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Our school offers a variety of activities to students after school, especially arts activities. There are lots of music club on campus. In my great delight, I have joined the orchestra there I have made lots of new friends. Sometime, we represent our school in regional competitions and that is worthwhile to join in these contests. Amazingly, we also have a robotics club, which wins a national robot contest last month so it is getting increasing popular at present. In addition, academic clubs are offered as well, include the writing club and the French film club.

Although we have much burden of homework, but we still manage to take active part in various activities after school.


1.club→clubs 2.In→To 3.there→where 4.Sometime→Sometimes 5.that→it 6.wins→won 7.increasing→increasingly 8.include→including 9.去掉but 10.take后加an 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章主要通过作者的视角介绍了学校为学生提供各种课外活动,尤其是艺术活动,学生们都在积极努力参与其中。 1.考查名词。句意:校园里有很多音乐俱乐部。club为可数名词,在根据“lots of”可知,应用名词复数。故将club改为clubs。 2.考查介词。句意:使我非常高兴的是,我加入了乐队,在那里我结交了许多新朋友。to one’s delight,“令某人高兴的是”,固定结构。故将In改为To。 3.考查定语从句。句意:使我非常高兴的是,我加入了乐队,在那里我结交了许多新朋友。分析可知,“I have made lots of new friends”应是之前名词“the orchestra”的定语从句,先行词在从句中作地点状语,应用关系副词where引导。故将there改为where。 4.考查副词。句意:有时,我们代表学校参加地区性的比赛,参加这些比赛是值得的。分析可知,频率副词位于句首作状语,sometime虽为副词,但意为“某个时候”,与句意表达不符,应用sometimes,意为“有时”。故将Sometime改为Sometimes。 5.考查it作形式主语。句意:有时,我们代表学校参加地区性的比赛,参加这些比赛是值得的。分析可知,句子主语是“to join in these contests”,因此应用it作形式主语。故将that改为it。 6.考查时态。句意:令人惊讶的是,我们还有一个机器人俱乐部,它赢得了上个月的全国机器人比赛,所以它现在越来越受欢迎。分析可知,从句时间状语为“last month”,应用一般过去时。故将wins改为won。 7.考查副词。句意:令人惊讶的是,我们还有一个机器人俱乐部,它赢得了上个月的全国机器人比赛,所以它现在越来越受欢迎。副词作状语修饰形容词popular。故将increasing改为increasingly。 8.考查介词。句意:此外,还有学术俱乐部,包括写作俱乐部和法国电影俱乐部。including为介词后接名词。include改为including。 9.考查连词。句意:虽然我们有很多的家庭作业的负担,但我们仍然设法积极参加各种活动放学后。分析可知,“although we have much burden of homework”应是让步状语从句,表达转折含义,其后主句无需but作为连词。故将but去掉。 10.考查冠词。句意:虽然我们有很多的家庭作业的负担,但我们仍然设法积极参加各种活动放学后。take an active part in,“积极参加”,active首字母的发音为元音音素。故在take后加an。

    Few 17-year-old girls know how to weld (焊接)two metal pipes together. I have learned this skill in the past five years as a(n) _____for my father’s personal plumbing (管道装置) business.This summer job often needs to deal with the mess that causes physical and mental ___   ,and, to some extent,  ___  a tough and elegant attitude. It is often difficult to cope with. But I ____

Every morning, I have to put on a pair of men's jeans Most of my peers are  ___ to wear it in public. I  ___ tied my hair when I rushed out of the house, and _____  into the front passenger seat of the plumber's construction vehicle.

When my peers were part-time babysitters or lifeguards, I was helping my father in the dirty bathroom or the _____ basement. Thick dust  ___my nose and mouth, and my hands became black. There is nothing beautiful and neat; every thing in front of you is __

Honestly speaking, I felt_______, discouraged and unable to think hard Pipe work is a tough job, and I sometimes hate it. I asked myself why I had to_____these dust and sweat. I can even find another job, a ______job more like my peers.

__,  just like I hate messy pipes, I also hate being affected by these little  ___ emotions After all, the world is built by people who are willing to get their hands ___. Life is a process of   ___ chaos and learning to clean up, and pipeline work is no ___.

My dad and I not only create chaos, we also create_____. When customers are ____  for our work, I understand that we have brought order to their lives in small places. The physical and mental discomfort of plumbing work is worth it.

1.A.companion B.fellow C.assistant D.engineer

2.A.misfortune B.pleasure C.discomfort D.injury

3.A.requires B.reflects C.reviews D.recovers

4.A.promised B.waited C.resisted D.insisted

5.A.eager B.able C.unwilling D.impatient

6.A.carefully B.normally C.eventually D.hurriedly

7.A.looked B.moved C.climbed D.turned

8.A.big B.damp C.cool D.warm

9.A.covered B.separated C.infected D.protected

10.A.dangerous B.interesting C.crucial D.ugly

11.A.fearless B.powerless C.effortless D.endless

12.A.respect B.wipe C.tolerate D.replace

13.A.renewable B.responsible C.regular D.realistic

14.A.However B.Therefore C.Otherwise D.Instead

15.A.disturbing B.surprising C.touching D.warning

16.A.smooth B.smart C.dirty D.violent

17.A.controlling B.accepting C.finishing D.handling

18.A.excuse B.puzzle C.description D.exception

19.A.memory B.luck C.order D.wealth

20.A.grateful B.ready C.thirsty D.sorry



    Smartwatches and fitness trackers (健身追踪器)have gained popularity recently. These tools can record your daily steps, heart rates, etc. 1.. If yes, it might be a sign that you’re addicted to your fitness tracker.

2.. If you keep setting unrealistic daily goals that involve working out for too long, and if you begin to ignore friends and responsibilities to make time for your workout, then you’re most probably addicted to your fitness tracker.

It’s a struggle to overcome the addiction to fitnesstrackers. 3.. For example, the number in your smart watch showing how far you’ve come can give you a sense of achievement.

Of course, failing to meet your daily goal can be discouraging. You might focus on your shortcomings rather than your progress. Another problem is that you might find yourself paying too much attention to the step number rather than how your body feels. 4..

Therefore, if you’re spending too much time looking at your smartwatch, limit your daily step count to a comfortable level. 5.. For example, concentrating on your hobbies or socializing with friends can be a great way to keep your mind on other things.

A.Don’t overuse your smartwatch.

B.It doesn’t convey what you’re really feeling.

C.After all, reaching a daily step count can be so appealing.

D.How can you tell whether you’re addicted to your fitness tracker?

E.Actually, this addiction to step count can be risky, mentally and physically.

F.However, do you find yourself checking your steps and heart rates too often?

G.Besides, you can find other things to do that don’t involve checking your fitness tracker.



    From talking robots and video phones, technology has become so advanced that the previously impossible seems to occur on a daily basis. And yet—we still have no cure for the common cold.

Why can’t we stop the common cold? According to Peter Barlow, a scientist at Edinburgh Napier University, the main challenge lies in the many different types of cold viruses that are produced by the rhinoviruses (鼻病毒). There are at least 160 types. They change so easily that they quickly become resistant to drugs. In other words, a single cure isn’t likely to work on every type of cold.

However, researchers from Stanford University have found a possible answer. They discovered a protein that the viruses need. Without it, they can't spread inside your body.

To identify the gene which produces the specific protein needed by the viruses, researchers used a gene-editing technique to test all genes one by one for thousands of cells. These modified (改变的) cells were then exposed to a range of rhinoviruses which cause the common cold.

All the viruses were unable to copy inside cells without a gene that produces a specific protein, called methyltransferase (甲基转移酶) SETD3.

Then, they tested genetically modified mice, which were completely unable to produce the protein. The mice were able to live healthy, normal lives without the protein.

“Lacking that gene protected the mice completely from the common cold,”  associate professor Jan Carette, from Stanford, told the BBC.

“These mice would always die, but they survived and we saw a very strong protection.”

Carette said the plan is to find a drug which can keep back the protein for a limited time, rather than produce genetically modified humans.

“We have identified a fantastic target that all rhinoviruses require and depend on. Take that away and the virus really has no chance,” said Carette.

1.Why does the author mention talking robots and video phones in the first paragraph?

A.To stress the importance of technology.

B.To encourage readers to share their ideas.

C.To introduce the topic of the text.

D.To recognize the progress of science.

2.What can we learn about the protein needed by the viruses?

A.It helps the viruses copy inside our bodies.

B.It stops the viruses from changing easily.

C.It protects the viruses against drugs.

D.It forces the viruses to spread fast.

3.What does Jan Carette intend to do?

A.To identify a fantastic target.

B.To slow copying speed of some genes.

C.To produce genetically modified humans.

D.To find a drug to temporarily block the protein.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.A New Experiment on Viruses.

B.New Defense Found for Viruses.

C.A Chemical Curing Modified Viruses.

D.Gene-editing Technology to Control Viruses.



    While bees hopping from one flower to another is vivid to watch, having bees disturbing a backyard barbecue certainly isn’t. They may seem like pesky creatures to get rid of, but there are quite a few things you may not know about bees, especially the impact they have on our livelihood.

The main purpose of bees, particularly honey bees, is to help pollinate the plants around them. According to the Department of Entomology at Pennsylvania State University, pollinators (such as bees) help to fertilize plants, which results in “the formation of seeds and the fruit surrounding seeds”. Pollinators are necessary for three-quarters of our major food crops, including fruits, vegetables, and nuts. An estimated 300,000 species of plants need pollinators. That’s around 80 to 95 percent of plant species. Without pollinators, the number of crops we have will take a serious hit.

Other pollinators can help out with this process including butterflies, beetles, and flies. Even some birds and bats can be pollinators. However, bees of various species are known for being natural pollinators for plants.

Unfortunately, for years there has been an alarming decline of bees around the globe. The University of Vermont published a study stating that 23 percent of the wild bee population declined between 2008 and 2013. 139 counties in parts of California, the Pacific Northwest, the Midwest, west Texas and the Mississippi River valley have taken the worst hit in wild bee declines. Since 39 percent of U.S. croplands rely on pollinators for their crop including those beloved apple orchards and pumpkin patches in the fall, we are facing a serious threat.

By taking care of the bees, our world is able to benefit in terms of agricultural income and nutritious food supply. You may not be able to make a huge change on an industrial level, but as someone with a landscape of your own, why not help save the bees?

1.What is the best title for the passage?

A.Bees Is Disappearing?

B.How You Can Save Bees?

C.How Bees Help Pollinate the Plants?

D.Why You Shouldn’t Kill Bees in Your Yard?

2.What is the main purpose of bees?

A.To provide delicious honey.

B.To disturb backyard barbecue.

C.To get rid of some pesky creatures.

D.To help pollinate the plants around them.

3.Why does the author list the numbers in Paragraph 2?

A.To show the diversity of plant species.

B.To show how we depend on plants.

C.To prove the importance of pollinators such as bees.

D.To make a comparison between plants which need pollinators and which don’t.

4.Why does the author say “we are facing a serious threat”?

A.Because the bee population has decreased sharply.

B.Because lots of wild bees have been hit by people.

C.Because many people are attacked by wild bees.

D.Because the croplands have produced less crops in the fall.



    Wildfires were rapidly spreading through northern and southern California as powerful winds swept through the state, burning homes and forcing more than 200,000 people to leave their homes. Thousands of structures were destroyed in the massive fires. Firefighters and volunteers worked around the clock, risking their lives to save others, although thick clouds of wildfire smoke hung in the air.

But it's not just humans in danger’s path. A video of a horse running away from the rescue team to find his family of horses from CBS Los Angeles went viral. The public was touched by the horse's heroic act and shared their thoughts on the Internet.

Volunteers were rescuing several horses from the wildfire when one of the horses jumped away from the group. They were trying to help the horse, but he refused. They probably had no idea what was wrong with the horse, who just started running away from them. The horse raced back into danger to lead his family to safety, despite rescuers' best efforts to stop him. He knew he couldn't leave them behind. As the tension increased, several human strangers jumped in to help the animals — they went back to the burning barn where some of the horses remained.

You can watch the horse run back into the smoke-filled area, reconnect with the horses inside the fence, and quickly accompany them out of the fenced-off area. Though it's not clear from the video, CBS Los Angeles reported that all but one of the horses involved were saved. Disastrous as the California wildfires have been, the video and countless other rescue stories — humans and animals alike — are shining light on all acts of goodness taking place.

1.What does the author intend to show by telling the wildfires in detail in Para. 1?

A.What caused the big wildfires. B.How serious the wildfires were.

C.What rescuers did in the wildfires. D.How rapidly the wildfires spread.

2.What does the underlined phrases ''went viral'' mean?

A.Turned bad. B.Got attacked.

C.Became interesting. D.Grew popular.

3.Which words can best describe the horse?

A.Loyal but stubborn. B.Caring and courageous.

C.Responsible and clever. D.Flexible but aggressive.

4.What message does the author want to convey?

A.Fighting disasters needs joint efforts. B.Animals are always friends of man.

C.All good deeds deserve to be praised. D.Animals show goodness to each other.



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