满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Two weeks earlier, my son, Ben, had got ...

    Two weeks earlier, my son, Ben, had got in touch, he’d moved to England with his mum when he was three and it had been 13 years since I’d _________ seen him. So imagine my _________ when he emailed me saying he wanted to come to visit me.

I was _________! I arrived early at Byron Bay where we were supposed to _________. The bay was _________ in sunshine, and there was a group of kayakers around 150m off the shore. Getting a little _________. I realized one kayak(皮划艇)was in _________. “Something’s not _________!” I took off my T-shirt and _________ into the water. I saw there were two instructors on board and a man lying across the middle. He was __________ violently. Linking arms with one of the instructors. I helped __________ the young man out of the water. He was unconscious and as I looked at his face, something __________ to me. Those brown eyes were very __________. “What’s his name?” I asked the instructor. “Ben,” he replied, and immediately I __________. That stranger was my son!

The instructors called for an ambulance. __________, after a brief stay in hospital, Ben was well enough to be allowed to __________ and later the family met up for dinner. We chatted about everything and then Ben __________ to me. “I just want to say thank you,” he said, “You __________ my life!”

I still can’t believe what a __________ it was. I’m just so glad I was there __________ to help my son.

1.A.also B.often C.even D.last

2.A.delight B.relief C.anger D.worry

3.A.scared B.shocked C.thrilled D.ashamed

4.A.talk B.stay C.meet D.settle

5.A.bathed B.clean C.deep D.formed

6.A.faster B.closer C.heavier D.wiser

7.A.trouble B.advance C.question D.battle

8.A.real B.right C.fair D.fit

9.A.stared B.sank C.dived D.fell

10.A.arguing B.fighting C.Shouting D.shaking

11.A.lead B.persuade C.carry D.keep

12.A.happened B.occurred C.applied D.appealed

13.A.sharp B.pleasant C.attractive D.familiar

14.A.agreed B.hesitated C.doubted D.knew

15.A.Fortunately B.Frankly C.Sadly D.Suddenly

16.A.return B.relax C.speak D.leave

17.A.joked B.turned C.listened D.pointed

18.A.created B.honored C.saved D.guided

19.A.coincidence B.change C.pity D.pain

20.A.on board B.in time C.for sure D.on purpose


1.D 2.A 3.C 4.C 5.A 6.B 7.A 8.B 9.C 10.D 11.C 12.B 13.D 14.D 15.A 16.D 17.B 18.C 19.A 20.B 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。讲述了作者13年后和儿子见面的情景。在和儿子见面的地点,作者救了一个年轻人,没有想到的是,年轻人竟然是自己13年未见的儿子。 1.考查副词词义辨析。根据空前句中可知,儿子在三岁的时候离开,到现在已经13年了。由此可以暗示出是上一次见面。A. also也;B. often经常;C. even甚至;D. last上一次,故选D项切题。 2.考查名词词义辨析。根据上下文可知,13年没有见到自己的儿子,突然收到儿子的电子邮件,并且说要来看自己。由此可以推知,我很快乐、开心。A. delight高兴,愉快;B. relief (痛苦、忧虑等的)解除,减轻;C. anger怒,忿怒;D. worry担心。故选A项切题。 3.考查形容词词义辨析。根据第一段可知,作者13年没有见到自己的儿子,突然收到儿子要来拜访自己的电子邮件,肯定是欣喜若狂。A. scared惊恐的;B. shocked震惊的;C. thrilled欣喜若狂的;D. ashamed惭愧的。故选C项切题。 4.考查动词词义辨析。根据空前可知,我很早就到了拜伦湾,我们应该在那里见 面。A. talk谈话;B. stay停留; C. meet见面;D. settle解决。故选C项切题。 5.考查形容词词义辨析。根据上下文可知,早晨海湾应该是沐浴在阳光里。A. bathed沐浴;B. clean清扫;C. deep深处;D. formed形成。故选A项切题。 6.考查形容词词义辨析。根据常识和下文儿子出现意外情况可知,只有是离的比较近一点,才能意识到一只皮划艇出现意外。A. faster迅速的;B. closer靠近,逼近(其他船只等);C. heavier重的,沉重的;D. wiser有智慧的;聪明的。故选B项切题。 7.考查名词词义辨析。根据下文儿子出现意外情况可知,一只皮筏艇处于麻烦之中。A. trouble麻烦,困难;B. advance前进,进展;C. question问题,疑问;D. battle战斗,战役。故选A项切题。 8.考查形容词词义辨析。根据上句皮划艇处于麻烦之中可知,某件事不正常。A. real真实的;B. right正确的,正常的;C. fair公平的;D. fit合适的。故选B项切题。 9.考查动词词义辨析。根据上文皮划艇有麻烦和下文我去帮忙救人可知,我脱掉我的T恤衫,跳入水中。A. stared盯着看,目不转睛地看,凝视;B. sank下沉,沉没;C. dived潜水,跳水;D. fell打倒;击倒。故选C项切题。 10.考查动词词义辨析。根据上文a man lying across the middle和下文He was unconscious可知,应该是剧烈的颤抖、摇动。A. arguing争论,辩论;B. fighting打架;C. shouting呼喊;D. shaking摇动。故选D项切题。 11.考查动词词义辨析。我帮助把年轻人带出水面。A. lead领导,引导,带领;B. persuade说服,劝服;C. carry搬运,装运;D. keep保持;保存,保留;故选C项切题。 12.考查动词词义辨析。根据句意可知,当我看着他的脸时,我想到了一些事情。occur跟to短语时,表示“想到”,而不是“发生”,happen后接不定式,是"碰巧"的意思。故选B项切题。 13.考查形容词词义辨析。根据下文,“What’s his name?”可知,他棕色的眼睛对我来说是很熟悉的。A. sharp锐利的;锋利的;B. pleasant愉快的,快乐的,舒适的;C. attractive有吸引力的;引人注目的;D. familiar亲密的,熟悉的。故选D项切题。 14.考查动词词义辨析。根据下文“That stranger was my son”可知,我马上就知道。A. agreed同意,赞成,承认,答应;B. hesitated犹豫,踌躇;C. doubted怀疑;疑惑;D. knew知道,了解。故选D项切题。 15.考查副词词义辨析。根据空后句子可知,应该是幸运地。A. Fortunately幸运地,侥幸地;B. Frankly率直地,坦白地,真诚地;C. Sadly悲哀地,悲伤地;D. Suddenly突然地,忽然地;故选A项切题。 16.考查动词词义辨析。根据空前was well enough可知,应该是被允许出院。A. return返回;报答;B. relax放松,休息;C. speak说;D. leave离开。故选D项切题。 17.考查动词词义辨析。根据下文“I just want to say thank you”可知,Ben转向我向我说谢谢。A. joked开玩笑;B. turned转向;C. listened听;D. pointed指出。故选B项切题。 18.考查动词词义辨析。根据上文“I helped carry the man out of the water”可知,应该是挽救了我的生命。A. created创造;创作;B. honored尊敬;尊重;给与荣誉;C. saved救,拯救;D. guided指导,指挥;故选C项切题。 19.考查名词词义辨析。我没有想到这是多么巧合的一件事呀!A. coincidence巧合,巧事;B. change改变,变更,变换;C. pity怜悯,同情;D. pain疼痛;痛苦。故选A项切题。 20.考查介词词组词义辨析。我高兴的是我在那儿及时帮助了我的儿子。A. on board在船上;B. in time及时;C. for sure肯定;D. on purpose目的。故选B项切题。

    Anyone studying a foreign language knows the importance of memorizing words and expressions. 1. We still also tell you ways about developing a large vocabulary.

You have probably faced a situation in which you can’t remember new words. Perhaps you haven’t heard the word enough times or you haven’t used it for a very long time. 2.

The easiest way to enlarge your vocabulary is to create flashcards. The word in English can appear on one side of the card. 3. By repeatedly using flashcards, you can remember more words. The important point is that you should not try cramming (突击学习) unfamiliar words if you want to have long-term learning. This method can help students on some exams. But a couple of days later you’re not going to remember any of that information. 4. There are several websites that can help with testing. English learners can be helped by taking free language tests, which can be of great help to show you where you need to improve.

5. However, with effort, a little sacrifice, and training, you can increase your number of vocabulary words.

A.You can also try using some free online tests.

B.Building a large vocabulary is not an easy task.

C.The difficulty in remembering and using words counts.

D.A large vocabulary improves our powers of expression.

E.You need to develop a large vocabulary for language tests.

F.We will explore the reasons for developing a large vocabulary.

G.The meaning in your native language can appear on the back.



    Languages have been coming and going for thousands of years, but in recent times there has been less coming and a lot more going. When the world was still populated by hunter-gatherers, small, tightly knit(联系) groups developed their own patterns of speech independent of each other. Some language experts believe that 10,000 years ago, when the world had just five to ten million people, they spoke perhaps 12,000 languages between them.

Soon afterwards, many of those people started settling down to become farmers, and their languages too became more settled and fewer in number. In recent centuries, trade, industrialization, the development of the nation-state and the spread of universal compulsory education, especially globalisation and better communications in the past few decades, all have caused many languages to disappear, and dominant languages such as English, Spanish and Chinese are increasingly taking over.

At present, the world has about 6,800 languages. The distribution of these languages is hugely uneven. The general rule is that mild zones have relatively few languages. Often spoken by many people while hot, wet zones have lots, often spoken by small numbers. Europe has only around 200 Languages: the Americas about 1,000, Africa 2,400; and Asia and the Pacific perhaps 3,200, of which Papua New Guinea alone accounts for well over 800. The median number(中位数) of speakers is a mere 6,000, which means that half the worlds languages are spoken by fewer people than that.

Already well over 400 of the total of 6,800 languages are close to extinction(消亡), with only a few elderly speakers left. Pick, at random, Busuu in Cameroon (eight remaining speakers), Chiapaneco in Mexico(150). Lipan Apache in the United States(two or three) or Wadjigu in Australia (one, with a question-mark): none of these seems to have much chance of survival.

1.What can we infer about languages in hunter-gatherer times?

A.They developed very fast. B.They were large in number.

C.They had similar patters. D.They were closely connected

2.Which of the following best explains "dominant" underlined in paragraph 2?

A.Complex. B.Advanced.

C.Powerful. D.Modern.

3.How many languages are spoken by less than 6, 000 people at present?

A.About 6,800 . B.About 3,400

C.About 2,400 D.About 1,200.

4.What is the main idea of the text?

A.New languages will be created.

B.Peoples lifestyles are reflected in languages.

C.Human development results in fewer languages.

D.Geography determines language evolution.



    This year’s flu season is pretty scary. To try to minimize the effects, public officials are still urging anyone who hasn’t yet gotten their flu shot to get one as soon as possible. However, even if every single person got a shot in the arm, the vaccine( )—with its excellent 36 percent effectiveness—would not prevent everyone from getting infected with the annoying virus. Knowledge is power, so here's what goes on in your body when you come down with the flu.

The influenza virus primarily attacks your nose, throat, and the tubes that lead to your lungs. But the flu is so much more than that. Your muscles ache, your head hurts, and your appetite goes down, among other things. To our surprise, almost all of these symptoms  have  less  to  do  with  the  virus  itself  than  with  your  immune( )response to them. Unfortunately, the very defense you have in place to get rid of the flu is the reason you feel so painful when you recover.

The virus usually enters through your mouth, typically by way of your hands . But it takes a few days for symptoms to set in. While this process might cause some harm to your nose and throat, it's nothing major, and nothing like the symptoms that typically accompany a bad or even mild case of the flu.

The real fun starts when your immune system begins to fight. Your immune system comes in two parts: the innate system and the adaptive. The innate immune system is essentially an all-purpose tool. As soon as your body senses the presence of any injury or invader , the innate immune system launches into action by producing tiny proteins called cytokines and chemokines. The cytokines reproduce almost immediately and start to attack the virus. This increase in immune cells creates a serious inflammation( ) throughout the body. But the worst is still to come.

Meanwhile, the chemokines work with the adaptive immune system to help create T cells. These cells are a special type of white blood cell that works in a much more specific way: They find the influenza virus, identify what's special about it, and create something unique on their surface that finds and destroys similar invaders.

1.What can we infer from Paragraph 1?

A.All the vaccine is not effective.

B.No one can avoid catching this year's flu.

C.This year's flu is the most serious one in recent years.

D.Public health officials have to use a gun when necessary.

2.Why many parts of your body suffer while you're recovering from a flu?

A.Because recovery from illness is painful.

B.Because your immune system is working against your defense system.

C.Because your body is fighting hard against the flu.

D.Because the influenza virus attacks your nose, throat and other parts.

3.The underlined word “fun” in Paragraph 4 can be replaced by      .

A.joy B.battle

C.action D.program

4.What's the main idea of Paragraph 4?

A.The fight between innate immune system and the adaptive.

B.The categories of immune system.

C.The way immune system works.

D.The process of the development of immune system.



    I always felt sorry for the people in wheelchairs. Some people, old and weak, cannot get around by themselves. Others seem perfectly healthy, dressed in business suits. But whenever   I saw someone in a wheelchair, I only saw a disability, not a person.

Then I fainted(昏倒)at Euro Disney due to low blood pressure. This was the first time I had ever fainted, and my parents insisted that I rest for a while after first aid. They said to me, “Never mind!” I agreed to take it easy, but as I stepped toward the door, I saw my dad pushing a wheelchair in my direction! Feeling the color burn my cheeks, I asked him to wheel that thing right back to where he found it.

I could not believe this was happening to me. Wheelchairs were fine for other people but not for me, as my father wheeled me out into the main street, people immediately began to treat me differently.

Little kids ran in front of me, forcing my father to stop the wheelchair suddenly. I was thrown back and forth. “Stupid kids! They have perfectly good legs. Why can’t they watch where they are going?” I thought. People stared down at me, pity in their eyes. Then they would look away, maybe because they thought the sooner they forgot me the better.I’m just like you!” I wanted to scream.” The only difference is you’ve got legs, and I have wheels.”

People in wheelchairs are not stupid. They see every look and hear each word. Looking out at the faces, I finally understood: I was once just like them. I treated people in wheelchairs exactly the way they did not want to be treated. I realized it is some of us with two healthy legs who are truly disabled.

1.The author once         when she was healthy.

A.helped disabled people

B.looked down upon disabled people

C.imagined herself sitting in a wheelchair

D.saw some healthy people moving around in wheelchairs

2.The experience of the author tells us that        .

A.life is the best teacher

B.people often eat their bitter fruit

C.life is so changeable that nobody can foretell

D.one should not do to others what he would not like others to do to him

3.What is the best title for this passage?

A.How to get used to wheelchairs.

B.People in wheelchairs should be treated equally.

C.People whth two lges are truly healthy.

D.The difference between healthy people and the disabled.



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Mr. H also has these features (特点)

• weighs only 500 grams

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• acts as a remote control for TVs and videos.

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• sets off a silent warning alarm when parents or teachers are near.

Besides, your PENGO WATCH CONTROL will always tell you the time accurately!

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1.With help from a Mr. H, you can ________.

A.stop using batteries

B.finish your homework on time

C.remember your teacher’s instructions

D.get your room tidied on your way home

2.You can get your Mr. H for ________.

A.$499 B.$299 C.$199 D.$99

3.A PENGO WATCH CONTROL can help you to ________.

A.repair your TV B.organize your homework

C.be a James Bond D.know what the weather is like

4.Where would you be most likely to find the two texts?

A.On a notice board B.In a company brochure

C.On a teenage website D.In a college newspaper



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