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Age discrimination(歧视)is a large problem...

    Age discrimination(歧视)is a large problem in the United States today. Teenagers are considered dishonest, old people are considered incapable(无能的),kids considered noisy.

Picture this: a teenage boy, with a group of friends, walks laughing into a store.They read some magazines, walk by the candy, and then walk out without buying anything. What’s the first thought of this? It might be that they stole something. Maybe the employees would even go as far as to call the police about these boys, who didn’t steal anything but were discriminated against simply because they were “teenage boys”.

This happens every day, all over America. We don’t tell the kids much, because they won’t understand, they’re too young. We feel surprised when we see old people run marathons, or even take part in simple fun activities such as volleyball or swimming, because they are “old”, and “incapable".

People who are discriminated against, no matter what the reason, can be hurt by it.They can be offended, because it isn't something they can help.Like my example of the teenage boy above, he was simply having fun as he walked into the store.He wasn’t planning to steal anything or to cause any trouble; he could even be one of the best students in school, but he was discriminated against for being a teenager.

Of course,this doesn’t mean you should persuade your grandparents right away to run a marathon,but give them a little trust.They are capable of doing things we are,and sometimes more.So next time you tell your little brother that he’s “too young to understand” or think that your grandmother is “too old” to do sports, listen to yourself. I know you are offended by being considered as a teenager, so how do you think they feel? Remember, it all hurts. Everyone should have equal opportunities, no matter how old he is.

1.The underlined word “It” in Paragraph 2 refers to       .

A.The fact B.The result

C.The thought D.The problem

2.The author mentions the teenage boy in Paragraph 2 to show that       .

A.people should give more opportunities to teenagers

B.age discrimination is serious in today’s world

C.teenagers should behave in a proper way

D.it's really hard to depend on teenagers

3.The author holds the view that       .

A.we shouldn’t judge others by their age

B.we should try to help incapable people

C.we should encourage old people to run marathons

D.we shouldn’t enter a store if we don’t want to buy anything

4.The text mainly discusses       .

A.an unfortunate teenager

B.different age groups

C.equal opportunities

D.a social problem


1.C 2.B 3.A 4.D 【解析】 这是一篇夹叙夹议。文章讲述了如今在美国,青少年被认为是不诚实的,老年人被认为是无能力的,小孩子被认为是吵闹的。作者认为年龄歧视对人是一种伤害,不管年龄多大,每个人都有平等的机会。 1. 指代猜测题。根据前一句“What’s the first thought of this?(第一感觉是什么呢?)”可知,下一句话“It might be that they stole something. (可能想到的是他们偷了东西。)”是回答这个问题的,所以it应该代指前面出现的the first thought。故选C。 2. 推理判断题。根据第二段的“It might be that they stole something. Maybe the employees would even go as far as to call the police about these boys, who didn’t steal anything but were discriminated against simply because they were “teenage boys”.”可知,店员可能想到的是他们偷了东西。也许员工甚至会走很远将这些男孩子报警,而他们却什么也没偷,只是因为他们是“青少年”,从而受到了歧视。由此可知,现如今,美国的歧视现象是很严重的。故选B。 3. 推理判断题。根据最后一句话“Remember ,it all hurts. Everyone should have equal opportunities, no matter how old he is.”可知,歧视会带给人伤害。不管年龄多大,每个人都有平等的机会。即作者认为人们不应以年龄来评判他人。故选A。 4. 主旨大意题。通过全文尤其是第一段“Age discrimination(歧视)is a large problem in the United States today. Teenagers are considered dishonest, old people are considered incapable(无能的),kids considered noisy.”可知,年龄歧视在美国是一个大问题。青少年被认为是不诚实的,老年人被认为是无能力的,小孩子被认为是吵闹的。即文章主要介绍了在美国人们因年龄而歧视小孩子、青少年和老人的社会问题。故选D。

    Although it's great to spend vacations seeing the world with family, friends, or a lover, traveling alone can also be completely incredible. A solo adventure has the potential to be life-changing. Here are some reasons you should travel alone at least once.

If you enjoy meeting new friends, here's your chance; you will likely find some when traveling alone, Since you won't be focused on talking to anyone you know, you'll be more likely to strike up conversations with strangers. Meeting people from different backgrounds opens our minds, expands our world, and can inspire us a lot. You may meet some amazing locals or other adventurers like yourself; either way you're bound to make some new friends during your journey.

A trip alone can ignite your creativity. Spending time alone with an open mind can be exactly what you need for your imagination to soar. Your enthusiasm and passion for life may sky-rocket from your awesome adventure.

When traveling with a partner or a group, every idea can be bounced off someone else. When you travel alone, you will learn to be decisive; you will be making every decision alone. From where to eat, to what time to wake up, to what sights to see, and which airline to use, traveling solo forces you to rely on yours truly. As you realize you can make good choices without help from others, you will likely trust your instincts more, and this new found self-assurance and confidence will be helpful in many areas of your life.

1.Which of the following is not mentioned in the passage?

A.You will meet new people.

B.You light your life fire.

C.You will learn to enjoy being alone.

D.You will learn to be decisive.

2.From the passage, we know that _______.

A.Traveling alone you can do anything you want to.

B.Traveling alone, we would learn more thing.

C.You'll learn to thrive outside your comfort zone.

D.The strangers who we meet are all kind.

3.Which of the following is similar to the underlined phrase in paragraph four?

A.hesitate B.independent

C.fearless D.determined

4.Which of the following would be the best title of the passage?

A.How to travel alone.

B.You should travel alone at least once in your life.

C.Trave ling will make you have more friends.

D.Let us enjoying vacations trip.



    Once there were two mice. They were friends. One mouse lived in the country; the other mouse lived in the city. After many years the Country mouse saw the City mouse; he said, "Do come and see me at my house in the country.” So the City mouse went. The City mouse said, "This food is not good, and your house is not good. Why do you live in a hole in the field? You should come and live in the city. You would live in a nice house made of stone. You would have nice food to eat You must come and see me at my house in the city." The Country mouse went to the house of the City mouse. It was a very good house. Nice food was set ready for them to eat. But just as they began to eat they heard a great noise. The City mouse cried," Run! Run! The cat is coming!" They ran away quickly and hid. After some time they came out. When they came out, the Country mouse said. “I do not like living in the city. I like living in my hole in the field. For it is nicer to be poor and happy, than to be rich and afraid."

1.From the passage, we know that__________.

A.The City mouse and the Country mouse finally lived together.

B.The Country mouse would live in his Country field.

C.The cat had eaten the Country mouse.

D.The City cat have a rich and safe living.

2.Why does the Country mouse want to go back to his field?

A.Because he dislike living with the City mouse.

B.Because he dislike the food in the city.

C.Because he prefer a poor but happy life.

D.Because he want to avoid the cat.

3.Which of the following would be the best title of the passage?

A.Two mouses and a cat.

B.The difference of city and country.

C.Two mouses,two choices.

D.Mouses and cats can not live together.




Cities across China have been rolling out policies to encourage the return of street vendors (摊贩), where stall operators and mobile vendors sell food and small commodities on streets and other public spaces.

At a press conference during China s recently concluded “two sessions,” Chinese Premier Li Keqiang praised the city of Chengdu in west China for creating 100,000 jobs by setting up 36,000 mobile stalls, signaling an encouragement of reviving street vendoring.

Meanwhile, China’s tech giants are offering help. Alibaba’swholesalemarketplace1688.com issued a plan in late May to connect street sellers directly with factories, while offering stall operators with a total of 70 billion yuan of interest-free loans.

E-commerce major JD.com has promised to secure quality merchandise worth over 50 billion yuan and is offering each stall keeper up to 100,000 yuan worth of interest-free loans.


1. 用约30个单词概述上述信息的主要内容。

2. 用约120个单词发表你的观点,内容包括:




1. 写作过程中不能直接引用原文语句;

2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称;

3. 不必写标题。







On Knowing the Difference

It is as though we can know nothing of a thing until we know its name. Can we be said to know what a pigeon is unless we know that it is a pigeon? We may have seen it again and again, and noted it as a bird with a full bosom and swift wings. But if we are not able to name it except vaguely as a “bird”, we seem to be separated from it by a vast distance of ignorance. Learn that it is a pigeon however, and immediately it rushes towards us across the distance, like something seen through a telescope. No doubt to the pigeon fancier (爱好者) this would seem but the most basic knowledge, and he would not think much of our acquaintance with pigeons if we could not tell a carrier from a pouter. That is the charm (魅力) of knowledge—it is merely a door into another sort of ignorance.

There are always new differences to be discovered, new names to be learned, new individualities to be known, new classifications to be made. No man with a grain of either poetry or the scientific spirit in him has any right to be bored with the world, though he lived for a thousand years.

There is scarcely a subject that does not contain sufficient differences to keep an explorer happy for a lifetime. It is said that thirteen thousand species of butterflies have already been discovered, and it is suggested that there may be nearly twice as many that have so far escaped the naturalists Many men give all the pleasant hours of their lives to learning how to know the difference between one kind of moth () and another. One used to see these moth-hunters on windless nights chasing their quarry fantastically with nets in the light of lamps. In chasing moths, they chase knowledge. This, they feel, is life at its most exciting, its most intense.

The townsman passing a field of sheep finds it difficult to believe that the shepherd can distinguish between one and another of them with as much certainty as if they were his children. And do not most of us think of foreigners as beings who are all turned out as if on a pattern, like sheep?

Thus our first generalizations spring from ignorance rather than from knowledge. They are true, as long as we know that they are not entirely true. As soon as we begin to accept them as absolute truths, they become lies. I do not wish to deny the importance of generalizations. It is not possible to think or even to act without them. The generalization that is founded on a knowledge of and a delight in the variety of things is the end of all science and poetry.

Title: On Knowing the Difference

Passage outline

Supporting details

The 1. of a name in knowing a thing

● Not knowing its name, you will feel distantly 2. from a thing however many times you’ve seen it.

● A thing will become magically close and 3. to you the moment you are able to name it.

● The charm of knowledge 4. in that its boundaries can be always pushed back.

A world full of differences

● As there’s always something new remaining to be 5., one is not supposed to Suffer any boredom with the world in his lifetime.

● One subject alone contains so many 6. that anyone interested may have to devote his 7. to learning them.

● By chasing knowledge, people will experience the greatest 8. and intensity that life can offer.

True but never entirely true generalizations

● The way the townsman look at sheep and we look at foreigners illustrates that our first generalizations are made out of 9. of knowledge.

● Important as generalizations are in our thinking and acting, they will become lies once we regard them as absolute 10..

● Coming to know the variety of things with delight is the final generalization all science and poetry aim to make.






    As she ran her eyes over the flight-test calculation sheets the engineer had given her, Katherine Goble could see there was something wrong with them. The engineer had made an error with a square root (平方根). And it was going to be tricky to tell him so. It was her first day on this assignment, when she and another girl had been picked out of the computing pool at the Langley aeronautical laboratory, to help the all-male flight research unit.

But there were other, more significant snags (障碍) than simply being new—he was a man and she was a woman. In 1953 women did not question men. They stayed in their place, in this case usually the computing pool, tapping away on their desktop calculators or filling sheets with figures, she as neatly turned out as all the rest. Men were the grand designers, the engineers; the women were “computers in skirts”, who were handed a set of equations (方程式) and exhaustively, diligently checked them. Men were not interested in things as small as that.

Nonetheless, this engineer’s calculation was wrong. If she did not ask the question, an aircraft might not fly, or might fly and crash.

So, very carefully, she asked it. Was it possible that he could have made a mistake? He did not admit it but, by turning the colour of a cough drop, he ceded (屈服) the point. She asked more such questions, and they got her noticed. As the weeks passed, the men “forgot” to return her to the pool. Her incessant “why?” and “how?” made their work sharper. It also challenged them. Why were their calculations of aerodynamic forces so often out? Because they were maths graduates who had forgotten their geometry, whereas she had not; her high-school brilliance at maths had led to special classes on analytic geometry in which she, at 13, had been the only pupil.

Why was she not allowed to get her name on a flight-trajectory report when she had done most of the work? Because women didn’t. That was no answer, so she got her name on the report, the first woman to be so credited. Why was she not allowed into the engineers’ lectures on orbital mechanics and rocket propulsion? Because “the girls don’t go”. Why? Did she not read Aviation Week, like them? She soon became the first woman there.

As NASA’s focus turned from supersonic flight to flights in space, she was therefore deeply involved, though still behind the scenes. She ensured that Alan Shepards mercury capsule splashed down where it could be found quickly in 1961, and that John Glenn in 1962 could return safely from his first orbits of the earth. Indeed, until she had checked the figures by hand against those of the newfangled electronic computer, he refused to go.

Later she calculated the timings for the first moon landing (with the astronauts’ return), and worked on the space shuttle. But in the galaxy of space-programme heroes, despite her 33 years in the flight research unit, for a long time she featured nowhere.

It did not trouble her. First, she also had other things to do: Raise her three daughters, cook, sew their clothes, care for her sick first husband. Second, she knew in her own mind how good she was—as good as anybody. She could hardly be unaware of it, when she had graduated from high school at 14 and college at 18, expert at all the maths anyone knew how to teach her.

But when their story emerged in the 21st century, most notably in a book and a film called “hidden figure”, she had a NASA building named after her and a shower of honorary doctorates.

Do your best, she always said Love what you do. Be constantly curious. And learn that it is not dumb to ask a question; it is dumb not to ask it. Not least, because it might lead to the small but significant victory of making a self-proclaimed (自称的) superior realise he can make a mistake.

1.Why did Katherine hesitate about pointing out the engineer’s error?

A.Because she lacked working experience and wasn’t sure of the error.

B.Because she was worried about being sent back to the computing pool.

C.Because men played a dominant role in the lab and couldn’t be questioned.

D.Because the man was an authority in that field and wouldn’t admit his error.

2.Women took on the calculation work in the lab because ________.

A.they were more careful and diligent than men B.men showed great respect for them

C.they were fond of doing lighter work D.men were unwilling to do such minor thing

3.What happened after Katherine Goble asked many questions in the flight research unit?

A.Male engineers ignored her deliberately. B.She gave male engineers a deep impression.

C.She made small errors occasionally. D.Special classes on analytic geometry were arranged.

4.The example of John Glenn is given in Paragraph 6 to show that ________.

A.Katherine Goble was considered reliable

B.he was a stubborn but cautious person

C.computers were of less significance at that time

D.male engineers preferred checking figures by hand

5.Katherine Goble didn’t get troubled by being nameless, because ________.

A.she led a relatively busy life and was confident about her ability

B.she devoted all her time to taking care of her children

C.she received a good education at an early age

D.she was ordinary among mathematicians

6.What’s the best title of the passage?

A.a girl who asked questions B.A figure who worked up to her fame

C.A woman who was ignored by male workmates D.A scientist who was crazy about maths



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