满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Years ago, I was working in a Victorian-...

    Years ago, I was working in a Victorian-era house. The house had been changed into a(n) _______. I would be the only worker present every now and then. As it was _______ from any other building, I would always be the only person for miles.

One day, a group of biker guys stopped here. Our yard was _______ to the public, so they spent some time there. I just _______ them. But since people often _______ to explore the yard without ever entering the museum, I didn’t _______ too much about it.

Then, two of them, big and strong, _______. Being in the service industry, I always keep a(n) _______ face on, but I’m a pretty small woman and couldn’t help feeling a little _______. Biker guys had never come inside before.

They asked some questions about the house, and I ________. And then I went ahead and told them about the tour options (选择) of the museum. The lead guy smiled and said, “No, we don’t ________ those. But we stop here every year, so we have decided to give something toward your building fund (基金). Do you ________ anything like that?

I gave him a ________ back and said that ________, we did take donations. They went outside and collected some ________ from the rest of their group. I ________ it up on my way to the donation box. To my ________, it was about $40.

So many tourists would be unhappy about having to ________ to enter the museum, and yet here were these biker guys paying more than entrance fees just because they ________ to visit the yard on their yearly trip. How ________ these biker guys were!

1.A.library B.office C.store D.museum

2.A.free B.sate C.far D.different

3.A.important B.familiar C.open D.helpful

4.A.watched B.followed C.joined D.admired

5.A.prepared B.pretended C.promised D.stopped

6.A.think B.talk C.require D.hear

7.A.broke in B.came in C.passed by D.showed up

8.A.serious B.pleasant C.funny D.honest

9.A.lost B.upset C.nervous D.impatient

10.A.recorded B.avoided C.ignored D.answered

11.A.appreciate B.want C.accept D.believe

12.A.have B.try C.imagine D.admit

13.A.surprise B.smile C.hand D.present

14.A.finally B.actually C.interestingly D.strangely

15.A.information B.solution C.advice D.cash

16.A.counted B.picked C.held D.divided

17.A.relief B.shame C.amazement D.puzzlement

18.A.learn B.book C.pay D.wait

19.A.determined B.agreed C.managed D.liked

20.A.sweet B.brave C.intelligent D.energetic


1.D 2.C 3.C 4.A 5.D 6.A 7.B 8.B 9.C 10.D 11.B 12.A 13.B 14.B 15.D 16.A 17.C 18.C 19.D 20.A 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。主要记叙了作者几年前,在一座维多利亚时代的房子里工作时,遇到了一群骑自行车的人来参观。他们为博物馆捐了一笔比门票还多的钱,只是为了每年旅行时,可以参观院子,这让作者觉得他们很可爱。 1. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:这所房子已改成博物馆。A. library图书馆;B. office办公室;C. store商店;D. museum博物馆。根据下文中to explore the yard without ever entering the museum可知房子被改成了博物馆。故选D。 2. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:因为它离任何其他建筑都很远,我将永远是几英里内唯一的一个人。A. free自由的;B. sate使满足;C. far远的;D. different不同的。根据后文I would always be the only person for miles.可推知博物馆离其他房子都很远。故选C。 3. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我们的院子是对公众开放的,所以他们在那里待了一段时间。A. important重要的;B. familiar熟悉的;C. open开放的;D. helpful有帮助的。根据后文to the public, so they spent some time there.可知房子对公众开放,他们可以在院子里待一段时间。故选C。 4. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我只是看着他们。A. watched看;B. followed跟随;C. joined加入;D. admired钦佩。有人待在院子里的时候,作者只是看着他们。其它选项不符合语境。故选A。 5. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:但是,由于人们经常在没有进入博物馆的情况下,停下来参观院子,我也没有想太多。A. prepared准备;B. pretended假装;C. promised承诺;D. stopped停止。结合后文to explore the yard without ever entering the museum可知人们经常在没有进入博物馆的情况下,停下来参观院子。故选D。 6. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:但是,由于人们经常在没有进入博物馆的情况下,停下来参观院子,我也没有想太多。A. think思考;B. talk谈话;C. require要求;D. hear听见。因为人们经常停下来参观院子,所以作者对这群人也没多想。故选A。 7. 考查动词短语辨析。句意:然后,其中的两个人,又大又壮,走了进来。A. broke in闯入;B. came in进来;C. passed by经过;D. showed up露面。根据后文Biker guys had never come inside before.可推知有两个骑自行车的人走了进来。故选B。 8. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在服务行业,我总是保持着一副愉快的面孔,但我是一个漂亮的小女人,不禁感到有点紧张。A. serious严肃的;B. pleasant令人愉快的;C. funny有趣的;D. honest诚实的。结合上文in the service industry可知作者一直从事服务行业,所以总是保持者一副愉快的面孔。故选B。 9. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在服务行业,我总是保持着一副愉快的面孔,但我是一个漂亮的小女人,不禁感到有点紧张。A. lost迷失的;B. upset沮丧的;C. nervous紧张的;D. impatient没有耐心的。根据上文I’m a pretty small woman可知作者是个漂亮的女人,而进来的是两个壮汉,所以作者难免有点紧张。故选C。 10. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:他们问了一些关于房子的问题,我回答了。A. recorded记录;B. avoided避免;C. ignored忽视;D. answered回答。根据上文They asked some questions可知作者回答了他们关于房子的问题。故选D。 11. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:带头的人笑着说:“不,我们不想要那些”。 A. appreciate欣赏;B. want想要;C. accept接受;D. believe相信。结合上文,作者问他们需不需要参观博物馆,带头的人说不,他们不想要(want)参观。故选B。 12. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:你有那样的东西吗?A. have拥有;B. try尝试;C. imagine想象;D. admit承认。结合上文we have decided to give something toward your building fund.可知带头的人说他们想要给作者一些房屋基金,问作者有没有这样的项目。故选A。 13. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:我回了他一个微笑,说事实上,我们接受了捐款。A. surprise惊喜;B. smile微笑;C. hand手;D. present礼物。根据上文The lead guy smiled可知领头的人对作者微笑,所以作者回了他一个微笑。故选B。 14. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:我回了他一个微笑,说实际上,我们接受了捐款。A. finally终于;B. actually实际上;C. interestingly有趣地;D. strangely奇怪地。结合后文we did take donations可知实际上作者他们确实接受捐款。故选B。 15. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:他们走到外面,从其他人那里收集了一些现金。A. information信息;B. solution解决方案;C. advice建议;D. cash现金。结合上文They went outside and collected some可知他们去外面同行的人那里收集了一些现金(cash)。故选D。 16. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我在去捐款箱的路上数了数。A. counted计算;B. picked挑选;C. held握住;D. divided分开。结合后文it up on my way to the donation box…it was about $40可知作者数了数这笔钱,有40美元。故选A。 17. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:令我惊讶的是,它大约是40美元。A. relief安慰;B. shame羞耻;C. amazement惊异;D. puzzlement困惑。根据后文these biker guys paying more than entrance fees可知他们募集的钱比门票还多,所以作者很惊讶。故选C。 18. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:这么多的游客会不高兴不得不花钱进入博物馆,但在这里,这些骑自行车的家伙花了比门票更多的钱,只是因为他们喜欢在每年的旅行中参观院子。A. learn学习;B. book预订;C. pay支付;D. wait等待。结合上文many tourists would be unhappy about having to可推知游客不高兴进博物馆还必须付钱。故选C。 19. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:这么多的游客会不高兴不得不花钱进入博物馆,但在这里,这些骑自行车的家伙花了比门票更多的钱,只是因为他们喜欢在每年的旅行中参观院子。A. determined决定;B. agreed同意;C. managed管理;D. liked喜欢。结合后文to visit the yard on their yearly trip可知他们捐款是因为喜欢在每年旅行中参观院子。故选D。 20. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这些骑自行车的家伙多可爱啊!A. sweet可爱的,甜美的;B. brave勇敢的;C. intelligent聪明的;D. energetic精力充沛的。他们花费了比门票还多的钱,只是为了在每年的旅行中参观院子,作者觉得他们很可爱。故选A。

    Many parents have the experience of watching their children put off important schoolwork or studying until it is a stressful situation. In fact, procrastination (拖延症) isn’t just unpleasant.

1. Here is some bad influence of procrastination:

Everything takes longer than it needs to.

The most obvious problem with procrastination is that it wastes time. 2. Dinner that can be finished within half an hour takes one hour. Often, children who procrastinate do everything school-related at the last minute-or worse-they run out of hours in the day and waste away all their time.

Children keep themselves from being a better person.

What children don’t realize when they repeatedly procrastinate is that they are not reaching their potential (潜力). The time they waste instead of spending doing what they need to do is the time when they could improve themselves. 3..

Procrastination puts children in the bad situation of having something to do and not enough time to do it. 4. In the end, this can cause children to feel disappointed (失望的) in themselves.


If a child keeps waiting until the last minute to study and do homework, how can he or she earn a good grade? In the long run, children simply cannot reach goals they set for themselves.

A.It can be very harmful.

B.It prevents children from achieving success.

C.There are many reasons why children procrastinate.

D.That will surely lead to stress for children and their parents.

E.Homework that could be done within an hour takes a whole night.

F.They could have got more knowledge or developed more interests.

G.Procrastination is a habit which is quickly formed and hard to break



    "When I was 16 years old, I was diving in Greece, but I was disappointed because I saw more plastic bags than fish.” These are the words of Boyan Slat, an engineer who designed the world's first ocean plastic cleanup system.

Every year, more than 8 million tons of plastics end up in our oceans, according to the UN Environment Programme. It is predicted that the weight of ocean plastics will match the weight of all the fish in our oceans by 2050. To prevent this from happening, in 2013 Slat created the Ocean Cleanup, an environmental non¬governmental organization, and put his plan for an ocean cleanup device into action.

After years of research and develop¬ment in the Netherlands, a device called System 001/B successfully started gathering plastics on October 2, 2019. The device uses a 600-meter-long C-shaped tube to gather all the floating rubbish. Unlike other cleanup methods, the system floats freely according to the direction of the waves, which allows waste to flow into and stay within the device. A sea anchor is attached to either end. This slows down the system as it floats through the water and allows the faster-moving rubbish, carried by the waves, to flow into its mouth. System 001/B can also collect waste below the surface using a 3-meter-deep skirt(挡板)attached to the end. After being gathered, the trash will be dragged back to shore by boat and recycled.

Right now, the system operates in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, an area that is 3 times the size of France. Once operational, the Ocean Cleanup expects a full fleet to be able to clear 50% of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch in 5 years.

"It remains to be seen whether this dream will become a reality, but it is undeniable that humanity must work together to reduce our plastic use and repair the damage our waste has caused," Slat said. "We are starting to see a young generation that gets it and is excited about a sustainable (可持续的)future, but the question still comes down to: Are we going fast enough, and how much damage will have been done before we get there?"

1.The underlined word “match” in Paragraph 2 probably means “_________”.

A.compare B.equal

C.measure D.cover

2.Why did Boyan Slat create the Ocean Cleanup?

A.To collect ocean plastic waste.

B.To help to invent System 001/B.

C.To protect the living environment of fish.

D.To do research on the ocean environment.

3.What can we know about System 001/B?

A.It can collect and recycle garbage at the same time.

B.It can only gather ocean waste which floats on the water.

C.It aims to clear up the Great Pacific Garbage Patch in five years.

D.It is an ocean-cleaning device which has already been put to use.

4.What does Slat want to tell us according to the last paragraph?

A.Young generations care less about the environment.

B.The future ecology of the oceans is deeply worrying.

C.People should work hard to decrease plastic pollution.

D.It's quite difficult to repair the damage to the environment.



    Last weekend in Washington, D.C. 30 young researchers from across the nation were preparing for a competition. In a sense, all were winners already. After all, each had to beat out hundreds of others for the chance to arrive in the final. But only one competitor would take home the top prize: an educational award worth $25,000. Finally, Alaina Gassler, 14, won the top prize.

Alaina was one of the 30 finalists from 13 states who competed in the ninth yearly Broadcom MASTERS competition. Alaina and the other finalists had to be in sixth, seventh or eighth grade to attend the competition. What’s more, their research had to be judged within the top 10 percent of all projects. As usual, those projects all fell within the fields of science, technology, engineering or mathematics. Fifteen of the finalists took home major awards. For the first time this year, 60g% of the finalists were women.

Alaina developed a system whose goal is to improve driving safety. “Congratulations to Alaina, whose project has the possibility of reducing the number of traffic accidents,” said Maya Ajmera, president of Science and the Public, the organization that created the competition.

Alaina goes to school in West Grove, Pennsylvania. “I didn’t think I’d win an award this big.” she said. For her project, Alaina developed a system that could reduce blind spots for drivers. Such areas can hide objects or other cars from a driver’s view, and thus easily lead to accidents.

Alaina’s system depends on a camera fixed on the front part of the passenger-side window. It can monitor (监视) things a driver can’t see. The camera records a video of what it’s seeing and at the same time sends it to a projector (投影仪) fixed over the driver’s head. That projector plays the video on a screen, which is fixed on the passenger-side roof support. In this way, the blind spots are decreased.

1.What do we know about the competition?

A.It encourages teamwork. B.It is meant for college students.

C.It encourages theory exploration. D.It is a fierce national competition.

2.What is special about this year’s competition?

A.More winners stand out. B.More girls perform better.

C.All of the projects are more useful. D.Half of the competitors are awarded.

3.How does Alaina Gassler feel about her prize?

A.Surprised. B.Satisfied. C.Encouraged. D.Puzzled.

4.What plays the biggest role in Alaina Gassler’s system?

A.The projector. B.The monitor. C.The camera. D.The screen.



    While waiting to pick up a friend at the airport in Portland, Oregon, I had one of those life-changing experiences. One man stopped right next to me to greet his family.

First the man walked up to his oldest son. He cupped his face in his hands and said, “You’re already quite a young man. I love you very much, Zach!”

Then he went to his youngest son. They gave each other a long, loving hug. Then I heard the father say, “It’s so good to see you, son. I missed you so much!” With his eyes turning away and his face becoming redder, his son replied softly, “Me, too, Dad!”

While this was happening, a baby girl was moving excitedly in her mother’s arms. The man said, “Hi, baby girl!” And then he gently took the child from her mother. He quickly kissed her face all over.

After several moments, he handed his daughter to his oldest son and said, “I’ve saved the best for the last!” He walked forward to give his wife the longest, most passionate kiss I ever remember seeing.

It seemed that they just got married, but I knew by the age of their kids that they had been married for long. I pondered it for a moment and couldn’t help asking. “Wow! How long have you two been married?”

“Been together fourteen years in total, and been married twelve of those.” he replied. “Well then, how long have you been separated?” I asked. The man smiled, “Two whole days!”

Two days? I was shocked. Judging from the greeting. I had thought they’d been separated for at least several months. I said almost immediately, “I hope my marriage is still that passionate after twelve years!”

The man suddenly stopped smiling. He said something that left me a different person. He told me, “Don’t hope, friend…decide!” Then he gave me his wonderful smile again. They left together happily.

1.How did the youngest son respond when his father said he missed him so much?

A.He seemed deeply touched. B.He looked extremely proud.

C.He was very excited. D.He got slightly shy.

2.What does the underlined word “pondered” in Paragraph 6 mean?

A.Considered B.Recorded C.Praised D.Admired

3.What made the author shocked?

A.That the father greeted each family member differently.

B.That the wife hadn’t seen her husband for just two days.

C.That the couple had been together for long.

D.That the father answered his question.

4.What can be the best title for the text?

A.A Father’s Deep Love for His Children B.My First Impression of an Old Couple

C.A Life-changing Experience at the Airport D.My Experience of Picking up a Friend



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1.How much can you save at most by using the voucher?

A.£13 B.£23 C.£40 D.£53

2.What should you do first if you want to redeem the voucher?

A.Open an account at DAN’S.

B.Check the timetable of the class.

C.Send an email to hello@dans.co.uk

D.Send your voucher number to DAN’S

3.If you want to take DAN’S Fitness, you should redeem your voucher by

A.mid-December B.December 22, 2020

C.January 31, 2020 D.December 22, 2021



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