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A stolen baby goat was returned home to ...

    A stolen baby goat was returned home to its community garden in Baltimore late Tuesday night.

Ed was reported _______ from the Filbert Street Garden on Monday night. His caretakers _______ in a Facebook post that two teenagers tore through a fence, _______ a lock and got into a barn (谷仓) to steal the animal. The animal _______ just 20 pounds (9 kilograms) and depends on its mother’s _______ to survive.

“We’re not _______ whether they are going to sell him or just kill him,” the Filbert Street Garden post said. “The community begs whoever did this to please just _______ return Ed. He is not _______ enough to live away from his mother yet and could die.”

The garden has since _______ a large number of photos of Ed. Many people ________ attention to it and hoped that it would be back ________ and sound. Security video obtained by the police ________ to show someone walking down the street with the goat in a suitcase as the animal ________.

To everyone’s surprise, the poor little ________ was returned by someone unknown before 10 pm on Tuesday. What’s more, it was really unharmed. In an update Tuesday, the garden ________ Ed’s safe return and ________ police for their help. The people who are knowing the little goat are happy with its ________ and safety. One man in the community said, “It is so ________ to see the little goat together with its mom. Actually, it’s a(n) ________ scene to return it to its dear ________ and let it live in this new world with us.”

1.A.missing B.escaping C.losing D.raising

2.A.witnessed B.kept C.wrote D.settled

3.A.broke B.found C.fixed D.reached

4.A.feels B.weighs C.seems D.hopes

5.A.food B.vegetable C.fruit D.milk

6.A.concerned B.frightened C.sure D.guilty

7.A.sharply B.quietly C.recently D.frequently

8.A.old B.kind C.smart D.smooth

9.A.taken B.owned C.posted D.required

10.A.exchanged B.paid C.cut D.admitted

11.A.special B.short C.hungry D.safe

12.A.appeared B.meant C.led D.planned

13.A.gave out B.cried out C.worked out D.worn out

14.A.dog B.pig C.goat D.parrot

15.A.experienced B.insisted C.signed D.celebrated

16.A.phoned B.thanked C.rewarded D.comforted

17.A.return B.recovery C.appearance D.choice

18.A.annoyed B.believable C.worried D.pleased

19.A.confusing B.amusing C.touching D.boring

20.A.dad B.sister C.bother D.mom


1.A 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.D 6.C 7.B 8.A 9.C 10.B 11.D 12.A 13.B 14.C 15.D 16.B 17.A 18.D 19.C 20.D 【解析】 本文为一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了还在吃母乳的小羊Ed周一晚上,被两个十几岁的孩子偷走了,Filbert Street花园在Facebook上发帖请求做这件事的人将小羊送回来,否则离开了母亲Ed可能会死去。人们都很关注此事,让大家惊讶的是,这只可怜的小山羊在周二晚上10点前被一个不认识的人送回,最终回到了妈妈身边。 1. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:据报道,Ed周一晚上在Filbert Street花园里丢失了。A. missing丢失,消失;B. escaping逃离;C. losing失败;D. raising饲养。由上文A stolen baby goat可知小羊Ed是被偷走了,丢失了。故选A。 2. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:他的看护人在脸书上写道,两个十几岁的孩子冲过篱笆,弄坏了锁,进入谷仓偷了这只动物。A. witnessed目击;B. kept保持;C. wrote书写;D. settled解决。由下文Facebook post that two teenagers tore through a fence可知小羊Ed的看护人在脸书上写到关于这只羊丢失的情况。故选C。 3. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:他的看护人在脸书上写道,两个十几岁的孩子冲过篱笆,弄坏了锁,进入谷仓偷了这只动物。A. broke破坏;B. found找到;C. fixed修理;D. reached到达。结合上文that two teenagers tore through a fence可知两个少年闯入谷仓,破坏了(broke)锁偷走了小羊。故选A。 4. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:它的体重只有20磅(9公斤),要靠母乳生存。A. feels感觉;B. weighs重量为;C. seems似乎;D. hopes希望。根据后文just 20 pounds (9 kilograms)可知是指小羊现在只有20磅重。故选B。 5. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:它的体重只有20磅(9公斤),要靠母乳生存。A. food食物;B. vegetable蔬菜;C. fruit水果;D. milk奶。结合上文and depends on its mother’s可知小羊现在只有20磅重,只能靠吃母乳生存。故选D。 6. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:Filbert Street花园的帖子说:“我们不确定他们是要卖了它还是杀了它。”A. concerned关心的;B. frightened害怕的;C. sure确信的;D. guilty内疚的。由下文whether they are going to sell him or just kill him可知帖子上对小羊的情况是不确定的。故选C。 7. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:社区乞求做这件事的人悄悄地把Ed送回来。A. sharply急剧地;B. quietly悄悄地,安静地;C. recently最近;D. frequently频繁地。结合语境可知社区乞求偷走小羊的人悄悄地(quietly)把它送回来就可以了,偷了东西要还回来肯定是悄悄地,其它选项不符合语境。故选B。 8. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他还不够大,不能离开母亲生活,可能会死。A. old大的,老的;B. kind亲切的;C. smart聪明的;D. smooth顺利的。由上文just 20 pounds (9 kilograms) and depends on its mother’s关于小羊的描述可知,小羊还不足够大到能离开它的妈妈独立生活。故选A。 9. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:此后,花园贴出了大量Ed的照片。A. taken带走;B. owned拥有;C. posted张贴;D. required要求。结合后文a large number of photos of Ed可知希望大家帮忙找小羊,所以花园张贴了许多Ed的照片。故选C。 10. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:很多人都很关注它,希望它能平安归来。A. exchanged交换;B. paid支付;C. cut切割;D. admitted承认。结合后文attention to it可知人们对小羊Ed特别关注。短语pay attention to“关注”。故选B。 11. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:很多人都很关注它,希望它能安然无恙归来。A. special特别的;B. short短的;C. hungry饥饿的;D. safe安全的。根据最后一段Ed’s safe return可知人们希望小羊Ed能够安然无恙回来。短语safe and sound“安然无恙”。故选D。 12. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:警方获得的监控录像似乎显示,有人把山羊放在手提箱里走在街上,山羊大声喊叫。A. appeared似乎,出现;B. meant意味着;C. led导致;D. planned计划。结合上文Security video可知此处指监控录像似乎(appeared)显示小羊Ed出现过。故选A。 13. 考查动词短语辨析。句意:警方获得的监控录像似乎显示,有人把山羊放在手提箱里走在街上,山羊大声喊叫。A. gave out分发;B. cried out叫出声,大声呼喊;C. worked out解决;D. worn out疲惫不堪。结合常识小羊Ed离开了妈妈,被放进行李箱,肯定会叫喊的。故选B。 14. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:让大家惊讶的是,这只可怜的小山羊在周二晚上10点前被一个不认识的人送回。A. dog狗;B. pig猪;C. goat山羊;D. parrot鹦鹉。根据第一段A stolen baby goat was returned home to its community garden in Baltimore late Tuesday night.可知Ed是一只小山羊。故选C。 15. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:在周二的更新中,花园庆祝了艾德的平安归来,并感谢警方的帮助。A. experienced经历;B. insisted坚持;C. signed签名;D. celebrated庆祝。结合后文Ed’s safe return 可知Filbert Street Garden庆祝了小羊的回归。故选D。 16. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:在周二的更新中,花园庆祝了艾德的平安归来,并感谢警方的帮助。A. phoned打电话;B. thanked感谢;C. rewarded奖赏;D. comforted安慰。结合后文police for their help 可知Filbert Street Garden感谢了警察的帮助。故选B。 17. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:认识这只小山羊的人们对它的平安归来感到高兴。A. return归来,返回;B. recovery恢复;C. appearance外貌;D. choice选择。由上文the poor little...was returned可知小羊回归了。故选A。 18. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:非常高兴能看到小山羊和妈妈在一起。A. annoyed恼怒的;B. believable可信的;C. worried担心的;D. pleased高兴的。根据上文are happy with its可知人们对小羊的回归很高兴。故选D。 19. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:把它还给它亲爱的妈妈,让它和我们一起生活在这个新世界,这是一个感人的场景。A. confusing混乱的;B. amusing有趣的;C. touching感人的;D. boring无聊的。看到小羊回到妈妈身边是很感人的一幕。故选C。 20. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:把它还给它亲爱的妈妈,让它和我们一起生活在这个新世界,这是一个感人的场景。A. dad爸爸;B. sister姐妹;C. bother兄弟;D. mom妈妈。结合上文see the little goat together with its mom可知小羊回到了妈妈身边。故选D。

    Social distancing isn’t easy for anyone, but it can be especially tricky when many people live together. 1. Find out how to explore this new experience.

Create a schedule. If you want your relationship to survive, you need to have a schedule that allows partners to spend time together. 2. Setting an alarm, getting up together, doing chores, keeping the house tidy, having some physical activity and spending time alone are all important.

Plan for alone time. Be open and honest with each other about your emotional needs. 3. If you need attention, ask for that, too. While it can be hard to provide, time in the form of a short walk alone or a hot bath in a bathroom is absolutely necessary. Constantly being around anyone, including your partner can be stressful.

Make time for exercise. Fitness is good for your body. It also offers big benefits for your mind and overall well being. There are a lot of emotions and uncertainty right now and just doing some simple movements will get the blood flowing through your body and give you a lot of energy. 4.

Get outdoors. You need a minimum distance of six feet from others. 5. We are experiencing the greatest life indoors further separating ourselves from what our bodies and brains need to survive: nature. Spending time walking outdoors increases focus and energy levels...and more.

A.If you need time alone, voice it.

B.Here’s how to be left alone if you live with your family.

C.That could cause or worsen a sense of disconnection and loneliness.

D.A schedule is vital because it will help people to still feel productive.

E.Even if you’re wildly in love with the people, you need your space and time.

F.Whether you join an online class or go for a jog on your own, you’ll enjoy the benefits.

G.Taking a walk in nature in one of the most ignored yet most powerful things we can do.



    GPS has completely transformed how we get around. But other animals have long had their navigation (领航) systems built right in.

“We know their eyes are quite sensitive to polarized (偏振的) light and the sky has a particular pattern of polarized light relative to the position of the sun,” Barbara Webb, a researcher at the University of Edinburgh, says.

You can see polarized light firsthand if you take a pair of polarized sunglasses and spin them against the sky-the light passing through the glasses changes. Webb says the insects have polarization like that built into their many eyes. “You can think of it as having lots of sunglasses pointing in different directions.”

But Webb was curious whether there’s really enough information in the sky to give insects an accurate sense of direction. So her team built a sensor (传感器) modeled after a desert ant eye and put it under artificial light meant to simulate the sky. They then put that sensor into a model meant to model the brains of desert ants and other insects. And they found that with the insects’ sensing and processing equipment, they can likely sense direction down to just a couple degrees of error.

A system based on that of insects could someday be a cheap, low-energy choice to GPS. Insects have very tiny brains. A brain the size of a pinhead that’s using hardly any energy. And yet they’re still able to navigate better than we can with GPS, which is surprising. Webb is now working on building a robot that can use light to get its directions.

1.What can we learn from the text?

A.GPS is not accurate enough.

B.Insects have better eyes than humans.

C.Light changes passing through polarized sunglasses.

D.Insects have tiny brains that use no energy.

2.What does the underlined word “simulate” in paragraph 4 probably mean?

A.Pretend. B.Cover.

C.Block. D.See.

3.What did Webb’s research find?

A.Insects can’t find their ways during nights.

B.Insects can find directions with little mistakes.

C.Insects always make mistakes finding directions.

D.Insects have sensing and processing equipment in their eyes.

4.Which of the following can best describe insects’ navigation ability?

A.Disappointing. B.Interesting.

C.Amazing. D.Confusing.



    As the global novel coronavirus (新型冠状病毒) speeds up, many are wondering about the effectiveness of masks and when it’s appropriate to wear them. Most people from the East believe that wearing a mask is essential to control the spread of the disease. But people in the West generally would argue that, unless one is already ill, wearing a mask is simply unnecessary.

In Eastern countries like China, mask-wearing is rooted in their cultures. In fact, people in the East wear masks not just to protect themselves from illness but also for a variety of other reasons. Young people in Japan, for example, wear masks as a fashion statement, expressing their personal style through unique designs and patterns. Wearing a face mask is also an outward expression of group-centered values. With one’s face partly covered, one becomes part of a giant group. In many Asian countries, masks are worn in many conditions in daily life, such as doing housework or visiting patients in the hospital. They can give people the comfort of being protected.

In Western countries, however, individual values are the most important. It is up to the individuals to decide whether to wear masks or not. A face mask is reserved only for those showing symptoms (症状) of illness.

As a citizen, it is one’s duty to prevent the spread of illness by following proper procedures. Whether from the East or the West, social culture has played an important role in one’s decision on whether or not to wear a mask. That’s because human beings are social creatures who take into consideration what other members of society think of us. The most important thing is to respect others’ opinions, no matter how different they are.

1.What is the function of the first paragraph?

A.To lead to the topic of the text. B.To show how serious the disease is.

C.To confirm the influence of culture. D.To prove it is essential to wear a mask.

2.What is the reason why some young people in Japan wear masks?

A.They wear masks to show respect for others.

B.They want the comfort of being protected.

C.It is fashionable for the young to wear masks.

D.They wear masks to be the focus of their group.

3.What is the author’s attitude towards people’s decision on wearing masks?

A.Subjective. B.Objective.

C.Doubtful. D.Positive.

4.Where is the text most likely taken from?

A.A diary. B.A guidebook.

C.A novel. D.A magazine.



    My brother and I had the typical older-sister, younger-brother relationship. He loved to annoy me and I wanted to boss him around. I am five years older so we didn’t really share friends or activities but we always got along well. That all changed in 2013 when my mom died.

Sorrow does strange things to people. My brother and I dealt with it differently. He was 18 then and put his feelings into finishing his final year of high school. I turned to drug. I’d been using a painkiller for years to help with my kidney disease and I’d never abused it. But that changed in a moment. My mother’s death took over my life. I remember swallowing a handful of painkillers and then calling a local drug dealer to bring me more pills.

My addiction progressed and I became even more irresponsible. I even risked losing my son when child protective services became concerned enough about my ability to be a good parent. I’ll never forget the fear on my brother’s face when he came to the police station. My brother was confused by my decisions. He didn’t realize addiction was a mental illness. I could see the anger and hopelessness in his eyes. Seeing him walk away from me was one of the worst feelings I’ve ever experienced.

I started treatment. As my brother saw the work I put into my recovery, he began to let go of his anger. Little by little, we repaired our relationship. I know our mother would be proud. I remember someone telling me that my mother’s death would either destroy our family or bring us closer. At first, it tore our family apart but, from ashes to beauty, I firmly believe her death and all of the hardship along the way have made us closer than ever. I am forever grateful.

1.How did the brother react to their mother’s death?

A.He lost hope for life. B.He started to take drugs.

C.He quit school immediately. D.He focused on his study.

2.Why did the author nearly lose her son?

A.She couldn’t afford to raise him.

B.He was taken away by the police.

C.She was not considered a responsible parent.

D.She didn’t want to take care of him any longer.

3.What repaired the author and her brother’s relationship?

A.Her efforts put into recovery. B.Her devotion to her brother.

C.Somebody else’s kind words. D.Good memories of their childhood.

4.What can be the best title for the text?

A.Sufferings after Mother’s Death

B.Drugs-Not a Good Way to Kill Sorrow

C.Kicking Away My Drug Addiction

D.Getting together with My Dear Brother



    Looking for an extreme thriller to get stuck into? We asked our readers to tell us the best thriller they’ve ever read and why. We collected the responses to produce this list of must-read titles for your next break.

Don’t Say a Word

Don’t say a Word by Andrew Klavan. It still gives me chills (寒冷) to think of anyone doing that to my family. It also sent me searching out all of Klavan’s other novels, and he is a master of the emotionally involving thriller, so it introduced me to a lot of good reading.-Lorraine Cormack


IT by Stephen King. To this day I am scared of clowns and balloons. I don’t walk in the rain. The book has put the “IT” fear in me. —Eliatha Cyprus

Those Bones Are Not My Child

Those Bones Are Not My Child by Toni Cade Bambara. The story unfolds with the disappearance of a 12-year-old boy and his mother’s tireless search to find him. Throughout the pages of the novel, Bambara enveloped me into the mind of a community turned upside-down by violence. From beginning to end , her words offered me a heartbroken picture of a family changed by tragedy and a nonstop search of America’s past. It’s a believable and urgent story about love and loss.-Helen Schulz

Tell No One

Tell No One by Harlan Coben. A doctor’s sadness over his wife’s murder transforms into tricks, then addiction, once he doubts the possibility that she might still be alive. The story had one good plot twist (翻转) after another and I couldn’t put it down, although I had things to do! It messed with my head! -Mara Evans

1.Who is the author of Don’t Say a Word?

A.Stephen King. B.Harlan Coben.

C.Andrew Klavan. D.Toni Cade Bambara.

2.What is Helen Schulz’s favor book about?

A.Love and loss. B.Justice and fairness.

C.Life and hope. D.Devotion and friendship.

3.What is the purpose of the test?

A.To educate. B.To introduce.

C.To persuade. D.To convince.



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