满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The village of Hallstatt in Austria is a...

    The village of Hallstatt in Austria is a collection of appealing old buildings grouped at the edge of Lake Hallstatt, surrounded by the towering Dachstein Mountains. In summer, the mountains are green and the village is lovely. In winter, it’ s like something out of a snow-covered fairy tale. Hallstatt’ s popularity first began when it became a World Heritage Site in 1997. It increased more in 2006, when a Korean TV program shot a show in the village. Soon, Hallstatt began to get more visitors from Asia. But the number of visitors really exploded after the release of Disney’s movie “Frozen” in 2013. Millions of “Frozen” movie fans think Hallstatt is the inspiration for the fictional village of Arendelle, the main village in the movie. With “Frozen 2” released, it has only made it more popular. The number of visitors who arrive here each day is huge — up to 10,000 visitors. Last year around 19,344 busloads of tourists arrived.

Local people think it’s a catastrophe. With the number of visitors mentioned above a day, that’s over 12 tourists for every person in Hallstatt. One man said his mother was woken up one day, to find tourists in her bedroom. The government thinks the town would be just fine with about one third fewer visitors each year. Starting this year, Hallstatt will begin a program to limit the number of buses bringing visitors here. But villagers also admit the fact that before the tourist boom, people would leave Hallstatt to find work and that many people rely upon the tourists for their jobs now.

Hallstatt may be easy on the eyes, but it’s opposite on the wallet. Hotel rooms can cost between $350 and $450. Oh, and it costs over one dollar to use the public bathroom here. Even toilets can be good business — as long as they aren’t frozen.

1.What plays the most important role in making Hallstatt world-famous?

A.Its lovely weather.

B.The hit movie.

C.Its beautiful architecture.

D.The Korean TV program.

2.How many local people are there in Hallstatt?

A.About 800. B.About 7,000.

C.About 12,000. D.About 18,000.

3.How do the villagers respond to the tourism?

A.They depend on it completely.

B.They hope it stays away.

C.They find it environment-friendly.

D.They are in a dilemma about it.

4.What does the author really want to indicate about Hallstatt in the last paragraph?

A.It is easy for tourists to get there.

B.Tourists can make business there.

C.Be ready to pay before going there.

D.It is freezing cold sometimes there.


1.B 2.A 3.D 4.C 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。主要介绍了Hallstatt近年来变得火热的原因、当地人对此的看法和消费水平。 1. 推理判断题。根据第一段中“But the number of visitors really exploded after the release of Disney’s movie “Frozen” in 2013.”但是自2013年迪斯尼电影《冰雪奇缘》上映以来,观众人数突然间增多了。可知这部电影的流行对Hallstatt变得世界闻名发挥了至关重要的作用。故选B项。 2. 推理判断题。根据第一段中“The number of visitors who arrive here each day is huge — up to 10,000 visitors.”每天到达这里的访客数量庞大——多达10,000名访客。以及第二段中“Local people think it’s a catastrophe. With the number of visitors mentioned above a day, that’s over 12 tourists for every person in Hallstatt.”当地人认为这是一场灾难。鉴于上述每天的访问者人数,Hallstatt当地人每天每人要接待多于12个游客。可知Hallstatt当地人的数量大约是800人。故选A项。 3. 推理判断题。根据第二段“Local people think it’s a catastrophe.”当地人认为这是一场灾难。和“But villagers also admit the fact that before the tourist boom, people would leave Hallstatt to find work and that many people rely upon the tourists for their jobs now.”但是村民们也承认一个事实,那就是在旅游业繁荣之前,人们会离开Hallstatt去找工作,而且现在有许多人依靠游客谋生。可知村民们认为旅游业让他们对此进退两难。故选D项。 4. 推理判断题。根据最后一段中“Hotel rooms can cost between $350 and $450. Oh, and it costs over one dollar to use the public bathroom here.”酒店房间的费用在$ 350至$ 450之间。在这里使用公共浴室要花费一美元以上。最后一段意在表明在Hallstatt,处处都要花钱,在来这里之前,要准备好付钱。故选C项。

    Now, at ten, Selah Schneiter has become the youngest person ever to climb the 3,000-foot-high Nose route of El Capitan, topping out above Yosemite Valley. Selah was unaware she was breaking a record at the time.

“El Cap was the mountain my wife Joy and I first climbed together,” Mike, Selah’s father, said. “We fell in love while climbing the route over four days.” After the couple married, they returned there to climb. They took Selah on her first trip to Yosemite when she was only two months old.

First asked if she’d try the Nose, she declined. Then, she began to think about it more, and last year she felt that she was able to make it to the Nose. However, accomplishing the seemingly impossible climb requires more than simply deciding to go for it. Over the winter, Mike and Selah prepared for “the big one”.

When it came time to climb, Selah and Mike were joined by Mark Regier, a long-time family friend who had been part of the El Cap team when Mike and Joy met. He was also the chief witness of their wedding. Doing such a climb with a ten-year-old, Regier considered it seriously. “Being a father myself, I must look after her well,” he said. At first he doublechecked everything she did, but after a while he was sure Selah knew what she was doing. Then they set off.

When it came to the exposure, Selah showed fortitude. “It wasn’t that frightening,” she said. “Although when it got really exposed it can be a little scary.” She admitted to getting nervous under The Great Roof, but she calmed herself and was comfortable being so high.

Eventually, she and her companions completed the 5-day climb successfully.

1.What can we know about Mike?

A.He encouraged Selah to set a record.

B.He’s had a long history with Yosemite.

C.He helped Selah decide to climb El Cap.

D.He came across Joy at Regier’s wedding.

2.How did Mark Regier feel at first about Selah’s climbing the Nose?

A.Amused. B.Confident.

C.Cautious. D.Encouraged.

3.What does the underlined word “fortitude” in Paragraph 5 mean?

A.Scare. B.Relaxation.

C.Pride. D.Courage.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.Small Climber, Big Outcome

B.Selah Was a True Climber at Ten

C.Selah Schneiter, a Born Climber

D.Life Means Enjoying Climbing



Children’s Museum of Indianapolis

It’s the largest children’s museum in the world. Here, kids and their parents can learn about dinosaurs, ancient Greece, outer-space objects, and much more. In 2018, the museum opened the Riley Children’s Health Sports Legends Experience, where kids can play while learning about the history and culture of sports.

Apollo Mission Control Center

In 1985, it was regarded as a National Historic Landmark. Work began in 2017 to restore it to perfect condition. And now you can visit it firsthand, learning about the engineers, flight controllers, and scientists who worked behind the scenes to make the moon landing a reality. The team at the center hosts events about space every day of the year, for kids as young as 4.

Deichman Biblo Toyen

It is one of the coolest libraries. This striking library for only children aged 10 to 15 was designed to inspire. With many colorful exhibits and surprises, each section offers visitors a perfect experience. For those who have just come with a good book to read, there’re plenty of comfortable spots to do so.

Farm Wisconsin Discovery Center

Since it opened in 2018, it has helped kids and other visitors understand and appreciate the food on their tables. It partners with nearby Grotegut Dairy Farm (奶牛场), which bridges the gap between the center and real-world dairy operation. Visitors can take a bus tour of the farm to see it in action. And when any of Grotegut’s cows is ready to have a baby, it’s brought to Farm Wisconsin’s birthing center, where visitors are able to watch it all. But there’s no guarantee that a birth will happen during your visit.

1.What can be learnt about Children’s Museum of Indianapolis?

A.It has a large collection of ancient works.

B.It encourages children to play more freely.

C.It concerns children’s sports education.

D.It’s based on Apollo Mission Control Center.

2.What can visitors do in Farm Wisconsin Discovery Center?

A.Milk the cows.

B.Have outdoor experiences.

C.Make cheeses.

D.Feed a baby cow.

3.Which is meant to inspire kids to read ?

A.Children’s Museum of Indianapolis.

B.Apollo Mission Control Center.

C.Deichman Biblo Toyen.

D.Farm Wisconsin Discovery Center.













1.At first, we didn’t feel we b______ (属于) here, but now we are attached to the land we live on.

2.I r______ (推荐) the movie for the whole family.

3.Her sisters, Felicie and Adelaide, are nasty and t______ (对待) Beauty as a servant.

4.The soil contains materials to keep the natural b______ (平衡) of the area.

5.The media should r______ (尊重) famous people’s privacy.

6.I was a millionaire, but I was a______ (意识到) there were a lot of hungry people in the world.

7.Perhaps their f______ (失败) is because of their low EQ.

8.To get tickets, you have to b______ (预订) in advance.

9.After a long d______ (延误), the plane finally took off.

10.Good job candidates must show a f______ (灵活的) approach to problems.

11.If you work hard, you will o______ (克服) this problem.

12.Exercise is highly b______ (有益的) to health.

13.We are all g______ (感激的) to you for what you did for us.

14.I've been learning English for 10 years, and I can speak English f______ (流利地).

15.Don’t h______ (犹豫) to ask me if you have any questions.








1.I certainly owe you a apology for not writing more often.

2.Mr Bean is an international recognised comedy character on TV and films.

3.Over time, a lot of soil has been removed, that has caused serious erosion of the land along the Yellow River.

4.I wish I was as successful with all my student as I was with Graham.

5.It was Junyan's mother taught her to be curious.

6.To avoid miss the last train, please check the time posted in the station.

7.The government has ban the use of chemical weapons.

8.Although the job takes a significant amount of time, but most students agree that the experience is worth it.

9.Each star on the flag of the United States stands of a state of the nation.

10.As time went by, I gradually adapted me to the school life.



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