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Jane Austen's final novel, Persuasion, i...

    Jane Austen's final novel, Persuasion, is the story of Anne Elliot and her love for Frederick Wentworth. Persuaded to refuse his suggestion of marriage, Anne spends eight years unhappy until he re-enters her life.


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Publisher Pan Macmillan

Publishing House Macmillan Collector' s Library

Library of Congress England- Social life and customs novel


What happens when we listen to others instead of our heart? That is the theme of Jane Austen's final novel, Persuasion. After Anne Elliot follows the advice of her dearest friend and breaks off her engagement to Frederick Wentworth, a handsome man with neither good luck nor rank, happiness escapes from her. Eight years later, Anne remains unmarried, and her father spends money carelessly, which has brought her family poverty. When a newly wealthy Frederick returns from the Napoleonic Wars, Anne realizes her feelings remains unchanged. But will Frederick forgive her and offer Anne a second chance at love?

The novels of Jane Austen will transport readers imaginary worlds and provide excitement, inspiration and entertainment for years to come. All of these novels have attractive pictures and will brighten our life.

Author' s Introduction

Born in 1775, Jane Austen published four of her six novels anonymously ( 匿名地), and she passed away in 1817. Her work was not widely read until the late nineteenth century, and her fame grew from then on. Known for her amusing, clever and sharp insight into social traditions, her novels about love, relationships, and society are popular. In novels such as Pride and Prejudice, Mansfield Park and Emma, she developed her careful analysis of life back that time through descriptions of the middle class in small towns. Her sharp descriptions of ordinary people have given her novels timeless popularity. She has earned a place in history as one of the most loved writers of English literature.

1.The novel Persuasion is________.

A.a love story

B.no longer published

C.mainly about advice on speaking skills

D.based on Jane Austen’s real experience

2.Why does Anne Elliot choose not to marry Frederick Wentworth?

A.Because she doesn't like him anymore.

B.Because she is convinced to do so by her friend.

C.Because she is afraid that he will die in the Napoleonic Wars.

D.Because she doesn't think he is rich enough to support her family.

3.We know from the passage Jane Austen's works_________.

A.have disappeared from the market

B.are about the life of the middle class in big cities in England

C.focus on the life of the middle class in small places in her days

D.have brought her great popularity she always wanted to have


1.A 2.B 3.C 【解析】 这是一篇应用文。文章介绍了简·奥斯汀的最后一部小说《劝说》,介绍了它的出版信息、内容以及作者。 1.细节理解题。由文章第一段中的Jane Austen's final novel, Persuasion, is the story of Anne Elliot and her love for Frederick Wentworth(简•奥斯汀的最后一部小说《劝说》,是关于安妮埃利奥特以及她对弗雷德里克·温特沃斯的爱的。)以及第三段 Description的详细描述可知,这是一部爱情小说。故选A。 2.细节理解题。由第三段 Description中的After Anne Elliot follows the advice of her dearest friend and breaks off her engagement to Frederick Wentworth(安妮埃利奥特听了她最好的朋友的建议后,她取消了与弗雷德里克•温特沃斯的婚约)可知,安妮埃利奥特没有嫁给弗雷德里克•温特沃斯的原因是被她朋友说服了。故选B。 3.细节理解题。由最后一段中的 “she developed her careful analysis of life back that time through description of the middle class in small towns(她通过描写小镇里中产阶级的生活发展了她对当时生活的仔细分析)”可知简•奥斯汀的作品集中于她所在的年代的小地方的中产阶级的生活。故选C。


1.What is more common in the West than in China according to the speaker?

A.Using credit cards.

B.Using mobile payments.

C.Using cash.

2.What does the speaker say about Alipay and WeChat Pay in China?

A.All people are using them.

B.Nearly everyone who has a smart phone is using them.

C.They will never equal PayPal.

3.How are mobile payments described in the talk?

A.Simple and free of charge.

B.Popular but awkward to use.

C.Easy and convenient.




1.What are the speakers talking about?

A.Travel plans.

B.Famous adventurers.

C.Extreme climates.

2.What does the man say about mountain-climbing?

A.It’s quite exciting.

B.It’s quite boring.

C.It’s quite dangerous.

3.What has the woman paid close attention to?

A.Weather reports.

B.Historical events.

C.Mountain-climbing tips.

4.What can we learn from the conversation?

A.The man once was a professional trainer.

B.The man liked taking photos.

C.The man visited Pakistan.




1.How long will it take to get to the Eagle Lake?

A.Two hours. B.Three hours. C.Four hours.

2.Which route is the shortest?

A.The northwest route.

B.The north route.

C.The northeast route.

3.What will the man do after the trip?

A.Meet a friend in the parking lot.

B.Have a meal with his friend.

C.Drive to town with the woman.




1.What does the man want to do with the vacuum?

A.Return it. B.Have it repaired. C.Get a new one.

2.What’s the man’s phone number?

A.731-786-0234. B.713-768-0234. C.713-786-0234.

3.What does the woman advise the man to do first?

A.Give the office a call first.

B.Drive to 878 Fennel South.

C.Write down her phone number.




1.Who might the woman be?

A.A waitress. B.A broadcaster. C.A singer.

2.What do people call David?

A.Jack. B.Elvis. C.Tennessee.



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