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Dolphins make a wide range of communicat...

    Dolphins make a wide range of communicative sounds and also display something called vocal learning, which is the ability of an animal to modify its vocalization(声音)based on its experience with other animals.

Mainly, there are three types of dolphin vocalizations: whistles, clicks, and burst pulses. People still don’t know their precise meanings, but people do know that dolphins use their vocalizations as a way to communicate with one another.

The dolphin whistles are very high frequency sounds, partially above the range of human hearing. What’s fascinating is that each dolphin has a signature whistle, which is unique to each individual dolphin. It allows them to call to or identify each other.

No two signature whistles are same-sounding. As members of the same family, their signature whistles have similar elements. Dolphins use them as a contact calls. They call to each other while travelling and searching for food. It helps keep the group together and helps mother and children find each other. The uniqueness of each dolphin’s signature whistles is just like the following example: if you were travelling in the forest with one other person who was just out of sight, you would call out, “Are you there?” and the other person would respond. But if there were several people in the forest, you would have to call that person’s name.

In addition to whistles, dolphins produce clicks, which are actually sonar or sound waves. They use clicks to communicate, but more importantly to navigate and hunt. How? The sonar clicks bounce off objects and then the dolphins convert the incoming signals into a three dimensional picture, a mental map of what’s around them. The clicks are extremely sensitive and accurate. The sonar clicks are also very strong. One reason why dolphins swim side by side is to avoid interference from each other’s sonar clicks. Interference would be confusing and it would prevent them from getting an accurate picture of their surroundings. And what’s interesting is dolphins will turn off their sonar when another dolphin passes in front.

The third category of dolphin vocalizations is burst pulses. These are all the other sounds the dolphin makes-squeals, barks, groans and so on. Burst pulses are used to display dislike, claim their living area and attract a mate.

1.What is the reading passage mainly about?

A.How dolphins produce songs they want.

B.How dolphins teach their young to identify signature whistles.

C.How dolphins swim side by side to hunt.

D.How dolphins communicate with one another in various ways.

2.According to the reading passage, why do dolphins travel side by side?

A.To show how united they are as a group.

B.To hear each other’s signature whistles.

C.To avoid interference with other dolphins’ sonar clicks.

D.To keep mothers close to their young.

3.What does the underlined word “example” in paragraph 4 illustrate?

A.The differences between land and marine mammals.

B.The importance of burst pulses as a way dolphins communicate.

C.One reason dolphins travel in large groups.

D.One way dolphins use signature whistles.

4.Which of the following statements is NOT right according to the passage?

A.Human can easily hear the dolphin signature whistles.

B.A male dolphin shows his love to a female by using burst pulses.

C.Dolphins know what is around them by analyze the sonar they receive.

D.Dolphins can adjust their vocalizations to the surroundings.


1.D 2.C 3.D 4.A 【解析】 本文是说明文。海豚通过发出各种各样的声音交流,文章介绍了海豚的三种叫声及各自的特点和作用。 1. 主旨大意题。第一段开头Dolphins make a wide range of communicative sounds and also display something called vocal learning.点明海豚能发出各种各样的交流声音。第二段Mainly, there are three types of dolphin vocalizations: whistles, clicks, and burst pulses.介绍海豚的三种叫声,下文再分别介绍每种叫声的详细情况和作用。所以本文介绍的是海豚如何用不同的方式彼此交流的,故选D。 2. 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段One reason why dolphins swim side by side is to avoid interference from each other’s sonar clicks. Interference would be confusing and it would prevent them from getting an accurate picture of their surroundings.可知海豚肩并肩游来游去的一个原因是为了避免来自彼此声纳的干扰。干扰会使他们感到困惑,而且会使他们无法获得对周围环境的准确图像。故选C。 3. 猜测词义题。本句意为:每只海豚独特的口哨声如下所示。下文举了两个人和多个人在森林中旅行称呼不同的例子,旨在说明这是海豚使用标志性哨声的一种方式,帮助找到对方。故选D。 4. 细节理解题。根据第三段The dolphin whistles are very high frequency sounds, partially above the range of human hearing.可知海豚的口哨声是非常高频的声音,部分高于人类的听力范围,所以我们不会很容易听到。由此推知A项:Human can easily hear the dolphin signature whistles.表达错误,故选A。

    Night after night, mom came to my bed and said good night, even long after my childhood years. As part of her nightly routine she would lean down, push my long hair out of the way and then kiss my forehead.

I can’t remember when it first started annoying me-her hands pushing my hair that way. But it did annoy me anyway for they felt rough against my young skin. Finally, one night, I lashed out at her, “Stop doing that-your hands are too rough!” She didn’t say anything in reply, and never did she end ml y day with that special expression of love again. That night, I found myself lying awake long after she left my room. Regrettably, I never told her I was sorry.

Time after time, with the passing years, my thought would often return to that night. I missed my mother’s hands, and her goodnight kiss upon my forehead, sometimes the memory of that unspeakable night seemed very close and sometimes far away. It was always there in the back of my mind.

Years have passed, I’m no longer a young girl, and mom is in her mid-seventies. Those hands I once thought to he rough are still taking care of me and my family. Over the years, those hands have reached into a medicine cabinet for the remedy that would calm a young girl’s upset stomach or soothe boys painful knee. The very same hands have also cooked the best fried chicken in the world, gotten stains out of my jeans and dished out ice cream on a hot summer day.

Now my own children are all grown and gone, and mom no longer has clad. On special days, I find myself drawn to her house to spend the night with her. On the Eve of one Thanksgiving, as I was about to fall asleep in my old bedroom, a rough, but loving hand, hesitantly stole across my face and brushed the hair from my forehead. Then a kiss, ever so gently, touched my eyebrow.

For the thousandth time I recalled the night when my young voice and gratefully complained, “Stop doing that-your hands are too rough!” then I caught Mom’s hand in mine involuntarily with the deepest regret, I told her how sorry I had felt about that night all those years. To my surprise, Mom didn’t know what I was talking about. She had forgiven and forgotten long ago. That night, I fell asleep with new appreciation for my gentle mother and her caring hands. The guilt that I had felt for so long suddenly disappeared, and nowhere was it to be found.

1.What message does the writer try to carry in her story?

A.A Mother’s hands are always rough.

B.A mother should stay home and take care of her children.

C.A child should be grateful for his or her mother’s love.

D.A child will never learn to appreciate his or her mother’s love.

2.When the writer was young, it was part of her mom’s nightly routine to          .

A.get stains out of the family’s clothes B.dish out ice cream for the family

C.soothe the writer’s painful knee D.kiss the writer the forehead before she fell asleep

3.After the writer lashed out at her mother, she           .

A.told her mother she was sorry at once

B.had been missing her mother’s hands and goodnight kiss

C.went to her mother’s bedroom and said good night

D.caught her mom’s hands in hers

4.Which of the following sentences from the reading is the writer’s opinion?

A.Night after night, Mom came to my bed and said goodnight.

B.That night, I found myself lying awake long after she left my room.

C.Sometimes, the memory of that unspeakable night seemed very close and sometimes far away.

D.Now my own children are all grown and gone and mom no longer has dad.



    Here are a few of the most popular genres in the UK.


UK has always been famous for stories of magic and wizardry. There are strong cultural memories of the ancestors who built Stonehenge and ruled the country before the arrival of the Romans. Shakespeare wrote a fantastical play: A Midsummer Night’s Dream, for example. Frankston was born when the English poet Lord Byron invited Mary Shelley and others to create a horror story when holidaying in Geneva. The tradition of British fantasy is still alive and kicking, Harry Potter by J. K. Rowling is just one example.

Chick lit

Chick lit refers to books that are written about and for modern women. The most famous example is probably Bridget Jones’s Diary by the British author Helen Fielding. Titles in this genre are usually about complicated love lives, modem working life and trying to remain healthy. These books usually contain humor or a “feel good” factor. In many ways they represent escapist fantasy, but they are popular because they deal with day-to-day topics.


The UK is known for its detective fiction and modem mysteries. One of the most famous British authors in this genre is of course Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, who started the Sherlock Holmes stories in 1887. The characters in the fiction are still popular on television and in film. There are many contemporary popular British authors of crime fiction: P. D James, Ian Rankin, Colin Dexter.

Celebrity autobiographies

It seems that every minor celebrity(famous person)has written a book these days. They’re not really serious authors and simply cashing in on their ‘15 minutes’ of fame. Many of the books are ‘kiss and tell’ .They are of interest to readers only because of the secrets they reveal about other famous people. This genre is popular because the celebrity culture is well developed in the UK.

1.Why is British Fantasy so popular?

A.Because their ancestors built Stonehenge.

B.Because it is part of the British cultural identity.

C.Because there are many fantasy authors.

D.Because English poet Lord Byron created this type of fiction.

2.Which of the following fictions deals with day-to-day topics?

A.Frankston B.Sherlock Holmes C.Bridget Jones’s Diary D.Harry Potter

3.Why do many people like to read celebrity autobiographies?

A.Because they want to know how these famous people succeed.

B.Because they want to know how they can earn a lot of money in short time.

C.Because they want to know the private life of famous people.

D.Because they want to find a way to kill their time.




1.Why does the speaker give this talk?

A.To tell the arrangements for a visit.

B.To explain the student welfare in detail.

C.To introduce the University Helpline.

2.What will the speaker hand out?

A.Maps. B.His business cants. C.Guide brochures.

3.What are the opening hours of the Student Welfare Office?

A.9:00 am~4:00 pm on weekdays.

B.10:00 am~4:00pm on Saturdays.

C.9:30 am~4:00 pm on Saturdays.

4.What should visitors do during busy hours?

A.Wait in the office patiently.

B.Ask the speaker to call them hack.

C.Add their names to the waiting list.




1.Why does the man need help?

A.He can’t read the form. B.He has never been abroad. C.He didn’t take his passport.

2.What does the woman write for the man?

A.His name. B.His address. C.His phone number.

3.How should the man finish the last part?

A.By copying the passport. B.By ticking the items. C.By writing in pinyin.

4.What will the man do with his fruit?

A.Throw it away. B.Tell the officials about it. C.Leave it at the customs.




1.Where will Mrs. King go on March 20th?

A.Miami. B.Chicago. C.Los Angeles.

2.What will Mrs. King do in Los Angeles?

A.Have an interview. B.Hold a sales meeting. C.Attend the opening of an office.

3.What do we know about the woman?

A.She will get the tickets in person.

B.She works in the head office.

C.She is probably a secretary.



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