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Global Hotel Study: When to Book & How t...

Global Hotel Study: When to Book & How to Save

While vacation rentals are a great option for any trip, 56% of Americans prefer to stay in a hotel. Meanwhile, Americans are also looking for a stay that’s budget-friendly. Knowing that your day-to-day costs can be the biggest part of your travel budget, we’ve rounded up several tips on how to get the best price on your hotel.

Unlike with flights, those who wait until the last minute to book can often score a great deal on a hotel room. We found that booking your hotel 1-3 days in advance of your stay can save you between $15-20 per night when you’re staying somewhere in the US. For international trips, booking as little as 6 days ahead for a shorter stay can help you save around $6/night. With these points in mind, here’s our best advice on when to book your hotel and how to save.

When to Book



Cheapest Day to Book

Friday/ Saturday


Most Expensive Day to Book



Cheapest Check-In Days


Sunday or Tuesday

Most Expensive Check-In Days



Our tips will help you create a good foundation for getting the best price possible when you search. And in order to be sure you’re getting the hotel you want, we’ve created powerful filters(筛选程序) that’ll narrow down all your options to the perfect one. These are the most popular filters used on KAYAK.

Whatever your plans are for your next stay, we’ll search hundreds of travel and hotel sites at once. So you can be confident you found the best price on the perfect hotel.

1.Which is the best way to save money while traveling in America?

A.Book on Friday and check in on Sunday.

B.Book on Monday and check in on Friday.

C.Book on Saturday and check in on Monday.

D.Book on Saturday and check in on Thursday.

2.Which factor is most valued according to KAYAK?

A.Swimming pool. B.Included breakfast.

C.Free Internet access. D.View from hotel room.

3.Where is this text most likely from?

A.A report. B.A website.

C.A research paper. D.A magazine.


1.A 2.C 3.B 【解析】 这是一篇说明文,主要介绍了在旅行中如何更科学、更便宜地选择和预定酒店。 1. 细节理解题。直接检索原文第二段后的表格,题目中的限定范围为“in America”,则对应表格中的左栏“domestic”,根据表格内容,周五或周六预定最为便宜,周日入住最为实便宜,故A中的“周五预定,周日入住”为四个选项中的最佳选择,故选A。 2. 细节理解题。根据原文第三段后的图表内容,Free Wifi(免费WIFI)在60%-70%之间,所占权重最高,故是最重要的考虑因素,即对应C选项中的“免费互联网接入”,故选C。 3. 推理判断题。本题要求判断文章出处,这是一篇旅行预定酒店的攻略。根据最后一句Whatever your plans are for your next stay, we’ll search hundreds of travel and hotel sites at once.”无论你的下一次入住计划是什么,我们都会立刻搜索数百个旅游和酒店网站。由此判断出短文来自网站。故选B。

假定你叫李华,你与班上来自英国的交换生Mike约定周日去购买他喜欢的中国历史书籍,但你临时有事 不能赴约。请你给他写一封邮件说明情况,内容包括:


2. 解释失约原因; '







假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误, 每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。

增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号( ),并在其下面写出该加的词。





Our class joined in a meaningful activity during the winter vacation. First, we went to visit the old lady who lived all alone. Some chatted with her while others help do a thorough cleaning for us. When the work was done, the house looked real neat and tidy. Then we went to the sport center, where all equipment needed polished. We set out to work at once. At no time everything was dust-free. Having done all this, we saw a pleasant community than before. Tiring as we were, we felt happy as all of our work was paid off.



    I glanced at the magazine covers while paying for some goods. Then I _______ Taraji P. Henson confidently on the cover of a magazine. The caption _______ All I can be is me. " Considering that I run a non-profit organization _______ positive perception(认识)of the body and encouraging people to accept their bodies, I'm _______about that it took me so long to know it.

I used to make _______ on my mom that she looked young for her age her skin didn't have lots of _______ , and she had few age spots. But I suddenly realized with a _______ eye that day that I had been _______ forcing a young value system on my mom. So I _______ for telling her that, and she accepted with a smile.

I want my mom to grow old, feel the  ________ to age and enjoy everything during the process.  It's a privilege to grow older ________ ,we lose sight of this when we are ________ with countless perfect pictures of aging women and anti-aging fever. The phenomenon ________ a larger cultural problem that the perfected and forever ________appearance has become the norm—or ________ the popular norm.

Now I value the ________ older women have acquired through their life experiences. I believe we need to celebrate them for what they've ________in life. I want to see older women ________ as themselves with loose skin, grey hair and everything else that comes.

Wanting to be________to others isn't a bad want, but our culture's addiction to staying young has destroyed an entire age group of women. To restate the magazine's __________  ,let women actually be themselves.

1.A.noticed B.thought C.admired D.watched

2.A.wrote B.read C.showed D.concluded

3.A.learning B.promoting C.influencing D.representing

4.A.pleased B.satisfied C.worried D.embarrassed

5.A.appeals B.donations C.responses D.comments

6.A.wrinkles B.marks C.scars D.blackheads

7.A.cautious B.sharp C.fresh D.cold

8.A.deliberately B.aimlessly C.abruptly D.unintentionally

9.A.sighed B.apologized C.scared D.complained

10.A.freedom B.urge C.duty D.risk

11.A.Besides B.Therefore C.Otherwise D.However

12.A.surrounded B.crowded C.frozen D.buried

13.A.describes B.worsens C.indicates D.handles

14.A.confident B.youthful C.fashionable D.gentle

15.A.at length B.at last C.at least D.at most

16.A.beauty B.honor C.peace D.wisdom

17.A.lost B.abandoned C.weathered D.changed

18.A.show up B.show off C.hold on D.hold back

19.A.important B.similar C.attractive D.unique

20.A.cover B.caption C.theme D.picture



    How to think outside the box

Being open to dissenting(持异议的)opinions is not the only way to think outside the box. 1.

A break in our everyday life may provide the force needed to shift the direction of our thinking.  So we can change environments. 2. for example, reorganizing our desk or taking a new route to work.  However, for others , bigger changes such as a new job or a marriage are required,

A famous concept is approaching routine situations as if we met or saw them for the first time. In other words, we should look at them as if we'd never seen them. 3. For instance, when we brush our teeth, take a moment to look at the toothbrush as if we never laid eyes on such an object and noticed its color and shape. Think about the flavor of the toothpaste and notice how our mouth feels as we move the brush back and forth.

4.. The mere presence of a group of people with diverse experiences, views and backgrounds in our everyday life creates an atmosphere in which people can better respond to change. Why? Because they are key drivers of the development of new ideas and solutions.

Unlike negative emotions (情感)that cause specific reactions(for example, fear drives us to flee) ,positive emotions help us broaden our attention, explore our environment, and open ourselves to absorbing information.

5.. They can be those that are going well or for which we are grateful. This shifting — into — positivity process will automatically brighten our mood—and free our brain.

A.It's also helpful to seek for the difference

B.For some people, small changes might work

C.We should show respect for different cultures too

D.Some small techniques could help broaden the way we think

E.Take a few moments to think about the beautiful things in our life

F.Positive emotions play an important part in unfreezing our thinking

G."Beginners' mind" allows us to remain open to experiences despite any knowledge we may have



    Plastic is piling up in ecosystems all over the world. Although its harmful impacts on both species and ecosystems have been documented, a few animals—like bowerbirds and hermit crabs—are doing what they can to recycle it. And according to a recent study, wild bees in Canada have joined the effort, which is a rare observation of behavioral flexibility in species especially insects, in increasingly plastic-rich environments.

The researchers found two species of leafcutter bees putting plastic into their nests. One of the bees they studied, the alfalfa leafcutter bee, normally bites off pieces of leaves and flowers while the second bee gathers sticky substances from trees. Leafcutter bees don't build big nests or store honey like honeybees, choosing instead small nests in underground holes, tree holes or cracks (裂缝)in buildings. But the researchers found that three of eight brood cells(育雏巢室)contained pieces of plastic bags, replacing 23 percent of the cut leaves in each cell on average.

While they don't make honey, alfalfa leafcutter bees still make money for the U. S. and Canadian farmers by pollinating(给......传授花粉)crops including alfalfa , carrots and melons. The European insects were introduced to North America in the 1930s for that purpose, and they've since become wild, joining the continent's many native species of leafcutter bees.

In a separate study conducted in Argentina between 2017 and 2018, researchers found a bee nest made entirely of plastic, which consisted of three separate cells. It's the first known example of such construction worldwide. Compared to the other nests the researchers examined, which were made of natural materials, this one had a pretty lower success rate of the bees' survival. One of the cells had a dead baby bee , another seemed to have housed an adult that had left the nest, and the third was unfinished.

1.What does the animals' use of plastic show according to the study?

A.How widely plastic is used.

B.How strange the behavior of wildlife is.

C.How some wildlife is adapting to plastic.

D.How plastic pollution has harmed them.

2.What do leaves mean to alfalfa leafcutter bees?

A.Food. B.Shelter.

C.A plastic substitute. D.Traditional nest materials.

3.Which is one characteristic of leafcutter bees?

A.They have great economic value.

B.They store honey like honeybees.

C.They prefer to live in tree holes.

D.They have evolved into a new species.

4.What was the nest made entirely of plastic like?

A.It might be warmer. B.It might be unhealthy.

C.It might be easy to finish. D.It might be recyclable.



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