满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I was checking out at the grocery store ...

    I was checking out at the grocery store with a woman behind me. Her shopping basket held a bunch () of pink roses, and some food and fruits. I _________ that they were, indeed, very lovely _________. She replied, “I really do love them though they are so common. And _________ is my favorite color.”

Well, just as I was _________, I heard her saying to the cashier (收银员), “You can put those roses back. I really can’t _________ them.” I turned around and asked her if she would _________ me to get them for her. She shook her head and said, “Thank you, but you certainly don’t _________ to.” I replied that I just wanted to especially _________ she loved them so much. She still _________, so I told her that she would be ____________ me if she would allow me to ____________ them to her. Finally, she was so ____________, and said. I really do love them. “Thank you.” As I handed the cashier the ____________, I noticed he was ____________ as well. As I began to walk away, I also noticed that with thankfulness the woman was holding the roses tight, surprised and ____________!

On the way home I was ____________ of a song Bread and Roses I heard many years ago and I’ve loved it ever since. It tells us the ____________ that we all need food, but we all ____________ need beauty.

A line from this song fits this ____________ perfectly. It reads: “Hearts go hungry as well as bodies. Give us ____________, but give us roses, too.”

1.A.explained B.replied C.said D.thought

2.A.presents B.roses C.vegetables D.bananas

3.A.pink B.red C.brown D.white

4.A.shopping B.waiting C.resting D.leaving

5.A.pick B.enjoy C.water D.afford

6.A.invite B.allow C.advise D.prefer

7.A.have B.pretend C.expect D.decide

8.A.since B.though C.so that D.even though

9.A.calmed B.stood C.disagreed D.promised

10.A.ignoring B.changing C.recognizing D.honoring

11.A.describe B.gift C.show D.push

12.A.peaceful B.helpful C.grateful D.hopeful

13.A.basket B.money C.fruit D.pencil

14.A.embarrassed B.careful C.moved D.confident

15.A.happy B.proud C.honest D.serious

16.A.sure B.reminded C.short D.cheated

17.A.plan B.truth C.explanation D.behavior

18.A.even B.just C.also D.then

19.A.situation B.reason C.decision D.concern

20.A.gloves B.dreams C.love D.bread


1.C 2.B 3.A 4.D 5.D 6.B 7.A 8.A 9.C 10.D 11.B 12.C 13.B 14.C 15.A 16.B 17.B 18.C 19.A 20.D 【解析】 这是一篇夹叙夹议文。文章讲述了作者在购物的时候为一位很喜欢粉色玫瑰,但是负担不起的女士买下了那束玫瑰,并收获感激的故事。作者由这次事件想起了Bread and Rose这首歌,并悟出:在生活中,我们不仅需要面包(物质需求),也需要玫瑰(精神需求)。 1. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我说到,它们真是很令人愉快的玫瑰花。A. explained解释;B. replied回应;C. said说;D. thought认为。根据后文She replied, “I really do love them though they are so common. And ____3____ is my favorite color.”可知,那个女士回应了作者,所以可推断作者先说了话。故选C项。 2. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:我说到,它们真是很令人愉快的玫瑰花。A. presents礼物;B. roses玫瑰;C. vegetables蔬菜;D. bananas香蕉。根据前文Her shopping basket held a bunch (束) of pink roses, and some food and fruits.可知,这位女士的购物篮里面有一束玫瑰花,一些食物和水果,可推断作者赞美的是玫瑰花。故选B项。 3. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:她回答到,尽管这些花很普通,我是真的很喜欢它们。而且粉色是我最喜欢的颜色。A. pink粉色;B. red红色;C. brown棕色;D. white白色。根据前文Her shopping basket held a bunch (束) of pink roses, and some food and fruits.可知,这位女士选了粉色的玫瑰花,可推断粉色是她最喜欢的颜色。故选A项。 4. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:就在我要离开的时候,我听见她对收银员说道“你把这些花放回去吧,我真的买不起。”A. shopping购物;B. waiting等待;C. resting休息;D. leaving离开。根据前文I was checking out at the grocery store with a woman behind me.及后文女士对收银员讲的话可知,女士是在作者后面排队买单的,此时已经轮到女士结账了,说明作者已经买完单,所以可推断作者此时准备离开商店了。故选D项。 5. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:就在我要离开的时候,我听见她对收银员说道“你把这些花放回去吧,我真的买不起。”A. pick摘;B. enjoy喜欢,享受;C. water浇水;D. afford买得起。根据前文I really do love them可知,女士真的很喜欢这些粉色玫瑰花,但是在买单那一刻却不打算要了,说明对于女士而言,这束花太贵了她负担不起。故选D项。 6. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我转过身然后问道她是否允许我给她买单。A. invite邀请;B. allow允许;C. advise建议;D. prefer更喜欢。根据后文so I told her that she would be ____10____ me if she would allow me to ____11____ them to her可知,作者希望女士能够允许自己把玫瑰花送给她。故选B项。 7. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:她摇头然后说到“谢谢,但你不必这样做。” 选项与to搭配的含义:A. have to不得不;B. pretend to假装;C. expect to期盼;D. decide 决定。根据句中表示转折的but可知,女士拒绝了作者,认为作者没必要这样做;don’t have to意为“没必要”,符合题意。故选A项。 8. 考查连接词词义辨析。句意:我回答到,我愿意帮她买下来,尤其是她既然这么喜欢这些玫瑰花。A. since既然;B. though尽管;C. so that为了;D. even though尽管。作者愿意买下这些玫瑰花是因为那位女士真的喜欢,两句话之间存在因果关系,表示因果关系的只有A选项。故选A项。 9. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:她仍然拒绝。A. calmed使……镇静;B. stood站;C. disagreed不同意;D. promised答应。根据still及前文女士摇头拒绝作者可知,此时女士还是不接受。故选C项。 10. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:所以我告诉她,如果她允许我把这些花送给她的话,将会使我很荣幸。A. ignoring忽视;B. changing改变;C. recognizing承认;D. honoring使……荣幸。根据后文女士接受了玫瑰花可知,女士最后接受了作者的说辞,可推断作者说的是会使自己感到荣幸。故选D项。 11. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:所以我告诉她,如果她允许我把这些花送给她的话,将会使我很荣幸。A. describe描述;B. gift赠与;C. show展示;D. push推。根据前文作者提出要为女士买下这束玫瑰花可知,作者是把花送给女士;此处的gift用作动词,意为“赠与”。故选B项。 12. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:最后,她很感激,说到,我是真的很喜欢这些花。A. peaceful和平的;B. helpful有帮助的;C. grateful感激的;D. hopeful充满希望的。根据后文As I began to walk away, I also noticed that with thankfulness the woman was holding the roses tight可知,女士最后接受了作者赠与的玫瑰花并对作者表示了感激。故选C项。 13. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:当我把钱递给收银员的时候,我注意到他也很感动。A. basket篮子;B. money钱;C. fruit水果;D. pencil铅笔。根据后文可知,女士最后接受了作者为她买单,所以作者要把钱递给收银员去结账。故选B项。 14. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当我把钱递给收银员的时候,我注意到他也很感动。A. embarrassed尴尬的;B. careful小心的;C. moved感动的;D. confident自信的。根据语境可知,作者坚持要求为陌生的女士买下玫瑰花,这是一件令人触动的事情,女士也再三表示了感激,可推断收银员也很感动。故选C项。 15. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当我走开的时候,我注意到那位女士带着感激紧紧抱着那束玫瑰花,又惊讶又开心。A. happy开心的;B. proud自豪的;C. honest诚实的;D. serious严肃的。根据前文可知,女士很喜欢那束玫瑰花,可推断她在拿到玫瑰花的时候是很开心的。故选A项。 16. 考查形容词和动词辨析。句意:在回家的路上,我想起了我很多年前听过并且从那以后一直喜欢的一首叫做Bread and Roses 的歌曲。A. sure确定的;B. reminded使……想起;C. short短缺的;D. cheated欺骗。根据语境可知,这首歌是作者很多年前听过的一首歌,说明是作者那天经历的事情使作者想起了这首歌。故选B项。 17. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:这首歌告诉我们一个事实:我们都需要食物,但是我们也都需要美。A. plan计划;B. truth事实;C. explanation解释;D. behavior行为。句中的it是指Bread and Roses这首歌,这首歌所反映的我们需要物质的同时也有精神需求,这是一个事实和真理。故选B项。 18. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:这首歌告诉我们一个事实:我们都需要食物,但是我们也都需要美。A. even甚至;B. just仅仅;C. also也;D. then然后。句中的it是指Bread and Roses(面包和玫瑰)这首歌,歌名中的and暗示了我们的生活既需要面包所代表的食物,也需要玫瑰所代表的美好。故选C项。 19. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:来自这首歌的一句歌词和适合这个情形。A. situation情形;B. reason理由;C. decision决定;D. concern关心。作者在那天所经历的事情,恰恰验证了Bread and Roses所表达的思想。故选A项。 20. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:歌词中写道:“心和身体一样,也会饥饿。请给我们面包,也给我们玫瑰。”A. gloves手套;B. dreams梦想;C. love爱;D. bread面包。根据歌名Bread and Roses可知,我们既需要面包,也需要玫瑰。故选D项。

    Muhammad Ali was born in 1942 in Louisville, Kentucky. 1. When Cassius Clay was 12 years old, one day, his new bike was stolen. In tears, he told Officer Joe Martin, “I’m going to hit the person who stole my bike!” Joe said, “Well, then I’d better teach you how to fight. ”Joe Martin was the boxing(拳击) coach at the Columbia Gym. 2.

When he was fifteen, he wore heavy boots on the street. He ran after school buses and drank milk with raw eggs. He loved boxing. In 1958, he planned to go to the Olympic Games in San Francisco. 3. So, he bought a parachute(降落伞),wore it on the plane. At the 1960 Olympics in Rome, Cassius won the gold medal. In 1964, he became the world heavyweight champion(冠军). 4. Ali was against Vietnam War and did not want to go to war in Vietnam. He said his belief taught him to be against all wars. Then his title was taken away. He did not fight again for nearly four years. He won his title back in 1974 when he fought George Foreman in Zaire, Africa.

5. Ali has been in a lot of books, films and other creative works. He has appeared on the cover of Sports Illustrated 37 times, second only to Michael Jordan. He still has that power to inspire people- without even opening his mouth.

A.Cassius Clay went there to learn to fight.

B.He changed his name to Muhammad Ali.

C.Ali is famous as a world champion boxer.

D.But, there was a problem:Cassius was afraid to fly.

E.His parents named him Cassius Marcellus Clay, Jr.

F.After school, he worked in the Nazareth College library.

G.When the boxing team went to other towns, Cassius always stayed in his hotel.



    Find your favorite. While many athletes are good at several sports, there will usually be one they are best at. Which sport are you most drawn to? Your favorite will make your work seem like play as you become a professional athlete.

Learn that even though you love the sport that is your favorite, it won’t be easy to become a professional athlete. You must be not only very talented (有天赋的), but also very serious. You must have the drive and dream to keep you going on. This needs a strong will. You’ll need a positive feeling.

Train long and hard, starting at a very young age. Little league, private lessons, high school and college teams can all help you to become a professional athlete. Of course, training will be different depending on the sport you choose. Any sport will need long hours and years of practice if you want to make a living as a professional athlete.

Study all the strategies (策略)and rules of your game. Watch videos of your performances. Look for your weak areas so you can work on improving.

Take care of your body by eating well and getting enough rest. Good nutrition (营养)and good rest will help to keep your body healthy. Nutrition and rest also play a key role in keeping your mind smart. Stopping smoking will also help keep your body in good health.

Be a person of honesty. You’ll be a role model for young children everywhere you go.

1.What should we do to become a professional athlete according to paragraph 1?

A.Work like play all day. B.Play all kinds of sports.

C.Learn to play and have enough rest. D.Learn what sport is our favorite.

2.What should athletes do to improve their sports abilities?

A.Train hard but not too long. B.Learn their weak points by watching videos.

C.Give up smoking and eat a lot. D.Watch the videos of the sport.

3.What will help keep an athlete’s mind smart according to the text?

A.A strong will. B.Training hard and long.

C.Good diet and rest. D.Dream and interest.

4.What would be the best title for the text?

A.Ways of Being a Professional Athlete B.Why Become a Professional Athlete

C.How to Protect Athletes D.Professional Athletes’ Talent



    Kids nowadays are growing up “connected”, learning to use technology at a surprising speed. Technology is a regular part of school now! Kids as young as Kindergarten are using smartboards, IPads, and computers to complete tasks in the classroom. Older children rely on the Internet for research, getting homework, sending work to teachers, and even accessing 获得) textbooks. In fact, today’s kids have been given the name “digital(数字)natives” because they are facing technology almost from birth, so new things have never been a greater challenge in the hands of our children. The InternetFacebook, iPods, pictures and texting on cell phones and all of these are the ways kids communicate today. They have become a central part of their lives. It allows them a private life that most of us know very little about.

Kids just don’t think about the results of the new world of social networking and text messaging. They don’t think that it is dangerous to send a photo of a particular person to a foolish person, who might send it to some friends that may send it to a hundred others and the next thing you know, it’s on many Facebook sites and all over the Internet forever. They don’t think that way because they don’t have the life experience that we do. We have to help them.

The key to knowing how they manage this privacy(隐私) is our “connection” to them. How closely do we connect with our kids and pay attention to what they’re doing? And how often do we talk to our children... and really listen to them? If they believe in us and know that we will be there for them, they are more likely to follow our advice. If we talk openly about what we believe in, what we stand for, those values will become their own before long.

1.What is the author’s opinion about children?

A.They are good at accepting modern things. B.They are well understood by their parents.

C.They almost like to surf on the Facebook. D.They know the Internet dangers well.

2.What does the underlined word “us” in paragraph 1 refers to?

A.Kids. B.Adults. C.Internet users. D.Internet teachers.

3.Why do kids think differently according to paragraph 2?

A.They only understand their own private lives. B.They are badly influenced by new things.

C.They do not have life experience. D.They don’t depend on their parents.

4.When will children accept their parents’ advice?

A.When they are surfing on the Internet. B.When they meet some dangerous situations.

C.When parents believe in what they are doing. D.When parents communicate with them deeply.



    The clockwork radio is the only radio that doesn’t need electricity. It works by turning the handle (手柄)for a minute. Nowadays, thousands of these radios are made every day. They are bought by people in some places, where there isn’t any electricity. The clockwork radio was invented in 1991 by Trevor Bayliss, a British inventor. He had the idea within half an hour while he was listening to some news in the radio about Africa: some Africans were dying of AIDS and there was no easy way to send them information about the disease. The first one he made ran for 14 minutes before needing to turn the handle again, but one year later, it improved. However, people didn’t know it until it appeared on a television programme called Tomorrow’s World.

At the beginning, no one would help Trevor develop his idea for a new kind of radio. Finally, in 1994his invention was shown on the TV programme, and afterwards, a South African businessman watched it and decided to help him. The first Freeplay radios were built in South Africa in 1995. Since then, the radios have been a great success. And then Trevor has become famous. He has been given many awards(奖品),including one from Nelson Mandela.

Mr. Bayliss, whose latest project is a wind-up walking stick, created a website offering inventors suggestions on patenting (专利)and marketing. After that, he also invented electric shoes, which produce electricity as you walk. And the self-weighing suitcase is also his invention- you pick it up and the handle tells you how much it weighs. That’s very useful when you go to the airport.

1.When did the radio appear on Tomorrow’s World?

A.In 1991. B.In 1992. C.In 1994. D.In 1995.

2.Which of the following is the right order of the events for Mr. Bayliss?

a. He invented electric shoes.                        b. He met a South African businessman.

c. His clockwork radio was welcomed by people.        d. He improved his radio.

A.acdb. B.bcda. C.cadb. D.dbca.

3.Why did Mr. Bayliss create his website?

A.To introduce his ideas about inventions. B.To help inventors with their patents.

C.To sell the clockwork radios. D.To show his awards on it

4.What is the text mainly talking about?

A.The invention of the clockwork radio. B.The good use of the clockwork radio.

C.Mr. Bayliss’ patent protection. D.Mr. Bayliss’ inventive ideas.



The Public Square

Media Matters is a new series of public conversations hosted by The Public Square, a program of the Illinois humanities Council, taking place this spring. The conversations will try to discuss the power of media today and make the public pay attention to media culture. Many famous reporters, community leaders, and media researchers and experts like this program, and it is free to the audience.

Shop Talk is a monthly discussion series held by The Public Square and the Institute for Research on Race and Public Policy at the University of Illinois at Chicago UIC. Building on our efforts to bridge the university and the communityShop Talk will bring UIC professors to Ron’s Barber Shop 6058 W. North Ave),in the heart of Chicago’s Austin neighborhood on last Friday of every month from January to June 2019.

If you would like more information on The Public Square, please call 312- 422- 5580 or email the publicsquare@ prairie.org.

For upcoming events, look under “Next Event” or click on “Events and Activities” on the right.

Stories of Famous People

10/12/2019-1:00 p. m.

Joseph F. Glidden Homestead &. Historical Center Joseph F. GH&.HC

921 W Lincoln Hwy Dekalb, IL, 60115-3011

See map Google Maps

FeeFree. Open to the public

Sponsor Organization(主办单位):

Joseph F. Glidden Homestead &. Historical Center Joseph F. GH &.HC

Next Cafe Society Event

Music and Humans

June/ 12/2019

700 p.m. -900 p.m.

NiteCap Coffee Bar

1738 West 18th Street

Chicago, Illinois

FeeFree, open to the public.

1.How many times will Shop Talk be held?

A.Once. B.Three. C.Four. D.Six.

2.How can people get in touch with The Public Square?

A.By calling or emailing. B.By seeing Google Maps.

C.By looking under “Next Event”. D.By visiting Joseph F. GH&. HC.

3.What can we know about Music and Humans?

A.It will last two hours. B.It will be held this spring.

C.It’ll be shown online for free. D.It’ll be held at Ron’s Barber Shop.



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