满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

根据节选小说内容,回答问题。 “Hello,”said Bruno. “Hell...


“Hello,”said Bruno.

“Hello,”said the boy.

The boy was smaller than Bruno. He wore the same striped pajamas that all the other people on that side of the fence wore, and a striped cloth cap on his head. He wasn’t wearing any shoes or socks and his feet were rather dirty.

When Bruno first approached the boy, he was sitting cross-legged on the ground, staring at the dust(尘土) beneath him. However, after a moment he looked up and Bruno saw his face. It was quite a strange face too. ... When the boy looked at him, all Bruno could see was an enormous pair of sad eyes staring back.

Bruno was sure that he had never seen a skinnier or sadder boy in his life. He thought that he had better talk to him.


Bruno stared at the boy and considered asking him why he looked so sad but hesitated(犹豫) because he thought it might sound rude. He knew that sometimes people who were sad didn’t want to be asked about it; sometimes they’d offer the information themselves and sometimes they wouldn’t stop talking about it for months on end, but on this occasion, Bruno decided that he should wait before saying anything.

Bruno sat down on the ground on his side of the fence and crossed his legs like the little boy and wished that he had brought some chocolate with him or perhaps a pastry that they could share.

“I live in the house on this side of the fence,” said Bruno. ... “I can see right over the fence from there. I’m Bruno, by the way.”

“I’m Shmuel,” said the little boy.


“... How old are you?” Bruno asked.

Shmuel thought about it and looked down at his fingers and they wiggled in the air, as if he was trying to calculate(计算). “I’m nine,” he said. “My birthday is April the fifteenth nineteen thirty-four.”

Bruno stared at him in surprise. “What did you say?” he asked.

“I said my birthday is April the fifteenth nineteen thirty-four.”

Bruno’s eyes opened wide and his mouth made the shape of an O. “I don’t believe it,” he said.

“Why not?” asked Shmuel.

“No,” said Bruno, shaking his head quickly. “I don’t mean I don’t believe you. I mean I’m surprised, that’s all. Because my birthday is April the fifteenth too. We were born on the same day.”

Shmuel thought about this. “So you’re nine too,” he said.

“Yes. Isn’t that strange?”

“Very strange,” said Shmuel. “Because there may be dozens of Shmuels on this side of the fence but I don’t think that I’ve ever met anyone with the same birthday as me before.”

“We’re like twins,” said Bruno. “A little bit,” agreed Shmuel.

Bruno felt very happy all of a sudden...

1.How did Bruno feel about the boy at the first sight?

2.After hesitation, what did Bruno decide to do?

3.Why did Bruno stare at Shmuel in surprise?

4.Why did Bruno feel very happy all of a sudden?

5.What kind of boy do you think Bruno was? And why?


1.He felt that the boy looked very small,poor and dirty. 2.Bruno decided to wait before saying anything. 3.Because he found that he and the boy were born on the same day. 4.Because she has never met anyone with the same birthday as him before.They are like twins. 5.I think Bruno was a kind and thoughtful boy. When Bruno saw the sad eyes of the boy, he thought he had better talk with this poor boy, which means Bruno was very kind. Bruno considered asking him why he looked so sad but hesitated because he thought it might sound rude and knew that sometimes people who were sad didn’t want to be asked about it. It shows that Bruno was very thoughtful. 【解析】 本文是一篇阅读表达。本文是节选自《穿着条纹睡衣的男孩》,本部分内容主要是展示了Bruno与Shmuel的初次相遇。 1. 细节理解题。根据第一段“The boy was smaller than Bruno. He wore the same striped pajamas that all the other people on that side of the fence wore, and a striped cloth cap on his head. He wasn’t wearing any shoes or socks and his feet were rather dirty.”可知,这个男孩比布鲁诺小。他穿着和篱笆那边所有人一样的条纹睡衣,头上戴着一顶条纹布帽。他没穿鞋或袜子,脚很脏。故答案为He felt that the boy looked very smal,poor and dirty. 2. 细节理解题。根据第六段中的“Bruno decided that he should wait before saying anything.”可知,布鲁诺决定等一等再说什么。故答案为Bruno decided to wait before saying anything. 3. 细节理解题。根据第十六段中的““No,” said Bruno, shaking his head quickly. “I don’t mean I don’t believe you. I mean I’m surprised, that’s all. Because my birthday is April the fifteenth too. We were born on the same day.””可知Bruno惊讶地盯着男孩是因为自己的生日也是四月十五号,和男孩的生日是同一天。故答案为Because he found that he and the boy were born on the same day. 4. 细节理解题。根据最后三段but I don’t think that I’ve ever met anyone with the same birthday as me before.“We’re like twins,” said Bruno. “A little bit,” agreed Shmuel.但我想我以前从未遇到过和我同一天生日的人。我们就像双胞胎,”Bruno。“有一点。”Shmuel表示同意。故答案为Because he has never met a boy with the same birthday as him.They are like twins. 5. 推理判断题。阅读完本篇文章我们可以发现Bruno在发现这个男孩看起来很伤心之后决定和男孩谈一谈,这说明他很善良,他又怕男孩不愿提起自己的伤心事所以决定在说话之前等一等,这说明他很体贴。故答案为think Bruno was a kind and thoughtful boy. When Bruno saw the sad eyes of the boy, he though he had better talk with this poor boy, which means Bruno was very kind. Bruno considered asking him why he looked so sad but hesitated because he thought it might sound rude and knew that sometimes people who were sad didn’t want to be asked about it. It shows that Bruno was very thoughtful.

    The fight is on to get rid of air pollution in our cities. While the best solution in the long-term would be to ban fossil-fueled cars, that won’t help the millions who are dying in the meantime, and so some high-tech solutions are now on the cards.

London’s air pollution problem has been getting worse for years. In March 2016, ten London pigeons became famous. These pigeons took to the sky, wearing backpacks monitoring air pollution. Once in the air, the backpacks sent live air-quality updates to the smartphones of the Londoners below.

Another promising approach can be found in Beijing. A seven-metre-high “Smog Free Tower”, designed by a Dutch scientist, Daan Roosegaarde, opened in Beijing’s 751 D Park in September 2016. It is a huge, outdoor air purifier. Airborne particles (颗粒) are sucked into the tower and caught by a dust-removal plate. Finally, clean air is blown out of the other end. “Changing smog particles does not take much power.” Roosegaarde said.

As for what to do with the collected PM waste, he has currently set up a business making jewellery out of the waste. Prince Charles owns a set of “smog free” cufflinks (袖扣). If collected on at a big scale, Roosegaarde believes it could even be used as a building material.

Mexico City has an alternative solution. Looking to Nature to maximize the surface area of a building, Allison Dring, a Berlin-based architect, managed to catch light and wind from all sides. She is now making a building material by burning agricultural crop by-products in the absence of oxygen. “It means that you are actually taking carbon () out of the sky, transforming it into a material, and then using it to build,” says Dring.

The fight against outdoor air pollution is really just starting. Even if none of the ideas take off, at least Prince Charles’ cufflinks, the special building surface and pigeons wearing back-packs will have brought the issue more to the public’s attention.

1.The underlined words “on the cards” in Para.1 probably mean ________.

A.hardly to achieve

B.widely questioned

C.very likely to happen

D.publicly welcomed

2.The ten pigeons in London were used to ________.

A.monitor air pollution

B.warn Londoners

C.update weather forecast

D.promote backpacks

3.What can we learn about the Smog Free Tower?

A.It can catch light and wind.

B.Its power consumption is high.

C.PM waste from it can be reused.

D.It is the first air purifier in the world.

4.What’s the best title for the passage?

A.When can humans get rid of smog?

B.Why is technology used to fight smog?

C.How are the world’s cities fighting smog?

D.What makes smog a worldwide problem?



    When the Bayside campus of Shekou International School (SIS) are still kept shut because of the COVID-19 pandemic, teaching activities at the school have been resumed online since Feb. 3rd, 2020.

The school is using popular apps and software for online learning. Video conferencing and office automation are used to help teachers keep track of students’ conditions and communicate with their workmates across the world. Teaching online also offers a new experience to the teachers to update their teaching methods and to step out of their comfort zones.

Staying in Phuket, Thailand, science teacher Riley Laird records videos on a 10-year-old green sea turtle named Marlin and the local turtle sanctuary as part of the online classes on ecosystems for Grade 7 students. “I want to connect our learning with the reality. The sanctuary sends us updates on the turtles’ health and progress. They say that Marlin is likely to be released into the sea in mid-June,” says Laird.

Rebecca Wallace is a Grade 4 teacher at the school, staying in her mother’s home in New York. From 8 p.m. to midnight every day, she starts teaching mathematics and arts to her students living in different time zones. Though teaching nearly around the clock, Wallace says that she is getting to know the students better in terms of their homes, family and even pets.

Greg Smith, head of SIS, names the online teaching period a “new normal” at the school. “Students are now more skillful at using technology than before. They see that communication is the most powerful part of being an effective learner and can use the tools to shrink distance and time. The “new normal” will offer more choices for connection to the world and more focus on creating real solutions,” he says.

According to the school, 68% of its students are staying in Shenzhen while 27% of them are staying abroad for the epidemic.

1.Riley Laird records videos on Marlin to ________ .

A.connect learning with the reality B.rescue the endangered turtles

C.study the ecosystem of the turtles D.show his pet to the class

2.Rebecca Wallace teaches around the clock, because ________.

A.she and her students live in different time zones B.she needs to look after her mother in the daytime

C.she enjoys chatting with her students D.she has many lessons each day

3.According to Greg Smith, online teaching ________.

A.builds up a new relationship among students B.makes teachers step out of their comfort zones

C.results in the skillful use of technology D.helps create new education system

4.What is the author’s purpose in writing this passage?

A.To advertise an international school. B.To evaluate the online learning apps.

C.To suggest effective learning methods. D.To introduce online teaching attempts.



    Four teams of mountaineers set out on a race to conquer(征服) an unclimbed mountain peak in the Himalayas. The Canadian team chose a long, but safe route, while the British, Chinese and Russian teams chose a faster but steep and dangerous route up the mountain.

When night fell, the teams made camp on the mountainside. But the next morning, the sun rapidly rose air temperature and the strong wind caused a heavy snowfall, which led to a terrible avalanche. The disaster struck and some members of the British, Chinese and Russian teams were swept away and killed. But the Canadians didn’t know what had happened.

It was an hour after the disaster and there was no hope of finding any survivors. The leaders of the British, Chinese and Russian teams, met to discuss how to successfully keep all the survivors alive.










1 two-man


1 four-man

Sleeping bags





25 metres

50 metres



1 person for 3 days

2 people for 4 days

2 people for 2 days






The table above was a summary of what they could collect. The leaders made a final decision that they had to find a way to conquer the mountain and put their flags on the peak.

1.What kind of route did the Chinese team choose?

A.A long but safe route. B.A short but dangerous route.

C.A separate but flat route. D.An unknown but steep route.

2.What disaster struck the three teams?

A.High temperature. B.An avalanche.

C.Strong wind. D.A heavy snowfall.

3.What is the table about in the passage?

A.The supplies and equipment they had left.

B.The plan of their follow up climbs.

C.The survey of their damages and injuries.

D.The difficulties they would meet.

4.The three leaders decided to__________.

A.give up the race B.keep climbing

C.ask for help D.look for the survivors

5.Where is the passage most probably from?

A.A business newspaper. B.A health guide.

C.A culture magazine. D.A nature journal.



    Callie heard a knock and pulled open the door. Her favorite neighbor, Mrs. Baker, stood there. “The city is letting us use the empty lot(空地) for a _________,” she explained. “We need help cleaning up our garden on Sunday.” “Sure!” Callie said cheerfully. “I will be there to help!”

The next morning when Callie _________ school, her friend Tamara was waiting for her, who had a _________ for Callie. “My mom bought tickets for us to go to Fun World this Sunday.” Tamara said. The girls had been waiting for months for the new amusement park to open.

Callie’s heart dropped. “But Mrs. Baker is _________ me to help,” she said. Tamara looked _________. “Can’t someone else do it? I want you to go to Fun World with me! ”

Callie worried about her _________ for the rest of the day. Her mother noticed her mood. “I know you want to go with Tamara and also help Mrs. Baker. Think carefully about your _________. You need to make your own decisions, but I know you will do _________ is the best.” Her mother said.

Callie spent the rest of the evening thinking about her decision.

The next day at school, Callie told Tamara that she was _________ to go to Fun World. Tamara tried to understand, but Callie could __________ Tamara was disappointed. The girls hardly spoke for the rest of the week.

On Sunday, Callie met Mrs. Baker at the garden. “Your mother said you made a(n) __________ choice. Thank you for giving a hand today.” Callie smiled as she cleaned with a large trash bag.

“Do you need any help?” a voice behind her asked. Callie __________, surprised to see Tamara. “I know you made a(n) __________ to clean up the garden, and I wanted to come help you. My mom said she could take us to Fun World next weekend.”

With joint efforts, they finished the cleaning __________. Both Callie and Tamara realized that once a promise is made, it needs to be __________.

1.A.match B.garden C.class D.party

2.A.looked for B.graduated from C.arrived at D.joined in

3.A.surprise B.warning C.decision D.suggestion

4.A.following B.expecting C.encouraging D.allowing

5.A.annoyed B.scared C.excited D.disappointed

6.A.problem B.explanation C.challenge D.dream

7.A.chances B.relationships C.choices D.interest

8.A.who B.where C.why D.what

9.A.unsure B.unprepared C.unable D.unwilling

10.A.test B.tell C.accept D.agree

11.A.difficult B.clear C.different D.important

12.A.answered B.turned C.refused D.greeted

13.A.attempt B.change C.guess D.promise

14.A.hurriedly B.slowly C.early D.quietly

15.A.shared B.broken C.given D.kept












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