满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Hemingway used what he learned from his ...

Hemingway used what he learned from his life in Italy to show that war _____ the best and worst in men and women.

A.holds out B.brings out C.puts out D.hands out


B 【解析】 考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:海明威从他在意大利的生活中学到的东西告诉我们,战争会让男人和女人表现出最好和最坏的一面。A. holds out 伸出;B. brings out 使(某物)显现出来;C. puts out扑灭;D. hands out 分发。由“the best and worst in men and women”可知,brings out“使(某物)显现出来”符合句意。故选B项。  

Have you ever waited for your bus for a very long time, _____ by two or more buses arriving together?

A.only to greet B.only greeted C.only to be greeted D.only greeting



Patience is a quality _____ success feeds on itself.

A.where B.what C.that D.which




1. 中医简介;

2. 家庭影响;

3. 个人愿望。

注意:1. 词数100左右;

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

参考词汇:中医药学 Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM)

Dear Jack,



Li Hua








Last Saturday my classmates and I went to the park nearbyWe went there not for amuse but to take part in voluntary labor

We got there at 900We were dividing into three groups and then began working separateThe students in Group One collected the litter leave about by touristsThe task for Group Two was cleaning the benchThe group I was in get to the Children’s Playground and wiped all the equipment cleanThey worked very hardAt 1100,all the work was finished and park looked much more beautifullyAlthough we were tired, but we felt happy because we had done a good deed.



    The Most Valuable Skill

My grandmother, who had Alzheimer disease, got worse two years ago. My father had her taken good care of in a famous nursing home nearby. My grandmother was a retired university professor, which often made her have an ocean of_________who she had taught before. The old man next door almost had no visitors at all, in deep_________with my grandmother. When I kept her company, he was always_________,sitting on his wheelchair and bathing himself in the sunshine.

Once I_________him, “How are you doing recently?” He gave me a look, but said nothing. I thought he could not hear well, so I_________my voice, “I was asking, ‘How are you doing recently?’” He_________ his head slightly. After a long while finding I was still there, he just said, “Fine.” Then he looked away. I had to choose to _________.

Later, a nurse accidentally told me that the old man had been a businessman, after getting tons of money and companies._________ he was not a good speaker, he annoyed many people and _________made his family and friends pull away. Then he went broke.

That day, my father asked, “What is the most valuable__________a person can have for their entire life?” Before I answered, he continued, “You think making money is the answer. huh? No! But the ability to express your __________is. Seriously, I believe this is something most of us__________.”

It’s extremely__________for a person to learn to put into words, what he thinks. It makes a relationship__________. It creates a(n) __________on the person you’re talking to. It gives you a chance to__________what others think about your ideas. It lets you say something in a________ other people understand. How many of us have said something that has__________whoever loves us deeply? Whatever you say, on purpose or__________,will matter.

So Hemingway concluded, “It takes two years to learn to __________,and a lifetime to learn to shut up.”

1.A.friends B.colleagues C.visitors D.relatives

2.A.connection B.competition C.conflict D.contrast

3.A.alone B.sad C.different D.silent

4.A.interrupted B.greeted C.consulted D.approached

5.A.lost B.sharpened C.raised D.lowered

6.A.shook B.nodded C.hid D.buried

7.A.go up B.break up C.hurry up D.shut up

8.A.Once B.Although C.Since D.Unless

9.A.even B.also C.still D.just

10.A.gift B.character C.skill D.potential

11.A.thoughts B.actions C.views D.words

12.A.possess B.lack C.seek D.accumulate

13.A.difficult B.enjoyable C.urgent D.valuable

14.A.extend B.last C.change D.appear

15.A.impression B.opportunity C.influence D.memory

16.A.convey B.explore C.feel D.search

17.A.situation B.sense C.way D.position

18.A.attacked B.damaged C.injured D.hurt

19.A.unconsciously B.deliberately C.seriously D.gently

20.A.eat B.speak C.walk D.communicate



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