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The cognitive health and development of ...

    The cognitive health and development of boys may be affected by their mothers’ body mass index ( BMI) (体重 指数) while pregnant with them, according to research from Columbia University and the University of Texas at Austin.

The study, which was published in the journal BMC Pediatrics on Friday, observed 368 subjects from low-income African American and Dominican women during the second half of their pregnancies, and then evaluated their children three and seven years later. Researchers found that the sons of women whose BMIs indicated that they were overweight or obese when they became pregnant were more likely to show less developed athletic skills as 3-year-olds and lower intelligence as 7-year-olds compared to boys whose mothers were at “normal” weights during pregnancy.

Among boys, the study found, mothers’ overweight and obesity connected with IQ scores between 4.6 and almost 9 points lower than those of boys whose mothers’ weights were in the “normal” range before pregnancy. Researchers did not observe the same phenomenon among daughters whose mothers had been obese.

“These findings aren’t meant to shame or scare anyone,” Elizabeth Widen, assistant professor of nutritional sciences at UT Austin and one of the study’s co-authors, said in a press release. “We are just beginning to understand some of these interactions between mothers' weight and the health of their babies.”

Why mothers’ obesity appeared to affect childhood IQ was unclear, but earlier research has suggested that there is a relationship between a mother’s diet and her child’s later IQ, according to Columbia University. Researchers did not control for what the mothers ate, the press release noted.

The study’s authors wrote that because childhood IQ has been shown to be an indicator of later success in life, studying how a mother’s obesity could affect the IQ of her child is worthwhile.

1.How did researchers carry out the study?

A.By measuring mothers’ body mass index.

B.By watching mothers and babies for years.

C.By comparing 3-year-old babies with 7-year-olds.

D.By evaluating the health of mothers and their babies.

2.What's the main purpose of the study?

A.To show links between mothers’ weight and babies’ IQ.

B.To make those overweight mothers shameful and scared.

C.To warn some fat mothers to keep a balanced diet.

D.To persuade more obese mothers to lose weight.

3.What do the researchers think of the study?

A.Doubtful. B.Worrying.

C.Significant. D.Interesting.

4.In which section of a newspaper may the text appear?

A.Entertainment. B.Novel.

C.Education. D.Health.


1.B 2.A 3.C 4.D 【解析】 本文是说明文。新的研究表明,孕期或孕前妈妈们肥胖的话可能会影响男孩宝宝们后面的智力发育。相对比正常体重指数的妈妈们,肥胖的妈妈们的男孩后面发育的智力会低一点。但是,为什么妈妈的肥胖影响孩子的智商还不清楚。 1. 细节理解题。根据第二段叙述可知,研究人员观察368名女性及她们的孩子们3岁及7岁时期的情况。因此,研究人员是通过几年对妈妈们和孩子们的观察进行研究的。故选B。 2. 推理判断题。根据第四段首尾句内容可知,这项研究结果并不是有意去吓唬或者让那些妈妈们感到羞愧,其目的是让人们明白怀孕妈妈们的体重和未来孩子们的智力发育有重大关系。故选A。 3. 推理判断题。根据最后一段内容,特别是studying how a mother’s obesity could affect the IQ of her child is worthwhile可知,研究人员认为这项研究是非常值得的。故选C。 4. 推理判断题。本文主要叙述宝妈们在孕期肥胖对男宝后面的智力发育有一定的影响。因此,文章主要是健康方面的话题。故选D。

    My students were taking midterms when my phone erupted with urgent messages. “A student is having a panic attack,” texted a teaching assistant. I ran out of my office, down a flight of stairs and found the student — a pupil in my 350-person organic chemistry class — lying motionless on the ground outside the exam hall. “Did my exam really trigger a panic attack?” I asked myself. “Why am I not prepared to deal with a situation like this?”

It was my first time teaching the course. But I knew that the subject was challenging for my students. This was a source of stress for premedical students in particular, who feared that a low grade in organic chemistry would keep them from getting into medical school.

The following day, I was scheduled to lecture to the same class. I knew that I had to address what had happened during the midterm. So, I started by saying: “I want to take some time today to talk about something important. How many of you think that this is a weed-out course?” Half of my students raised their hands carefully. “I’m sorry to hear that,” I continued. “I want you all to know that I do not consider any of you to be weeds; you all deserve to be here.”

I flashed a slide of flowers in various shapes. I smiled at my students and said: “I think of you as flowers — different flowers with different needs. You may not bloom at the same time, but you will bloom! You may not do well in the midterm exam, but you will learn from your mistakes and do better in the final exam. I believe this. I believe in you.”

From that point on, my office hours were packed. Some asked about lecture topics and study strategies; others opened up about personal issues. I was amazed that a simple, frank discussion in lecture could make such a difference.

1.What made the pupil have a panic attack?

A.Hiding personal issues.

B.The stress for high grades.

C.Lacking study strategies.

D.Failing to handle the situation.

2.What does the underlined word “trigger” in Paragraph 1 most probably mean?

A.Cure. B.Prevent.

C.Frighten. D.Cause.

3.Why did the author go to the same class the next day?

A.To give the lesson according to the arrangement.

B.To apologize and explain to the panicked student.

C.To give a speech on what happened in the test.

D.To persuade all the students to stay in the class.

4.Which paragraph mainly shows the author’s encouragement to students?

A.Paragraph 2.

B.Paragraph 3.

C.Paragraph 4.

D.Paragraph 5.



    Whether they are already household names or a hidden figure deserving of more recognition, the following ladies changed the world with their enormous contributions.

Ali Stroker

Ali Stroker took the theater world — and, indeed, the very Internet — by storm when, on June 9, 2019, she became the first performer in a wheelchair to take home a Tony Award. After becoming the first actor in a wheelchair in Broadway history in 2015, she won the award for her powerhouse performance in the revival of Oklahoma .

Junko Tabei

Twenty-two years after the first-ever successful mission to the top of Mount Everest, Japanese mountaineer Junko Tabei became the first woman to reach the peak. She led a team of 15 women, accompanied by six Sherpas (夏尔巴人), and reached the summit with one of the Sherpas on May 16, 1975.

Gertrude Ederle

The Queen of Waves, who also happened to be deaf, was the first woman to swim across the English Channel. Fighting through cold temperatures and strong tides that change direction every six hours for 22 miles, she clocked a time of 14 hours and 34 minutes.

Virginia Apgar

Generations of parents owe this American doctor a huge thank you, as she developed the Apgar Score, the first standardized system of tests to assess if newborn babies were healthy once they made their way from womb to world. Apgar, who was a gifted cellist and violinist in her spare time, also happens to hold the title of the first woman to be hired as a full professor at the medical school at Columbia University.

1.Whose story may inspire the disabled?

A.Stroker and Tabei.

B.Stroker and Ederle.

C.Ederle and Apgar.

D.Ederle and Tabei.

2.Why should Apgar be appreciated by parents?

A.She took home a big award.

B.She saved many babies' lives.

C.She developed the Apgar Score.

D.She became the first full professor.

3.Who won the title of the Queen of Waves?

A.Ali Stroker.

B.Junko Tabei.

C.Virginia Apgar.

D.Gertrude Ederle.










4.参考词汇:外国留学生foreigh students;绕口令tongue twister










I'd like to express my sincere appreciation to you for your kindness and selflessly help. It had been a month since I came to this beautiful school. You offered me so much help the first day when I met you in the school. Because your warm help and useful pieces of advice, I have got use to the new school life so soon. However, I find it difficult to make the more friends who native language is English. In add, I still have difficulty in speak to my foreign teachers freely. Therefore, I hope you can recommend a club for me to joining so that I can improve my English.

Again, I'd like to express my thank to you, and look forward to your early reply.



    It was a Saturday, and the sun was scorching (灼热的). I _______up and down the bus stop anxiously and impatiently, waiting for the bus to go to my English class.

Excuse me, what time is it?” said a voice in my ear. When I looked back over my _______, I was greeted by a ragged (衣衫褴褛的) man who looked like a migrant peasant worker. He was almost the same age as my elder brother, but his hair was _______and his working clothes were_______ and old. A terrible smell made me take two steps back _______ him. Disgusted and puzzled, I gave him a blank _______ and answered his question unwillingly.

Thank you! I'm just afraid of being late for work," he _______in a whisper, giving a nervous giggle (咯咯笑). I remained silent, nodding my head _______

The bus finally reached the stop, and I _______ the bus. I reached into my________,and to my surprise, it was completely empty! I was so embarrassed that I just________, my face________ shame. At that moment, a dark-colored arm reached out and put two coins into the coin box. "The money is for both of us!" a familiar ________ rang in my ear. I raised my head and realized it was him!

My previous behavior ________my mind, making me dizzy. "Thank you," I murmured, regretful and ________.On hearing my words, he smiled, revealing his perfect white teeth. “You are welcome! You helped me, too.”

I was touched, ________the only thing I could do was look steadily at his________.I noticed the calluses (老茧) and ________on them, which told the story of his struggles and hardships as a________. Although his hard work will ruin his ________, it'll never ruin his warm heart and kind soul.

1.A.jumped B.raced C.flew D.walked

2.A.shoulder B.bus C.car D.brain

3.A.messy B.straight C.black D.loose

4.A.fashionable B.unique C.torn D.tidy

5.A.for B.from C.toward D.with

6.A.stare B.agreement C.guide D.understanding

7.A.ordered B.suggested C.complained D.explained

8.A.determinedly B.slightly C.violently D.excitedly

9.A.stopped B.directed C.boarded D.recognized

10.A.bottle B.drawer C.chair D.pocket

11.A.regretted B.froze C.lied D.smiled

12.A.burning with B.taking up C.going for D.running into

13.A.song B.laughter C.voice D.shout

14.A.held up B.wore out C.looked into D.passed through

15.A.appreciative B.generous C.careless D.responsible

16.A.if B.though C.but D.or

17.A.arms B.eyes C.legs D.hands

18.A.power B.strength C.roughness D.thickness

19.A.leader B.worker C.customer D.beggar

20.A.character B.appearance C.trust D.life



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