满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Yesterday, our teacher asked us when a m...

    Yesterday, our teacher asked us when a man could be referred to as an old man. David stood up and said people with wrinkles could be called old people, However, Mary didn’t _______ for some people may gain wrinkles at an earlier age owing to their. _______ life. Then Lily expressed her idea that those reaching their 60s or more could be called old people. However, Emily expressed her _______ and said some old people may still be energetic and trying to pursue their dreams, which makes them appear _______. The class was over and we still didn’t reach any _______, so the teacher asked us to think about it after class.

The _______ has reminded me of the saying of J. Barrymore that a man isn’t old as long as he is _______ something.

My grandma is such a woman who pursues her dream _______ when she’s 70 now. She has _______ her dream of being a painter since she was a little child. ________, because her family was poor, she had to ________ her dream and stepped into the ________ to raise money so as to support her family. Though she has ________ abandoned her dream, she could hardly find any ________ to realize it because of the tough work. ________, chance came when she retired from her work. She began taking her painting lessons ________ she had all-white hair and lots of wrinkles. At first, I was ________ her idea of attending school at so old an age, but after seeing her paint happily and enjoyably, I ________ feeling it a good choice. She seems ________ and looks fine.

So if we have our dreams and seek for them, we aren’t old. It’s when we don’t know what we want and let ________ be the center point of our lives that we can finally be regarded as the old.

1.A.respond B.agree C.identify D.understand

2.A.negative B.boring C.tough D.complex

3.A.certainty B.wish C.doubt D.concern

4.A.attractive B.young C.intelligent D.ambitious

5.A.conclusion B.contract C.decision D.destination

6.A.embarrassment B.barrier C.question D.confusion

7.A.preserving B.seeking C.treasuring D.possessing

8.A.even B.nearly C.only D.hardly

9.A.realized B.changed C.promoted D.kept

10.A.Therefore B.Instead C.Moreover D.However

11.A.give up B.search for C.put aside D.stick to

12.A.society B.reality C.world D.office

13.A.seldom B.occasionally C.already D.never

14.A.time B.excuse C.help D.money

15.A.Suddenly B.Eventually C.Soon D.Gradually

16.A.because B.once C.though D.unless

17.A.with B.for C.at D.against

18.A.risked B.rejected C.continued D.began

19.A.energetic B.gentle C.optimistic D.wealthy

20.A.achievements B.regrets C.dreams D.difficulties


1.B 2.C 3.C 4.B 5.A 6.C 7.B 8.A 9.D 10.D 11.C 12.A 13.D 14.A 15.B 16.C 17.D 18.D 19.A 20.B 【解析】 作者的老师叫他们讨论什么时候一个人才被视为老人,对此同学们对此各抒己见。作者以70岁的奶奶仍坚持自己的梦想来说明:一个人如果有追逐的梦想,就不算老。只有当我们不知道想要什么,生活中留有遗憾时,我们才可能最终被视为老了。 1.B 考查动词辨析。respond回答;agree同意;identify确定;understand明白。大卫说有皱纹的人即为老人,但玛丽认为“some people may gain wrinkles at an earlier age”由此可知,她并不赞成大卫的说法,故选B项。 2.C 考查形容词辨析。negative消极的;boring令人厌烦的;tough艰苦的,困难的;complex复杂的。根据生活常识可知,艰苦工作易使人有皱纹,而且下文介绍我奶奶的故事时,文中“she could hardly find any to realize it because of the tough work ”有“tough work”的提示。由此判断选C项。 3.C 考查名词辨析。certainty确定性;wish愿望;doubt怀疑;concern关注,关心。莉莉说60或60岁以上的人可谓老人,但艾米丽认为“some old people may still be energetic and trying to pursue their dreams”,即她对莉莉的观点也表示怀疑。由此可推断选C项。 4.B 考查形容词辨析。attractive有吸引力的;young年轻的;intelligent聪明的;ambitious有抱负的。结合语境可判断,此空应与“some old people”相对应,即老人“be energetic and trying to pursue their dreams”使他们显得年轻。故选B项。 5.A 考查名词辨析。conclusion结论;contract感染;decision决定;destination目的地;根据“so the teacher asked us to think about it after class”可推断出,对老师的提问未达成一致观点,故选A项。 6.C 考查名词辨析。embarrassment尴尬;barrier障碍;question问题;confusion混乱。根据语境可知,此空应指老师的提问“when a man could be referred as an old man”,由此判断选C项。 7.B 考查动词辨析。preserve值得;seek寻找,追求;treasure珍视;possess拥有。下文奶奶的故事就说明了这么一个道理,即“a man isn’t old as long as he is __7__something”再根据下文“My grandma is such a woman who pursues her dream when she’s 70 now. ”和“So if we have our dreams and seek for them, we aren’t old. ”.故可综合判断出指的有追逐的(seek)梦想,故选B项。 8.A 考查副词辨析。even甚至;nearly几乎;only只有;hardly几乎不。由上下文语境可知,即使奶奶70岁了,她还有自己追求的梦想。even when意为“即使当……的时候”,符合语境,故选A项。 9.D 考查动词辨析。realize意识到;change改变;promote提升;keep保持。由上下文可知,奶奶想当画家的梦想从孩提时代到70岁的高龄一直没有放弃过,即一直保持着这个梦想,故选D项。 10.D 考查副词辨析。therefore因此;instead反而;moreover而且;however然而。奶奶尽管一直保持着这份梦想,然而因为家里穷,她不得不将自己的梦想搁置在一旁。前后是转折关系,故选D项。 11.C 考查动词短语辨析。give up放弃;search for寻找;put aside放在一边;stick to坚持。根据“stepped into the to raise money so as to support her family”再结合奶奶一直未放弃其梦想可推断,奶奶是将其梦想暂时搁置在一旁。put aside意为“将……搁置在一旁”,符合语境,故选C项。 12.A 考查名词辨析。society社会;reality现实;world世界;office办公室。由下文“I was _11_ her idea of attending school at so old an age”可知,奶奶要想成为画家就必须上学,而奶奶却选择退学,走入社会去赚钱养家。由此语境判断选A项。 13.D 考查副词辨析。seldom很少;occasionally偶尔;already已经;never从不。根据“My grandma is such a woman who pursues her dream _8_ when she's 70 now”可知,奶奶从来没有(never)放弃过她的梦想,故选D项。 14.A 考查名词辨析。time时间;excuse借口;help帮助;money钱。根据“ …chance came when she retired from her work. ”可推断,奶奶退休以后才有时间学画画,即奶奶是因为没有时间才一直未实现她的梦想。故选A项。 15.B 考查副词辨析。Suddenly突然;Eventually最后;Soon很快;Gradually慢慢地。奶奶年轻的时候就将其梦想暂时搁置在一旁,直到退休才有时间去实现梦想,这是一段多么漫长的时间,故此处田“终于(finally)”最符合语境,即选B项。 16.C 考查连词辨析。because因为;once一旦;though虽然;unless除非。虽然她满头白发和有很多皱纹,她开始上绘画课。根据前后的让步转折关系可判断,选C项。 17.D 考查副词辨析。with与;for为了;at对于;against反对。根据“…but after seeing her paint happily and enjoyably, I _18__feeling it a good choice. ”可知,起初我反对奶奶的想法,故选D。 18.D 考查动词辨析。risk冒险;reject拒绝;continue继续;begin开始。由原来的反对,到后来的同意,即;“开始觉得奶奶的选择是对的”,可判断选D项。 19.A 考查动词辨析。energetic充满活力的,精力充沛的;gentle温和的,文雅的;optimistic乐观的;wealthy富有的。根据上一句“seeing her paint happily and enjoyably,”和下一句“looks fine”可知,此处指奶奶看上去很精神(energetic)。由此判断选A项。 20.B 考查名词辨析。achievements成就;regrets后悔;dreams梦想;difficulties困难。全文最后两句互为对应,由此对应关系可推断,此句意为“当我们不知道自己的追求而让遗憾成为生活的中心的时候,我们才算‘老’”。由此判断选B项。

Participating (参与) in Class

Class participation is a valuable part of learning. Many students are unwilling to participate in class. 1. Other students participate in class, but do so not correctly. Here is some advice that can help you become an effective class participant.

2. Do all tasks and readings and go over your notes from previous class periods. This will help to prevent you from making uninformed (无知的) comments or asking unsuitable questions. As you get ready for class, think about important questions and concerns that may appear in class. Be sure that you are prepared to deal with these.

● Try to sit close to the front of the class. 3. Besides, you can hear what the teachers say clearly.

● Listen to what the other students say. You can then build on their comments to make your own. Be active when you respond to something another student says. You can disagree, but don’t go into an “attack mode”.

● Don’t be afraid to be wrong. 4. You can learn from being wrong. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. This is a good learning skill. Also, the chances are that other students in the class have the same questions as you do, and they will appreciate your asking.

● Be sure that your questions and comments are closely connected with the class topic.

Don’t waste the time of the teacher and other students by going off way. Don’t take it in person if others disagree with what you say. 5.

A.Creating a personal connection helps you feel more comfortable about participating in class.

B.Be confident that your opinions will be valued by your teacher and other students.

C.It’s hard to stay unconcerned when you are near to the teacher.

D.Be sure that you are well prepared before coming to class.

E.This may be because they are shy or fearful of being judged and criticized (批评).

F.Your class should be a good place for giving opinions and taking advice.

G.Learning is a change in behavior based on experience.



    October 15th is the Global Hand washing Day. Activities are planned in more than 20 countries to get millions of people in the developing world to wash their hands with soap. For exampledonors(捐赠者) will give 150000 bars of soap to schools in Ethiopia.

Experts say people around the world wash their hands every day, but very few use soap at so-called important moments. These include after using the toilet, after cleaning a baby and before touching food.

Global Hand washing Day is the idea of the Public-Private Partnership for hand washing with soap. Partners include the United Nations Children's Fund, American government agencies, the World Bank and soap makers Unlever and Procter and Gamble. The organizers say all soaps are equally effective at removing disease-causing germ(细菌). They say the correct way to wash is to wet your hands with a small amount of water and cover them with soap. Rub(揉搓) it into all areas, including under the fingernails(指甲). Rub for at least twenty seconds. Then rinse well under running water. Finally, dry your hands with a clean cloth or wave them in the air.

The Partnership for Hand washing says soap is important because it increases the time that people spend in washing hands. Soap also helps to break up the dirt that holds most of the germs. And it usually leaves a pleasant smell. The Partnership for Hand washing also says washing with soap before eating or after using the toilet could save more lives than any vaccine(疫苗)or medicine. Hand washing could also prevent the spread of other diseases. When people get germs on their hands, they can infect(感染)themselves by touching their eyes, noses or mouths. Then they can infect others.

1.What's the best title for this passage

A.Say no to washing hands in the wrong way.

B.Find out why washing hands carefully is so important.

C.Hand washing so important-it gets a day of its own.

D.Want to live a longer life-wash your hands.

2.The last paragraph mainly tells us _______.

A.how to wash your hands correctly

B.why washing hand with soap is so important

C.the dangers of washing hands without soap

D.when we should especially wash our hands with soap

3.In which part of newspaper would you most probably read this passage

A.Medical care B.Public service

C.Health report D.Advertisement



    If you’re a cycling lover, you will have to pay a lot of attention to your bicycle and maintain it well, for bicycle parts are exposed to wear and tear (磨损) over time and you have to examine the bicycle to see if there are any signs of wearing such as scratches, dents (凹陷) etc. Sometimes, a part may not work because it has exceeded its life expectancy. Sometimes, you will need to find replacement parts for it to keep up the performance of the bicycle.

Different parts of a bicycle will wear at different rates so it is very important that you have a basic understanding about the role played by each part. One of the most important parts of the bicycle is the frame. You will need to choose a frame that lasts for a very long time. Of course, you will see some paint scratches after some time. When you’re selecting a frame, you have to think about the material. Aluminium () frames will not rust easily, but they have a higher chance to dent. Steel frames will be hard to dent, but you will need to make sure they get a good paint job so that they won’t rust.

Other parts that you can buy used are seats, handlebars and the stem. When you are buying handlebars, you have to see if there are any dents or if they have been bent out of shape. There shouldn’t be any cracks in the seat post or the handlebars. There are many shops where you can buy parts, so you will have to check the references to see how customers respond to them before you buy anything.

1.According to the passage, cycling lovers should ________.

A.buy a new bicycle to keep up the performance

B.replace the bicycle parts with signs of wearing

C.choose Aluminum frames rather than steel ones

D.learn how each part of the bicycle basically works

2.Which parts may be replaced by the used ones?

A.Wheels and chains. B.Tyres and seats.

C.Handlebars and stems. D.Frames and pedals.

3.The underlined word “references” in the last paragraph probably means “________”.

A.materials B.prices

C.introductions D.comments

4.This passage is most likely to be found in ________.

A.a research report B.a popular magazine

C.a tourist guide book D.a product advertisement



    The city of San Francisco is a wonderful tourist attraction that offers many different things to see and do. The best way for a traveler to get a good look at the city is to take one of the many different tours there.

Tour the City on Foot

When touring the city by walking, you aren't going to walk much. What's more, there are far more benefits. This kind of tour allows you to see as many buildings of the city as possible. A tour of the city on foot usually focuses on a more localized neighborhood level, which can be very interesting in a number of different ways.

Hit the Waters of San Francisco Bay

The waters of San Francisco Bay have played an important role in the city's development over the last century. Touring San Francisco from the water is a completely unique way for you to see this wonderful city. 

Take a Bus Tour

If you want to see a wide variety of attractions from all over the city, one of the best things you could do is to book a tour through our company that offers services here. A bus tour of San Francisco is one of the most complete ways to experience the city.

Tour San Francisco From the Air

While it is one of the most expensive ways to see San Francisco, touring the city from the air is one of the most unique and thrilling ways to see the city. Seeing the city from high above allows you to get a full view of the city as tour guides point out attractions from high above. If you do decide to tour San Francisco by air. you'll be creating memories that you won't forget forever.

We are a travel agency providing high-quality services and discounts. For more information, please  click here.

1.How should you tour San Francisco to appreciate its buildings

A.By air B.By bus

C.On foot D.By boat

2.What can we learn about the Waters of San Francisco Bay

A.They have high quality sea water.

B.They are explored on a localized level.

C.They were not in use until the last century.

D.They have helped the city to develop further.

3.What is the author's purpose in writing the text

A.To introduce San Francisco.

B.To advertise for a travel agency.

C.To show what to do in San Francisco.

D.To persuade people to visit San Francisco.



假如你是李华,你的英国朋友Mike发来邮件,说因为新冠肺炎(COVID-19) 居家自我隔离(self-isolation),情绪低落。为此,他向你寻求建议。请用英语给他回一封邮件,内容包括:

1. 表示理解;

2. 你的看法和建议;

3. 表达信心。

注意:1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

Dear Mike,



Li Hua



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