满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Callie heard a knock and pulled open the...

    Callie heard a knock and pulled open the door. Her favorite neighbor, Mrs. Baker, stood there. “The city is letting us use the empty lot(空地) for a _________,” she explained. “We need help cleaning up our garden on Sunday.” “Sure!” Callie said cheerfully. “I will be there to help!”

The next morning when Callie _________ school, her friend Tamara was waiting for her, who had a _________ for Callie. “My mom bought tickets for us to go to Fun World this Sunday.” Tamara said. The girls had been waiting for months for the new amusement park to open.

Callie’s heart dropped. “But Mrs. Baker is _________ me to help,” she said. Tamara looked _________. “Can’t someone else do it? I want you to go to Fun World with me! ”

Callie worried about her _________ for the rest of the day. Her mother noticed her mood. “I know you want to go with Tamara and also help Mrs. Baker. Think carefully about your _________. You need to make your own decisions, but I know you will do _________ is the best.” Her mother said.

Callie spent the rest of the evening thinking about her decision.

The next day at school, Callie told Tamara that she was _________ to go to Fun World. Tamara tried to understand, but Callie could __________ Tamara was disappointed. The girls hardly spoke for the rest of the week.

On Sunday, Callie met Mrs. Baker at the garden. “Your mother said you made a(n) __________ choice. Thank you for giving a hand today.” Callie smiled as she cleaned with a large trash bag.

“Do you need any help?” a voice behind her asked. Callie __________, surprised to see Tamara. “I know you made a(n) __________ to clean up the garden, and I wanted to come help you. My mom said she could take us to Fun World next weekend.”

With joint efforts, they finished the cleaning __________. Both Callie and Tamara realized that once a promise is made, it needs to be __________.

1.A.match B.garden C.class D.party

2.A.looked for B.graduated from C.arrived at D.joined in

3.A.surprise B.warning C.decision D.suggestion

4.A.following B.expecting C.encouraging D.allowing

5.A.annoyed B.scared C.excited D.disappointed

6.A.problem B.explanation C.challenge D.dream

7.A.chances B.relationships C.choices D.interest

8.A.who B.where C.why D.what

9.A.unsure B.unprepared C.unable D.unwilling

10.A.test B.tell C.accept D.agree

11.A.difficult B.clear C.different D.important

12.A.answered B.turned C.refused D.greeted

13.A.attempt B.change C.guess D.promise

14.A.hurriedly B.slowly C.early D.quietly

15.A.shared B.broken C.given D.kept


1.B 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.D 6.A 7.C 8.D 9.C 10.B 11.A 12.B 13.D 14.C 15.D 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。该文讲述了Callie在答应Baker太太帮她整理花园之后,主动放弃了和好朋友Tamara一起去游乐园的机会。后来Tamara和Callie一起提前打扫完了花园。这篇文章旨在告诉我们一旦做出了承诺,就一定要信守诺言。 1. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:“市政府让我们把这块空地用作花园,”她解释说。A. match手表;B. garden花园;C. class班级;D. party聚会。根据后文“We need help cleaning up our garden on Sunday”可知此处指将空地用作花园。故选B。 2. 考查动词短语辨析。句意:第二天早上,当Callie到达学校时,她的朋友Tamara正在等她,她给了Callie一个惊喜。A. looked for寻找;B. graduated from毕业;C. arrived at到达;D. joined in加入。结合后文school, her friend Tamara was waiting for her可知此处指Callie第二天早上到达学校。故选C。 3. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:第二天早上,当Callie到达学校时,她的朋友Tamara正在等她,她给了Callie一个惊喜。A. surprise惊喜;B. warning警告;C. decision决定;D. suggestion建议。根据后文My mom bought tickets for us to go to Fun World this Sunday可知Tamara的妈妈给他们准备了两张周日去游乐园的票,这是一个惊喜,故选A。 4. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:“但是Baker太太期望我帮忙,”她说。A. following跟随;B. expecting期望;C. encouraging鼓励;D. allowing允许。结合后文me to help可知Callie答应了Baker太太去帮忙打扫花园,所以此处指的是Baker太太期望作者去帮助。短语expect sb. to do sth.“期望某人做某事”。故选B。 5. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:Tamara看起来很失望。A. annoyed恼怒的;B. scared害怕的;C. excited激动的;D. disappointed失望的。根据后文Can't someone else do it? I want you to go to Fun World with me!可知在知道Callie要去帮忙后,Tamara感到很失望。故选D。 6. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:Callie一整天都在担心她的问题。A. problem问题;B. explanation解释;C. challenge挑战;D. dream梦想。Callie一方面答应了要去帮Baker太太打扫花园,一方面好朋友又希望Callie和自己去游乐园,所以Callie一整天都在担心这个问题。故选A。 7. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:仔细考虑你的选择。A. chances机会;B. relationships关系;C. choices选择;D. interest兴趣。结合后文You need to make your own decisions中decision可知,此处指妈妈让Callie仔细考虑自己的选择,然后做决定。后文中you made a(n) choice. 也是提示故选C。 8. 考查连接词辨析。句意:你需要自己做决定,但我知道你会做最好的。此处为宾语从句,从句中缺少主语,结合句意应用what。故选D。 9. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:第二天在学校,Callie告诉Tamara她不能去Fun World了。A. unsure不确定的;B. unprepared无准备的;C. unable不能的;D. unwilling不情愿地。结合后文Tamara was disappointed.可知Callie告诉Tamara她不能去Fun World了。be unable to do sth.“不能做某事”。故选C。 10. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:Tamara试图理解,但Callie看得出Tamara很失望。A. test测试;B. tell看得出,告诉;C. accept接受;D. agree同意。结合后文Tamara was disappointed.可知Callie看得出(tell)Tamara很失望。故选B。 11. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:你妈妈说你做了一个艰难的选择。A. difficult艰难的;B. clear清楚的;C. different不同的;D. important重要的。从上文可知Callie非常想去游乐园,但最后还是决定来帮 Baker太太打扫花园,因此是做出了一个艰难的选择。故选A。 12. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:Callie转过身,惊讶地看到Tamara。A. answered回答;B. turned转过;C. refused拒绝;D. greeted迎接。根据上文a voice behind her asked.(身后传来了询问的声音)由此可知Callie需要转身去看声音是谁发出的,故选B。 13. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:我知道你答应过把花园打扫干净,所以我想来帮你。A. attempt尝试;B. change改变;C. guess猜测;D. promise承诺。根据最后一段中once a promise is made可知此处指答应要打扫花园。短语make a promise“答应,允诺”。故选D。 14. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:在他们的共同努力下,清洁工作提前完成了。A. hurriedly匆忙地;B. slowly缓慢地;C. early提前,早地;D. quietly安静地。在Callie和Tamara两个人的共同努力下,花园的清洁工作提前(early)完成了。故选C。 15. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:Callie和Tamara都意识到,一旦做出了承诺,就必须遵守。A. shared分享;B. broken打破;C. given给予;D. kept遵守,保持。根据Both Callie and Tamara realized that once a promise is made可知,一旦做出了承诺,就必须遵守。此处指“遵守承诺”短语为keep promise。故选D。

















Last Monday, we were having our Chinese class while the teacher suddenly slipped and fall. We were all worried about her. One of the boy carried her on the back, under the help of some others, to the clinic immediately. It turned out that her right leg was breaking and she had to stay in hospital. The following day, we went to visit her with flowers. Seeing her lying in bed with leg wrapped in bandages, we felt sorry for her and hoped that she would recover soon. Lucky, this Thursday she returned back to the class in a wheelchair to give us lessons. We were both deeply moved and proud of have such a responsible teacher.



    Last year I decided to tell my family that I didn't want or need anything for my_________, but I wanted them to think of a way to share a_________in their world-for me. My husband and two adult children all did something_________and wonderful.

The week of my birthday my husband went to a local cafe and told a waitress that he wanted to_________pay for the breakfast of a family. The waitress was_________and said it was her last day at work there and this had never _______. When the family_________eatingthe waitress told them their bill had been paid. The mom and dad stood up, trying to_________who might have done it, but my husband was outside watching the whole thing. He told me he had such a _________feeling in his heart and he would like to__________it a few more times.

My son bought gift cards at another local coffee cafe and__________them to his 4-year-old daughter. He asked her to__________some people and tell them that she wanted to__________them a cup of coffee because it was her grandmother’s birthday. One dad said he would__________have thought to include his little girls in something like this and that he was going straight home to tell them about it so they could make a(n)__________plan with all his daughters ________. My daughter was on a tight budget so she spent the week smiling more at people, being__________, and letting someone go before her at the market. She just took the time during my birthday week to slow down and be kind to a(n)__________and her co-workers.

When we finally all got together for Mother’s Day and my birthday, everyone was in tears as each person ________what they had done. As you can see, it was the__________birthday ever!

1.A.birthday B.graduation C.weekend D.future

2.A.story B.belief C.kindness D.responsibility

3.A.crazy B.different C.private D.silly

4.A.partly B.normally C.quickly D.secretly

5.A.frightened B.concerned C.surprised D.disappointed

6.A.failed B.mattered C.existed D.happened

7.A.considered B.finished C.admitted D.suggested

8.A.see B.support C.imagine D.remember

9.A.wonderful B.familiar C.natural D.terrible

10.A.say B.discuss C.do D.appreciate

11.A.threw B.gave C.attached D.returned

12.A.guess B.change C.teach D.choose

13.A.find B.offer C.heat D.sell

14.A.never B.still C.just D.also

15.A.honest B.balanced C.similar D.official

16.A.asked B.included C.helped D.followed

17.A.prouder B.smarter C.stronger D.gentler

18.A.classmate B.gentleman C.enemy D.stranger

19.A.shared B.practiced C.recorded D.watched

20.A.biggest B.longest C.best D.quietest



    Leading health experts from the CDC and the WHO have made it clear that reducing the effects of coronavirus(新冠病毒)means staying hone as long as possible.1.They give some ideas as follows

Don’t let the news control your rest.

The coronavirns situation seems to change by the hour, resulting in a number of people feeling necessary to constantly check their phones for news. That can not only be stressful at any time, but also it can affect your ability to relax if you surf news before going to sleep. Dr. Rosmarin says, “It’ s not a good time to watch the news.”2.

Don’t argue with people who seem unconcerned about the crisis.

You might face pressure from friends or family to attend gatherings when you aren’t comfortable being in groups. You may be upset because they aren't following the instructions: staying at home. 3.So you’d better avoid the meaningless argument.


Do laundry on Sundays? Keep doing it on Sunday. Not going to work? Get dressed anyway. Maintaining a regular routine will go a long way toward helping you avoid feelings of disorganization.

Don’t hesitate to seek help if you need it.

5.For people already struggling with anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder, or depression, fears over coronavirus can be especially disruptive. Always seek professional help if depression, you feel overwhelmed.

A.Arguing about it isn’t productive.

B.Don’t ignore your regular routine.

C.You cannot solve the mental problems all by yourself.

D.Don’t forget to remind your family to respect your boundary.

E.What can you do to make your staying home beer than before?

F.But how to deal with the mental tension, such as being upset and nervous?

G.Sleep is important to a healthy system, and giving yourself an opportunity to relax is important.



    Dog owners walked about 23minues longer each day than non-dog owners In a new study, dog owners took 2,760 additional seps—compared to people who didn’t have a dog at home. Bu here’s the real good news: That extra exercise was done at a moderate(适度的)pace, which means it could help adults meet their recommended weekly totals for physical activity.

The research, published in BMC Public Health, focused on adults 65 and older, who tend to be less active than younger people. The study included 43 dog owners and 43 non-dog owners, all of whom were monitored continuously for three week-long periods. When they compared the two groups, the researchers found that dog ownership was associated with a large, potentially health-improving effect.

Dog owners walked about 23 minutes longer each day than non-dog owners, 119 minutes versus 96 minutes on average. They also took an additional 2,760 steps, and had eight fewer continuous periods of sitting down. Most of that extra walking was done at moderate pace, defined as 100 or more steps a minute. Dog owners walked at this pace for 32 minutes a day, versus just 11 minutes a day for non-dog owners.

The World Health OrganizationWHOrecommends that adults get at least 150 minutes of physical activity a week. This increased walking time alone could just about satisfy that requirement, say the researchers—so it makes total sense that 87 percent of dog owners in the study met these guidelines, versus just 47 percent of non-dog owners.

Co-author Nancy Gee says that pet ownership may help older adults get more activity or maintain their current activity level for a longer period of time. “This could improve their chances of a better quality of life, improved or maintained cognition(认知), and perhaps, even overall longevity(寿命),”she said.

Here at Health, we’ ll add that caring for pets has been shown to have plenty of other physical and mental health benefits, as well. As animal lovers ourselves, we’ re happy to add one more to the list.

1.What can we learn about the research

A.It was targeted on old people.

B.It was sponsored by the WHO.

C.It had an undesirable effect on dog owners.

D.It took the mental health of dog owners into consideration.

2.What does the author intend to do in Paragraph 3

A.To present the results of the research.

B.To show the guidelines of the research.

C.To describe the process of doing the research.

D.To explain the reasons for conducting the research.

3.What does Nancy Gee think of owning a dog?

A.It is too expensive.

B.It is time-consuming.

C.It enables older adults to live a healthy life.

D.It helps young adults to keep a healthy routine.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.Non-pet owners enjoy more pleasure

B.Animal lovers are more generous

C.Young people walk less today

D.Dog owners walk way more



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