满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Only one child of the thirty passengers ...

Only one child of the thirty passengers in the plane _____ after the air crash.

A.survived B.starved C.shouted D.shook


A 【解析】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:飞机失事后,30名乘客中只有一个孩子幸存下来。A. survived幸存;B. starved挨饿;C. shouted叫喊;D. shook摇晃。根据后文after the air crash可知是指飞机失事后,30名乘客中只有一个孩子幸存(survived)下来,故选A。  

The apartments in the city center are always expensive. I can’t _____ one with all my money.

A.take B.afford C.supply D.support



—Shall I get you something to drink?  

—Thanks, but don’t _____. I have to leave now.

A.make B.annoy C.disturb D.bother



My family used to live in _____ city of Shanghai but now have moved to _____ countryside.

A.a; a B.the; the C.a; the D.the; 不填



    A lady wanted a birthday gift from her husband.For many months she had liked a beautiful_______, and knowing her husband could_______it, she told him that was all she wanted.On the morning of the_______, her husband told her how_______he was to have such a good wife, and how much he loved her.He_______her a beautiful gift package (纸盒). She opened it and_______a Bible._______, she raised her voice and said to her husband, “With all your money, you give me a Bible” She was so_______that she left him.

Many years passed and the lady was very_______in business.She owned two large companies.She________her husband was very old, and thought perhaps she should go to________him. But before she could, she________a letter telling her that he had died, and gave all of his possessions (财产) to her.She needed to go back and________things.

When she arrived at his house, sadness________her heart. She saw the still new________, just as she had left it years before. With________, she opened it and began to turn the pages.A ring________from the Bible to the floor and a________could be seen.She picked it up and found it was the ring she wanted in those days.And on the card was the date of her birth, and the words “LUV U ALWAYS”.

________your gift is not packaged the way you want it, it’s because it is better packaged the way it isAlways appreciate little thingsthey usually lead you to bigger thingsThe best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched for they must be felt with the________.

1.A.watch B.ring C.coat D.box

2.A.afford B.like C.design D.guess

3.A.holiday B.performance C.birthday D.meeting

4.A.proud B.kind C.sorry D.brave

5.A.lent B.asked C.gave D.moved

6.A.carried B.found C.missed D.held

7.A.Politely B.Lightly C.Patiently D.Angrily

8.A.calm B.upset C.grateful D.careless

9.A.failing B.lonely C.successful D.poor

10.A.wondered B.hoped C.realized D.explained

11.A.visit B.understand C.catch D.help

12.A.passed B.wrote C.sent D.received

13.A.take care of B.pay  for C.look  for D.give   away

14.A.covered B.broke C.left D.filled

15.A.car B.Bible C.letter D.table

16.A.smiles B.laughter C.tears D.interests

17.A.hid B.dropped C.disappeared D.made

18.A.book B.pen C.flower D.card

19.A.If B.But C.Although D.So

20.A.hand B.eye C.face D.heart



Taking a Child Fishing

There is nothing quite like seeing the smile on a young person’s face when they catch their fish. Here are some simple steps that can be taken to help children and parents enjoy these early fishing experiences.


It’s easier to teach young children to fish if your attention is towards them and not towards your own fishing. If you are also trying to fish, this can make that difficult for both of you. 2. When they need your help, you can hand down your tool and they can keep fishing.

Keep trips short.

Children have short attention periods. 3. Take this into consideration when planning a trip. When it stops being fun for them, it’s time to call it a day.

Bring plenty of snacks and drinks.

Even though most of these trips will be short, they will get hungry and thirsty. Bringing plenty of snacks and drinks gives them a little break from fishing. 4. You can use this time while they are eating or playing to do some fishing yourself.

Other than fishing.

Just because they are on a fishing trip doesn’t mean that they have to finish all the time. Let them do things besides fishing as long as it isn’t interfering (打扰) with the people fishing around you. 5.

A stop on the way home for ice cream or other treats can also be a fun part of the trip. Remember it’s all about them having fun and hopefully wanting to go fishing with you again.

A.Let them help make choices.

B.Make the fishing trip about them.

C.Children love to feel like they are helping out.

D.This can be more exciting to them than the actual fishing.

E.The same is true if you bring a few small toys for them to play with.

F.One way to solve this problem is for you to use the tool the child can use.

G.An hour or possibly two will be about all of the fishing they can handle in a day.



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