would cover the cost of her window. I put the money in an envelope with a note explaining that I was sorry for breaking her window and hoped that the seven dollars would cover the cost for repairing it.






Paragraph 1:

I waited until it was dark.


Paragraph 2:

The next day, I handed the old lady her paper.












疫情epidemic situation

新型冠状病毒肺炎COVID-19 (Corona Virus Disease 2019)

Dear Leslie,

I’m glad to share with you what I’m doing in the epidemic situation.


Thank you for your concern. I’m looking forward to your reply.


Li Hua



    History rocks! But your poor history teacher was not able to_________all the fun little bits. Whether these bits were sad, ridiculous, or heartwarming, we think it’s a shame that you_________the bits. And now we help you_________that.

Famous for his beard, Abraham Lincoln was an incredible_________. Though he wasn’t actually born in a very poor family, he did have a relatively_________childhood. Hard labor was part of the daily life in the area where Lincoln grew up, and, at the age of nine, he_________his mother because of disease. As President, he would grow to be history’s_________president of the United States, standing proud at 1.93m. Even after he died, his story didn’t quite_________. In 1876, a group of bad fellows wanted to hold Lincoln’s body for ransom (赎金) at the fee of $ 20000 and the_________of one of their accomplices (同谋犯). They were caught and____________to a year in prison.

Theodore Roosevelt’s story is one of privilege, big personalities, and bigger sticks. Teddy Roosevelt was born to the____________Roosevelt family in New York City, quite different from Lincoln, but he was known to be a very____________child. He even took up boxing at a young age to____________against his weak body. Roosevelt had a(n)____________to the left eye caused by boxing. He took many trips to Africa and South America where he hunted and studied numerous exotic species.

His best story, perhaps, concerns a speech in Milwaukee in 1912. During the speech, a man tried to____________Roosevelt's life with a gun, but the bullet was slowed down by his folded speech craft and eyeglass case. Roosevelt____________told the crowd he hadn't been shot. He____________giving his speech without stopping,____________when it was finished, he headed over as soon as possible for the hospital to get the bullet____________. Mr. Roosevelt, well____________!

1.A.state B.interpret C.describe D.cover

2.A.put aside B.missed out C.left out D.cast about

3.A.make out B.pick up C.draw on D.make up for

4.A.figure B.character C.creature D.brain

5.A.intact B.tough C.rich D.light-hearted

6.A.lost B.sacrificed C.possessed D.rescued

7.A.wisest B.strongest C.tallest D.heaviest

8.A.arise B.shrink C.rewind D.end

9.A.promotion B.fame C.answer D.release

10.A.sentenced B.surrendered C.regulated D.shrank

11.A.exceptional B.wealthy C.common D.fundamental

12.A.aggressive B.active C.unhealthy D.confident

13.A.battle B.resist C.build D.cure

14.A.wound B.injury C.operation D.check

15.A.kill B.murder C.carry off D.knock out

16.A.patiently B.roughly C.immediately D.bravely

17.A.continued B.enjoyed C.Finished D.stopped

18.A.however B.therefore C.but D.otherwise

19.A.transferred B.removed C.relayed D.transmitted

20.A.talked B.lied C.shot D.played



    My husband and I had tried for many years to have children, but it just never happened. So we applied to be foster parents(养父母). We decided we should start with an older child for a number of reasons. Since we both worked, child care might be a problem. Our dog Corby might be a bit too energetic for a young child.1.We sat back and prepared to wait for the few months they thought it might take to get a school-age child to pass——which was why we were at a loss when the agency called us within weeks, just before Christmas, and asked if we would take Kaleb, a two-and-a-half-year-old boy, for a few months.

This wasn't what we had discussed a few weeks before.2.It was such short notice. We had made holiday plans and most of all, the boy was toddler(初学走路的孩子)! We went back and forth, and in the end, we just couldn't say no.

The day was set for Kaleb to arrive. We went outside to greet our little guest. But before we could even reach the child, I heard a noise from behind me.3.I gasped(因惊异吸气). Corby would frighten Kaleb——probably even knock him down.

Corby reached Kaleb before either of us could grab her. She hounded up to the boy and immediately began licking his face with joy.4.. His face light up with excitement, he cried, "Can this be my dog?

Kaleb came to stay those few months.5.Yes, we’adopted Kaleb. He became our son, and Corby…well, she couldn’t have been happier. She turned out to be Kaleb’s dog, after all.

A.Privately, I was full of doubts.

B.There were so many difficulties,

C.Eight and a half years later, he is still with us.

D.Turning, I saw Corby heading straight for the little boy.

E.In our hurry, we must not have closed the door completely.

F.And honestly,we were a little nervous about taking on a baby.

G.In response, this little boy threw his arms around the dog’s neck and turned toward us.



    On April 12th, two African American men walked into a Starbucks in Philadelphia, and sat down to wait for their friend.Because they had not bought anything, an employee asked them to leave.When the two men refused, the employee called the police, and in minutes, they were arrested.It was not until later that day that they were let go.

The video of this incident posted on Twitter went viral.People across the US were outraged.Unfortunately, these practices are not uncommon today.This incident is just one example of implicit bias(内隐偏见), something that is a part of human nature.

Most of the time, implicit bias refers to people showing negative associations towards people of a different race.Starting from a young age, these feelings develop unconsciously and naturally, because our brain draws associations based on our background, cultural environment and personal experiences.

Implicit bias affects our everyday speech and actions and these unconscious decisions can be harmful to our society.There have been many examples of blacks unfairly killed by white officers, such as in the cases of Philando Castile and Alton Sterling, which happened only two years ago.Implicit bias affects the justice system, our medical system where studies show minorities are less likely to be taken seriously, and job placements where white males are likely to be judged as more capable compared to women and other minorities.

Starbucks CEO Kevin Johnson and the police have publicly apologized to the two men, and Starbucks will be holding an anti-bias training meeting on May 29th. All Starbucks stores will be closed on that day.However, critics and experts have said that such training is done "for show" rather than to promote change.

To address this issue, many experts agree that what the world needs is a long-term program that targets the root cause.It also starts with promoting diversity in children from an early age when they have friends and playmates from different races and cultures.

1.What does the underlined word "outraged" in Paragraph 2 probably mean?

A.Very angry. B.Quite curious. C.Very delighted. D.Quite puzzled.

2.What is the fourth paragraph mainly about?

A.The nature of implicit bias. B.The examples of implicit bias.

C.The basic concepts of implicit bias. D.The negative effects of implicit bias.

3.What might experts think of the anti-bias training meeting?

A.It will be a shame for Starbucks B.lt will be a meaningless practice.

C.It will raise the police's reputation. D.lt will raise public awareness of anti-bias.

4.What might many experts agree with?

A.Starbucks should be closed.

B.Implicit bias should be ignored.

C.Children should be taught to avoid implicit bias.

D.Implicit bias should be dealt with by the policemen.



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