满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。 Mike lick...


Mike licked () the last of the chocolate ice cream. It was almost time to leave. He jumped into the car with his parents and headed off to the Olympic-sized pool for the big swim meet. When his race came up, Mike was confident. He was strong and swift. Mike climbed out the pool, smiling. He had just won first place.

A week later, it was time for another swim meet. Like before, Mike decided to enjoy his favorite flavored ice cream before they left home. As Mike climbed out the pool, his teammates patted () him on the back. He’d taken first place again in his race.

As it turned out, Mike decided to have some chocolate ice cream before every one of the next few swim meets that came up. He began to think of it as his lucky charm. After several months of being placed in the top positions of every race he swam, Mike was feeling unbeatable. And he wouldn’t admit it, but he was also starting to feel a little uncomfortable. All that ice cream was adding a few pounds to his athletic swimmer’s build.

It didn't take long after that for Mike to start coming in second place---and then third and then last place in his races. The lucky chocolate ice cream had lost its magic. On the day of his next swim meet, his mother sat down at the table with him. “Mike, I think we need to talk about this. We all love ice cream, but it’s got lots of fat and sugar in it, and it’s not healthy for your body to eat so much of it.” Mike unwillingly agreed. His father offered to go running with him few days a week to help strengthen his muscles. The extra weight soon disappeared, and Mike found himself breathing easier at swim.

It was the last meet of the season, and Mike wasn’t sure what to expect. He felt healthy again, but he didn’t know if he still had any speed in the pool.


1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右:

2. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好:

Paragraph 1:

As he dived into the water, he kicked his legs and stretched his arms as far as he could.

Paragraph 2:

His jaw(下巴) dropped as he realized he had beaten his own best time, and everyone else’s too.


One possible version: As he dived into the water, he kicked his legs and stretched his arms as far as he could. Whenever he came up for a breath, he could see he was gaining on the boy ahead of him in the next lane. Feeling determined to pass him, Mike found the power in his muscles he needed to swim ahead, and as his hand touched the edge of the pool, the race was over. He lifted his swim glasses off his head and looked at the electronic board. He knew he wasn’t last, but what was his time? His jaw dropped as he realized he had beaten his own best time, and everyone else' s too. Mike had won his race, and he had also qualified for the national championships. The audience and his teammates cheered loudly, and his parents were laughing from ear to ear. “Hey son, let' s go and have some of your favorite ice cream and celebrate!” said his father. “Thanks, Dad, but I’ll pass on the ice cream; it’s not such a lucky charm after all!” 【解析】 这是一篇读后续写作文。通过阅读所给文章可知,作者通过这篇文章主要描述了Mike起初认为冰淇淋是他的幸运符,因为他吃了冰淇淋后每次都会赢得游泳比赛,但后来却失败了。其实成功来自人们的勤奋和努力。 续写部分分为两段,第一段开头是:当他跳入水中时,他用力地蹬水,伸展胳膊。后文可以描写当他露出水面呼吸时,他能看到他正在接近下一赛道上领先他的男孩。迈克决心要超越他,这时迈克有了向前加速游泳的力量。当他的手触到游泳池边缘时,比赛结束了。他从头上抬起游泳镜,看着电子屏幕,他想知道自己用了多长时间。第二段开头是:当他意识到他已经刷新了自己的最佳成绩同时也比其他人用的时间都少时,他低下了头。后文可以描写迈克赢得了比赛,他还获得了全国冠军的资格。观众和他的队友大声欢呼,他的父母在旁边笑着,爸爸说:“嘿,儿子,我们去吃你最喜欢的冰淇淋来庆祝一下!”。“谢谢,爸爸,但我还是算了吧。毕竟它不能给我带来幸运!”。



注意:1.词数 100 左右。2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。



    Fujian puppetry(木偶戏) has a thousand-year history. It is one of the _______ of Chinese performing art to the world’s culture and has_________a set of characteristic techniques of performance and puppet making, as well as a repertoire (全部剧目) of plays and music.

No _______ has yet been reached on the_________and development of Chinese puppetry. _______ the Shang dynasty (16th-11th century B.C.), pottery figurines (陶俑) used as burial objects (随葬品) have been discovered at the Yin Ruins. Wooden figurines _______during the Spring and Autumn and the Warring States Periods (770-221 B.C.). In a Western Han tomb at Mawangdui in Changsha, Hunan province, an army of wooden figurines of singers, dancers and musicians have been discovered. These were a great _______ on those from previous dynasties _______craftsmanship, variety and modeling, which represent the _______Chinese puppets. Over time, figurines as burial objects ________ into puppets for entertainment during holiday__________. ________, just like many other traditional forms of art, Fujian puppetry has fallen out of favour with the younger generations. The number of young people learning puppetry has ________ due to socioeconomic changes ________their lifestyles and the long period of training ________to master the sophisticated (复杂的) performing techniques.

In response, ________ communities, groups and bearers (传授者) worked out the 2008-2020 Strategy for the Training of Coming Generations of Fujian Puppetry Practitioners. The key ________ are to safeguard the spread of Fujian Puppetry and provide professional ________to raise a new generation of puppetry practitioners.

In 2012, the strategy was selected by the UNESCO to be part of the Register of Good Safeguarding Practices. With the wide ________ of practitioners, local people and education institutions, Fujian Puppetry can__________ a brighter future.

1.A.incidents B.judgments C.contributions D.attempts

2.A.accepted B.developed C.appreciated D.recognized

3.A.introduction B.conservation C.conclusion D.presentation

4.A.origins B.compositions C.techniques D.functions

5.A.Differing from B.Arising from C.Coming from D.Dating from

6.A.survived B.jumped C.appeared D.applied

7.A.improvement B.decoration C.disappointment D.impression

8.A.in preference to B.in regard to C.in answer to D.in reply to

9.A.lively B.early C.natural D.precious

10.A.struggled B.modified C.flooded D.evolved

11.A.conditions B.celebrations C.instructions D.invitations

12.A.Previously B.Particularly C.Eventually D.Unfortunately

13.A.increased B.reduced C.remained D.climbed

14.A.expressing B.consuming C.transforming D.confirming

15.A.devoted B.spent C.required D.cost

16.A.concerned B.concrete C.confident D.convenient

17.A.chance B.interest C.goal D.problem

18.A.learning B.spreading C.performing D.training

19.A.comprehension B.participation C.companion D.organization

20.A.produce B.expect C.select D.observe



Scientists have discovered a new kind of invisible ink. It’s called water. And all you need for this secret-messaging ink to work is to write with it on a super-hi-tech piece of paper coated with special chemicals. 1. It shows up darker than the surrounding paper under UV(紫外线的)  light.

When the message has been read and needs to be hidden again, get out your hairdryer, and blow some warm air on the paper. 2.   

Using hot air from a hairdryer for 15-30 seconds, you were able to reuse the special paper up to 30 times because the heat reorganized the chemical structure of the paper coating. 3.

The invention was made by a group of scientists in China, led by Qiang Zhao of the Institute of Advanced Materials, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications.

Although much of modern communication is digital(数码的), there are still some situations in which it is important to send messages on a piece of paper, such as when the people don’t have Internet. 4. But the problem has always been how to get rid of a message once it has been shown so no one else can read it.

5.. To use it, write with the lemon juice on ordinary paper, iron() the paper with a hot iron and the hidden message will appear. The downside(缺点) is that the paper has to be destroyed to hide the message so no one else can read it.

A.How to make the invisible ink? Follow the steps.

B.Invisible inks have long been used to send secret messages.

C.Without the heat, the message stayed visible for up to three months.

D.Previously, the most readily available invisible ink was lemon juice.

E.Shine a UV light on the coated paper and the water message becomes visible.

F.Then the message will be gone and the paper can be reused, which keeps costs low.

G.Putting water on the paper broke up the structure of the chemicals it was coated with.



Eating a big breakfast could help you burn double the amount of calories than if you eat a larger meal at dinner.

It could be the key to losing weight while also keeping blood sugar levels steady, researchers at Lübeck University in Germany said. Their study found filling up in the morning boosts a metabolism (新陈代谢) process known as diet-induced thermogenesis(DIT). DIT refers to the number of calories the body expends to heat the body and digest food. It was shown to be twice as high for those who ate more at breakfast than at dinner. On the other hand, a low-calorie breakfast increases appetite(食欲), especially for sweets, the researchers admitted.

The findings published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism were based on a laboratory experiment of 16 men. They consumed a low and high calorie breakfast and dinner one day—and then vice versa (反过来) on another. The study also showed increases in blood sugar and insulin concentrations, caused by eating a meal, was reduced after breakfast, but not so much after dinner. The results also showed eating a low-calorie breakfast caused sweet desires with a higher appetite. This suggests those saving all their calories for the end of the day may face consequences because they snack more.

The study adds to increasing evidence that the best way of losing weight is to eat your largest meal in the morning—and your smallest in the evening. Dr Richter, a neurobiologist at Lübeck University, said, “Eating more at breakfast instead of dinner could prevent obesity(肥胖) and high blood sugar.” Both obesity and high blood sugar can lead to many life-threatening illnesses including cancer, cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Previous research has shown DIT is lower in people with obesity. It’s seen as a measure of how well our metabolism is working.

DIT can differ depending on mealtime and is generally slower in the evening and at night due to our body clocks. Dr Richter said, “We recommend that patients with obesity as well as healthy people eat a large breakfast rather than a large dinner to reduce body weight and prevent metabolic diseases.”

Professor Daniela Jakubowicz, author of The Big Breakfast Diet, found that those who piled on the calories in the morning were more likely to feel satisfied, preventing snacking throughout the day. And another study by Professor Jakubowicz found that eating chocolate in the morning, when our metabolism is at its highest, prevented desires for sweet things later on.

1.We can learn from the passage that DIT ________

A.is usually slower in the evening than during the daytime.

B.refers to the number of calories needed to heat the body.

C.has been found by the researchers in a Germany university .

D.may become twice lower when people eat a big breakfast.

2.According to the study, eating a high-calorie breakfast can ______.

A.cause diabetes B.lead to obesity

C.keep appetite D.lower blood sugar

3.What are the findings of the study conducted by the researchers at Lübeck University based on?

A.The observation of blood sugar changes.

B.Basic theories about diet-induced thermogenesis.

C.The data collected from a laboratory experiment.

D.Different experiments on people with different appetite.

4.What’s the best title for the text?

A.DIT: lower in the morning or evening? B.A low or high calorie dinner

C.A big breakfast, or a large dinner? D.Less calories, better health



    There are times when I leave for my running-group sessions with little enthusiasm. It might be because I’m tired, or stressed, or don’t want to leave something else. But I’m the coach, so I can’t choose to give it a miss.

It was yet another cold, dark, wet evening and I wasn’t feeling the love as I gathered all the necessary equipment. No one in their right mind will come out in this weather, I thought. But when I turned into the car park, my headlights picked out runners making a dash through the rain to our meeting point, where others were already working out to stay warm, with chat, laughter and hugs. They, too, I realized, might be tired, stressed or busy. But, unlike me, they had a choice about whether to come running or stay at home. And that makes their decision to come---and to keep on coming---more encouraging. Then, I went home from the run feeling better than when I’d arrived.

I believe one of the strongest motivations(激励;动机) behind these runners’ decisions to come along is being part of a group. Belonging to a running community makes running greater than running itself. It’s no longer just a workout; it’s a get-together with friends, a laugh and a shared experience. It provides a chance to share your success and disappointments, to be congratulated and comforted, and, just as important, to congratulate and comfort others.

Research has long shown the possibility of staying motivated is higher when exercise takes place in a group. The reasons are many. A study at the University of Southern California found people enjoy physical activity more when they are with others and are more likely to keep it up over the long term. And research by Strava in 2017 found running in a group made runners go faster and further. Using data from 90 million runs taking place all over the world, Strava found that the average pace of runs taking place in a group was seven seconds per mile quicker than solo runs, and the distance covered was an average of 1.3 miles further.

I joke about people being more motivated to come to my running sessions by the tea and biscuits afterwards than by the running itself. It might be true, but it doesn’t matter. Those laughter-filled minutes are every bit as important as the running in between.

1.What can we infer from the first paragraph?

A.The coach was always enthusiastic.

B.The coach was never discouraged.

C.The coach was sometimes unwilling.

D.The coach was often worn out.

2.Why is being part of a group most motivational?

A.It needs a coach who can offer help.

B.It frees runners from boring daily work.

C.It helps members to beat their records.

D.It creates space for their communication.

3.That being in a group improves performance is proven by _______ .

A.taking a typical example B.performing an experiment

C.listing accurate data D.sharing his experiences

4.Tea and biscuits in running sessions are meant to _________ .

A.attract more runners from other groups

B.build up some strength before running

C.make his running group stand out of all

D.add more life to their running experience



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