满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。 1.How did the servants d...


1.How did the servants deal with their earnings in Victorian times?

A.They paid for the housing.

B.They bought food and clothes.

C.They sent them to their families.

2.What was a nurse’s main duty?

A.Cooking meals. B.Looking after children. C.Educating children.

3.How did the Victorian upper class parents treat their children actually?

A.Cruelly. B.Kindly. C.Strictly.

4.What will the speaker talk about next?

A.Lower class families.

B.Upper class children’s situation.

C.Comparisons between upper and lower classes.


1.C 2.B 3.B 4.A 【解析】 【原文】 W: Good morning, everyone. Today we’re going to look at the wide differences in family life between the rich and the poor in Victorian times. Let’s begin with the upper classes. In Victorian times, the upper classes made up less than 3% of the population, yet held more than 90% of the country’s wealth. Most of their servants were very poorly paid, but were always living in the homes of upper-class Victorian families, so they didn’t have to pay for housing, food and clothing. The money which they did earn, they sent to their families. Many servants came from the countryside. Among them were cooks, cleaners, gardeners and so on. The family would also employ a child’s nurse whose main role was to care for the children. She was responsible for teaching the children how to behave and taking care of them when they were ill. Nurses did not, however, educate the children. Generally, children from wealthy families didn’t attend school outside the family home. Tutors would come to the house to do this. Now, the Victorian upper classes have the reputation of being quite cruel; but this wasn’t always the case. They were also quite generous. Some schools were set up with money from the upper classes so that poor children could have some form of education. Additionally, most Victorian parents were very proud of their children. This goes against the common idea that parents were very strict with their children. In fact, the opposite was generally the rule. However, the situation for lower class families was very different. Let’s have a look.


1.What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A.What job to do in the future.

B.Which professor to follow.

C.What abilities to possess.

2.What subject does the man probably prefer?

A.History. B.Politics. C.Art.

3.What do the woman’s parents expect her to be?

A.A restaurant manager. B.A politician. C.A teacher.

4.What is the woman good at doing?

A.Dealing with people. B.Working with kids. C.Painting pictures.




1.Why does the man’s brother go to the man’s place?

A.To study. B.To work. C.To travel.

2.Where does the man work in the morning?

A.At a university. B.At a restaurant. C.At a bookstore.

3.What language is the woman starting?

A.French. B.Spanish. C.Japanese.




1.What time was the plane originally scheduled to leave?

A.At 3:00. B.At 4:00. C.At 5:00.

2.Why is the woman worried?

A.The weather is bad. B.The report is not finished. C.An appointment will be delayed.




1.What does the man like about his hometown?

A.It’s really very big. B.It has colorful nightlife. C.It’s not expensive to live there.

2.What is the weather like in the fall in the man’s hometown?

A.Sunny. B.Cold. C.Wet.



Where does the conversation most probably take place?

A.At home. B.At a hospital. C.At a drug store.



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