满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I glanced at the magazine covers while p...

    I glanced at the magazine covers while paying for some goods. Then I _______ Taraji P. Henson confidently on the cover of a magazine. The caption _______ All I can be is me. " Considering that I run a non-profit organization _______ positive perception(认识)of the body and encouraging people to accept their bodies, I'm _______about that it took me so long to know it.

I used to make _______ on my mom that she looked young for her age her skin didn't have lots of _______ , and she had few age spots. But I suddenly realized with a _______ eye that day that I had been _______ forcing a young value system on my mom. So I _______ for telling her that, and she accepted with a smile.

I want my mom to grow old, feel the  ________ to age and enjoy everything during the process.  It's a privilege to grow older ________ ,we lose sight of this when we are ________ with countless perfect pictures of aging women and anti-aging fever. The phenomenon ________ a larger cultural problem that the perfected and forever ________appearance has become the norm—or ________ the popular norm.

Now I value the ________ older women have acquired through their life experiences. I believe we need to celebrate them for what they've ________in life. I want to see older women ________ as themselves with loose skin, grey hair and everything else that comes.

Wanting to be________to others isn't a bad want, but our culture's addiction to staying young has destroyed an entire age group of women. To restate the magazine's __________  ,let women actually be themselves.

1.A.noticed B.thought C.admired D.watched

2.A.wrote B.read C.showed D.concluded

3.A.learning B.promoting C.influencing D.representing

4.A.pleased B.satisfied C.worried D.embarrassed

5.A.appeals B.donations C.responses D.comments

6.A.wrinkles B.marks C.scars D.blackheads

7.A.cautious B.sharp C.fresh D.cold

8.A.deliberately B.aimlessly C.abruptly D.unintentionally

9.A.sighed B.apologized C.scared D.complained

10.A.freedom B.urge C.duty D.risk

11.A.Besides B.Therefore C.Otherwise D.However

12.A.surrounded B.crowded C.frozen D.buried

13.A.describes B.worsens C.indicates D.handles

14.A.confident B.youthful C.fashionable D.gentle

15.A.at length B.at last C.at least D.at most

16.A.beauty B.honor C.peace D.wisdom

17.A.lost B.abandoned C.weathered D.changed

18.A.show up B.show off C.hold on D.hold back

19.A.important B.similar C.attractive D.unique

20.A.cover B.caption C.theme D.picture


1.A 2.B 3.B 4.D 5.D 6.A 7.C 8.D 9.B 10.A 11.D 12.A 13.C 14.B 15.C 16.D 17.C 18.A 19.C 20.B 【解析】 这是一篇夹叙夹议文。作者由一本杂志封面的文字联想到自己和妈妈之间发生的关于变老的故事,醒悟到女人应该接受和享受变老的过程,呼吁让女人们做她们自己。 1. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:然后我注意到Taraii P. Henson 自信地出现在杂志的封面上。A. noticed注意到;B. thought思考;C. admired羡慕,钦佩;D. watched观看。根据前文的“I glanced at the magazine covers while paying for some goods.”可知,作者一边买单一边瞥了杂志封面,所以是注意到了杂志封面的Taraii P. Henson。故选A项。 2. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:说明文字写着:我所能做的就是做我自己。A. wrote写作;B. read阅读,写着;C. showed展示;D. concluded下结论。根据后面的双引号可知,“All I can be is me.”是写在封面上的文字;表示物体上面写着文字应该用read。故选B项。 3. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:考虑到我在经营一家非营利性机构,旨在提升人们对于身体的积极认识,鼓励人们去接受自己的身体。A. learning学习;B. promoting促进;C. influencing影响;D. representing代表。根据表示并列的and及后面的encouraging可知,设空处表达的意思应该跟encouraging含义接近,只有B选项符合。故选B项。 4. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我有点难为情,我花了很长时间才认识到这点。A. pleased开心的;B. satisfied满足的;C. worried担忧的;D. embarrassed尴尬的。根据后文“it took me so long to know it”可推断,作者对于自己花了很长时间才认识到要做自己这件事,感到难为情。故选D项。 5. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:我过去常常评论我妈妈,在她所在的年龄段,她看起来很年轻。A. appeals魅力;B. donations捐赠;C. responses回应;D. comments评论。分析句子成分可知,“that she looked young for her age”是对设空处的解释说明,“在她所在的年龄段,她看起来很年轻”这是一种评论。故选D项。 6. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:她的皮肤没有很多皱纹,也几乎没有老年斑。A. wrinkles皱纹;B. marks符号;C. scars伤疤;D. blackheads黑头粉刺。根据前文“she looked young for her age”可知,作者妈妈看起来年轻,所以可推断她脸上没什么皱纹。故选A项。 7. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:但是那天我突然以一种全新的眼光意识到,我无意识地在我妈妈身上强加一种年轻的意识观念。A. cautious小心翼翼的;B. sharp尖锐的;C. fresh新鲜的;D. cold寒冷的。根据前文“I used to make ____5____to my mom that she looked young for her age”可知,作者之前经常做的事情是评论妈妈年轻,意识到自己在无意识地向妈妈灌输年轻的意识观念是作者首次意识到,所以对作者而言这是一种全新的看待问题的视角。故选C项。 8. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:但是那天我突然以一种全新的眼光意识到,我无意识地在我妈妈身上强加一种年轻的意识观念。A. deliberately故意地;B. aimlessly无目的地;C. abruptly突然地;D. unintentionally无意识地。根据前文“her skin didn't have lots of ____6____and she had few age spots”可知,作者评论妈妈年轻是基于妈妈的状态,这是一种自然而然的无意识的行为。故选D项。 9. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我因为告诉了她(她看起来年轻这件事)而向她道歉,她微笑着接受了。A. sighed叹气;B. apologized道歉;C. scared使……害怕;D. complained抱怨。根据前文“I had been ____8____ forcing a young value system on my mom.”及后文“I want my mom to grow old, feel the ____10____ to age and enjoy everything during the process.”可知,作者希望自己的妈妈能够享受变老的过程,但是作者却在无意识地向妈妈强加一种年轻的意识观念,可推断作者对自己的行为感到抱歉。故选B项。 10. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:我想让我的妈妈变老,感受变老的自由,享受这个过程中的所有东西。A. freedom自由;B. urge迫切;C. duty责任;D. risk风险。根据作者想让妈妈变老,想让她享受变老的过程可知,作者认为变老并不是一件坏事,这是一种不受约束的自由。故选A项。 11. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:然而,当我们被不计其数的年老女人精致的照片和抗老热潮所包围的时候,我们看不见这个(变老是一种特权)。A. Besides而且;B. Therefore因此;C. Otherwise否则;D. However然而。根据前文“It's a privilege to grow older.”及后文“we lose sight of this”可知,两句话之间存在转折关系,所以要用however来表示这种关系。故选D项。 12. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:然而,当我们被不计其数的年老女人精致的照片和抗老热潮所包围的时候,我们看不见这个(变老是一种特权)。A. surrounded包围;B. crowded挤满;C. frozen冰冻;D. buried埋葬,淹没。根据后文的countless perfect pictures和anti-aging fever可知,我们是被这些东西所包围。故选A项。 13. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:这种现象表明了一个更大的文化问题——完美的和永远年轻的外貌已经变成了一种标准。A. describes描述;B. worsens使恶化;C. indicates表明;D. handles处理。结合语境可知,这种文化问题是前文所说现象折射出来的,换言之,就是现象表明了有这样的文化问题存在。故选C项。 14. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这种现象表明了一个更大的文化问题——完美的和永远年轻的外貌已经变成了一种标准。A. confident自信的;B. youthful年轻的;C. fashionable时髦的;D. gentle轻柔的。根据前文“when we are ____12____with countless perfect pictures of aging women and anti-aging fever”可知,抗老是一种热潮,而抗老追求的是永远年轻的脸庞。故选B项。 15. 考查介词短语辨析。句意:这种现象表明了一个更大的文化问题——完美的和永远年轻的外貌已经变成了一种标准——或者至少是一种受欢迎的标准。A. at length终究;B. at last最后;C. at least至少;D. at most至多。设空后的the popular norm是对前文的the norm的一种让步,所以设空处要选择一个能表示让步意思的短语,“至少”符合题意。故选C项。 16. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:现在我重视年长女人们在她们的生活经历中所获得的智慧。A. beauty美丽;B. honor荣耀;C. peace和平;D. wisdom智慧。根据后文的“loose skin, grey hair”可知,女人在慢慢变老的过程中,虽然会面临松弛的皮肤、灰白的头发,但是她们的生活经历造就了她们人生的智慧。故选D项。 17. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我相信,我们需要为她们在生活中所经受的事情去赞美她们。A. lost丢失;B. abandoned抛弃;C. weathered经受住;D. changed改变。根据前文“Now I value the ____16____older women have acquired through their life experiences.”可知,年长的女人们在生活经历中积累了人生的智慧,换言之,她们是在生活中经受了很多事情并获得智慧;跟经历相对的应该是“weather(经受住)”。故选C项。 18. 考查动词短语辨析。句意:我想看到年长的女人们,以松弛的皮肤、灰白的头发以及其他要到来的任何东西去呈现自己。A. show up出现,露面;B. show off炫耀;C. hold on握住,抓牢;D. hold back阻挡,阻止。根据上文“I want my mom to grow old, feel the ____10____to age and enjoy everything during the process. It's a privilege to grow older.”可知,作者认为我们应该去接受和享受变老所带来的一切东西,也就是我们要正视衰老这个过程,衰老带来的皮肤等方面的变化,也是我们要去接受的,所以应该以这样的形象去露面去呈现自己。故选A项。 19. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:想让自己对别人有吸引力不是一种不好的愿望。A. important重要的;B. similar相似的;C. attractive有吸引力的;D. unique独特的。根据前文所说,很多人在追求抗老,追求永远的年轻,这些追求都是为了保持自己对于其他人的吸引力。故选C项。 20. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:重申一下杂志封面的文字说明——让女人们做她们真正的自己。A. cover封面;B. caption文字说明;C. theme主题;D. picture图片。根据前文杂志封面的文字说明“All I can be is me.”可知,“let women actually be themselves”是对杂志封面文字的进一步强调。故选B项。

    How to think outside the box

Being open to dissenting(持异议的)opinions is not the only way to think outside the box. 1.

A break in our everyday life may provide the force needed to shift the direction of our thinking.  So we can change environments. 2. for example, reorganizing our desk or taking a new route to work.  However, for others , bigger changes such as a new job or a marriage are required,

A famous concept is approaching routine situations as if we met or saw them for the first time. In other words, we should look at them as if we'd never seen them. 3. For instance, when we brush our teeth, take a moment to look at the toothbrush as if we never laid eyes on such an object and noticed its color and shape. Think about the flavor of the toothpaste and notice how our mouth feels as we move the brush back and forth.

4.. The mere presence of a group of people with diverse experiences, views and backgrounds in our everyday life creates an atmosphere in which people can better respond to change. Why? Because they are key drivers of the development of new ideas and solutions.

Unlike negative emotions (情感)that cause specific reactions(for example, fear drives us to flee) ,positive emotions help us broaden our attention, explore our environment, and open ourselves to absorbing information.

5.. They can be those that are going well or for which we are grateful. This shifting — into — positivity process will automatically brighten our mood—and free our brain.

A.It's also helpful to seek for the difference

B.For some people, small changes might work

C.We should show respect for different cultures too

D.Some small techniques could help broaden the way we think

E.Take a few moments to think about the beautiful things in our life

F.Positive emotions play an important part in unfreezing our thinking

G."Beginners' mind" allows us to remain open to experiences despite any knowledge we may have



    Plastic is piling up in ecosystems all over the world. Although its harmful impacts on both species and ecosystems have been documented, a few animals—like bowerbirds and hermit crabs—are doing what they can to recycle it. And according to a recent study, wild bees in Canada have joined the effort, which is a rare observation of behavioral flexibility in species especially insects, in increasingly plastic-rich environments.

The researchers found two species of leafcutter bees putting plastic into their nests. One of the bees they studied, the alfalfa leafcutter bee, normally bites off pieces of leaves and flowers while the second bee gathers sticky substances from trees. Leafcutter bees don't build big nests or store honey like honeybees, choosing instead small nests in underground holes, tree holes or cracks (裂缝)in buildings. But the researchers found that three of eight brood cells(育雏巢室)contained pieces of plastic bags, replacing 23 percent of the cut leaves in each cell on average.

While they don't make honey, alfalfa leafcutter bees still make money for the U. S. and Canadian farmers by pollinating(给......传授花粉)crops including alfalfa , carrots and melons. The European insects were introduced to North America in the 1930s for that purpose, and they've since become wild, joining the continent's many native species of leafcutter bees.

In a separate study conducted in Argentina between 2017 and 2018, researchers found a bee nest made entirely of plastic, which consisted of three separate cells. It's the first known example of such construction worldwide. Compared to the other nests the researchers examined, which were made of natural materials, this one had a pretty lower success rate of the bees' survival. One of the cells had a dead baby bee , another seemed to have housed an adult that had left the nest, and the third was unfinished.

1.What does the animals' use of plastic show according to the study?

A.How widely plastic is used.

B.How strange the behavior of wildlife is.

C.How some wildlife is adapting to plastic.

D.How plastic pollution has harmed them.

2.What do leaves mean to alfalfa leafcutter bees?

A.Food. B.Shelter.

C.A plastic substitute. D.Traditional nest materials.

3.Which is one characteristic of leafcutter bees?

A.They have great economic value.

B.They store honey like honeybees.

C.They prefer to live in tree holes.

D.They have evolved into a new species.

4.What was the nest made entirely of plastic like?

A.It might be warmer. B.It might be unhealthy.

C.It might be easy to finish. D.It might be recyclable.



    It goes without saying, but bears repeating, there are too many cats and dogs without homes. While there are countless shelters and rescue centers that exist, some potential pet owners look to pet shops to find their furry friends. All too often, however, these animals come from puppy and kitten mills(繁殖场)that treat the creatures in cruel ways. San Francisco, however, is doing its part to stop this abuse with pet store adoption. Officials recently voted to ban the sale of non-rescue dogs and cats in local shops.

The effect is twofold. First, it will stop the popularity of the large-scale mills, which are famous for the miserable conditions cats and dogs are kept in. Second, it will help facilitate the adoption of thousands of animals that are waiting for their forever homes in San Francisco shelters. District 4 Supervisor Katy Tang, who serves on the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, supported law-making on the ban. “Dogs and cats sold in pet stores often come from inhumane puppy and kitten mills that treat animals with no regard for their health or well-being,” she wrote on Facebook. In her message, she also called on the U. S. Agriculture Department to reinstate information on its website that documents these types of animal cruelty cases—it was removed earlier this month.

San Francisco's law-making is a victory for those concerned about animal rights, and it isn't the first city to pass this type of measure. Los Angeles, San Diego, Chicago, Philadelphia, Boston, and Austin also have similar laws in place, with hopefully more places to follow suit.

1.What happened to the dogs or cats before they got in the pet stores?

A.They were treated cruelly.

B.They received warm welcome.

C.They were abandoned on the streets,

D.They were raised in shelters and rescue centers.

2.Which of the following may Katy Tang agree with most?

A.People should adopt the dogs and cats.

B.Animals are too cruel to human beings.

C.Government can choose to kill all the dogs and cats.

D.It is not right to ban the sale of non-rescue dogs or cats in local shops.

3.What does the underlined word "reinstate" in Paragraph 2 mean?

A.Update. B.Replace. C.Post again. D.Download.

4.What does the last paragraph mainly focus on?

A.No Chinese city joins this type of movements

B.San Francisco is the last city to ban pet stores,

C.More and more cities are involved in protecting animal rights.

D.Americans care about animals more than others.



    Jayce Crowder began noticing when he was in kindergarten that he looked different from his classmates. They had two hands. He had one.

It started when one boy teased him, said his mother, Cortney Lewis. He'd return to their home in Des Moines, Iowa with questions:Why am I different? Why me? Why? How could she provide answers to her son's questions when she had never found those answers herself?

A few weeks later, Lewis came home and turned on the TV. There was a news story about an eighth grader from Washington, Iowa. Trashaun Willis, then 14, had become an Internet sensation after posting videos of his slam dunks, and, like Jayce, most of his left arm was missing. Lewis called Jayce in. He was amazed, watching dunk after dunk.

At the time, it seemed that watching Trashaun would simply be an inspiring moment for Jayce. But little did Lewis know that a family friend had already reached out to The Des Moines Register, asking the newspaper to help set up a meeting with Trashaun to build up Jayce's confidence. The day was not spent on self-pity. They rode bikes around the schools hall ways, took photos, played hide-and-seek, and shot baskets.

At one point, Trashaun did get serious with Jayce. He talked about their left arms. He told Jayce he was perfect the way life made him. He asked Jayce not to let anyone drag him down and not let words shake his confidence. "It reassured me," said Lewis. "I know in my heart that everything's going to be OK. Trashaun has grown up to be a wonderful kid. And I know Jayce is too. As a parent, that's all you want to knowEverything's going to be OK. "

Since that meeting, Lewis has seen a pronounced difference in her son. He recently started wrestling and loved it. Lewis pointed to Trashaun's influence. Meeting him, she said, made Jayce understand that there were others like him.

As for Trashaun, his relationship with Jayce made him look forward to helping more kids, perhaps as a youth coach in NubAbility, a non-profit organization dedicated to coaching kids with limb differences.

1.What was Lewis' reaction to her son’s questions?

A.She was in shock. B.She felt lost.

C.She felt embarrassed, D.She was in pain.

2.How did the two boys reach out to each other?

A.Jayce called a newspaper.

B.A family friend helped a lot.

C.Lewis made efforts to do that.

D.Trashaun met Jayce by chance.

3.What do we know about Trashaun?

A.He had been a role model for Jayce.

B.He was a hit on the Internet for his kindness.

C.He was a volunteer for children with disabilities.

D.His good performance in basketball made Jayce down.

4.What can we learn from the last paragraph?

A.Jayce and Trashaun set up a non-profit organization.

B.Jayce and Trashaun became best friends.

C.What Trashaun did to Jayce made him a young coach.

D.Trashaun tended to devote more to kids with disabilities.



    It’s no secret that your personal characteristics directly affect how you interact with the world, but you might be surprised at just how deep it goes. Experts think that your personality can even affect how you exercise and influence what sports are suitable for you.

Highly Sensitive

Highly sensitive people may be more uncomfortable with group exercise classes or team sports where they feel their every move is being observed. Additionally, they may feel more upset over an ineffective or poor workout, says researcher Elaine Aron.

For such people, individual or non-competitive activities like biking, running and hiking are ideal.

Type A Personality

Type A individuals often have an “all or nothing approach” to exercise. This personality type is known for sticking closely to their plan, not to mention being super competitive. However, this can cause them to stick too closely to a fitness routine, which means they might try to push past an injury.

To get better exercise results, Type A people need to be aware that following an exercise plan too strictly may limit their progress. They should be more flexible and listen to their body, especially when they are in pain.

Type B Personality

This laid-back group may get too lazy about their exercise plan, which prevents them from seeing results. They are often less willing to devote enough time and energy to their fitness goals, especially if exercise is something that makes them anxious.

Type B individuals succeed in creative and co-operative environments, so team sports and group gym classes may be perfect.

Remember, there are plenty of ways you can adapt a fitness plan to suit your needs, regardless of your characteristics. Just keep in mind what you like.

1.Why might highly sensitive people be unwilling to take part in group sports?

A.They will feel like they are being evaluated.

B.They don't like socializing with other people.

C.They don't consider themselves to be athletic.

D.They fear they'll be let down by their teammates.

2.Type A personalities can be best described as_________.

A.committed B.flexible.

C.independent. D.sensitive.

3.What is the purpose of the text?

A.To help people understand what personality type they are.

B.To explain how personal characteristics affect exercise habits.

C.To identify the dangers of doing the wrong type of exercise.

D.To describe different types of workouts that are available today.



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