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Kelly’s Book Blog Blues Point Blues by S...

Kelly’s Book Blog

Blues Point Blues by Sherry1 Clark 56 pages

Belle was never very popular, but that all changes when she gets a cool new job in the catering department(餐饮部)for a popular TV programme, a daytime soap opera called Blues Point Blues. Now everyone wants to be her friend. However, as she becomes the center of attention, she begins to have some doubts. Wasn’t this what she was dreaming of? Belle discovers she has to make some important decisions.

Leaving Microsoft to Change the World by Juhn Wood 64 pages

In 1998 John Wood was a successful manager for Microsoft in Australia. Then, while he was hiking in Nepal during a holiday, he visited a school in a mountain village. Shocked to sec their empty library, he made up his mind to return with some books. That decision soon led him to leave his job to start a charity called Room to Read, which donates libraries and books to needy schools around the world. This is a true story about an inspiring person.

Billy Elliott by Melvin Burgess 64 pages

Eleven-year-old Billy Elliott is from a poor family in a small English town. He isn’t good at sports and hates the boxing lessons that his father makes him take. One day. Billy discovers a ballet dancing class and decides to give it a try. He immediately realizes that lie’s finally found something he can do well. Unfortunately, his father and brother have a very different opinion about ballet.

The Incredible Journey by Sheila Burnford 58 pages

This is the story of three brave pets on a long and dangerous journey together. After they were accidentally left behind in the remote Canadian north while their owners were travelling in Europe, these three very different animals determined to find their way back home. Their friendship and teamwork is heartwarming and wonderful as they help each other survive the trip across hundreds kilometers of wilderness.

1.In the book Blues Point Blues, Belle ________.

A.dreams of becoming an actress B.works in a catering department

C.wishes to be everyone’s friend D.plays a role in a soap opera

2.What did John Wood do for the needy schools?

A.He trained school children. B.He hiked around the world

C.He worked hard in Microsoft. D.He donated libraries and books.

3.If you are interested in reading stories of animals, which book will you choose?

A.Blues Point Blues. B.Leaving Microsoft to Change the World

C.Billy Elliott. D.The Incredible Journey.

4.From Kelly’s book blog, we can NOT learn ________.

A.the prices of the books B.the contents of the books

C.the pages of the books D.the writers of the books


1.B 2.D 3.D 4.A 【解析】 本文是一篇应用文。作者以摘要形式向大家介绍了四本书的书名、作者、页数以及每本书的主要内容。 1. 细节理解题。由第一部分“Belle was never very popular, but that all changes when she gets a cool new job in the catering department(餐饮部)for a popular TV programme”可知,Belle在餐饮部工作。A、D项没有提及。由“Now everyone wants to be her friend. However, as she becomes the center of attention, she begins to have some doubts.”可知,每个人都想成为她的朋友。但是随着自己成为大家的焦点,她开始有疑惑。C项排除。故选B项。 2. 细节理解题。由第二部分“That decision soon led him to leave his job to start a charity called Room to Read, which donates libraries and books to needy schools around the world.”可知,John Wood成立了一个慈善组织来给那些贫困学校捐助图书馆和书籍。故选D项。 3. 推理判断题。由第四部分首句“This is the story of three brave pets on a long and dangerous journey together.”可知,第四本书是有关三只勇敢的宠物探险的书籍。而其他三本书都是有关人物的书籍。由此判断出如果对动物感兴趣的话,要选择第四本书。故选D项。 4. 细节理解题。全文由四个部分组成。每个部分小标题我们可以了解到书名、作者以及页数这些信息。每个段落正文在介绍书的主要内容。但是作者并没有提及每本书的价格。故选A项。

Pizza: the World’s Favorite Food

Food, and the way we eat it, is always changing. As society develops, we learn of growing, processing, and cooking food. What we ate 200 years ago was very different from what we eat today. Also, when people travel to live in other countries, they take their knowledge of cooking with them. And food must fit modem lifestyles and local tastes, too. One food that has done this successfully is the pizza.

The pizza we recognize today first appeared in Italy in 1889. A famous baker from Naples made a special pizza for the Italian royal (王室的) family. He was very worried they wouldn’t like it but they did. Queen Margherita loved the dish so much, and the baker named it after her. Since then, this simple meal of bread, cheese, and tomato has traveled the world, and it has adapted to local cultures. The pizza began its journey in the 1890s, when many Italians moved to New York in search of a better life. There they continued to make pizzas, and the first pizzeria opened in 1905.

At first it was only popular with Italians, but by the late 1940s, Americans discovered a taste for it. Today, they spend 37 billion a year on pizzas. That’s more than 100 per American!

The pizza continued its travels around the world, adapting all the time. In Sweden, for example, it is usual to have bananas on pizzas. In Belgium, people eat chocolate pizzas with marshmallows on top. Japan is a nation of seafood lovers, so not surprisingly, they love octopus and squid, as well as roasted seaweed, toppings. Australians sometimes choose kangaroo or crocodile on their pizza.

The popularity of the pizza is also related to our changing lifestyles. In today’s super-fast society, people often don’t have the time or energy to cook. So, they order takeout—and very often, it’s a pizza. Sometimes you don’t even have to pick it up; it’s delivered to your home. If you don’t even have time to sit down, buy a single slice and eat it standing up!

The pizza has come a long way. From its beginnings m an Italian city, it has grown to become one of the world’s favorite foods.

1.The pizza first appeared as ________.

A.a homemade white bread B.a fast food for travelers

C.a dish for the royal family D.a popular local food

2.When did the pizza arrive in New York?

A.In 1889. B.In the 1890s.

C.In 1905. D.In the 1940s.

3.In which country do people love pizzas with bananas on top?

A.Japan. B.Belgium.

C.Sweden. D.Australia.

4.The passage mainly tells us ________.

A.how the pizza gets popular B.who made the first pizza

C.how the pizza is made D.where the pizza came from




This month Angelina Horsefield writes about an animal rescue (援救) society in Australia: WIRES

WIRES Wildlife Information and Rescue Service began in 1985 when someone found an injured bird in a park in Sydney, Australia. At the time, no one knew how to help this “native” animal. WIRES help animals like snakes, kangaroos and, of course, birds. However, they can only help Australian wildlife, so they can’t help other animals like cats or rabbits.

Like other animal rescue groups, WIRES need more people. I believe they are helping the local animals, but they can only continue if others join in. They hold excellent courses, where people can learn what to do when they find an injured animal. They also explain what happens to the animals in their care. Many of the people who help also lake care of the animals themselves in their own gardens or on their farms.

I spoke to 15-year-old Guy McKenzie, whose dad helps WIRES in his free time. Guy told me about the work they do. “Dad usually gets a phone call at home and drives immediately to where the animal is, to rescue it. He has special equipment and always wears gloves. The animals are wild, after all.”

Guy also talked about a woman who found a bat in her garden. She thought it might be dead but then she noticed that there was a baby bat too. Guy’s dad brought it back to the centre, where it grew into a healthy adult. Then, WIRES returned it to nature. Guy showed me a baby kangaroo that his dad was looking after and told me that one day he’ll be doing the same thing. Yes, he will, for sure.




1.WIRES aim at helping ________.

A.pet animals B.wildlife animals

C.small animals D.farm animals

2.Guy’s dad is an example to show ________.

A.who started WIRES B.how one helps WIRES

C.why people join WIRES D.how WIRES study animals

3.What does Guy hope to do in the future?

A.Live in nature. B.Take care of his dad.

C.Study bats. D.Work for WIRES.

4.The author writes the passage in order to ________.

A.describe a course on animals B.introduce an animal scientist

C.call on people to join the rescue group D.give advice on keeping pets



    There is no school equal to a decent(体面的)home and no teacher equal to a virtuous(有德行的) parent.

Dad was an English teacher who taught high school students. Mom _______ home and homeschooled their four children Three of us had no trouble _______ but my sister Catherine still could not _______ by fifth grade, and worse still, did not even know the alphabet(字母表).

My mother did some research and _______ that Catherine had some sort of learning disability. She sent Catherine to a public school to get some help. Catherine made many friends at school and _______ everyone with her gift for telling creative stories in class, _______ she still couldn’t master reading. _______ all the testing was done, the school had my parents come in They were told that based on the test results, they should just take Catherine home.

Tears of _______ ran down my dad’s cheeks, but my mom’s jaw was set in quiet determination. As they walked back to the car, she turned to him and said, “I know she’s not _______.”

Soon after, my mom discovered a learning system that focused heavily on lesson repetition and building slowly on the previous exercises. She worked with __________ for four hours every morning while the rest of us studied on our own. It was __________ for both of them, but she often told a crying Catherine, “ __________ is not an option. You are going to learn to read, or we’ll both try! You have to learn to read! You will learn to read.”

In time, Catherine __________ it. By the time she graduated from eighth grade, she was reading almost at grade level. She continued __________ and was reading above grade level when she graduated from high school.

Catherine came to love reading and writing. All of this because of a wonderfully devoted mother who was absolutely the best __________ ever—for all four of us.

1.A.left B.stayed C.came D.went

2.A.learning B.playing C.talking D.walking

3.A.listen B.speak C.read D.write

4.A.pretended B.wished C.advised D.found

5.A.amazed B.hurt C.bored D.praised

6.A.or B.so C.for D.but

7.A.If B.Although C.Unless D.After

8.A.hope B.sadness C.anger D.sickness

9.A.shy B.sorry C.polite D.stupid

10.A.Catherine B.my father C.me D.her friends

11.A.interesting B.fair C.hard D.good

12.A.Kindness B.Failure C.Courage D.Pressure

13.A.changed B.shared C.got D.checked

14.A.forgetting B.improving C.explaining D.noticing

15.A.teacher B.classmate C.researcher D.learner



假定你是李华,你的美国朋友 Peter 想提高中文水平,进一步了解中国文化。请给他写一封信,推荐学习资源 (resource)。内容包括:

1. 学习资源:报纸、杂志及其他途径;

2. 推荐理由;

3. 表达祝愿。

注意:1. 词数 100 左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;




文中共有 10 处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。



注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改 10 处,多者(从第 11 处起)不计分。

Last weekend, my parents told me a good news that my family would go camping with my uncle’s family.I feel so excited about it, because I could spend the whole night outside,which had never been happened before.When the day came, we brought the equipments and some food. In the afternoon, the two families settled down, and then they started to walk around. My cousins and I rushed to a forest and went to the highest point, there we could appreciate the whole sight. Stood on the highest place, I felt so greatly. We enjoyed a grander sight by climbing a greater height. At night, we set fire and danced happily. It was so a happy moment for me.



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