满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Some people say more but do less _______...

Some people say more but do less ________ others do the opposite.

A.as B.when C.while D.because


C 【解析】 考查连词。句意:有些人说得多做得少,而有些人却恰恰相反。A. as因为;B. when在……时候;C. while(对比两件事物)……而;D. because因为。根据前句“Some people say more but do less”有些人说得多做得少,和后句“others do the opposite”其他人则正好相反,可以知道前后是转折关系,所以选择 while,在这里它的意思是前者与后者的比较,意为“然而”。故选C项。

— Look! Sam is running so fast!

— Hard to _________ his legs were once broken.

A.find B.know C.realize D.imagine



If you really have to leave during the meeting, you’d better leave ____ the back door.

A.for B.by C.across D.out



Johnson had made up his mind to give it up, but on ________ second thought he determined to try ________ third time.

A./; a B.the; /

C.a; a D.the; a




Getting to watch surgeries should be exciting for any medical student. But in my case, while two doctors were doing the operation, I was checking my phone every 20 seconds to see how much longer until I could leave. I didn’t belong there; I was only pretending to be there. The truth was, halfway through university, I knew I didn’t want to be a doctor. And I had to decide whether to keep lying to myself, or change course.

Before university, I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life. I’d always wanted to do English but my parents didn’t approve, saying there was no money in it. So I figured I’d just pick a career that looked well-paid, satisfying, and would make my parents proud. “Doctor” hit all three, so I decided to do medicine. I knew all the coursework wouldn’t be easy, but didn't expect to find it as hard as I did. I spent many late nights and weekends studying my brains out, but still didn’t get good grades. I just couldn’t get the material to stick to my brain. By exam time, my grades were terrible and I felt like a fool, but I thought maybe a medical internship (实习医生期) would help raise my spirits. Absurdly, my internship was where I realized how little I wanted to be a doctor.

Every day I’d just go into work and do exactly what I was told, go where I was told to go, and watch what I was told to watch. And then I’d go home. It was fun whenever I got to play with expensive microscopes or watch crazy surgeries, but the rest of the time I struggled to get through the day. The other interns, however, practically worked so hard. They were so driven. I thought, “Wow, these interns really want to be doctors. I obviously don’t.” It was a sad realization that led to a sadder, scarier question: If I didn’t want to be doctor, what did I want to do?






Paragraph 1:

It wasn’t an easy decision.


Paragraph 2:

Eventually, I changed my course to English writing and suddenly I was enjoying university.




假定你是李华。你校新来的外教Mr. Smith周末想去博物馆游览,想找一名向导陪同。得知此事后,你写信向他推荐自己,内容包括:1.写信目的;2.推荐理由;3.表达期待。




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