满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。 1.What tickets are still...


1.What tickets are still available?

A.The ones for Spider and Rose.

B.The ones for The Wild Duck.

C.The ones for Twelfth Night.

2.Why should the listeners get to the Art Center at about 4:45?

A.To avoid missing the shows.

B.To make a visit to the Arts Center.

C.To get enough time for the long journey.

3.What should the listeners pay to see?

A.The Scottish jewellery.

B.The Russian ballet exhibition.

C.The South American photographs.

4.Where should the listeners be at 10:207

A.On the ground floor of the center.

B.On the first floor of the center.

C.At the Bridge Street exit.


1.A 2.B 3.B 4.C 【解析】 【原文】 Right, everyone-about the trip to the Jubilee Arts Center next Wednesday. As you know, we have tickets for the Center’s two theaters. Those with tickets for the main theater will see Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night, while people going to the smaller theater will see The Wild Duck by Ibsen. Although all the theater and concert tickets have gone, if anyone else would like to join us on the trip I can get tickets for the Arts Center cinema to see the Australian comedy film, Spider and Rose. The shows begin at 7:30, but we’ll leave early so you can spend time looking around the Arts Center. The bus will leave here at 3:30 and arrive at the Arts Center at about 4:45. In the Art Gallery of the Center there’s an exhibition of the history of Russian ballet. It has dresses and shoes worn by famous dancers and photos of past performances. With your student card, you can get in very cheaply. There are also some interesting free exhibitions. On the ground floor you can see many paintings, and gold jewelry made by Scottish artists. On the first floor there’s an exhibition of South American photographs, and there’s no charge for that either. The shows will finish at 10:10 or 10:15. After the shows the bus will pick us up at the Bridge Street exit. Everyone should be there by 10:20. OK, that’s all. Thank you.


1.Who is the woman?

A.A captain. B.A passenger. C.A hostess.

2.What is one of the qualifications for an airline pilot’s license?

A.Having enough flying experience.

B.Mastering several languages.

C.Being younger than 45.

3.What should a pilot do before each flight?

A.Follow the checklists.

B.Warm up all the engines.

C.Make sure there are no breaks in the wings.

4.What should a pilot do if an engine breaks down just before take-off?

A.Try to stop at once.

B.Land on a long runway.

C.Land after short flying around.




1.What is the conversation mainly about?

A.A book. B.A building. C.A group.

2.How often is the small book published?

A.Once a month. B.Twice a year. C.Once a year.

3.What is Janet fond of?

A.Writing poetry. B.Editing poetry. C.Organizing meetings.




1.How did the man find this place?

A.He read about it in a newspaper.

B.He saw an ad posted on the window.

C.He knew about it through the Internet.

2.What is good about the apartment according to the woman?

A.It is conveniently located.

B.It has many rooms.

C.It is very affordable.




1.What does the man complain?

A.His bag is too heavy.

B.His home is too far away

C.The things are too expensive.

2.What do we know about the woman?

A.She does not like to travel.

B.She has been to Hong Kong before.

C.She bought many presents for her kids.



What are the speakers talking about?

A.Songs. B.Movies. C.A pop star.



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