满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

It is a story every bit as moving and ma...

    It is a story every bit as moving and magical as her Harry Potter books. The ____ between J.K. Rowling, the author of Harry Potter, and Catie Hoch, a Harry Potter fan from New York, began in early 2000, some three years after the then six-year-old had developed a fast-growing childhood cancer.

Her mother, Gina Peca, had read the first three Harry Potter to Catie, who was such a fan that she would wear her Harry Potter clothes, complete with big round glasses and a red short coat, as she ____ to hospital from home.

By the end of 1999, Catie had been through several rounds of surgery and chemotherapy (化疗), losing all her hair but none of her spirit. Ms Peca was ____ that there would soon be no more Harry Potter to read.

She sent an email to the book’s publishers with a ____ for J.K. Rowling, asking when the fourth book would be ____ and telling of the joy that the books had brought to Catie’s life.

A few weeks later, a reply came that had Catie and her mother ____ for joy. It read, “I am working very hard on book four at the moment - on a bit that involves some new creatures Hagrid has brought along for the Care of Magical Creatures classes. This is all Top Secret, so you are ____ to tell only some close friends and your mum, but no one else....With lots of love, J.K. Rowling.”

After Catie replied, Miss Rowling was back in touch: “Do you think people will mind? I seem to have ____ an awful lot of characters along the way...”

Catie’s condition began to worsen. Her mother emailed Miss Rowling to tell her that Catie could no longer use her ____. A few days later, the author ____ to read abstracts to Catie from the then ____ book four.

So it happened that at home in New York, a little girl with cancer became the first person in the world to ____ the latest adventures of Harry Potter, later published as The Goblet of Fire. Catie’s mother, father and two brothers sat with her, listening on speaker-phone.

When Miss Rowling came to America for a book tour, she ____ to meet her little friend.

___ time ran out. On May 18, 2000, Catie died, aged nine.

Hearing the family had started a memorial fund in Catie’s name, Miss Rowling sent a letter and a check for $100,000. “…I consider myself ____ to have had contact with Catie. I am crying so hard as I type. She left footprints on my heart…”

1.A.friendship B.agreement C.cooperation D.competition

2.A.marched B.fled C.drove D.travelled

3.A.shocked B.fearful C.determined D.grateful

4.A.comment B.book C.gift D.message

5.A.finished B.revised C.recommended D.sold

6.A.waving B.screaming C.chatting D.running

7.A.encouraged B.forbidden C.allowed D.required

8.A.attracted B.met C.discovered D.collected

9.A.wheelchair B.phone C.computer D.radio

10.A.offered B.demanded C.continued D.needed

11.A.unpainted B.unpublished C.undefined D.unreported

12.A.watch B.read C.discuss D.hear

13.A.failed B.managed C.hoped D.begged

14.A.Thus B.But C.And D.So

15.A.fortunate B.successful C.strong D.content


1.A 2.D 3.B 4.D 5.A 6.B 7.C 8.D 9.C 10.A 11.B 12.D 13.C 14.B 15.A 【解析】 本文为记叙文。本文讲述了《哈利·波特》的作者J.K.罗琳和名叫凯蒂·霍克的一个身患绝症的哈利·波特迷之间的一段友谊。 1. 考查名词词义。句意:《哈利·波特》的作者J.K.罗琳和来自纽约的哈利·波特迷凯蒂·霍克之间的友谊始于2000年初。A. friendship友谊;B. agreement协议;C. cooperation合作;D. competition竞争。根据下文可知,J.K.罗琳和凯蒂·霍克之间建立了友谊,故选A。 2. 考查动词词义。句意:她的母亲吉娜·佩卡给凯蒂念了《哈利·波特》的前三本书。凯蒂是哈利·波特的粉丝,在从家里去医院的路上,她会穿上她的哈利·波特服装,戴着大大的圆眼镜,穿着红色的短外套。 A. marched前行;B. fled逃离;C. drove开车;D. traveled行走。凯蒂在从家里到医院的路上,她装扮成哈利·波特的模样。故选D。 3. 考查形容词词义。句意:佩卡女士担心很快就没有《哈利波特》可读了。 A. shocked震惊;B. fearful担心的;C. determined坚决的;D. grateful感激的。因为女儿是哈利波特迷,佩卡女士给女儿念了三本,她担心很快没有新的《哈利波特》读了。故选B。 4. 考查名词词义。句意:她给这本书的出版商发了一封邮件带口信给J.K.罗琳,询问第四本书什么时候能完成,并讲述了这本书给凯蒂的生活带来的快乐。 A. comment评论;B. book书;C. gift礼物;D. message口信,信息。佩卡给出版商发了一封邮件带口信给J.K.罗琳,故选D。 5. 考查动词词义。句意:她给这本书的出版商发了一封邮件带口信给J.K.罗琳,询问第四本书什么时候能完成,并讲述了这本书给凯蒂的生活带来的快乐。 A. finished完成;B. revised修订;C. recommended推荐;D. sold卖。上文说到佩卡给女儿念完了前三本《哈利波特》,因此询问第四本书什么时候能写完,故选A。 6. 考查动词词义。句意:几个星期后,收到了一封回信,凯蒂和妈妈高兴得尖叫起来。A. waving招手;B. screaming尖叫;C. chatting闲谈;D. running跑。这里指收到回信,凯蒂和妈妈感到兴奋异常,因此“尖叫”了起来。故选B。 7. 考查动词词义。句意:这是最高机密,所以你只能告诉一些亲密的朋友和你妈妈,不能告诉其他人… A. encouraged鼓励;B. forbidden禁止;C. allowed允许;D. required需要。J.K.罗琳回信说她正在努力写第四本,这是秘密,只允许凯蒂和亲密的朋友和妈妈分享,故选C。 8. 考查动词词义。句意:凯蒂回复后,罗琳小姐又和她取得了联系:“你认为人们会介意吗?我好像一路上收集了大量的角色……” A. attracted吸引;B. met遇到;C. discovered发现;D. collected收集,搜集。这里指J.K.罗琳为自己的新书搜集了大量角色素材,故选D。 9. 考查名词词义。句意:她的母亲给罗琳小姐发邮件,告诉她凯蒂不能再用她的电脑了。 A. wheelchair轮椅;B. phone电话;C. computer电脑;D. radio收音机。凯蒂因为病重,已经无法使用电脑了,故选C。 10. 考查动词词义。句意:几天后,作者主动提出给凯蒂读一下当时尚未出版的第四本书的摘要。 A. offered提出,提供;B. demanded要求;C. continued继续;D. needed需要。J.K.罗琳主动提出(让妈妈)给凯蒂读一下当时尚未出版的第四本书的摘要。故选A。 11. 考查形容词词义。句意:几天后,作者主动提出给凯蒂读一下当时尚未出版的第四本书的摘要。 A. unpainted未着色的;B. unpublished未出版的;C. undefined未定义的;D. unreported未报导的。此时J.K.罗琳的第四本书还没有出版,故选B。 12. 考查动词词义。句意:就这样,在纽约的家中,一个患有癌症的小女孩成为了世界上第一个听《哈利·波特》最新冒险故事的人。 A. watch观看;B. read读;C. discuss讨论;D. hear听。妈妈将新书读给凯蒂听,故选D。 13. 考查动词词义。句意:当罗琳小姐来美国巡回售书时,她希望见到她的小朋友。 A. failed失败,未能够;B. managed设法;C. hoped希望;D. begged请求。罗琳关心凯蒂,希望能够在售书时见到她,故选C。 14. 考查连词。句意:但是时间来不及了。A. Thus因此;B. But但是;C. And并且;D. So因此。罗琳希望能见到凯蒂,但是没能来得及,凯蒂去世了。此处应为转折关系,故选B。 15. 考查形容词词义。句意:我认为自己很幸运能和凯蒂相识。 A. fortunate幸运的;B. successful成功的;C. strong强壮的;D. content满意的。根据下文I am crying so hard as I type. She left footprints on my heart…可知罗琳为自己能够和凯蒂结下友谊感到十分幸运,故选A。

听下面一段独白, 根据题目要求在相应的横线上写下关键信息。每小题仅填写一个词。这段独白你将听两遍。

The Maritime Museum

It’s a very 1. building, opened in November 1991.

The Education Centre

It is on the 2. floor and there is a good little library.

The Theatre

It is used to screen videos and also for 3..

The Leisure Gallery

Surfing, 4., and lifesaving clubs are all very much a part of Australian 5..







1.What will the woman do on the weekend?

A.Take piano lessons.

B.Go out with her family.

C.Finish her science project.

2.When will the woman see the movie?

A.5:15 p.m. B.7:15 p.m. C.9:00 p.m.




1.How much is the ticket for an eight-year-old child?

A.£4.5. B.£6. C.£9.

2.Where can the woman park the car if she goes there on Saturday?

A.Opposite the cinema.

B.At the back of the library.

C.Next door to the museum.




1.How did the woman get to the special device show?

A.On foot. B.By underground. C.By bus.

2.What is the woman’s favourite?

A.The Games Hall. B.The 3D theatre. C.The Test Space.



Why does the woman make the call?

A.To ask for a leave. B.To see a doctor. C.To attend a class.



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