满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Draper, the owner of a secondhand bookst...

    Draper, the owner of a secondhand bookstore, was sorting through a pile of old books when an envelope fell from one. Inside was an undated_________and a faded photo of a woman holding a little girl on her lap. The letter said if Bethany was_________it, it meant the author had died.

Tears were welling up in Draper's eyes. These were a_________woman’s last words to her child. He had to_________Bethany. "Whoever it is will_________this," he thought. "You wouldn't _________a letter like that."

He supposed if the_________ended up in his shop then Bethany was likely from around Bishop Auckland. And he thought he_______recognized the little girl’s face. Even if she'd since left the area, there might be someone in the town who would recognize the_________.

He started with the local newspaper. The Northern Echo ran the story of the__________letter.

__________, Bethany Gash, now 21 and a (n)__________herself, was on Facebook about 10 miles away when a close friend messaged her to check out the__________. As she read her mother's__________, which she thought had been lost forever, she said she thought she must be__________.

Bethany was only 4 when her mother__________. Five years later, her family moved to a new home and the letter, put away in the pages of a book for safe keeping, was unintentionally__________.

She remembers unpacking and looking for the letter, and then__________searching through everything in the hope that it was there. "That’s when I realized it was__________gone and I’d never see it again," she said.

Draper__________the letter in person. He also brought her a children’s book for her son. Bethany was greatly moved to have the letter back, and also touched by the stranger's kindness.

1.A.message B.email C.postcard D.letter

2.A.reading B.destroying C.forgetting D.copying

3.A.determined B.kind C.selfish D.dying

4.A.find B.introduce C.phone D.comfort

5.A.enjoy B.avoid C.want D.like

6.A.tear up B.throw away C.cut up D.pull out

7.A.book B.girl C.reporter D.news

8.A.hardly B.accidentally C.unfortunately D.actually

9.A.author B.picture C.teacher D.stranger

10.A.wet B.valuable C.lost D.broken

11.A.However B.Therefore C.Meanwhile D.Eventually

12.A.mother B.editor C.daughter D.assistant

13.A.ticket B.magazine C.homework D.article

14.A.vocabularies B.terms C.words D.languages

15.A.writing B.dreaming C.joking D.playing

16.A.came back B.died out C.passed away D.calmed down

17.A.burned B.donated C.dirtied D.robbed

18.A.madly B.suddenly C.secretly D.regularly

19.A.almost B.long C.still D.never

20.A.kept B.composed C.delivered D.published


1.D 2.A 3.D 4.A 5.C 6.B 7.A 8.D 9.B 10.C 11.C 12.A 13.D 14.C 15.B 16.C 17.B 18.A 19.B 20.C 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。这篇短文介绍Draper意外地得到一封去世母亲临终前给女儿留的信,经过报纸的报道找到了女儿,并还给了她。 1. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:里面是一封没有注明日期的信,还有一张褪了色的照片,照片上是一位妇女怀里抱着一个小女孩。A. message信息;B. email电子邮件;C. postcard明信片;D. letter书信。根据下文The letter said可知里面是一封信。故选D。 2. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:信上说,如果Bethany读到这封信,就意味着作者已经死了。A. reading阅读;B. destroying破坏;C. forgetting忘记;D. copying复制。根据上文可知发现的是信,所以此处应该是读(reading)信。故选A。 3. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这是一个临终的女人给她孩子的临终遗言。A. determined坚决的;B. kind善良的;C. selfish自私的;D. dying临终的。根据上文it meant the author had died.可知这是一位临终的女人留下的。故选D。 4. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:他必须找到Bethany。A. find找到;B. introduce介绍;C. phone打电话;D. comfort安慰。根据后文Draper想尽办法找到Bethany,可推知他是要找到这个Bethany,把信交给她。故选A。 5. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:“不管是谁会想要这个,”他想。“你不会把这样一封信扔掉的。”A. enjoy欣赏;B. avoid避免;C. want想要;D. like喜欢。根据后文this可知此处指想要这封信,表示“想要”应用want。其它选项不符合语境。故选C。 6. 考查动词短语辨析。句意:“不管是谁会想要这个,”他想。“你不会把这样一封信扔掉的。”A. tear up撕碎;B. throw away扔掉;C. cut up切碎;D. pull out离开,撤离。根据上文可知信是从一本旧书里掉出来的,而信是临终的母亲写给自己孩子的,这样一封信,他不会扔掉的。故选B。 7. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:他认为,如果这本书最终出现在他的店里,那么Bethany很可能来自奥克兰主教附近。A. book书;B. girl女孩;C. reporter记者;D. news新闻。根据上文Draper, the owner of a secondhand bookstore, was sorting through a pile of old books when an envelope fell from one.提到Draper一家书店的老板,整理旧书时从一本书中发现的这封信。推知此处指的是上文发现信的那本书(book)。故选A。 8. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:他觉得他实际上认得出小女孩的脸。A. hardly几乎不;B. accidentally意外地;C. unfortunately不幸地;D. actually实际上。结合后文recognized the little girl’s face可知,此处表示作者实际上(actually)可能认识照片上的小女孩。故选D。 9. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:即使她已经离开了这个地区,镇上还是会有人认出这张照片的。A. author作者;B. picture照片;C. teacher老师;D. stranger陌生人。根据上文a faded photo of a woman holding a little girl on her lap可知信里有照片,此处表示可能会有人认得照片里的女孩是谁。故选B。 10. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:The Northern Echo报讲述了丢失信件的故事。A. wet潮湿的;B. valuable有价值的;C. lost丢失的;D. broken破碎的。结合上文可知这封信是被夹在一本书里的,信很重要不能是被人扔掉,因此应当是别人无意中丢失的。故选C。 11. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:与此同时,Bethany Gash,现年21岁,自己也是一位母亲,她在Facebook上约10英里远的地方,一位好友给她发信息,让她看看这篇文章。A. However然而;B. Therefore因此;C. Meanwhile与此同时;D. Eventually终于。上文提到Draper正在通过报纸寻找信的主人Bethany Gash,推知下文介绍“与此同时(Meanwhile)”Bethany Gash的情况。故选C。 12. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:与此同时,Bethany Gash,现年21岁,自己也是一位母亲,她在Facebook上约10英里远的地方,一位好友给她发信息,让她看看这篇文章。A. mother母亲;B. editor编辑;C. daughter女儿;D. assistant助理。根据文中最后brought her a children's book for her son可知Bethany Gash现在是一位母亲了。故选A。 13. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:与此同时,Bethany Gash,现年21岁,自己也是一位母亲,她在Facebook上约10英里远的地方,一位好友给她发信息,让她看看这篇文章。A. ticket票;B. magazine杂志;C. homework家庭作业;D. article文章。根据上文提到报纸上报道这封信的事情,所以推知此处表示朋友让Bethany Gash看报纸上的文章。故选D。 14. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:当她读到母亲的话时,她觉得这些话已经永远丢失了,她说她觉得自己一定是在做梦。A. vocabularies词汇;B. terms条款;C. words话语;D. languages语言。此处表示她读到了母亲在信里留给自己的话。故选C。 15. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:当她读到母亲的话时,她觉得这些话已经永远丢失了,她说她觉得自己一定是在做梦。A. writing写;B. dreaming做梦,梦想;C. joking玩笑;D. playing玩耍。根据上半句Bethany以为她永远失去了母亲给自己的这封信,如今又重新读到了,所以Bethany觉得自己像做梦一样。故选B。 16. 考查动词短语辨析。句意:当她的母亲去世时Gash只有4岁。A. came back回来;B. died out灭绝;C. passed away去世;D. calmed down平静。根据第一段中it meant the author had died.可推知此处指Bethany的母亲“去世(passed away)”时Bethany只有4岁。故选C。 17. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:五年后,她的家人搬到了新家,为了安全保管,这封信原本放在一本书的书页里,无意间被捐赠了出去。A. burned燃烧;B. donated捐赠;C. dirtied弄脏;D. robbed抢劫。结合上文Draper无意在书里发现了被夹在书里的信,可推知书是被无意中捐了出去,其它选项与语境不符。故选B。 18. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:她记得她打开行李找信,然后疯狂地翻遍了所有东西,希望信还在。A. madly疯狂地;B. suddenly突然地;C. secretly秘密地;D. regularly定期地。根据常识可知,信是Bethany母亲的临终遗言。所以 信不见了,Bethany应当会疯狂地(madly)找信,故选A。 19. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:“那时我才意识到它早就不在了,我再也见不到它了,”她说。A. almost差不多;B. long很久地,长期地;C. still仍然;D. never从不。信早就被夹在书里捐出去了,所以Bethany找不到信,意识到信早就不在了。故选B。 20. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:Draper亲自送信。A. kept保持;B. composed作曲;C. delivered递送;D. published出版。结合后文the letter in person. He also brought her a children’s book for her son.可知Draper亲自把信送给了Bethany。故选C。

    Continuous learning benefits us in many ways. First of all, it allows the increase in knowledge and ability in our career. For example, watching someone work can make us a better worker. 1. For example, we can learn about the general workforce and how the application process works to better prepare us for job searching. This can help if for some reason you lose your job and need to find other work.

What’s more, continuous learning can open our mind. Having an open mind and willingness to take on new ideas can do wonders. First of all it builds your attitude towards change. 2. Second, when you take continuous learning into account, you can begin to understand how others feel about a particular issue.

3. They are always looking for new experiences and do different things. Moreover, they not only have knowledge on various topics that aren’t always related to present roles but also know about the latest trends and technologies in the industry.

To develop continuous learning, you have to begin with setting a clear and specific goal. 4. Once your goal is set, build a system to help support your strategy. You want to be looking for different sources of information, but also to be picky about it, In other words, try to learn within your specific field but ensure the information is coming from a trustworthy source- At the same time, do use tools to help improve your learning system. 5. Seminars (研讨会) workshops, and live classes are the tools that modern learners need as they make learning effective.

A.Learning can improve other areas in our lives.

B.Besides, learning can prepare us for the unexpected.

C.If always learning, you are always improving.

D.Excellent continuous learners behave in a specific manner.

E.Being excited about change can affect others around you positively.

F.There’re various tools to help you present information and learning.

G.Knowing what you want to achieve can encourage you to keep learnings.



    When you think of a national park, you generally picture fresh air and wild animals, right? Well, now you’re going to have to add tea shops and something called "the Tube" to your definition, because London, England has signed up to be the first "National Park City. "

London was established by the Romans around 2,000 years ago and has been continually inhabited(居住于)since then. In all that time, however, nobody had the idea to replace all the parks with big box stores or high buildings, which means London already has a much lower urban density(密度)than most of the world's cities. Nowadays about a third of the city is green space.

In July 2019, London announced its willingness to become the world’s first National Park City. Now the city is moving toward the goal of achieving 50% green space by the year 2050 by connecting and expanding public parks, greening up unused parking lots and the private yards of existing and new houses, fixing some green roofs on existing buildings and even cutting holes in fences for wildlife to pass through.

"Inspired by the aims and values of our precious rural national parks, the London National Park City is basically about making life better in the capital through both small everyday things and long-term strategic thinking," Daniel Raven-Ellison, who began the campaign to make London a National Park City six years ago, said in a press release. "We've been doing that in London for centuries, which is why London is so green and diverse."

London will have a much easier job achieving this type of green transformation than more densely- urbanized cities like Paris and New York, which have 10% and 27% green space, respectively. But that doesn’t mean it’s not possible--the National Park City Foundation hopes to employ 25 more cities in addition to London by the year 2025. Glasgow, Scotland and Newcastle upon Tyne in northeast England are both currently considering becoming National Park Cities.

1.Where can we find the data on London's measures to achieve its goal?

A.In Paragraph 1. B.In Paragraph 2.

C.In Paragraph 3. D.In Paragraph 4.

2.What is Daniel Raven-Ellison trying to talk about in the fourth paragraph?

A.London's long-term strategic thinking. B.The significance of London's campaign.

C.The effects of national parks on London. D.The resources of London's green space.

3.What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A.Trying to be a national park city is turning new trend.

B.National park cities are springing up around the world.

C.It is so easy for London to become a national park city.

D.National park cities are making improvements to our life.



    Suppose that we lined up our roughly 14 million United States businesses in order of size, starting with the smallest, along an imaginary road from San Francisco to New York. There will be 4,500 businesses to the mile, or a little less than one per foot. Suppose further that we planted a flag each business. The height of the flag pole represents the yearly volume of sales (销量) , each $ 10, 000 in sales in shown by one foot of pole.

The line of flagpoles is a very interesting sight. From San Francisco to about Reno, it is almost unnoticeable, a row of poles about a foot high. From Reno eastward the poles increase in height until, near Columbus, Ohio - about four - fifths of the way across the nation - flags fly about 10 feet in the air.

But as we approach the eastern terminus (终点) , the poles suddenly begin to mount (升高) . There are about 300, 000 firms in the country with sales over $ 500, 000. These firms take up the last 75 miles of the 3,000 - mile road. There are 200, 000 firms with sales over $ 1 million. They take up the last 50 miles. Then there are 1, 000 firms with sales of $ 50, 000, 000 or more. They take up the last quarter of a mile before the city limits, flags flying at cloud height, 5 , 000 feet up .

At the very gate of New York, on the last 100 feet of the last mile , we find the 100 largest industrial firms . They have sales of at least $ 1.5 billion, so that their flags are already miles high. Along the last 10 feet of road , there are 10 largest companies . Their sales are roughly $ 10 billion and up : their flags fly 190 miles in the air , almost in the stratosphere (平流层) .

1.What is the author’s main purpose in this passage?

A.To tell the reason why the largest firms are in New York.

B.To show the geographical distribution (分布) of the United States businesses.

C.To provide a general idea of the size of businesses in the United States.

D.To tell us how the United States businesses are arranged.

2.What’s the correct order of the following places from east to west?

A.San Francisco, Reno, New York, Columbus.

B.San Francisco, Reno, Columbus, New York.

C.New York, Columbus, Reno, San Francisco

D.New York, Reno, Columbus, San Francisco

3.Among the four parts of the imaginary road , which part , considering all the firms in it , has the largest total volume of sales ?

A.The last 75 miles. B.The last 50 miles.

C.The last 100 feet of the last mile. D.The last quarter of a mile

4.Which of the following diagrams (图表) shows the right order of size of the US businesses , according to the text ?

S =" San" Francisco  R =" Reno"  C =" Columbus"  N =" New" York  H =" height"  F = feet

A. B. C. D.



Moringa Farm Internship Program

DATE 5 May30 November 2019

LOCATION: Jaipur India


EVENT INDUSTRY/TOPIC: Clean Energy, Climate & Environment, Food & Agriculture and Quality/Process Managem

Moringa (辣木), a kind of miracle tree, has come a long way today to become a symbol of the fight against growing nutrition deficiency (营养不足) across the globe. It is also a crop suited to the climatic conditions of the region, which is unusually rich in its nutrition content literally from top to bottom.

Supporting learning

The Moringa Farm Internship Program is sort of like a live, interactive slideshow of agriculture making of Moringa from “Soil to Super food” that touches all the participant’s senses.

The Program’s Objectives

The Moringa Farm Internship Program is devoted to enriching the knowledge and lives of young people by providing them with a unique educational experience on an organic Moringa Farm in rural Jaipur, India. Program participants can learn about conservation, maintenance (维护), care, and management of Moringa Farming by means of hands-on work experience with local Moringa Farm staff.

Participants will be able to interact with Moringa specialists and educators, on all issues that may affect their operations. Experts will let you know management strategies and equipment operation up close on hand to answer your specific questions.

The Moringa Farm Internship will provide an excellent opportunity to learn about sustainable tools, techniques, and approaches that can be used in Moringa Production and value-added production systems, righting (突出) pest and disease management, leaf/seed production, and tools and equipment for commercial production.

If you’re trying to learn about Moringa, there’s nothing like going to a farm and getting your hands dirty. So click here to register now!

1.Why is Moringa specifically described in the text?

A.To stress the importance of the crop.

B.To encourage people to plant Moringa.

C.To show the significance of the program.

D.To draw attention to nutrition deficiency.

2.What can we know about the Moringa Farm Internship Program?

A.It is intended for farmers. B.It lasts more than half a year.

C.It provides vocational training. D.It is available on the Internet.

3.How do the program’s participants learn about Moringa?

A.By attending various courses about it.

B.By involving themselves in farming it.

C.By observing specialists and educators.

D.By watching slideshows about the crop.




Electric car sales around the world rose by 54 percent in 2017, taking global stock across the three-million threshold (门槛), the International Energy Agency IEA said in a report on Wednesday. In China, the world’s biggest market for electric vehicles, sales also grew by about half — but their market share remained small at 2.2 percent. In Norway, electric vehicles have by far the world’s highest market share, with 39.2 percent, according to the IEA.

“Supportive policies and cost reductions are likely to lead to significant growth in the market uptake of electric vehicles in the outlook period to 2030,” the report said, If policymakers honor their current commitments to the environment, “the number of electric light-duty vehicles on the road would reach 125 million by 2030,” it added. And if policy ambitions develop further, that number could become as high as 220 million by 2030, it said. But the IEA said that in order for the cars of the future to overtake their petrol and diesel-powered (柴油动力)competitors, governments will have to take the lead.

“The main markets by numbers China and sales share Norway have the strongest policy push,” the IEA said. “Looking ahead, the strongest current policy signals come from electric car policies in China and California, as well as the European Union’s recent proposal on CO2 emissions (排放)standards for 2030. ”

The EU has committed to cutting 40 percent of its greenhouse gas emissions from 1990 levels, and to improving its use of renewable energy by at least 27 percent. France, home to Europe’s second-biggest car industry after Germany, has gone further by announcing a plan to end sales of petrol and diesel vehicles by 2040, as part of an ambitious plan to meet its targets under the Paris climate accord (条约). Electric vehicles use batteries instead of petrol or diesel fuel, thereby massively reducing their damage to the environment. But they are not without controversy (争论).




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