满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。 1.How much sleep should ...


1.How much sleep should teenagers get?

A.8 hours a night. B.9 hours a night. C.10 hours a night.

2.Why is it difficult for teenagers to go to bed early according to the research?

A.They are unaware of the benefits of good sleep.

B.They work too hard at night.

C.Their bodies are changing.

3.What time do most American high schools start now?

A.At 8:00 a.m. B.At 8:30 a.m. C.At 9:00 a.m.

4.According to the talk, what should teens do to get a good night’s sleep?

A.Limit their screen time.

B.Find a school that starts later.

C.Do some reading before bedtime.


1.B 2.C 3.A 4.A 【解析】 【原文】 The American Academy of Pediatrics has encouraged schools to start their day later. They reviewed studies of sleep in teens and analyzed the harmful effects of not getting enough sleep. Young people need nine hours of sleep every night, but most high school students get far less. While it may seem that teens could simply go to bed earlier, researchers say that won’t work. Teenagers are growing quickly, and this makes falling asleep earlier much more difficult. Researchers recommend school be delayed for teens until at least 8:30 a.m. Previous studies have shown that even this thirty-minute delay can have a great effect on a teen’s health and performance. Still, it is unlikely that schools across the nation will change their hours. If your school starts early, the best thing you can do is establish habits that let you get plenty of high-quality sleep. Establish a reasonable bedtime and limit your screen time before bed, which studies have shown interferes with sleep.


1.How old is Katie now?

A.Ten years old. B.Thirteen years old. C.Twenty-three years old.

2.What does Katie think of literature?

A.It’s boring. B.It’s useful. C.It’s interesting.

3.What does Katie probably do?

A.She’s a magazine editor. B.She’s a student. C.She’s a model.

4.According to research, what can Katie do to help her read more?

A.Book longer flights. B.Read at least ten pages. C.Read before going to bed.




1.What is the woman doing at the beginning of the conversation?

A.Taking pictures. B.Looking at her phone. C.Sending emails.

2.What does Ben suggest they do?

A.Answer their messages later.

B.Focus on WeChat after class.

C.Turn off their phones for the whole day.

3.Why does Betty agree to Ben’s request?

A.She is sorry for being rude.

B.She wants to pay more attention to people.

C.She wants to get some information to write on social media.




1.Why was the woman pulled over?

A.She ran through a red light. B.Her car’s tail lights were out. C.She was speeding.

2.What does the officer ask the woman to do first?

A.Go straight home. B.Call her husband. C.Get her car fixed.




1.When did the speakers give their mother a book?

A.On Christmas Day. B.On Mother’s Day. C.On her birthday.

2.What do the speakers decide to give their mother in the end?

A.Opera tickets.

B.Some flowers.

C.A personal dance performance.



What will certainly happen on Saturday?

A.It will rain.

B.The weather will improve.

C.The speakers will make a decision about their game.



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