满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Robots are increasingly being developed ...

    Robots are increasingly being developed to think and act like humans. But one common human quality that has been difficult for engineers to recreate in machines is humor.

Most robots are powered by artificial intelligence, or AI. Some have performed better than humans in tests designed to measure machine intelligence.

Computer scientists have also hoped to give robots technical skills to help them recognize, process and react to humor. But these attempts have mostly failed.

Kiki Hempelmann is a computational language expert who studies humor at Texas A&M University. “Artificial intelligence will never get jokes like humans do,” he told the Associated Press. The main problem, Hempelmann says, is that robots completely miss the context of humor.

Tristan Miller is a computer scientist and linguist at Darmstadt University of Technology in Germany. In one research project, he studied more than 10,000 puns(双关语).

Puns are a kind of joke that uses a word with two meanings. For example, you could say, “Balloons do not like pop music.” The word “pop” can be a way of saying popular music; or, “pop” can be the sound a balloon makes when it explodes.

But a robot might not get the joke. Tristan Miller says that is because humor is a kind of creative language that is extremely difficult for computer intelligence to understand.

Despite the difficulties, Darmstadt University’s Miller says there are good reasons to keep trying to teach humor to robots. It could make machines more relatable, especially if they can learn to understand sarcasm(讽刺), he noted. Humans use sarcasm to say one thing but mean another.

But Texas A&M’s Kiki Hempelmann is not sure such attempts are a good idea. “Teaching AI systems humor is dangerous because they may find it where it isn’t, and they may use it where it’s inappropriate,” he said. “Maybe bad AI will start killing people because it thinks it is funny,” he added.

1.Which is difficult for robots to gain according to the passage?

A.Thinking. B.Humor.

C.Intelligence. D.Action.

2.What does Kiki mean by saying robots’ missing the context of humor?

a. They lack creativity and skills.

b. They have no sense of humor at all.

c. They don’t understand the situation.

d. They have no related ideas that make a joke funny.

A.ab B.ac

C.bd D.cd

3.What’s the main idea of the last paragraph?

A.The risk of teaching humor to AI.

B.The necessity of making AI smart.

C.The reason to keep robots humorous.

D.The possibility of robot understanding humor.

4.Which is the best title of the passage?

A.To Be Smarter, Be Humorous.

B.AI can Get Jokes Like Humans.

C.How to Help Robots Learn Humor?

D.Why Robot Humor Mostly Falls Flat.


1.B 2.D 3.A 4.D 【解析】 这是一篇新闻报道。文章主要介绍了教机器人理解幽默的存在的挑战以及科学家们对教智能机器人理解幽默的不同观点。 1. 细节理解题。根据文章第一段第2句内容“But one common human quality that has been difficult for engineers to recreate in machines is humor.”可知,工程师们很难在机器上重现人类的一个共同品质,那就是幽默。因此,幽默感是机器人难以获得的。故选B项。 2. 词义猜测题。分析可知,Kiki所说的“robots’ missing the context of humor”是对于前文“Artificial intelligence will never get jokes like humans do(人工智能永远不会像人类那样懂得笑话。)”的补充解释。结合上一段落提及“Computer scientists have also hoped to give robots technical skills to help them recognize, process and react to humor. But these attempts have mostly failed.( 计算机科学家还希望赋予机器人技术技能,帮助它们识别、处理和反应幽默。但这些尝试大多以失败告终。)”可推知,Kiki所说的“get the jokes”应与该段提及的“recognize, process and react to humor(识别、处理和反应幽默)”含义相同,即:the context of humor。由此可推知,“c. They don’t understand the situation.( 他们不了解情况。)”和“d. They have no related ideas that make a joke funny.( 他们没有相关的想法,使一个笑话有趣。)”是对他所说的话的解释。故选D项。 3. 主旨大意题。根据文章末段内容:But Texas A&M's Kiki Hempelmann is not sure such attempts are a good idea. “Teaching AI systems humor is dangerous because they may find it where it isn't, and they may use it where it's inappropriate,” he said. “Maybe bad AI will start killing people because it thinks it is funny,” he added.( 但是德州农工大学的Kiki Hempelmann并不认为这样的尝试是个好主意。他说:“教授人工智能系统幽默是危险的,因为他们可能会在不该幽默的地方发现幽默,并在不合适的地方使用幽默。”“也许坏的人工智能会开始杀人,因为它认为这很有趣,”他补充道。)可知,本段主要讲述了Kiki Hempelmann认为教授人工智能系统幽默是有危险的,并作了举例解释。选项A.“The risk of teaching humor to AI.”可概括本段主旨。故选A项。 4. 主旨大意题。文章体裁为新闻报道,根据新闻体裁特点首段揭示文章主题,即:Robots are increasingly being developed to think and act like humans. But one common human quality that has been difficult for engineers to recreate in machines is humor.( 机器人正越来越多地被开发成像人类一样思考和行动。但工程师们很难在机器上重现人类的一个共同品质,那就是幽默。),因此可知,该文章主要围绕“在智能机器人身上体现幽默感的困难性以及科学家们对此不同的看法”进行讲述的。选项D. Why Robot Humor Mostly Falls Flat.( 为什么机器人的幽默大多没有效果。)为短文最佳标题。故选D项。

    In emergency medical services (EMS), the treatment of choice for unconscious patients that are breathing is to place them in the recovery position. The idea is to prevent getting stomach contents into the lungs.

The problem with the recovery position is the same as many other first aid treatments: it sounds good in theory but nobody knows if it really works. Positioning someone to prevent them from aspirating(吸入) is absolutely free. Because there's nothing to gain, very few people do research on things like the recovery position.

There is only one study that looked at the effectiveness of different body positions on aspiration. In that study, the recovery position was better if the unconscious person was lying flat on his or her back. However, the best option for protecting the airway—at least according to this  study—was to make the patient lying on his or her belly. It turns out that if you are lying flat with your mouth at the lowest point, then the stuff coming out of your stomach won't find its way into your lungs.

Of course, it's not quite that simple. Most of us would hesitate to have our patient lie over completely.

The recovery position is taught in a very precise way. Some first aid textbooks—and more advanced texts as well—have the rescuer put the patient on his or her side with one leg bent and the head resting on an arm. However, the real world isn't like that. Understanding what you need to accomplish is more important than how you do it. Keep stuff out of your patients' lungs. If that means you roll them almost all the way on their bellies, do it. Make sure you are watching their breathing and if they stop, roll them back over and start CPR.

1.Why should unconscious patients be placed in the recovery position?

A.To assist them to recover consciousness.

B.To make them feel comfortable.

C.To keep them from choking.

D.To cure them of their illnesses.

2.Which is the best way to protect the unconscious person in the study?

A.Lying with his or her face up.

B.Bending one leg and having a rest.

C.Lowering his or her head and sitting.

D.Lying on his or her stomach.

3.What does the underlined word “precise” mean in Paragraph 5?

A.Clear and accurate.

B.Perfect and helpful.

C.Valuable and important.

D.Simple and interesting.

4.What does the author mainly tell us in the passage?

A.First aid is necessary for an unconscious patient.

B.A suitable recovery position in first aid is important.

C.Reading books about first aid can help treat some patients.

D.Laying a patient on the ground can help him or her recover.



    When she was just 17 years old, Jerry crashed into the back of a truck that was waiting to turn in a left turn lane. The crash is a life-changing one for her. Because of the crash, she’s blind in one eye, lost her sense of smell, lost some of her hearing, lost the ability to create tears, and she cannot fall asleep naturally.

“Initially, I thought I would not be defeated but clearly I was completely wrong. Apart from the medical problems, the hardest part about my life after the car accident was the fact that I was alone.” Jerry said, “Everyone was away at college, I wasn’t. I couldn’t drive, couldn’t go to college. My friends who used to hang around with me were there for me at first, but after a while they stopped coming by.”

“I looked up on her Facebook page, and she said on there: Can anybody please hang out with me today? I don’t have any friends.” recalled Jerry’ s mother, Ketty.

In time, Jerry and her mother teamed up with the US Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration to make a video. They want to get the point across that texting while driving can have life-transforming consequences.

In the video Jerry appealed to drivers not to text while driving. She admitted she was checking and sending messages via her phone when she crashed her car into the back of the truck.

“Don’t text your loved ones when you know they’re driving,” said Jerry’s mother. “It can change their lives forever.”

“If you get a text, don’t look at it,” Jerry said. “It’s not worth it.”

1.What happened to Jerry when she was 17 years old?

A.She lost all her friends.

B.She couldn’t cry naturally.

C.She suffered a traffic accident.

D.She was waiting to turn left.

2.What was Jerry’s hardest part in her life after 17?

A.Having no chance to attend college.

B.Having no ability to live on.

C.Having unsolved medical problems.

D.Being alone without friends around her.

3.Why did Jerry regret texting while driving?

A.Because it caused her a life-changing result.

B.Because she couldn’t see the message clearly.

C.Because she was afraid to miss the message.

D.Because she couldn’t send the message quickly.

4.The purpose of making the video was to           .

A.warn people not to use phones while driving

B.call on people to help accident victims

C.ask teens to be careful while riding

D.expose the truth of the car crash



    A long layover(滞留)can be absolutely annoying. What are you supposed to do if you've got six, eight, or 12 hours to kill before your next flight? Most of the time, your options are to eat an overpriced meal, or to browse an overpriced bookstore. Well, you might have more choices than you think. These are the airports with the world's coolest activities you'd never expect.

Munich Airport (MUC), Munich: Brewery(酿酒厂)tours

Where else but in Germany would you find not only a lively beer garden at an airport but also the actual brewery that supplies it? Airbräu is home to an award-winning lineup of cold ones and even offers brewery tours if you've got the time.

Los Angeles International (LAX), Los Angeles: Canine Friends

You're already anxious enough at the airport, and a long layover is bound to make it worse. Sounds like you need to take advantage of the therapy dogs at the Pets Unstressing Passengers program (PUP for short).

Incheon International (ICN), Seoul: Ice-Skating Rink

There's tons of stuff to do at Incheon International, including catching a movie or checking out a cultural museum. But what really sets it apart is the free ice-skating rink and ice forest, which opens seasonally. Don't worry: inline skating(直排轮滑) is available year-round.

Hong Kong International (HKG), Hong Kong: Golf Simulator(模拟器)

Hong Kong Airport used to be home to a real nine-hole golf course, but it was closed in 2015 due to an expansion of the airport hotel. Still, while you're waiting for your flight, you can borrow some clubs and hit the Golfzon simulator located in Terminal 2. It's probably better for air traffic control this way.

1.If your flight from Munich to Hongkong is delayed, you may choose to________

A.walk a therapy dog

B.hit the Golfzon simulator

C.visit a beer garden

D.enjoy the beer festival

2.What makes Incheon International better than others?

A.Visiting a cultural museum .

B.Going skating as you like.

C.Watching an interesting movie.

D.Wandering in the ice forest year-round.

3.What’s the purpose of the passage?

A.To show must-see tourist attractions.

B.To inform tourists of the airport facilities.

C.To introduce interesting layover activities.

D.To tell passengers unique airports worldwide.




The darkness was gathering as she wobbled(颤颤巍巍)in high heels (高跟鞋) along the side of the highway. The car had come to an unexpected stop, and like a normal teenager she did the only thing she could think of..get out and walk.

It was cold and late, and home was far away. This could be a long night. If only someone would stop and offer her a ride. She prayed for help and dragged herself forward.

The lights of a truck shone from behind as it approached. "Maybe he will stop," she hoped. The brake lights flashed on as it stopped. Next moment, the car door opened. A wordless invitation was extended and she understood. Without hesitation, the girl climbed up into the seat and closed the door. Slowly the truck pulled back onto the road and disappeared into the night, never to be seen again.

I woke up in a cold sweat, frightened. Was it a dream or was it a vision? It was unbelievably real, and the girl was my daughter! I jumped from my bed and ran to her room. Her bed was empty.

I stood in horror trying to think why she hadn't come home. As the mental fog began to lift, I remembered she was visiting her friend that evening. Perhaps she stayed there for the night. It was 1:30 a.m., but I raced to the phone and dialed a number.

"Hello?" The voice was heavy with sleep.

"Hey. Sorry to wake you. Becki didn't come home tonight and I was wondering if she stayed at your place."

"No, she left here a few hours ago. She should have been home at least by midnight!" The voice on the other end began to reflect my own panic.

Over the next forty-five minutes I alternated between lying in pray and pacing the floor in anxiety.

At 2:15 a.m. lights appeared as a car turned up our long driveway. I could tell immediately that it was not my daughter's car.


1. 所续写短文词数应为 150 左右;

2. 应使用 5 个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词;

3. 续写部分分为两段, 每段的开头语已为你写好;

4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。

Paragraph 1:

My face pressed against the window and found it was hard to breathe.


Paragraph 2:

"Mom, she gave me a ride home." Becki said.





Dear Li Hua,

I have some problems. Due to the COVID-19, all of us now have to keep social distance and take online courses at home. I find it hard to constantly focus on studying. I feel tired easily. Worse still, I have become so anxious and short-tempered. I do want to change the situation, but I don’t know how. What should I do?


注意:1. 词数 80 左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。




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