满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Last summer,Steller drove to work in Min...

    Last summer,Steller drove to work in Minneapolis.She ___at a traffic light,where a man was asking for __.She rolled down her window.

Hey!”she shouted."I'm driving around giving __ haircuts.Do you want one right now?”

The man looked to be in his 60s and missing a few teeth.He laughed,then paused. “Actually,”he said,"I was __ hoping to get a haircut."

She pulled off the road and took a __ chair from her car.The man,named Edward, took a __,and she cut his curly graying hair.__ Steller was done,Edward looked in a mirror."I look __!"he said."I'll have to___ to put my teeth in next time.”

By now,Steller has given 30 or so such __ to people around the city.They all lead a __ life,and she is aware of the __ of her cleanup job."It's __ a haircut,"she says.I want it to be a gateway,to show ___and respect,but also to get to know people."

Steller knows that a haircut can change a.__.One changed hers:As a teen,she suffered from a disease that was so __,and her hair thinned very much.Seeing this,her mother arranged for Steller's first professional haircut which helped her feel cared about and less __.

Today a branch of the Red Chair Project is the Steller Kindness Project,in which people who offer acts of __ are invited for a free haircut at Steller's salon.In exchange,they tell their __,which Steller shares on her website.Her hope is that by reading about kind acts, others will be inspired to ___their own.

1.A.played B.hesitated C.stopped D.worked

2.A.help B.money C.advice D.company

3.A.quick B.free C.regular D.unique

4.A.merely B.rarely C.sincerely D.really

5.A.red B.black C.white D.colorful

6.A.look B.sigh C.seat D.breath

7.A.Before B.After C.While D.Until

8.A.bad B.poor C.rich D.good

9.A.learn B.attempt C.manage D.remember

10.A.chairs B.haircuts C.gateways D.mirrors

11.A.happy B.boring C.hard D.interesting

12.A.power B.cost C.trouble D.method

13.A.less than B.other than C.more than D.rather than

14.A.value B.ambition C.strength D.courage

15.A.job B.life C.hobby D.plan

16.A.common B.deadly C.mild D.serious

17.A.busy B.lonely C.tired D.worried

18.A.kindness B.courage C.politeness D.consideration

19.A.lies B.jokes C.stories D.adventures

20.A.imagine B.accept C.read D.spread


1.C 2.A 3.B 4.D 5.A 6.C 7.B 8.D 9.D 10.B 11.C 12.A 13.C 14.A 15.B 16.D 17.B 18.A 19.C 20.D 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了Steller有感于小时候一次重病后剪头发的经历,于是创建了一个慈善活动“红椅子项目”,专门为城市中生活比较艰苦的人提供免费理发。 1. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:她在一个红绿灯前停下车来,那里有一个人正在寻求帮助。A. played玩耍,扮演;B. hesitated犹豫;C. stopped停下;D. worked工作。从地点状语和前文Steller在开车以及She rolled down her window.可以推断,这里表示她停在了红绿灯前。故选C项。 2. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:她在一个红绿灯前停下车来,那里有一个人正在寻求帮助。A. help帮助;B. money钱;C. advice建议;D. company公司。空白处搭配ask for,从下一段Steller向那名男子的喊话来看,那里有一个人正在寻求帮助。故选A项。 3. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我在开车给人免费剪发。A. quick快速的;B. free自由的,免费的;C. regular规律的;D. unique独特的。根据下a free haircut 文,指的就是Steller在城市中找人提供免费理发。故选B项。 4. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:我确实想剪个头发。A. merely仅仅,只;B. rarely很少地;C. sincerely真诚地;D. really真地,实际上。从这个人laughed的反应和后面去理发了来看,他确实需要剪发的。故选D项。 5. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:她停在路边,从车里拿出一把红色椅子。A. red红色的;B. black黑色的;C. white白色的;D. colorful多彩的。文章最后一段提到Red Chair Project所指的就是Steller免费剪发的活动,应该是以椅子颜色命名的。故选A项。 6. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:这个叫做Edward的人,坐了下来,她开始剪他的卷曲的灰色头发。A. look看;B. sigh叹息;C. seat使坐下;D. breath呼吸。根据理发流程,这里应该用take a seat表示Edward落座然后开始剪发。故选C项。 7. 考查连词词义辨析。句意:在Steller剪完后,Edward照了照镜子。A. Before在……之前;B. After在……之后;C. While当……时;D. Until直到。根据句意,前句描述的剪完头发的动作应该发生在后句描述的照镜子之前,这里应该用after来引导时间状语从句。故选B项。 8. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我看起来不错。A. bad坏的;B. poor穷的;C. rich富的;D. good好的。从这里的感叹语气和Edward对于下一次的期待可知,他应该对于结果比较满意,也就是觉得镜子里自己看起来不错。故选D项。 9. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我下次得记着装假牙。A. learn学习;B. attempt企图,试图;C. manage管理,设法;D. remember记得,牢记。这里要表达的是Edward对自己的新形象很满意,但是没有假牙略显美中不足,所以希望下次记得装假牙。故选D项。 10. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:到目前为止,Steller已经在城市里给30多人这样剪过头发了。A. chairs椅子;B. haircuts剪发;C. gateways门,通道;D. mirrors镜子。空白前给出such“这样的”,结合下文a free haircut 指的就是她给别人免费剪发。故选B项。 11. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他们都过着艰难的生活。A. happy高兴的;B. boring无聊的;C. hard艰难的,硬的;D. interesting有趣的。参照文章一开始描述的60岁男性,既然是慈善性质的活动,目标应该都是可能没钱理发、生活贫困的人们。故选C项。 12. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:她意识到自己的清理工作的力量。A. power力量,权力;B. cost代价,花费;C. trouble麻烦;D. method方法。从后文Steller自己诠释的内容来看,她帮别人理发绝不仅仅是理一次发,是有着重要的意义、能给别人带来力量的。故选A项。 13. 考查固定短语辨析。句意:这不仅仅是一次剪发。A. less than少于;B. other than除了,不同于;C. more than不仅仅;D. rather than而不是。从后面she says."I want it to be a gateway,to show 14 and respect,but also to get to know people."来看,这样的一次理发有着更重大的意义,要表达的是不仅仅是一次理发。故选C项。 14. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:我想让它成为一个途径,来展示价值和尊重,以及去了解人们。A. value价值;B. ambition野心;C. strength力量;D. courage勇气。根据respect可知,Steller想表达的是每个人都有自己的价值,即使是那些在底层生活艰难的人也值得别人去尊重,这是她去做这件事的原因。故选A项。 15. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:Steller知道一次剪发能改变一个人的 一生。A. job工作;B. life 一生;C. hobby爱好;D. plan计划。从本段列举的Steller的亲身经历来看,应该是母亲安排的理发激励了她心存善念、后来去做免费理发的公益活动,可以说改变了她的一生。故选B项。 16. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:还是青少年时,她得了一场重病,她的头发掉了很多,。A. common共同的;B. deadly致命的;C. mild温和的;D. serious严重的。从后句掉头发的描述推断,这场病是比较重的,要用serious表示“严重的”。故选D项。 17. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:看到这样,Steller的母亲为她安排了第一次专业的理发,这帮助她感受到关爱,少了很多担忧。A. busy忙碌的;B. lonely孤独的;C. tired疲倦的;D. worried担忧的。根据helped her feel cared about可知,显然母亲的行为让Steller感受到关爱,减轻了她面对疾病时的那种孤寂感。故选B项。 18. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:这个项目中行为善良的人们会被邀请到Steller的理发店免费理发。A. kindness善良;B. courage勇气;C. politeness礼貌;D. consideration考虑。与最后一段中kind acts对应,这里就指有过善举的人们。故选A项。 19. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:作为交换,他们要讲述自己的故事。A. lies谎言;B. jokes玩笑;C. stories故事;D. adventures冒险。根据which Steller shares on her website,要分享的应该是理发者讲述的亲身经历和故事。故选C项。 20. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:她希望通过阅读善举的故事,其他人也会受到鼓舞来传播自己的故事。A. imagine想象;B. accept接受;C. read阅读;D. spread传播。与前文中share一词一样,这里要表达Steller通过分享故事希望读者们也能来分享、传播自己的故事。故选D项。

    Here are some tips from the experts to help you drop pounds gradually and safely.

Eat smaller portions

The trick is to eat more throughout the day.

“Sitting down to three rounded meals has its place. But you should have healthy snacks throughout the day,” Uehlein says. 1.To control portion () sizes, use your hand as a guide. “Never eat anything bigger than your hand,” says the chef.

Eat more healthful foods

Fruits, vegetables and wholegrains are low in calories and fat, yet filling.2.

Cut back on the amount of oil you use in dressings or sauces. For example, replace half of the oil with orange juice in a sauce.

But don’t assume fat-free processed (加工过的) foods are a good choice.

“A lot of times, fat-free products are very high in salt and tend to be low in dietary fiber (膳食纤维), so you’re not full.3.,” Uehlein says.

Be mindful

It’s not easy to keep on a diet. You are likely to eat too much, especially when you’re upset, attracted by television or you’ve skipped a meal.4., says Catherine Champagne, Ph.D. and registered dietitian.

“Becoming aware is so important,” Champagne says. Her patients often fear to keep a record. “They don’t want to think beyond eating, thus putting on weight easily.5.,” she says.

Avoid situations in which you can’t eat as healthfully as you want. Uehlein, who spent years as a restaurant chef, recommends eating at home more often.

A.You’ll be hungry sooner

B.So you’re satisfied with less

C.But you have to learn to control

D.So keeping a food diary is helpful

E.Exercises are good for your weight-loss

F.Staying away from snacks is good for our health

G.He suggests a banana mid-morning and a few nuts in the afternoon



    At Mrs. Jennings’ handsome house, in London.

While waiting for dinner, Marianne Dashwood wrote a letter very quickly. Elinor Dashwood noticed a large “W” in the address. Marianne rang the bell to have someone post it immediately.

After dinner, there was a loud knock at the door. Marianne cried, “Oh, it’s Willoughby!” and seemed to throw herself into his arms when Colonel Brandon came in. She was so surprised that she immediately left the room.

Elinor made the tea for Colonel Brandon. He did not stay long.

The next morning, upon arriving at home after shopping, Marianne flew upstairs.

“No letter has been left here for me since we went out. How strange!” she said, in a low and disappointed voice.

About a week later, they saw Mr. Willoughby’s card on the table when they came in from morning’s drive. He had been there while the ladies were out.

“He will call again tomorrow,” said Elinor.

Marianne decided to stay behind the next morning, when the others went out. One look at her sister when they returned was enough to tell Elinor that Willoughby had not called.

Colonel Brandon came again to tea and had short private conversation with Elinor.

“Your sister’s engagement to Mr. Willoughby is very well known.”

“It cannot be well known,” returned Elinor, “for her own family does not know it.”

“I am sorry but I did not realize it was a secret. I came to ask, is everything decided? Is it possible to? Excuse me, Miss Dasnwood. I believe I have been wrong in saying so much.”

From these words Elinor was sure of something, yet she knew he could never be successful with her.

Over the next three or four days, Willoughby neither came nor wrote.

One evening at a party, Marianne suddenly saw Willoughby standing in deep conversation with a young woman, whose name was Grey, a rich lady.

“He is there! Oh! Why does he not look at me? Why can’t I speak to him?”

“Marianne,” said Elinor, “perhaps he hasn’t seen you yet.”

At last he came to them.

“Willoughby, what’s wrong? Did you not get my letters? Won’t you look at me?”

After a moment’s pause, he spoke. “I came by last Tuesday but unfortunately did not see you. My card was not lost, I hope.”

“Have you not received my notes?” cried Marianne. “Tell me, Willoughby; tell me, what’s the matter?”

Quiet and embarrassed, he said nothing more and turned quickly away to Miss Grey. Marianne, turning white and unable to stand, fell into her chair.

1.Before the party, Marianne badly desired      .

A.to write a letter to Willoughby B.to receive Willoughby's card

C.to be visited by Willoughby D.to be invited by Willoughby

2.The underlined word “something” in Para.14 refers to_______.

A.Marianne’s love for Brandon B.Brandon’s love for Marrianne

C.Willoughby’s love for Marianne D.the Dashwoods’ love for money

3.What do you know about Willoughby?

A.He didn’t call Marianne until the party to give her a surprise.

B.He was too shy to declare in public his deep love for Marianne.

C.He was already on the side of another woman with more money.

D.He felt disappointed that Brandon was between him and Marianne.

4.How do you find Marianne in the story?

A.More selfish than kind. B.More strong than weak.

C.More calm than impatient. D.More sensitive than sensible.



    An online tool has been released(推出)which is able to bring black and white photographs to life by adding colour to them using artificial intelligence(AI).

Colourisation(上色)of old photos is normally a process taking a lot of time,which requires special training and expensive software.The tool,ColouriseSG,is able to do it for free. It is trained on old pictures and uses machine learning to guess what it thinks the pictures would have looked like in colour.

The purpose of colourisation is to produce a picture with colours that seem to be right," the tool's developers say."It by no means makes sure that the colourised picture is an accurate(精确的)representation of the original photo in time."

The free-to-use tool was developed to provide an accurate way for people from Singapore to edit their black and white pictures.The idea of ColouriseSG was to provide a large enough data-set to be linked to people living in Singapore.

Tech firm NVIDIA has released several different picture editing tools that are powered by AI.Its latest release is software which uses deep learning to turn even the roughest drawings into works of art.

The new program,GauGAN,named after famous French impressionist Paul Gaugin,uses a tool called GAN to recognize simple lines and turn them into realistic pictures.

Its application could help jobs,for example,urban planning,edit pictures faster and with greater accuracy,according to the company.

“It's much easier to come up with designs with simple drawings,and this technology is able to turn these drawings into highly realistic pictures,"said Bryan Catanzaro,vice president of applied deep learning research at NVIDIA.

1.How does ColouriseSG colourise photos?

A.By learning from people in Singapore.

B.By presenting old photos correctly.

C.By editing original colors on the photos.

D.By making a guess based on a data-set.

2.According to the passage,GauGAN can

A.colourise black and white photos accurately

B.employ deep learning to create works of art

C.make Tech firm NVIDIA known to people

D.turn rough drawings into realistic pictures

3.The passage is mainly about

A.the colourisation of old pictures

B.the technology of machine learning

C.picture editing tools powered by AI

D.simple lines changed into photos

4.The passage is most probably a

A.science report B.technology review

C.research plan D.laboratory record



    Today I achieved a dream that was born in April this year.Before April I never swam,biked or ran.I played basketball sometimes,but I did little in the way of endurance(耐力)workouts. One day in April,however,this changed.I want to find a way to challenge myself.I decided I was going to train for the Chicago marathon and complete it in six months.

The day finally came.For the first 11 miles,everything was going great.I was pacing(调整节奏)myself correctly and there wasn't too much pain or tiredness building up in my legs. Shortly after mile 12,however,I started to feel some pain.Miles 12-17 became a mental battle as I tried to convince myself to get to the finish line without walking.

Miles 17-20 were getting hard.I had to consciously push myself to stay at the race pace I was aiming for.My ankles(脚踝)were starting to hurt and my legs were giving out.At around mile 21 I got a stomach ache.I thought I might have to stop and walk for a minute,but the determination side of my brain took over and said,"Stick to your goals and never give up!”

The last 3-4 miles of the marathon were like nothing I have experienced.At the aid station at mile 24 I walked for a few seconds and drank some water.Then I started running and slowly I got back up to speed and went on.The last mile stands as the single most difficult thing I have done physically and mentally.Every step I took,my brain was screaming at me to walk.but I wouldn't listen.

When I crossed the finish line I was so happy and excited that I began to cry.I will never forget this day and I encourage everyone to go after that big event you have been thinking about, because although it will be hard,there are few more rewarding feelings than the feeling I had today crossing the finish line at the Chicago Marathon.

1.The writer ran a marathon because he/she wanted to

A.win a prize B.get into shape

C.make a difference D.take up a sport

2.What was the writer's mental battle at the Marathon?

A.To run or not to. B.To walk or not to.

C.To stop or not to. D.To rest or not to.

3.What played an important role in the writer's completing the Marathon?

A.Enthusiasm. B.Interest.

C.Experience. D.Determination.

4.How did the writer feel about the experience at the Chicago Marathon?

A.Painful. B.Amazing.

C.Embarrassing. D.Enjoyable.



Wow!A Simple to Use Computer

Designed Especially for Seniors!

Easy to read.Easy to see.Easy to use.Just plug(插入)it in!

There is finally a computer that's designed for simplicity and ease of use.It's the WOW Computer,and it was designed with you in mind. This computer is easy-to-use, worry-free and really puts the world at your fingertips.From the moment you open the box,you'll realize how different the WOW Computer is.All the parts are connected;all you do is plug it into an outlet(插座)and your high-speed Internet connection.Then you'll see the screen-it's now 22 inches. This is a completely new touch screen system, without the messy look of the normal computer screen.The"buttons"on the screen are easy to see and easy to understand.All you do is touch one of them,from the Web, Email,Calendar to Games-you name it... and a new screen opens up.It's so easy to use you won't have to ask your children or grandchildren for help.Until now,the very people who could benefit most from E-mail and the Internet are the ones that have had the hardest time accessing it.Now,thanks to the WOW Computer,countless older Americans are discovering the wonderful world of the Internet every day.Isn't it time you took part? Call,now,and you'll find out why tens of thousands of satisfied seniors are now enjoying their WOW Computers,emailing their grandchildren, and experiencing everything the Internet has to offer.Call today!

Call now toll free and find out how you can get the new WOW!Computer.

1.According to the ad,WOW Computer is

A.power-free B.elder-friendly

C.post-free D.environment-friendly

2.What does the underlined sentence imply?

A.Seniors fail to be instructed by their children.

B.Seniors are often out of touch with their kids.

C.Seniors starve for a computer easy to operate.

D.Seniors have little time to surf the Internet.

3.If an old man buys the computer,he can

A.be given a big discount

B.update software for someone else

C.discover the bright future of his kids

D.email his children without difficulty



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