满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

For years, business people in Western Eu...

    For years, business people in Western Europe were worried. They knew they could not compete against business from the U.S. The United States is much larger and had many more resources than any Western European countries.

Some European people realized that the European nations need to join together to help each other. If they could forget their language differences and the differences in customs, they might become strong competition against other countries.

In 1958, six of the European countries — Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, France, Germany and Italy got together and decided to cooperate. They called their group the European Economic Community, or the Common Market. These countries agreed to join their resources together.

Within a few years, the European Economic Community had worked so well that its members were more prosperous than many other European nations. Soon, other nations began to realize the advantage of the Common Market. Today the Common Market includes most of the important countries in Western Europe. It is helping Western Europe to again take its place as a leader among the industrial nations of the world.

1.From the passage we know the U.S. is much richer than ________ in resources.

A.any other Western European countries B.any other country in Western Europe

C.any country in Western Europe D.every country in Europe

2.The members of the European Economic Community have developed fast because they ___.

A.share their resources and become more prosperous

B.can again take the place as a leader in the world

C.forget the differences in their languages and customs

D.have become strong competition against the U.S.

3.Which statement is true?

A.The Common Market is only a political association.

B.The Common Market is an economic and political association.

C.The Common Market is only an economic association.

D.The Common Market is neither an economic association nor a political one.

4.In order to ______ the Western European countries decided to cooperate.

A.join together to found a united country

B.help each other to smooth away the differences in customs

C.work and act together for common purpose

D.work together and fight against the U.S.


1.C 2.A 3.B 4.C 【解析】 本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了欧洲经济共同体(European Economic Community, EEC),又称“欧洲共同市场”的创建。欧洲经济共同体最初是由一些包括法国、联邦德国、意大利、荷兰、比利时、卢森堡等在内的西欧国家为了共同的利益而由政府出面组成的一个经济和政治集团。 1. 细节理解题。根据文章第一段内容The United States is much larger and had many more resources than any Western European countries.可知,美国比西欧的任何一个国家都要大,资源也要多。由此可知,美国在资源方面比任何西欧国家都要富有。故选C。 2. 细节理解题。根据文章第二三段内容可知,欧洲经济共同体成员国之所以发展迅速,是因为它们共享资源,变得更加繁荣。故选A。 3. 细节理解题。根据文章第二段和第三段内容可知,这些欧洲国家为了能和美国抗衡而由政府出面组成了欧洲共同体,也称欧洲共同市场,它是一个经济和政治联盟。故选B。 4. 推理判断题。从文章一二段内容可知,西欧国家的人们意识到他们不能够单独和地大物博,资源丰富的美国抗衡,需要联合起来互相帮助以获得更多的利益和好处。由此可知,为了实现共同的目标,西欧国家决定进行合作。故选C。



While there are no restrictions on the amount of money that you can bring across the border, you must report to both the US and Canadian border services amounts equal to or greater than $10,000.



Less than 48 hours: $ 200 US

48 hours or more: $ 800 US duty-free personal exemption. 

Next $1,000 US at 3%

Including up to 100 cigars and 100 cigarettes.


Less than 24 hours: $50 CAN

48 hours or more: $400 CAN

Including up to 100 cigars and 200 cigarettes.

7 days or more: $750 CAN

Including up to 100 cigars and 200 cigarettes.




A valid passport or passport card, or a NEXUS card.

(A NEXUS card is a Trusted Traveler Program that provides quick travel for pre-approved, low risk travelers through special lanes. )

A recent Washington State, New York or BC drivers license.

Note: Children 15 years of age and younger require only a birth certificate or copy. (Certified copies are not required but are advised. )


A valid passport, an Air NEXUS card, or a U.S. Coast Guard Merchant

Marine Document.

For more information, click here.

1.If a Canadian who is on a 7-day trip to New York buys 800 CAN worth of goods, how much should he pay tax on when returning home?

A.$800 CAN B.$750 CAN C.$400 CAN D.$50 CAN

2.For an American citizen on a 2-day tour of Canada, how much tax does he have to pay on 1, 600 US worth of purchases when returning to the US?

A.$24 US B.$48 US C.$52 US D.$200 US

3.What documentation should a couple with a 7-year-old child carry when they drive a car from Canada to America?

A.A BC drivers license, an Air NEXUS card, and a birth certificate.

B.An Air NEXUS card, a U.S. Coast Guard Merchant Marine Document, and a birth certificate.

C.Two valid passport cards and a certified copy of a birth certificate.

D.A NEXUS card, a U.S. Coast Guard Merchant Marine Document, and a certified copy of a birth certificate.

4.Where can you read the material?

A.In a magazine. B.On the Internet. C.In newspaper. D.In a novel.



    PLAYA GRANDE, COSTA RICA? This resort town was long known for Leatherback Sea Turtle (棱皮龟) national Park, nightly turtle beach tours and even a sea turtle museum. However, on a beach where dozens of turtles used to nest on a given night, scientists spied only 32 leatherbacks all of last year.

With leatherbacks threatened with extinction (灭绝), Playa Grande’s turtle museum was abandoned three years ago and now sits among a sea of weeds. And the beachside ticket office for turtle tours was washed away by a high tide in September. “We do not promote that as a turtle tourism destination any more because we realize there are far too few turtles to please,” said Alvaro Fonseca, a park ranger (管理员).

Even before scientists found temperatures going up over the past decade, sea turtles were threatened by beach development, drift net fishing and Costa Ricans interest in eating turtle eggs. But climate change may cause the most serious harm to an animal that has lived in the Pacific for 150 million years.

Sea turtles are sensitive to numerous effects of warming. They feed on reefs, which are dying in hotter seas. They lay eggs on beaches that are being covered by rising seas and more violent waves.

More uniquely their gender (性别) is determined, not by genes but by the egg’s temperature during development. Small rises in beach temperatures can result in ail-female populations, obviously problematic for survival. If the sand around the eggs hits 30 degrees Celsius, the gender balance shits to females: at about 32 degrees they are all female. Above 34, you get boiled eggs.

On some nesting beaches, scientists are artificially cooling nests with shade or irrigation and trying to protect broader areas of coastal property from development to ensure that turtles have a place to nest as the seas rise.

1.Why does the resort town stop promoting it’s turtle tourism?

A.It decides not to disturb the turtles’ normal life.

B.Tourists have lost interest in watching turtles.

C.There are only very few turtles now.

D.The turtle museum was destroyed by a high tide.

2.Which of the following is the major factor in the turtles endangerment?

A.The locals eating habit.

B.Drift net fishing.

C.Beach development.

D.Global warming.

3.We learn from the last paragraph that scientists   .

A.are doing research on the sea rise

B.are moving turtles to new homes

C.are protecting turtles’ nests

D.are getting rid of sea weeds

4.The passage intends to   .

A.introduce a special kind of sea turtle

B.explain the mystery of turtles’ eggs

C.show the dangers a certain kind of turtle is facing

D.attract more visitors to a sea turtle museum



In 1970, a cyclone(旋风)hit the southern coast of Bangladesh(孟加拉国). So severe and deadly were its effects that it’s______listed as the world’s worst-ever reported natural disaster. The______had a big impact on two Swedish men from Mission Aviation Fellowship(MAF). They traveled ______to Bangladesh for the purpose of seeing what they could do to______. They journeyed south by boat for several days, throughout the country’s vast _____ network to reach the worst-affected area and began to envision(预想)MAF using an aircraft that would _____direct access to large areas of the country that were almost out of_______.

Throughout the 1980s, MAF Australia, along with other MAF groups, sent staff to_______assistance and their patience and dedication _____since they built trust in the countries that had been ____.

In 1997, MAF could______start a flight program within Bangladesh. At that time, besides transporting doctors to hospitals located in _____parts of the country, MAF also _____an on-call emergency medevac(前线急救直升机)service in Bangladesh.

On November 15, 2007, Cyclone Sidr hit southern Bangladesh. MAF’s________response and emergency procedures were seriously_______as the office received over 200 phone calls in one day from aid agency personnel in urgent need of _____to and from the disaster zone. For the next two months, MAF______solidly, seven days a week. The float plane became known by______locals as “The Sea Angel(天使)”---the only aircraft in the country of its type having such a(n) ______.

In 2009, “The Sea Angel” was sent again for rapid assistance_______Cyclone Alla struck. Today, in Bangladesh, MAF makes over 750 flights and transports around 2,500 passengers annually.

1.A. just    B. still    C. soon    D. often

2.A. history    B. failure    C. burden    D. event

3.A. separately    B. occasionally    C. immediately    D. fortunately

4.A. help    B. limit    C. research    D. avoid

5.A. air    B. bus    C. river    D. rail

6.A. reduce    B. prevent    C. change    D. enable

7.A. focus    B. danger    C. order    D. reach

8.A. seek    B. provide    C. promise    D. receive

9.A. ran out    B. came back    C. paid off    D. kept on

10.A. noticed    B. untied    C. assisted    D. traveled

11.A. properly    B. secretly    C. suddenly    D. finally

12.A. secure    B. crowded    C. remote    D. coastal

13.A. request    B. began    C. restore    D. continue

14.A. rapid    B. natural    C. appropriate    D. unexpected

15.A. followed    B. tested    C. forecasted    D. established

16.A. transport    B. message    C. funding    D. encouragement

17.A. accelerated    B. flew    C. appealed    D. searched

18.A. reasonable    B. grateful    C. outgoing    D. respectable

19.A. destination    B. application    C. decoration    D. reputation

20.A. once    B. if    C. when    D. until



-Can I come and have a look at your new house?


A.with pleasure B.I like it C.I quite agree D.by all means



—Someone wants you on the phone.

—________ nobody knows I am here.

A.Although B.And

C.But D.So



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