满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

There’s a small problem with a working h...

    There’s a small problem with a working holiday: working.

It seems like a fantastic idea. You picture yourself learning a foreign culture, meeting locals and making friends. What you don’t picture is the actual work.

Some people manage to keep a fine balance between working and holidaying. I’ve met plenty of working holidaymakers who are holding high-paying jobs that not only allow them to live in style, but that they also enjoy. Great.

For most working holidaymakers, however, that’s a daydream. You’re not working overseas to further your career — you’re working overseas to further your travelling expenses. And besides, most serious employers will take one look at that year-long visa (签证), and laugh you out of the building.

So you end up doing some of the jobs I’ve done.

Fruit picking. I did mine in the north of Scotland, which wasn’t satisfying, given it’s a place with a summer in name only.

Strawberries are a pain. It’s a case of bending your back for about eight hours straight. Lettuces aren’t much better. Again, more back bending.

Is picking fruit a nice way to spend a holiday? No.

So I became a line cook at a restaurant in Edinburgh. There, because there were no formal training systems in Scotland, I was handed a white jacket and referred to as a “chef (厨师)”. And as a “chef”, I would pull out boxes of frozen chicken tikka masala (冷冻香料烤鸡咖喱), putting them in the microwave until they were just so.

Again, not what you’d call a fun way to spend a holiday.

So when you’re planning a working holiday, it’s worth thinking about what you’re actually going to be doing, since that’s how you’ll spend your time while you’re away.

Is it going to be enjoyable? Will you be able to meet people, make friends? Is it going to allow you the time and money to do other things, see other places while you’re there?

Remember, it’s not a working holiday if you spend all your time working — it’s just work.

1.According to the author, what will happen to most working holidaymakers?

A.They will live in style.

B.They will enjoy their travelling.

C.They can get plenty of good work experience.

D.They may have difficulty finding a good job.

2.How does the author feel about his fruit picking experience?





3.What do we know about the author’s job as a line cook?

A.He was trained hard.

B.He found it very difficult.

C.He was doing nothing skilful.

D.He learned how to cook chicken.

4.What’s the author’s advice for those planning a working holiday?

A.To stick to their plan.

B.To know what to expect.

C.To be adventurous.

D.To be hard-working.


1.D 2.A 3.C 4.B 【解析】 本文是议论文。作者结合自身经历,说明在国外打工度假,并不像大家想象中那般妙不可言。 1. 细节理解题。由第四段中的most serious employers will take one look at that year-long visa, and laugh you out of the building(大多数严肃的雇主会看一眼一年期的签证,然后笑着让你出去。)可知,对于打工度假者来说,找一份好工作没那么容易。故选D。 2. 细节理解题。由第七段中的Strawberries are a pain. It’s a case of bending your back for about eight hours straight. Lettuces aren’t much better. Again, more back bending.(摘草莓是一种痛苦。这是一种将你的背部弯曲8个小时的情况。生菜也好不到哪里去。再次,更多的背部弯曲。)可知,摘水果的工作很累人。故选A。 3. 推理判断题。由第九段可知,作者没有经过正规培训就上岗,而且工作就是And as a “chef”, I would pull out boxes of frozen chicken tikka masala (冷冻香料烤鸡咖喱), putting them in the microwave until they were just so.把冷冻香料烤鸡咖喱放进微波炉,由此推知,作者作为一线厨师所做的工作没有任何技术含量。故选C。 4. 推理判断题。由最后三段可知,作者奉劝计划打工度假的人们对自己未来所做的工作、所面临的问题要慎重考虑,做好充分的准备。since that’s how you’ll spend your time while you’re away.由于那将是你如何度过你的时间的方式。接下来倒数第二段都在问你将……。表示即将工作的你准备好了吗?最后一段记住:it’s not a working holiday if you spend all your time working — it’s just work.如果你花所有时间去工作,就不是工作度假了,这只是一份工作而已。故推出B选项To know what to expect.“要知道你的期待是……”。故选B。

    Steel Vengeance, a world-record-breaking hybrid roller coaster, recently made its first public appearance at Cedar Point Amusement Park in Sandusky, Ohio.

The ride is constructed from both wood and steel (). A steel running track on a huge wooden base allows the ride to provide the types of twists (扭转) and turns that are not possible on wooden roller coasters.

Steel Vengeance breaks ten world records, including tallest, fastest, and longest hybrid roller coaster. “It is just a roller coaster that you want to ride again and again,” said Tony Clark, director of communications at Cedar Point. The 90-degree, 200-foot drop on the first hill takes your breath away.

At a recent event at Cedar Point, I experienced the excitement of the new ride first-hand. Thanks to my strong heart, I had a really cool time!


“The biggest part of making a roller coaster is planning it,” Clark said.

Jason McClure, general manager of Cedar Point, added: “We have to get a main idea of the basics of the coaster and then plan a budget.”


Rocky Mountain Construction designed and built Steel Vengeance. About 1.2 million pounds of steel and 1.4 million boards of wood were used to build the ride.

Fred Grubb, co-founder of Rocky Mountain, noted that “people who design roller coasters for my company have to have first-hand experience building things with their hands, not just hold an engineering degree. When you have built things for yourself, you get it, and understand what will work.”

Clark was pleased with the results. “We at Cedar Point are so happy with how Steel Vengeance turned out,” he said.

McClure added: “What we put into this roller coaster was wood, steel, and a lot of hard work.”

1.What can we learn about Steel Vengeance?

A.It is going through tests.

B.It belongs to Rocky Mountain.

C.It is made from both steel and wood.

D.It was mainly designed by Fred Grubb.

2.What advantage does Steel Vengeance have over wooden roller coasters?

A.It will last longer.

B.It cost less money.

C.It took less time to build.

D.It offers more kinds of twists.

3.How did the author feel on Steel Vengeance?





4.People who design roller coasters for Rocky Mountain must _____.

A.hold an arts degree

B.be roller coaster lovers

C.be skillful at wood work

D.have built things themselves



    There are various ways in which to read body language so that you can understand how someone is feeling. Reading emotional clues (线索)is one of them.

Crying is considered to be caused by an explosion of emotion in most cultures. Often times crying is considered a sign of sadness, but crying can also be an expression of happiness. Crying can also come about through laughter and humor. Thus, when judging crying, you'll need to look for other signs to determine the meaning of the crying. Crying can also be forced in order to gain sympathy or to cheat others. This practice is known as " crocodile tears" , an expression that draws on the wrong idea that crocodiles" cry" when catching prey(猎物).

Signs of threat include v-shaped eye brows, wide eyes, and an open or down-turned mouth. In a similar way, arm tightly crossed over the other is a common sign that the person is angry and is closing himself off to you.

When people show anxiety, they display increased facial movements, and their mouth made into a thin line. Individuals who are anxious may also play with their hands, unable keep them in one spot. Anxiety can also or have nervous legs. It can be conveyed when people seemingly unconsciously(无意识 地)tap their feet or have nervous legs.

Embarrassment can be expressed by turning the eyes or shifting them away. If someone looks down at the floor a lot, they are probably shy, afraid, or embarrassed. People also tend to look down when they are upset, or trying to hide something emotional. People are often thinking and feeling unpleasant emotions when they are in the process of staring at the ground.

There are also some signs of pride. People show pride by displaying a small smile, holding their head backward, and putting their hands on their hips.

1.In what situation may one have"crocodile tears"?

A.When he is sad. B.When he cheats others.

C.When he supports others. D.When he is angry.

2.What might a man do when angry?

A.Shape his eye brows into a"w". B.Sigh heavily.

C.Cross his arms tightly. D.Open his eyes wide.

3.What do we know about the emotional clues in the text?

A.Most of them show negative feelings. B.They usually express positive emotions.

C.They can be controlled well be humans. D.They are good for people's health.

4.What is the best title for the passage?

A.How to use body languages? B.What are body languages?

C.What expressive emotions we have? D.How to read emotional clues?



Summer Camps 2019

Digging for Dinosaurs

June 10 to June 14, 2019; July 15 to July 19, 2019

$395 per person

What is a paleontologist (古生物学者) and what exactly do they do? Come find out with us this summer! We’ll explore what paleontologists do, where they work and what tools they use while searching for fossils (化石). We’ll dig deeper into how a fossil is made, the different types of fossils and what information paleontologists can learn from them.

Physics Past to Present

June 17 to June 21, 2019; July 22 to July 26, 2019

$405 per person

Have you ever wondered why a baseball flies a certain way when it’s hit or how to shoot the perfect basket? It’s Physics! This summer we will explore terms like energy and force to see how they affect things we do every day. We will look at who discovered these terms, how they influence the activities we love and how sportsmen use them to their advantage.

Ancient Art

June 24 to June 28, 2019; July 29 to August 2, 2019

$355 per person

Experience how art began! This summer we will explore how art has changed from the Stone Age through the Middle Ages. From cave paintings to building arches (拱门), we’ll explore the world through the eyes of artists who came before us.

Space Explorers: Back to the Moon

August 5 to August 9, 2019

$455 per person

Come join us in taking a closer look at our moon and how our astronauts got there. We’ll learn about what a spaceship needs to escape Earth’s pull, take a closer look at the moon’s surface and simulate (模拟) our own moon landing!

1.What will campers do in Physics Past to Present?

A.Play sports.

B.Talk with athletes.

C.Explore energy and force.

D.Learn the history of sports.

2.How much should you pay if you want to learn about cave paintings?

A.$355. B.$395.

C.$405. D.$455.

3.Which camp can you join if you are only free in August?

A.Digging for Dinosaurs.

B.Physics Past to Present.

C.Ancient Art.

D.Space Explorers: Back to the Moon.




1. 对学校做简要介绍(拥有80多年历史)

2. 学校的设施(拥有现代化的教学楼、办公楼;学校环境优美等)

3. 教师们爱岗敬业、和蔼可亲。

参考词汇:作简介:make a brief introduction; 学习和生活情况:learning and living condition

现代化的:modern; 爱岗敬业的:diligent and dedicated; 和蔼可亲的:amiable





I found a wallet a couple of weeks ago in the car, where I was renting. The wallet had credit cards but quite a bit of cash inside. The gentleman it was belonged to happened to be celebrating his birthday that same day. I was able to mail him his wallet. A few weeks later I receive this. “Jamie, I can’t tell you how fortunately I felt when I received my wallet sending by you. It is rare that someone can return a wallet, let alone return with 100% of its content. I’ll be thankful for you forever.” Tears filled my eye when I finished reading a note.



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