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单句改错 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把...





1.Only if we do enough self-protection, we stay away from Covid-19.

2.I’m working on my essay. Would you mind turn down your music a little bit?

3.Sometimes, I start the second declaration first and sometimes, I start the first declaration the second time.

4.Simon is such responsible a boy that he is chosen chairman of the Student Union.

5.As time going by, the virus will probably become weaker and less active.

6.We are still in the middle of 2020, that is considered to be an eventful year.

7.Apart from self-protection, we have no choice but wait for the vaccine.

8.To avoid be trapped in heavy traffic at the rush hour, I usually take the subway to work.

9.Henry became addictive to online games, which had a bad effect on his schoolwork.

10.Quite a lot of species have been died out so far, resulting from urbanization.


1.在if后加will 2.turn→turning 3.最后一个the→a 4.such→so 5.going→goes 6.that→which 7.在but后加to 8.be→being 9.addictive→addicted 10.去掉been 【解析】 1. 考查部分倒装。句意:只有我们做足够的自我保护,我们才能远离Covid-19。分析句子,only if 译为“只要……就,只有”,放句首时后面的句子要部分倒装(助动词/be 动词/情态动词+主语)。分析句意,此处的时态应用一般将来时,所以此处需在主语前加将来时的助动词will。故在if和we之间加will。 2. 考查固定短语。句意:我正在写我的论文。你介意把音乐关小一点吗? would you mind doing sth 介意做某事吗,是固定短语。故将turn改为turing。 3. 考查冠词。句意:有时,我先开始第二次声明,有时,我再次开始第一次声明。分析句子,the +序数词表示第……;a/an+序数词表示 再一,又一。根据句意,后句应表示“再次开始第一次声明”。故将第二the 改为a。 4. 考查副词。句意:西蒙是一个很负责任的男孩,他被选为学生会主席。分析句子,such的词性是形容不可修饰responsible(负责的);副词可以修饰形容词。故将such改为so。 5. 考查时态。句意:随着时间的推移,病毒可能会变得越来越弱,越来越不活跃。as译为“随着”后接句子,动词要体现时态。分析句子,此处表示客观实在性。所以go的时态要用一般现在时。go的主语是不可数名词。故将going改为goes。 6. 考查非限制性定语从句。句意:我们还处在2020年年中,被认为是多事之秋。分析句子,逗号后为非限制性定语从句,而关系代词that不能引导“非限”,此处先行词指物。故将that改为which。 7. 考查固定短语。句意:除了自我保护,我们别无选择,只能等待疫苗。分析句子,have no choice but to do sth 译为“别无选择只能……”是固定短语。故在but和wait间加to。 8. 考查固定短语。句意:为了避免在高峰时间被困在拥挤的交通中,我通常乘地铁去上班。avoid doing sth 译为“避免做某事”是固定短语。故将be改为being。 9. 考查固定短语。句意:亨利沉迷于网络游戏,这对他的学业造成了不良影响。be/ become addicted to (doing) sth 译为 沉迷(做)某事。是固定短语。故将addictive改为addicted。 10. 考查主动语态。句意:由于城市化,到目前为止已经有很多物种灭绝了。分析句子,die out 译为“灭绝;消失”没有被动语态。故been多余,应去掉。


1.I’m writing to a_______________ for the inconvenience our hotel has brought to you.

2.It seems that the major c_______________ of Donald Trump is not the spread of Covid-19. Instead, it’s whether he can be reelected president of the USA.

3.I have to a________ with shame that it was I who lost the document. I deserve the punishment.

4.Once you make a promise, you’d better s________ to it.

5.The main characters of these novels have both the good side and the e_______ side, which suggests that humanity is complex.

6.We found a homeless puppy in the mud and were wondering whether to send it to the animal s__________ or adopt it ourselves.

7.Those beautiful mushrooms which look h__________ are actually poisonous and deadly.

8.Love is i___________ to our eyes, but we can feel it with our heart.

9.It’s c_________ to cage the birds up. I have decided to set them free.

10.The queen stared at her r____________ in the magic mirror and asked who was the prettiest woman in the world.



    It seemed like any other day when fitness instructor Chantelle Lister set off to work at 7 am. It was the school holidays, so her daughters Loren and Mollie, 17 and 6, and 11-year-old son Charlie were still _______ in bed.

But within an hour, the family home in Kettering, England, went up in flames. The _______ started downstairs, and deadly smoke started _______ the second floor, where the children were sleeping.

_______, the family's beloved dog, Bailey, rushed to their _______. Although the thick smoke _______ to climb the staircase, the 4-year-old dog made his way _______ and kept barking outside Loren's door until she _______.

Loren opened the _______ to thick black smoke covering the stairs and the sound of smashing (粉碎) glass. Struggling to ________, the teenager ran into the other ________ and managed to get the ________ children out through a window and onto the roof.

After successfully raising the ________, Bailey ran back downstairs to try to get out.________, he was trapped in the ________ house.

''The firemen pulled Bailey out and tried to ________ him, but he was dead, '' Chantelle said. ''They put a blanket over him and I kept ________, 'That could have been one of my children. ' Bailey was such a character and so ________. The children wouldn't be here ________ him. He's my hero and I'll be ________ to him forever. ''

1.A.sleepy B.asleep C.awake D.silent

2.A.light B.smoke C.fire D.noise

3.A.filling B.flowing C.leaving D.escaping

4.A.Finally B.Thankfully C.Naturally D.Obviously

5.A.yard B.kitchen C.danger D.rescue

6.A.started B.failed C.happened D.stopped

7.A.out B.through C.upstairs D.downstairs

8.A.watched out B.set off C.went away D.woke up

9.A.eyes B.mouth C.door D.window

10.A.breathe B.walk C.speak D.stand

11.A.house B.classroom C.bathroom D.bedroom

12.A.angry B.curious C.terrified D.confused

13.A.alarm B.voice C.sound D.child

14.A.Surprisingly B.Unfortunately C.Occasionally D.Gradually

15.A.shining B.exploding C.broken D.burning

16.A.save B.protect C.move D.comfort

17.A.apologizing B.thinking C.explaining D.expecting

18.A.interesting B.loving C.strange D.cute

19.A.beyond B.besides C.without D.despite

20.A.loyal B.convenient C.available D.grateful



    How do you get yourself to take action now? Here are some powerful suggestions.

Focus intensely on the positive things that your actions will accomplish. 1. Whether it's something you're seeking to accomplish, or something you're seeking to be rid of. picture exactly how your life will be after the work is done. The more intensely you can imagine it, the better.

2. The only real reason you have for avoiding action is because you associate some kind of pain or discomfort with it. Therefore, it helps to associate something even more painful with not taking action. Instead of focusing on the relatively minor pain of taking action, focus instead on the major pain of not taking action.

3. Think of all the reasons you can come up with to not take action, and then destroy all those reasons with a single word —"But." Simply state the excuse, put the word "but" after it, and then finish the sentence. For example, “I’ve never done this before, BUT I can learn." Stick the word "but" in there, and challenge yourself to finish the sentence.

Take the first small step. Don't even concern yourself with committing to the whole project or course of action. Just do something very easy and very small. The point is to find a little momentum(动力)4. Then climb aboard the momentum train, and let it help you keep the effort going.

Make it fun. Realize that just about anything can be fun if you'll think of it as fun and enjoyable. Find a way to make something fun, and not only will you want to do it; you'll also be better at it. 5.

A.You always choose what to do,

B.Lay all your excuses out on the table and deal with them.

C.In your mind, picture in great detail what your actions will bring you.

D.Whatever you must do to achieve success, find a way to enjoy it.

E.Focus on the negative things that will happen if you don't take action.

F.Getting started with your biggest task or most difficult action may seem too much.

G.Once you take that small action, let yourself fully enjoy how great it feels.



    Many of us like to dine out and treat ourselves to delicious food. We are used to choosing hearty (丰盛的), fat-filled dishes and sugar-charged desserts, which are not easily cooked at home.

The recent rise of light meals, however, gives diners a smarter choice. According to Economic Daily, low-calorie, low-fat and high-fiber meals have become popular in China’s restaurants and online delivery platforms.

The country saw a rapid expansion of restaurants specializing in light meals, from just 600 in 2017 to more than 3,500 in 2018. According to a report released by Meituan, a major online food delivery platform, the number of light meals ordered online also rose 75 percent from the previous year.

Having a light meal, however, doesn’t mean eating only vegetables. Different from the meat-free lifestyle, a typical light dish avoids oily, salty and spicy food. Instead, it contains things like boiled meat, whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Healthy nutrients (营养成分) are the theme of the light meal.

These dishes are useful for keeping healthy and controlling your weight. That’s probably why so many people, especially millennials (千禧一代), are into them. Diners see it as “a great way to avoid putting on weight,” wrote the Telegraph.

“After eating several light meals, I felt my appetite has shrunk (缩小). I now prefer light flavors,” Zou Jing, a college teacher in Wuhan, told China Daily. She shared a picture of her lunch: a mixture of beef, eggs, corn, mushrooms and cherry tomatoes.

These changes in eating behavior are connected to deeper changes in how people think about food, says Walter Willett, chair of the nutrition department at the Harvard T. Chan School of Public Health, US. “Diet quality, not quantity, is important for both weight control and long-term well-being,” Willett told The New York Times.

So the next time you have a party with friends, try a light meal. It will satisfy not only your stomachs but maybe also your hearts.

1.What are light meals?

A.Fat-filled dishes. B.Meat-free dishes.

C.Sugar-charged desserts. D.Low-calorie and high-fiber meals.

2.How does the author show the popularity of light meals?

A.By listing numbers. B.By giving examples.

C.By giving descriptions. D.By showing other people’s opinions.

3.Why do many young people enjoy light meals, according to the article?

A.They are usually colorful. B.They are simple and convenient.

C.They are cheaper than other meals. D.They can help people control their weight.

4.What do we know from the second to last paragraph?

A.Light meals will stay popular for a while.

B.Our eating habits show our personalities.

C.There is a change in attitude toward healthy eating.

D.It’s important to eat the right amount of good food.



    Small talk – the likes of “What do you have there? Popcorn?” or “The weather today is beautiful, isn’t it?” – is meaningless and a waste of time, according to some people. But scientists believe that it is actually more useful than it may appear to be.

One example comes when you are on a train or a plane. The thought of talking to the stranger sitting beside you can be scary, because you know the conversation is sure to be awkward. But a study by the University of Chicago in the US found that people who chat to strangers enjoy a better ride than those who sit in silence or occupy themselves with their phones. 

In the study, researchers asked people at Chicago train stations to start conversations with fellow travelers. Most of them refused to do so at first because they expected not to get a friendly answer. But the result turned out to be just the opposite – most strangers were not only willing to be talked to, but also pleasant to talk to. 

“Human beings are social animals,” Nicholas Epley, one of the lead researchers, told Live Science. “Other people are people, too. And it turns out that they’d like to get to know you.”

Apart from making you happier, small talk with strangers can also help you feel connected to your surroundings. Previous studies found that when people are frequently smiled at, made eye contact with and spoken to at coffee shops, they tend to have a stronger sense of belonging instead of feeling like they are being ignored and left out. 

And if you are already comfortable enough to make small talk with strangers, you should try to develop it into something “bigger”. 

A 2010 study proved that having a deep and meaningful conversation gives you even more happiness than small talk. Participants in the study – 79 college students – reported after the four-day experiment that they were much happier when they had a third as much small talk and twice as many in-depth conversations. 

But deep conversations can start with small talk, can’t they? So the first step is to start talking, no matter how casual the topic is. And who knows, maybe an opening line as simple as “I like your hat” could lead to a serious conversation in which you learn something new from a stranger.

1.What is the reason for the result of the study by the University of Chicago, according to Nicholas Epley?

A.Most people are nice to strangers.

B.People are naturally curious about others.

C.People are afraid of loneliness or boredom.

D.People try to show their good side to strangers.

2.Which of the following is a benefit of small talk according to the passage ?

A.Wasting less time. B.Getting rid of useless contacts.

C.Coping with smart phone addiction. D.Feeling like you are a part of your surroundings.

3.What does something “bigger” mean in the passage?

A.Privacy B.Small talk C.Sensitive topics D.In-depth conversations

4.What is the author’s attitude toward small talk?

A.Positive. B.Negative. C.Doubtful. D.Passionate.



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