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Every life-changing decision we make in ...

    Every life-changing decision we make in our life shapes our current reality. Let’s talk about a few ways that you can use for reference when making your own life-changing decisions.

Realize the power of decision making. Before you start making a decision, you have to understand what a decision does. 1. When you decide to pick up a cigarette to smoke it, that decision might result in your picking up one after one later on to get that same high feeling.

Carry your decision out. It’s pointless to make a decision and just keep it in your head 2. If you want to make real changes in life, you have to apply action to your decision until it’s completed.

Tell others about your decisions. Telling other people what we’re going to do can make us follow through. For example, if you decide to become an early riser, you can go to a forum and tell people that you will wake up at 6 a.m. and keep on it. 3.

Learn from your past decisions. It’s common that you are going to mess up at times when it comes to making decisions. 4. Ask yourself what is good or bad about your decision and what you will do to make a better decision next time.

5. For example, if you made the decision to lose ten pounds by next month through aerobics (有氧运动). You don’t have to just do aerobics. You can be open to losing weight through different methods of dieting as long as it helps you reach your goal in the end.

A.Maintain a flexible approach.

B.Enjoy the process of making decisions.

C.That’s the same as not making a decision at all.

D.It always takes a lot of time to make a decision.

E.Any decision that you make causes a chain of events to happen.

F.So, instead of beating yourself up over it, learn a lesson from it.

G.You’re able to accomplish this because you feel it an obligation to keep your word.


1.E 2.C 3.G 4.F 5.A 【解析】 本文为一篇说明文。文章介绍了做决定时应该注意的问题。 1.结合后文When you decide to pick up a cigarette to smoke it, that decision might result in your picking up one after one later on to get that same high feeling. (当你决定拿起一支烟来抽的时候,这个决定可能会导致你一支接一支地抽,从而获得同样的快感。)E. Any decision that you make causes a chain of events to happen. 你所做的任何决定都会导致一连串的事件发生。符合后文描述,一旦决定了抽一支烟就会导致一连串地一直抽烟。故选E项。 2.结合前文It’s pointless to make a decision and just keep it in your head.(做一个决定并把它记在脑子里是没有意义的)C. That’s the same as not making a decision at all. 这和根本不做决定是一样的。承接上文没有意义的决定和不做决定是一样的。故选C项。 3.结合前文Telling other people what we’re going to do can make us follow through.(告诉别人我们要做什么可以让我们坚持到底。)G. You’re able to accomplish this because you feel it an obligation to keep your word. 你之所以能做到这一点,是因为你觉得守信是一种义务。解释前文告诉别人可以让我们坚持到底的原因。故选G项。 4.结合前文It’s common that you are going to mess up at times when it comes to making decisions. (在做决定的时候,你常常会陷入困境。)F. So, instead of beating yourself up over it, learn a lesson from it. 所以,与其为此痛打自己,不如从中吸取教训。给出前文陷入困境时的解决办法和态度。故选F项。 5.结合后文For example, if you made the decision to lose ten pounds by next month through aerobics (有氧运动). You don’t have to just do aerobics. You can be open to losing weight through different methods of dieting as long as it helps you reach your goal in the end. (例如,如果你下个月决定通过有氧运动减肥10磅。你不必只做有氧运动。你可以通过不同的节食方法来减肥,只要它能帮助你最终达到你的目标。想要减肥不一定只靠一种方法,可以采取多种方法达到同一目的。)A. Maintain a flexible approach. 保持灵活的方法。符合本段大意。故选A项。

    Kar-go is the invention of the United Kingdom-based Academy of Robotics, which describes it as”Europe's first road-worthy autonomous delivery vehicle".Using AI, this autonomous delivery vehicle offers customers an app---similar to one used when ordering a taxi- allowing them to choose when and where their packages are delivered. Cormpanies like Tesla and Amazon have invested heavily in autonomous vehicles, which have the potential to create a sea of changes in business and society.

Resembling something like a green egg on wheels, Kar-go's aim is to reduce the cost of what's known as the "last mile delivery challenge" . This is the final stage of your online package's journey ,from a local warehouse to your front door. Labor costs, paying drivers, the cost of fuel and the vehicle costs for maintaining small vehicles all contribute to making this the most expensive part of the delivery process. The first part of the package's journey is far cheaper, with high volumes of packages being transported to and from the same location. However, at the other end, drivers deliver smaller shipments to several different locations where the recipient may not even be available to collect.

With the latest AI technology, Kar-go will deliver goods safely ,sustainably and in style. The AI vehicle uses special technology to become an expert on its own individual route, learning from past experiences in order to help itself deal with new future obstacles(障碍物)on the road. Kar-go also has its very own internal sorting system, allowing the vehicle transport packages in the correct order for delivery.

By 2030the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders predicts the autonomous market could add $ 62 billion in economic growth in the UK, creating more than 420,000 new jobs. Eletric, self-driving, economic and capable of working 24/7Kar-go promises to reduce the last mile delivery cost by up to 90%providing an efficient solution to the rapidly-expanding online retail(零售) market.

1.From the first paragraph we know Kar-go__________.

A.is an app used to order a taxi

B.is Europe's first autonomous vehicle

C.has created great changes in business and society

D.transports goods at customers' convenience

2.What does Paragraph 2 mainly tell us?

A.How Kar-go delivers the goods.

B.What challenges Kar-go may face.

C.How the drivers reduce delivery cost.

D.Why the last mile delivery is expensive.

3.What is the advantage of the AI technology used by Kar-go?

A.It has an advanced internal sorting system.

B.It enables vehicles to work more efficiently.

C.It makes a driver become an expert in traffic.

D.It helps people clean new obstacle on the road.

4.What influence does Kar-go have on the UK?

A.It will create over 420 0000 jobs for drivers.

B.It will reduce the delivery cost by up to 90%”

C.It may contribute to the growth of online business.

D.It may make the UK lead in the autonomous market.



    We humans love to stare into our smart devices. We gaze for hours-about 10 hours and 39 minutes a day-at our computers, smartphones,tablets and televisions. Is all this staring bad for us? It might be mainly because as we stare at our devices we are exposing ourselves to blue light.

Blue light is a type of electromagnetic(电磁的) radiation with a very short wavelength that produces a high amount of energy. While it’s true that light can damage our eyes under certain circumstances, there’s no scientific evidence suggesting that blue light is harmful to our eyes. But many people still think it is, which is why blue-light-blocking glasses are so popular. So do the glasses work?

“Everyone is very concerned that blue light may be causing damage to the eye, but there’s no evidence that it may be causing serious damage,” Dr. Rahul Khurana, clinical spokesman for the American Academy of Ophthalmology,told Business Insider.

Blue light exposure is nothing new. In fact,the sun is the largest source of blue light. Moreover, blue light is also present in LED light. But if blue light isn’t harmful, then why are we constantly rubbing our eyes when we’re looking at our screens? The answer is eyestrain(眼疲劳): More than 60 percent of people experience eye problems associated with digital eyestrain. And blue light, it seems, isn’t the cause. Instead, our eyes are so strained because most of us blink less when we stare at our digital devices. So if eyestrain is the issue, blue-light-blocking glasses are probably of little use.

1.What do we know about blue light?

A.It is a kind of nuclear radiation.

B.It has the shortest wavelength.

C.It may come from electronic devices.

D.It consumes a great deal of energy.

2.What causes the popularity of blue-light-blocking glasses?

A.Evidence of their benefits to eyes.

B.Belief in blue light's harmful effect.

C.Widespread use of smart devices.

D.Scientific understanding of blue light.

3.What can be inferred from Paragraph 4?

A.Blue light exposure is hardly avoidable.

B.Eye problems are not easy to deal with.

C.Blue light may connect with tired eyes.

D.Rubbing eyes makes people strained.

4.According to the text, wearing blue-light-blocking glasses may be________.

A.tiring B.harmful

C.useless D.beneficial



    On the night of August 24, 2001, my last night of freedom before my freshman of high school started, everything changed when my friend's car hit a guardrail(护栏) with me inside.

I lost most of my right leg. At the hospital, I just kept telling myself to hold on. Weeks later I made a deal with the hospital staff that once I could roll onto my side, I could be discharged. I am proud to say that just one short week later, I was going home. The day I left the hospital, I made a promise to myself to never give up and to always live life to the fullest.

In February of 2013, my life was forever changed when I attended the Executive Assistant Organization's Behind Every Leader event. During the conference, a sweet lady by the name of Alisson Frew dared to ask me why I did not wear a prosthesis(假肢). My short and simple answer was, "I don't have sixty thousand dollars." The next morning I was in tears as I learned that Alisson, Jeff Hoffman, founder of Priceline, and a dozen other people, had bought a prosthesis for me. From the first step, it was apparent to me just how much this would mean to me.

For a year I adjusted to the leg and settled into everyday life, until one day I realized I was making a life but not living one. After almost 13 years of thinking that I was confident, I had an unfamiliar feeling sweep over me. For the first time in my life, I was not only confident but I was empowered! I desired to help those around me, to have them experience this unbelievable feeling for themselves.

In April of 2014, I started modeling. My dream is that one day a little girl will see me on a poster at her favourite clothing store and say, "Wow, she is amazing, and she only has one leg. I could do that too someday, even though I have a disability."

1.What do we know about the author from Paragraph 2?

A.She was humorous and outgoing. B.She was determined and optimistic.

C.She was intelligent and hardworking. D.She was generous and kind-hearted.

2.Why was the author's life changed forever in 2013?

A.She attended an important conference. B.She met some famous people.

C.She joined an organization. D.She got a precious gift.

3.How will the author help those around her?

A.By inspiring them. B.By entertaining them.

C.By doing voluntary work. D.By offering financial support.

4.What would be the best title for the text?

A.An Expensive Gift from Strangers B.How I Survived A Terrible Accident

C.I Lost a Leg but Gained a Purpose D.Stay Strong in the Face of Disability



Best Ways to Make Money Online

Sell Digital Products

Selling digital products means never having to keep physical goods. You can sell such items as WordPress themes, audiobooks, and PowerPoint templates (模板) through a marketplace like ClickBank.

The amount of money you can make will vary greatly from just a few dollars a month to several hundred or even thousand dollars. It depends on the success of your products and how you market them.

Run an Etsy Store

Do you enjoy working with arts and crafts? Sell your unique creations through Etsy, an online marketplace for all things handmade. Etsy sellers list such items as pillowcases, dream catchers, canvas prints, custom shower curtains and more. You set your own pricing and Etsy takes a small cut from your sales.

Work for Mechanical Turk

If you are just looking for a way to earn a little extra pocket money, Amazon Mechanical Turk could be a great solution. You can work from home, writing video descriptions, translating a paper, or performing online research. The barrier to entry is really low and you can start making money right away.

Make Money Through Your Podcasts (播客)

Many people start podcasting as a hobby, but these audio shows can also be a reliable source of income. Similar to blogging and YouTube channels, podcasts can be changed into money through advertisements. One of the greatest challenges will be growing your audience through podcast directories like iTunes. The potential is there if your audience is large enough and you attract the right partnerships.

1.What do you need to make much money by selling digital products?

A.Plenty of patience to sell them.

B.A large warehouse to store goods.

C.Your creativity and marketing skills.

D.Enough time to make digital products.

2.What’s the advantage of Mechanical Turk?

A.Doing tasks that need no skill.

B.Attracting many young people.

C.Working with flexibility.

D.Making money easily.

3.What should you do to earn good money through podcasts?

A.To extend your influence.

B.To create excellent products.

C.To put forward unique ideas.

D.To treat podcasts as a good career.




要点:1. 参加中文学习班;

2. 看中文书刊、电视;

3. 学唱中文歌曲;

4. 交中国朋友。

注意:1. 词数100左右;2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3. 开头语自己写



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