满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

As our Earth’s temperature warms up beca...

    As our Earth’s temperature warms up because of climate change, it is having unexpected effects on our world’s forests. When temperatures rise, trees close their skins to ___________ the loss of water, and this, in turn, slows down the ___________ of photosynthesis(光合作用). As a result, these trees are shorter and grow slowly, as well as have a ___________ death rate.

Climate change also increases the ___________ of droughts and wildfires. After wildfires, it takes a while for the forest systems to ___________ , and in some cases, the forests are ___________ permanently. Trees that are stressed are also ___________ to attacks by bacteria(细菌). In tropical forests, vines that use the trees as ___________ can often choke the trees and rob them of nutrients. Finally, humans have ___________ the forest landscape through logging. When trees are replanted on the soil, they will never grow as large as the ____________ trees that were cut down.

As these forests disappear, species that once called them “home” are forced to change, ____________ the variety of those systems. ____________ , some endangered species are unable to ____________ and die. Old-growth forests are disappearing in all regions of our world. When forests die, younger forests that are reestablished in the same area grow back weaker and smaller ____________ poor vegetation. With trees dying increasingly and continuously, will future generations ____________ out on the wonders of forests?

1.A.protect B.prevent C.save D.free

2.A.movement B.situation C.process D.operation

3.A.higher B.firmer C.lighter D.smaller

4.A.choice B.measure C.qualification D.chance

5.A.grow B.rescue C.recover D.decline

6.A.ignored B.lost C.hurt D.left

7.A.accessible B.enjoyable C.acceptable D.favorable

8.A.attention B.command C.trust D.support

9.A.frightened B.paid C.ruined D.wasted

10.A.common B.original C.distant D.strong

11.A.affecting B.improving C.forgetting D.reflecting

12.A.Besides B.Surprisingly C.Otherwise D.Unfortunately

13.A.devote B.keep C.adapt D.lead

14.A.due to B.in addition to C.instead of D.in spite of

15.A.pass B.miss C.break D.bring


1.B 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.C 6.B 7.A 8.D 9.C 10.B 11.A 12.D 13.C 14.A 15.B 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章主要说明了由于气候变化,地球温度上升,这对我们世界的森林产生了意想不到的影响。先是温度上升导致树木矮小,生长缓慢,死亡率高;其次,气候变化也增加了干旱和野火的可能性,野火导致了森林的消失,因此以森林为“家”的物种被迫发生改变,甚至死亡。 1. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:当温度上升时,树木会将树皮闭合,以防止水分流失,而这反过来又会减慢光合作用的进程。A. protect保护;B. prevent阻止;C. save拯救;D. free释放。根据后文the loss of water可知树木将皮肤闭合是为了阻止水分的流失。故选B。 2. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:当温度上升时,树木会将树皮闭合,以防止水分流失,而这反过来又会减慢光合作用的进程。A. movement活动;B. situation情况;C. process进程;D. operation操作。结合上下文语境,树木闭合了树皮来防止水分流失,这反过来又减缓了光合作用的进程(process)。故选C。 3. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:因此,这些树较矮,生长缓慢,死亡率也较高。A. higher更高的;B. firmer更坚固的;C. lighter更明亮的;D. smaller更小的。根据上文these trees are shorter and grow slowly可知树木矮小,生长缓慢,所以死亡率也会更高了。故选A。 4. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:气候变化也增加了干旱和野火的可能性。A. choice选择;B. measure测量;C. qualification资格;D. chance可能性,机会。根据后文After wildfires可知全球气温升高增加了干旱和野火发生的可能性。故选D。 5. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:野火过后,森林系统需要一段时间才能恢复,在某些情况下,森林会永久无法恢复。A. grow生长;B. rescue营救;C. recover恢复;D. decline下降。结合上文After wildfires, it takes a while for the forest systems to可知野火焚烧了森林之后,森林系统需要时间才能恢复。故选C。 6. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:野火过后,森林系统需要一段时间才能恢复,在某些情况下,森林会永久无法恢复。A. ignored被忽视的;B. lost无法恢复的;C. hurt受伤的;D. left左边的。结合上文可知野火焚烧了森林,森林需要时间来恢复,但是某些情况下,森林也可能不能恢复了。故选B。 7. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:压力大的树木也容易受到细菌的攻击。A. accessible易接近的;B. enjoyable快乐的;C. acceptable可接受的;D. favorable赞成的。根据后文to attacks by bacteria可知树木也容易受到细菌的攻击。短语be accessible to“容易进入的,容易接近的”。故选A。 8. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:在热带森林中,以树木为支撑的藤本植物经常会窒息树木,并剥夺树木的营养。A. attention注意力;B. command命令;C. trust信任;D. support支撑,支持。结合上文vines that use the trees as可知藤本植物是以树木为支撑的,故选D。 9. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:最后,人类通过伐木,毁坏了森林景观。A. frightened使害怕;B. paid支付;C. ruined毁灭;D. wasted浪费。结合后文the forest landscape through logging可知人类伐木毁坏了森林景观。故选C。 10. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当树木被重新种植在土壤上时,它们永远不会长得像原来被砍伐的树那么大。A. common普通的;B. original原来的;C. distant遥远的;D. strong强壮的。结合后文trees that were cut down可知此处指的是,人们新种植的树木,不会长得像原来被砍伐的树那么大了。故选B。 11. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:随着这些森林的消失,曾经把它们称为“家”的物种被迫改变,影响了这些系统的多样性。A. affecting影响;B. improving改善;C. forgetting忘记;D. reflecting放射。承接上文As these forests disappear, species that once called them “home” are forced to change可知森林的消失,改变了这些物种,也影响了这些物种的多样性。故选A。 12. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:不幸的是,一些濒危物种无法适应而死亡。A. Besides而且;B. Surprisingly惊人地;C. Otherwise否则;D. Unfortunately不幸地。根据后文some endangered species are unable to可知某些物种很不幸地是,无法适应这些改变,只能死亡。故选D。 13. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:不幸的是,一些濒危物种无法适应而死亡。A. devote贡献;B. keep保持;C. adapt适应;D. lead带领。根据上文species that once called them “home” are forced to change可知物种被迫发生改变了,而某些物种无法适应,只能死去。故选C。 14. 考查短语辨析。句意:当森林死亡时,在同一地区重新建立的年轻森林由于植被不良,而变得更弱更小。A. due to因为;B. in addition to另外;C. instead of而不是;D. in spite of尽管。根据后文poor vegetation可知此处指年轻森林由于(due to)植被不良,而变得更弱更小。故选A。 15. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:随着树木不断地死亡,子孙后代会错过森林的奇迹吗?A. pass通过;B. miss错过;C. break打破;D. bring带来。结合后文out on the wonders of forests可知此处指错过森林的奇迹。短语miss out“错过”。故选B。

    Being able to communicate effectively with others is an essential skill for people of all ages. 1. People who want to develop those skills can learn how to do this from self-help books, workshops, and from the advice of other people.

2. Active listening involves a person listening carefully and attentively to the person speaking, restating what the other person has said — or what comes across — in a brief and nonjudgmental manner. 3. Becoming effective at active listening is one way to increase trust and understanding in a relationship, whether it is a personal or professional one.

Another tip to developing and improving interpersonal communication skills is to use feedback for different types of communication. Before giving speeches and presentations, it is always well advised to practice them before an audience and to ask for feedback before giving the real speech or presentation. 4.

It also is essential in developing communication skills to use appropriate body language and eye contact. 5. For example, using direct eye contact and body language that indicates openness, such as uncrossed arms, can help to get across that a person is ready and willing to listen and to speak openly.

A.It is essential to learn how to communicate politely.

B.These nonverbal signals can convey the true feelings.

C.Most people can benefit from improving their communication skills.

D.Being active listening doesn’t mean people have to employ it continuously.

E.This kind of listening focuses more on understanding than on giving advice.

F.By doing so, we can ensure the messages are easily understood and come across as intended.

G.One of the best tips for developing communication skills is to learn and practice effective listening.



    Tell a child they need to experience another painful medical procedure, and you’ll probably have a kid filled with fear and anxiety. Tell that same child they’ll have a chance to strike flying cheeseburgers in outer space while their doctor works on them, and they might feel a little different.

That night-and-day difference in how kids respond to the treatment of their doctors is the reason for Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford’s innovative use of virtual reality technology. Packard Children’s lets kids participate in experiences that can significantly reduce their anxiety — and even their pain.

This isn’t the first time Packard Children’s has introduced those innovative methods. In 2015, Thomas Caruso, M.D., the founder of Packard Children’s Childhood Anxiety Reduction through Innovation and Technology (CHARIOT) program, introduced the Bedside Entertainment and Relaxation Theater (BERT). The system projects videos on a large screen attached to patients’ gurneys(装有轮子的床) so they can watch movies and music videos all the way to the operating room. And in early 2017, CHARIOT launched an interactive video game called Sevo the Dragon, which projects on the BERT screen, so the tiniest patients have something fun to do while breathing medicine through a mask.

“Children shouldn’t grow up being afraid to go to the doctor to have a shot, but certain experiences can cause strong unreasonable fear that last into adulthood. Needle phobia(晕针) is a common example of that, and it is the primary reason adults avoid important immunizations(免疫) like flu shots.” Caruso told Stanford Medicine News Center.

VR distraction therapy is being used for kids at Packard Children’s as young as age 6 in specific areas like the emergency department, and the tool will be widely used in all of the Children’s Health’s surgery clinics by the end of 2020.

1.What is paragraph 1 mainly about?

A.Doctors’ favor of eating cheeseburgers.

B.Kids’ fear and anxiety towards doctors.

C.Doctors’ working on saving the children.

D.Kids’ different reactions to medical treatment.

2.What is the purpose of the CHARIOT program?

A.To ease the patients’ worries.

B.To introduce a new technology.

C.To help children to breathe medicine.

D.To show advertisements to the patients.

3.What does the underlined word “it” refer to in paragraph 4?

A.A kind of flu. B.The fear of needle for no reason.

C.The immune system. D.A kind of medicine for children.

4.The VR therapy offers __________ experiences to the patients.

A.disappointing B.conventional

C.relaxing D.unreasonable



    The British people have just discovered a new country. It’s called the UK! More and more people are choosing to take their holidays in their own country rather than travel abroad.

In the late 1970s, air travel became affordable for the average family in the UK, and more and more British people started travelling abroad for their summer holidays (July-August). After all, the British weather isn’t very good, even in summer, so a lot of Britons leave the UK for a vacation. Particularly popular with families on a budget is the “package holiday”, where the cost of flights and accommodation are offered as one discounted price by travel agents.

In the 1980s and 1990s, young people in the UK became more wealthy. As a result, the Club 18-30 holiday became popular. Young people started to go abroad in groups, to places such as Spain and Greece. Once at their destination, they socialised with other groups of young people and had one long party.

British holidaying habits have begun to change, however. Climate change means that the UK now has a warmer climate than before, so people don’t always feel they need to go overseas to find good weather. Also, the world seems a less certain place as interconnected economies rise and fall, which means that the cost of foreign holidays is less predictable than it used to be. As a result, more and more Britons are choosing to spend their summer holidays in the UK.

In recent years, British hotels in areas such as the English Lake District have seen a large increase in bookings. That rise is mainly owing to the British staying in their own country for their holidays. In addition, for some foreign tourists, the UK is a cheaper place to visit than previously because of changes in the value of the British pound.

The UK has always been famous for its international explorers, but now it is starting to discover itself.

1.What is the feature of the Club 18-30 holiday?

A.Young people went abroad with their family.

B.Young people got lots of money from their family.

C.Young people took part in social activities abroad.

D.Travel agents offered a better discount to young people.

2.Why do British people prefer domestic holidays now?

A.They are wealthier and more social.

B.The global weather is becoming predictable.

C.The UK is famous for its beautiful scenery.

D.The expense on foreign holidays is unsteady.

3.How is the text mainly organized?

A.In order of frequency. B.In order of time.

C.In order of space. D.In order of importance.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.Holidays and Habits B.Weather and Scenery

C.Travels and Economies D.Package Holiday and Culture



    Every week, two converted blue buses packed with children’s books carefully drive along the streets of Kabul, avoiding areas where deadly explosions are common. These travelling libraries stop off at schools in different parts of the city, delivering a wealth of reading material directly to youngsters who have limited access to books.

“A lot of schools in our city don’t have access to something as basic as a library,” says Freshta Karim, a 27-year-old Oxford University graduate who was inspired to start Charmaghz, a non-profit organization, in her home city having grown up without many books herself. “We were trying to understand what we could do to promote critical thinking in our country.”

While for many people a bus or train journey presents a rare opportunity to get stuck into a book, in some cities public transport is being used as means of getting books to communities that need them most. Afghanistan, for example, has one of the world’s lowest literacy rates, with only three in 10 adults able to read, according to UNESCO. The majority of public schools in Kabul do not have libraries and the city’s libraries do not offer many children’s books. For Karim, buses were a cost-effective, efficient way to get books to children.

Charmarghz rents them from a state-owned bus company. “We go to nearby schools,” she says. “We try to stop inside communities rather than on the main streets where explosions often happen.”

The organization is funded by donations from local business and communities, and also rents a third bus that acts as a mobile cinema. Over 600 children visit the buses each day to read, socialise and play games. “They are often very excited,” she says. “Our biggest challenge is that so many children want to come inside the bus, but we can’t have all of them in one day.”

1.Why does Freshta Karim set up the organization?

A.To raise money for the poor. B.To recycle abandoned buses.

C.To build libraries for the local schools. D.To offer the children more reading opportunities.

2.What is special about Charmarghz?

A.It’s funded by UNESCO. B.It’s a state-owned organization.

C.It buys buses from a company. D.It aims to inspire critical thinking.

3.What is the most pressing problem for Charmarghz?

A.Deadly explosions. B.Poor public transport system.

C.Shortage of travelling libraries. D.Lack of support from the government.

4.Which of the following best describes Freshta Karim?

A.Caring and courageous. B.Humorous and ambitious.

C.Demanding and enthusiastic. D.Honest and hardworking.



Global Hotel Study: When to Book & How to Save

While vacation rentals are a great option for any trip, 56% of Americans prefer to stay in a hotel. Meanwhile, Americans are also looking for a stay that’s budget-friendly. Knowing that your day-to-day costs can be the biggest part of your travel budget, we’ve rounded up several tips on how to get the best price on your hotel.

Unlike with flights, those who wait until the last minute to book can often score a great deal on a hotel room. We found that booking your hotel 1-3 days in advance of your stay can save you between $15-20 per night when you’re staying somewhere in the US. For international trips, booking as little as 6 days ahead for a shorter stay can help you save around $6/night. With these points in mind, here’s our best advice on when to book your hotel and how to save.

When to Book



Cheapest Day to Book

Friday/ Saturday


Most Expensive Day to Book



Cheapest Check-In Days


Sunday or Tuesday

Most Expensive Check-In Days



Our tips will help you create a good foundation for getting the best price possible when you search. And in order to be sure you’re getting the hotel you want, we’ve created powerful filters(筛选程序) that’ll narrow down all your options to the perfect one. These are the most popular filters used on KAYAK.

Whatever your plans are for your next stay, we’ll search hundreds of travel and hotel sites at once. So you can be confident you found the best price on the perfect hotel.

1.Which is the best way to save money while traveling in America?

A.Book on Friday and check in on Sunday.

B.Book on Monday and check in on Friday.

C.Book on Saturday and check in on Monday.

D.Book on Saturday and check in on Thursday.

2.Which factor is most valued according to KAYAK?

A.Swimming pool. B.Included breakfast.

C.Free Internet access. D.View from hotel room.

3.Where is this text most likely from?

A.A report. B.A website.

C.A research paper. D.A magazine.



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