满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Scientists have discovered a new kind of...

Scientists have discovered a new kind of invisible ink. It’s called water. And all you need for this secret-messaging ink to work is to write with it on a super-hi-tech piece of paper coated with special chemicals. 1. It shows up darker than the surrounding paper under UV(紫外线的)  light.

When the message has been read and needs to be hidden again, get out your hairdryer, and blow some warm air on the paper. 2.   

Using hot air from a hairdryer for 15-30 seconds, you were able to reuse the special paper up to 30 times because the heat reorganized the chemical structure of the paper coating. 3.

The invention was made by a group of scientists in China, led by Qiang Zhao of the Institute of Advanced Materials, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications.

Although much of modern communication is digital(数码的), there are still some situations in which it is important to send messages on a piece of paper, such as when the people don’t have Internet. 4. But the problem has always been how to get rid of a message once it has been shown so no one else can read it.

5.. To use it, write with the lemon juice on ordinary paper, iron() the paper with a hot iron and the hidden message will appear. The downside(缺点) is that the paper has to be destroyed to hide the message so no one else can read it.

A.How to make the invisible ink? Follow the steps.

B.Invisible inks have long been used to send secret messages.

C.Without the heat, the message stayed visible for up to three months.

D.Previously, the most readily available invisible ink was lemon juice.

E.Shine a UV light on the coated paper and the water message becomes visible.

F.Then the message will be gone and the paper can be reused, which keeps costs low.

G.Putting water on the paper broke up the structure of the chemicals it was coated with.


1.E 2.F 3.C 4.B 5.D 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章介绍了隐形墨水的使用方法,优缺点等。 1. 根据第一段的内容可知,该段介绍的是隐形墨水的使用原理,上一句提到“要让这种传递秘密信息的墨水发挥作用,你只需要在涂有特殊化学物质的超级高科技纸上写字。”承接上文,E选项“用紫外光照射涂后的纸,水的信息变得清晰可见。”切题。下文“在紫外线下,它比周围的纸颜色更深。”对E选项做了解释说明。且该选项中的UV light,coated paper与前后文相对应。故选E项。 2. 第二段讲述了当信息读完需要再次隐藏时的做法,上一句提到“拿出你的吹风机,吹一些热风在纸上”承接上文,F选项“然后,信息就会消失,纸张就可以重复使用,这就降低了成本。”切题。该选项中“the message will be gone” 信息就会消失和上文呼应。故选F项。 3. 第三段介绍了隐形墨水的重复使用的有关事项,上一句提到“用吹风机吹15-30秒的热风,你可以重复使用这种特殊的纸多达30次,因为热量重组了纸涂层的化学结构。”,是经过加热后的纸张的的使用情况,承接上文,C选项“在没有加热的情况下,这条信息可以持续3个月。”切题。故选C项。 4. 前句提出,人们在一些情况下不得不使用纸张来传递信息。B选项“长期以来,隐形墨水一直被用来发送秘密信息。”是前句的结果,正因为不得不使用纸张,隐形墨水才会得到长期的应用。下文“但问题一直是,一旦消息显示出来,如何删除它,这样其他人就无法阅读它。”是人们长期使用墨水所遇到的问题。在此处,B选项能够起到承上启下的作用。使语义通顺。故选B项。 5. 根据下文“用柠檬汁在普通纸上书写来使用它,用热铁熨,隐藏的信息就会出现。”可知,该段介绍了柠檬汁作为隐形墨水的使用方法。D选项“在此之前,最常见的隐形墨水是柠檬汁。”切题。且该选项中的 lemon juice与后文相对应。故选D项。

Eating a big breakfast could help you burn double the amount of calories than if you eat a larger meal at dinner.

It could be the key to losing weight while also keeping blood sugar levels steady, researchers at Lübeck University in Germany said. Their study found filling up in the morning boosts a metabolism (新陈代谢) process known as diet-induced thermogenesis(DIT). DIT refers to the number of calories the body expends to heat the body and digest food. It was shown to be twice as high for those who ate more at breakfast than at dinner. On the other hand, a low-calorie breakfast increases appetite(食欲), especially for sweets, the researchers admitted.

The findings published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism were based on a laboratory experiment of 16 men. They consumed a low and high calorie breakfast and dinner one day—and then vice versa (反过来) on another. The study also showed increases in blood sugar and insulin concentrations, caused by eating a meal, was reduced after breakfast, but not so much after dinner. The results also showed eating a low-calorie breakfast caused sweet desires with a higher appetite. This suggests those saving all their calories for the end of the day may face consequences because they snack more.

The study adds to increasing evidence that the best way of losing weight is to eat your largest meal in the morning—and your smallest in the evening. Dr Richter, a neurobiologist at Lübeck University, said, “Eating more at breakfast instead of dinner could prevent obesity(肥胖) and high blood sugar.” Both obesity and high blood sugar can lead to many life-threatening illnesses including cancer, cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Previous research has shown DIT is lower in people with obesity. It’s seen as a measure of how well our metabolism is working.

DIT can differ depending on mealtime and is generally slower in the evening and at night due to our body clocks. Dr Richter said, “We recommend that patients with obesity as well as healthy people eat a large breakfast rather than a large dinner to reduce body weight and prevent metabolic diseases.”

Professor Daniela Jakubowicz, author of The Big Breakfast Diet, found that those who piled on the calories in the morning were more likely to feel satisfied, preventing snacking throughout the day. And another study by Professor Jakubowicz found that eating chocolate in the morning, when our metabolism is at its highest, prevented desires for sweet things later on.

1.We can learn from the passage that DIT ________

A.is usually slower in the evening than during the daytime.

B.refers to the number of calories needed to heat the body.

C.has been found by the researchers in a Germany university .

D.may become twice lower when people eat a big breakfast.

2.According to the study, eating a high-calorie breakfast can ______.

A.cause diabetes B.lead to obesity

C.keep appetite D.lower blood sugar

3.What are the findings of the study conducted by the researchers at Lübeck University based on?

A.The observation of blood sugar changes.

B.Basic theories about diet-induced thermogenesis.

C.The data collected from a laboratory experiment.

D.Different experiments on people with different appetite.

4.What’s the best title for the text?

A.DIT: lower in the morning or evening? B.A low or high calorie dinner

C.A big breakfast, or a large dinner? D.Less calories, better health



    There are times when I leave for my running-group sessions with little enthusiasm. It might be because I’m tired, or stressed, or don’t want to leave something else. But I’m the coach, so I can’t choose to give it a miss.

It was yet another cold, dark, wet evening and I wasn’t feeling the love as I gathered all the necessary equipment. No one in their right mind will come out in this weather, I thought. But when I turned into the car park, my headlights picked out runners making a dash through the rain to our meeting point, where others were already working out to stay warm, with chat, laughter and hugs. They, too, I realized, might be tired, stressed or busy. But, unlike me, they had a choice about whether to come running or stay at home. And that makes their decision to come---and to keep on coming---more encouraging. Then, I went home from the run feeling better than when I’d arrived.

I believe one of the strongest motivations(激励;动机) behind these runners’ decisions to come along is being part of a group. Belonging to a running community makes running greater than running itself. It’s no longer just a workout; it’s a get-together with friends, a laugh and a shared experience. It provides a chance to share your success and disappointments, to be congratulated and comforted, and, just as important, to congratulate and comfort others.

Research has long shown the possibility of staying motivated is higher when exercise takes place in a group. The reasons are many. A study at the University of Southern California found people enjoy physical activity more when they are with others and are more likely to keep it up over the long term. And research by Strava in 2017 found running in a group made runners go faster and further. Using data from 90 million runs taking place all over the world, Strava found that the average pace of runs taking place in a group was seven seconds per mile quicker than solo runs, and the distance covered was an average of 1.3 miles further.

I joke about people being more motivated to come to my running sessions by the tea and biscuits afterwards than by the running itself. It might be true, but it doesn’t matter. Those laughter-filled minutes are every bit as important as the running in between.

1.What can we infer from the first paragraph?

A.The coach was always enthusiastic.

B.The coach was never discouraged.

C.The coach was sometimes unwilling.

D.The coach was often worn out.

2.Why is being part of a group most motivational?

A.It needs a coach who can offer help.

B.It frees runners from boring daily work.

C.It helps members to beat their records.

D.It creates space for their communication.

3.That being in a group improves performance is proven by _______ .

A.taking a typical example B.performing an experiment

C.listing accurate data D.sharing his experiences

4.Tea and biscuits in running sessions are meant to _________ .

A.attract more runners from other groups

B.build up some strength before running

C.make his running group stand out of all

D.add more life to their running experience



When I awoke, it was morning. I tried to stand up, but I could not move.

At first, I thought that yesterday’s dangers had made my body too weak and too tired to move. Then, suddenly, I heard some very strange noises. As I listened, I heard the sounds of people around me, but I could see no one. “So I am not alone here! Thank God!” I thought. I tried to turn my head, but I could not move it in any direction. I turned my eyes down to look at my body and saw that I had been tied down to the ground with hundreds of small ropes.

Just at that moment, I felt something moving up my leg. It was small and light and I thought that perhaps it was a small animal like a mouse or something. I felt the thing touch my chin and looked down to see what sort of animal was climbing on me.

I had never been as shocked in my life as I was at that moment. Standing on my chest was a tiny person! The little man stood on my chest, pulled out a tiny sword, and pointed it at my head. As I stared at him in surprise, the little man shouted something in a strange language. “Hekinah degu!” he said. I had no idea what this meant, but I guessed that it was not a friendly greeting.

I did not know what to do, but I wanted to get free from the ropes. I moved my body back and forth, trying to break the ropes. When I freed my left arm, the little people began to shout loudly. Quickly, I used my arm to pull off the ropes that held my head to the ground.

A moment later, hundreds of small arrows flew through the air and hit my hands and face. They felt like tiny needles in my skin. I shouted in pain and raised my hands to cover my face. Many small men jumped onto my body and began to attack me with their swords. I guessed they were angry. I was trying to escape from them, so I decided the best thing to do was put my hands down and lie quietly.                                               (Adapted from Gulliver’s Travels)

1.How did Gulliver feel when hearing sounds of people around him?

A.Frightened B.Dangerous C.Disappointed D.Delighted

2.Why couldn’t Gulliver move when he woke up?

A.He was too tired and too weak.

B.Someone tied him to the ground.

C.He sank in thought after awaking.

D.Strange voices caught his attention.

3.What does Paras 4&5 mainly tell us?

A.Gulliver’s words caused the tiny men’s anger.

B.Gulliver managed to defeat the tiny men again.

C.They failed to communicate well with each other.

D.Neither of them was willing to reach an agreement.

4.What can be learned from the underlined sentence in Para 6?

A.He was afraid of the tiny men’s second attack and decided to lie still.

B.He wanted to calm the tiny men down and waited for another chance.

C.He was tired after fighting against the tiny men and wanted to have a rest.

D.He got a better understanding of his present situation and gave up at last.



    The following are some of the most unique celebrations from all around the world.


If you’re in Thailand between April 13th and 15th, get ready for the world’s biggest water fight. The celebration marks the beginning of the Thai New Year, where cleansing with water is meant to purify and renew. In Bangkok or Chang Mai, the water fights can last up to six days. While this is the most popular activity, Songkran is also a time when people visit elders and monks to pay their respects to the New Year.

La Batalla del Vino—Haro, Spain

June 29th is a good day to visit Haro, Spain. Bring a bottle of red wine and prepare to be drenched (湿透) in red wine in the heart of Spain’s grape-growing region. After a church ceremony, a large number of people get gathered for the battle, where white shirts will be made bright purple by the end of the day.  

Bay to Breakers—San Francisco, California

Created after the terrible 1906 earthquake as a way of lifting people’s spirits, the race has become one of the region’s most important events. Hosted every year on the third Sunday of May, the race runs approximately 12km through the city. The real highlight, however, is the thousands of people dressed up in a show. Wear whatever you want: Batman suits, purple wigs (假发)...

Koninginnedag—The Netherlands

Although their Queen’s birthday is actually during the winter, she celebrates it on April 30—the country’s official “Queen’s Day” since 1949. Orange is the national color, and the streets become a sea of shining wigs and body paints, as crowds gather in the squares. Amsterdam is the center of this outdoor party, but nearly every town is alive with orange on this day.

1.If a tourist enjoys water sports most, we can recommend _____________.

A.Songkran B.La Batalla del Vino

C.Bay to Breakers D.Koninginnedag

2.What can we learn about Bay to Breakers?

A.The race began hundreds of years ago.

B.The most exciting part is the 12km race.

C.It’s celebrated by people all over the country.

D.It was to encourage people after the disaster.

3.According to the passage, on Koninginnedag ___________.

A.people should wear formal clothes

B.people should get together at home

C.people attend the church ceremony

D.people can paint themselves orange






Dear Sir or Madam,

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