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随着新冠肺炎的蔓延,全国各地“停课不停学”,采用网上直播课程。一时间,网络 教学...

随着新冠肺炎的蔓延,全国各地停课不停学,采用网上直播课程。一时间,网络 教学得到了更多的推广。现请你结合以下要点写一篇关于网络教方面旳英语文章。

1. 网络教学的利弊;

2. 你的看法及建议。


1. 词数100左右;

2. 开头已经给出,不计入总词数;

3. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

With the coming and spread of COVID-19,



With the coming and spread of COVID-19, more and more schools and students focus on online education. Certainly, it has some advantages. Online education isn’t limited by time and places. Besides, online education frees teachers from repeating the same teaching contents since the video can be played over and over again. However, students have to spend more time using computers, causing the loss of their eyesight. And online education will reduce the communication between students and teachers, which will lead to the lack of learning atmosphere. Personally, if traditional teaching and online education can be combined, more fruitful education is bound to be realized. 【解析】 本篇书面表达属于提纲类作文。要求考生就网络教学的利弊发表自己的看法及建议。 第一步:审题。 体裁:议论文 时态:根据提示,时态应为一般现在时为主。 要点:1 网络教学的利弊 2 自己的看法和建议 结构布局: 第一段,网络教学的好处:1 网络教学实现随时随地学习;2教师更关注知识点的讲授。 第二段,网络教学的弊端:1教师在教学过程可能会出现网络问题;2学生上课专注力会受到影响。 第三段,表达自己的看法和建议:如果传统教学模式和网络教学相结合,可能会有更好的效果。   第二步:列重点词语,词组(注意好词的使用) 如:put forward, suspend, ongoing, take a measure, online education, exist, limitation, focus on, encounter with, concentration, discount, combine等   第三步:连词成句(注意好句型的使用,如非谓语动词,复合句,注意拼写和时态问题) 如:more and more schools and students take a measure of online education after the idea of suspended classes but ongoing learning has been put forward across the country. 等   第四步:连句成篇(注意衔接词的使用) 1.表文章结构顺序:First of all, Firstly/First, Secondly/Second…, Finally, In the end, At last; 2.表并列补充关系:What is more, Besides, Moreover, Furthermore, In addition, As well as, not only…but (also); 3.表因果关系:Because, As, So, Thus, Therefore, As a result 连句成文,注意使用恰当的连词进行句子之间的衔接与过渡。   第五步:润色修改。

假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除 或修改。

增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧ ),并在其下面写出该加的词。



注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Last year, my family and me arrived in Cusco at 6 a. m. in Friday morning. We were very tiring because we got up early to go to the airport than usual. When we got to our hotel, and we slept for some hour. Then we had a delicious breakfast. After that, we walked around the main square, watch a group of people dancing typical dances in the square. In the afternoon, we visited some museums, that we took many photos. To our regret, we didn’t go to the art galleries. On Saturday we were in the hurry to travel to Machu Picchu by train, which considered one of the New Seven Wonders of the World now.



    Every year, the 28 students on the BlitzCreek Robotics team at Bullock Creek High School in Midland, Michigan participate in the FIRST Robotics Competition. They are _________ to create a robot that can perform certain tasks.

But building robots isn’t _________, and the team’ s expected to help raise money for their _________. When Maxton Herst _________ the team in ninth grade, he came across a video about a toilet paper pyramid, realizing it was possible to build a _________ pyramid, and then sell the paper to raise money. The _________ was convincing other members of the team. Year after year, he _________ suggested the idea, but it never took off. _________, last May, all the team members _________ to try his idea.

In late December, the __________ team members gave up their winter holiday to build the pyramid. It was so __________ that they had to build it from the inside before __________ and filling in the areas where they had been __________. It took about 16 hours, with 27, 434 rolls __________, to complete the world’s largest toilet paper pyramid, 61 centimeters taller than the present Guinness World Record. The pyramid __________ for viewing on January 4, 2020. With all the __________ caused by the pyramid, it turned out to be fairly easy to __________ the paper. Families and other supporters bought all of the rolls. The team made about $10,000 from the __________, which will help pay for its activities.

Maxton, now 18, hopes that the __________ of his “crazy idea” will inspire others. “If you know your idea is good, __________ it,” he says. “Don’t stop.”

1.A.challenged B.predicted C.described D.managed

2.A.fresh B.permanent C.artificial D.cheap

3.A.program B.school C.exhibition D.improvement

4.A.noticed B.joined C.trained D.left

5.A.garbage-eating B.paper-saving C.record-setting D.tradition-breaking

6.A.action B.agenda C.problem D.difference

7.A.even B.also C.still D.ever

8.A.Finally B.Quickly C.Patiently D.Surely

9.A.applied B.agreed C.learnt D.afforded

10.A.attractive B.suitable C.skillful D.enthusiastic

11.A.strange B.tall C.risky D.huge

12.A.backing out B.calming down C.looking up D.moving forward

13.A.drawing B.watching C.standing D.designing

14.A.returned B.received C.examined D.used

15.A.lay B.opened C.appeared D.rose

16.A.effort B.changes C.promises D.excitement

17.A.follow B.sell C.collect D.move

18.A.event B.experiment C.ambition D.offer

19.A.birth B.success C.direction D.service

20.A.assist B.guide C.push D.share



    Some children sail through exams with very little stress. For others even small tests cause real anxiety. 1.


Revision needs to be active. Reading through notes will not make them stick in your memory. Make notes, highlight (突出) key points and words and go over each topic several times. 2. These will be useful for last minute revision the night before each exam.

Get organised

Work out a revision timetable early on so that you allow enough time to cover all the topics you need to revise.3. Make sure you are setting yourself realistic targets. Trying to cram (塞满) in too much creates stress and prevents learning. Organise your clothes, food and pens the night before each exam. Feeling organised about the little things will help to cut down on stress.

Sleep and rest

4. Remind that your brain will work better if it’s rested. Trying to cram in last minute revision the night before an exam is generally a bad idea. It will make you panic and might even affect your performance the following day. It’s much better to have a relaxing evening the night before each exam so you can do your best the following day. Exercise, even a walk to the shops, will help you to concentrate when you get back to work.5. Make sure you have your alarm set for the next morning! Waking up in a panic or even arriving late for an exam only makes things more stressful.

A.It can also help you to sleep better.

B.Here are some tips for you to sleep and rest better.

C.There are some ways to help you deal with exam stress.

D.At the end of each topic, make a short list of the main points.

E.Get plenty of sleep and take regular breaks while you’re revising.

F.Make sure you get everything ready well in advance of the exam.

G.Ticking off each topic as it’s done can help revision seem more manageable.



    Nowadays, learning Braille (盲文) is something of a dying art. With thousands of computer programs and other media now available, fewer kids are learning to read Braille and most of them are learning to read by listening. In the United States, less than 10% of the 1.3 million people who are legally blind are Braille readers. However, learning Braille offers students much more than just a way to get information. Listening to information does not teach students how to spell or write well. These skills are better taught by actually reading. This is particularly true when we know that Braille users often are more independent, have a higher level of education and better employment opportunities. Learning to read and write Braille requires lots of practice, which can become dull. This is what the company Lego, which is making Braille Bricks to help blind students learn to read and write, is dealing with. We strongly believe the Bricks can help increase the level of interest in learning Braille.

Instead of the grid (网格) of raised dots normally found on top of Legos, Braille Bricks use the dot groups of the Braille alphabet. This allows the bricks to be “read”, but they still click together like normal Legos. Braille is often written with a special machine called a Brailler. If a student makes the wrong letter using the Brailler, it can’t really be fixed, since the letter is punched (打孔) into paper. Legos, on the other hand, are lots of fun to play with. If a student makes a mistake, fixing it is as easy as moving or changing a brick.

The company is trying the Bricks out with teachers and blind students in schools. Teachers report that students enjoy the Bricks and quickly invent games and fun ways to use them. On Lego’s new Braille Bricks, which are planned to hit commercial stores in the near future, Braille is also translated into numbers and letters allowing parents and educators to follow along.

1.What has made Braille used less in recent years?

A.The lack of its actual use.

B.The hard learning process.

C.The application of digital technology.

D.The decline in the number of the blind.

2.What does the author stress about Braille in Paragraph 1?

A.Its replacements. B.Its improvement.

C.Its shortcomings. D.Its importance.

3.What can we say about Lego’s Braille Bricks?

A.They are new reading systems.

B.They help the blind in a fun way.

C.They work like a special machine.

D.They come from the Braille alphabet.

4.What does the company expect of its Braille Bricks?

A.They’ll reach the consumers soon.

B.They’ll teach blind students new games.

C.They’ll lighten the burden on teachers.

D.They’ll be translated into other languages.



    The village of Hallstatt in Austria is a collection of appealing old buildings grouped at the edge of Lake Hallstatt, surrounded by the towering Dachstein Mountains. In summer, the mountains are green and the village is lovely. In winter, it’ s like something out of a snow-covered fairy tale. Hallstatt’ s popularity first began when it became a World Heritage Site in 1997. It increased more in 2006, when a Korean TV program shot a show in the village. Soon, Hallstatt began to get more visitors from Asia. But the number of visitors really exploded after the release of Disney’s movie “Frozen” in 2013. Millions of “Frozen” movie fans think Hallstatt is the inspiration for the fictional village of Arendelle, the main village in the movie. With “Frozen 2” released, it has only made it more popular. The number of visitors who arrive here each day is huge — up to 10,000 visitors. Last year around 19,344 busloads of tourists arrived.

Local people think it’s a catastrophe. With the number of visitors mentioned above a day, that’s over 12 tourists for every person in Hallstatt. One man said his mother was woken up one day, to find tourists in her bedroom. The government thinks the town would be just fine with about one third fewer visitors each year. Starting this year, Hallstatt will begin a program to limit the number of buses bringing visitors here. But villagers also admit the fact that before the tourist boom, people would leave Hallstatt to find work and that many people rely upon the tourists for their jobs now.

Hallstatt may be easy on the eyes, but it’s opposite on the wallet. Hotel rooms can cost between $350 and $450. Oh, and it costs over one dollar to use the public bathroom here. Even toilets can be good business — as long as they aren’t frozen.

1.What plays the most important role in making Hallstatt world-famous?

A.Its lovely weather.

B.The hit movie.

C.Its beautiful architecture.

D.The Korean TV program.

2.How many local people are there in Hallstatt?

A.About 800. B.About 7,000.

C.About 12,000. D.About 18,000.

3.How do the villagers respond to the tourism?

A.They depend on it completely.

B.They hope it stays away.

C.They find it environment-friendly.

D.They are in a dilemma about it.

4.What does the author really want to indicate about Hallstatt in the last paragraph?

A.It is easy for tourists to get there.

B.Tourists can make business there.

C.Be ready to pay before going there.

D.It is freezing cold sometimes there.



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